1 [% PROCESS 'html-incblocks.txt' %]
2 [% global.SearchString = variables.SEARCH; clearVar('SEARCH') %]
4 title='Global Search results: ' _ global.SearchString
5 contentClass="SingleColumnContent"
9 [% INCLUDE shortcut url=url() text="Top"
10 title="Choose from the list of trees"%]
13 <H1>Global Search results: [% global.SearchString %]</H1>
15 [% results = searchResults( global.SearchString );
18 FOREACH entry = results;
20 counter = counter + 1;
28 <DIV CLASS="[% evenRow ? 'ListRowEven' : 'ListRow' %]">
29 <SPAN CLASS="NodeName">[%entry.0%]:
30 <A HREF="[%persistentUrl(entry.0, entry.1)%]">
38 </DIV><!-- Content -->[% global.contentFinished = 1 %]
39 <DIV CLASS="BottomMenu">
40 [% INCLUDE globalsearchdialog %]