3 Allows emailing one or more customers, based on a search for customers.
4 Search can be specified either through cust_main fields as cgi params, or
5 through a base64 encoded frozen hash in the 'search' cgi param. Form allows
6 selecting an existing msg_template, or creating a custom message, and shows a
7 preview of the message before sending. If linked to as a popup, include the
8 cgi parameter 'popup' for proper header handling.
10 This may also be used as an element in other pages, enabling you to provide
11 an alternate initial form while using this for search freezing/thawing and
12 preview/send actions, with the following options:
14 acl - the access right to use (defaults to 'Bulk send customer notices')
16 form_action - the URL to submit the form to
18 process_url - the URL for starting the JSRPC process
20 title - the title of the page
22 no_search_fields - arrayref of additional fields that are not search parameters
24 alternate_form - subroutine that returns alternate html for the initial form,
25 replaces msgnum/from/subject/body/action inputs and submit button, not
26 used if an action is specified
28 post_search_hook - sub hook for additional processing after search has been
29 processed from cgi, gets passed options 'conf' and 'search' (a reference to
30 the unfrozen %search hash), should be used to set msgnum or
31 from/subject/body cgi params
35 <& /elements/header-popup.html, $title &>
37 <& /elements/header.html, $title &>
40 <& /elements/error.html &>
42 <FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<% $form_action %>" METHOD="POST">
43 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="table" VALUE="<% $table %>">
44 %# Mixing search params with from address, subject, etc. required special-case
45 %# handling of those, risked name conflicts, and caused massive problems with
46 %# multi-valued search params. We are no longer in search context, so we
47 %# pack the search into a Storable string for later use.
48 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="search" VALUE="<% encode_base64(nfreeze(\%search)) %>">
49 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popup" VALUE="<% $popup %>">
50 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="url" VALUE="<% $url | h %>">
51 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="to_contact_classnum" VALUE="<% join(',', @contact_classnum) %>">
53 % if ( $cgi->param('preview') ) {
54 % # preview mode: at this point we have a msg_template (either "real" or
55 % # draft) and $html_body and $text_body contain the preview message.
56 % # give the user a chance to back out (by going back to edit mode).
58 <FONT SIZE="+2">Preview notice</FONT>
59 <& /elements/progress-init.html,
61 [ qw( search table msgnum to_contact_classnum ) ],
66 <TABLE CLASS="fsinnerbox">
67 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="msgnum" VALUE="<% $msg_template->msgnum %>">
68 % # kludge these through hidden inputs because they're not really part
69 % # of the template, but should be sticky during draft editing
70 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="from_name" VALUE="<% scalar($cgi->param('from_name')) |h %>">
71 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="from_addr" VALUE="<% scalar($cgi->param('from_addr')) |h %>">
73 % if ( !$msg_template->disabled ) {
74 <& /elements/tr-td-label.html, 'label' => 'Template:' &>
75 <td><% $msg_template->msgname |h %></td>
79 <& /elements/tr-td-label.html, 'label' => 'From:' &>
80 <td><% $from |h %></td>
83 <& /elements/tr-td-label.html, 'label' => 'To contacts:' &>
84 <td><% join('<BR>', @contact_classname) %></td>
87 <& /elements/tr-td-label.html, 'label' => 'Subject:' &>
88 <td><% $subject |h %></td>
91 <TR><TD COLSPAN=2> </TD></TR>
93 <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top">Message (HTML display): </TD>
94 <TD CLASS="background" ALIGN="left"><% $html_body %></TD>
97 % my $text_body = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin=>0)->format(
98 % HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content(
102 <TR><TD COLSPAN=2> </TD></TR>
104 <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top">Message (Text display): </TD>
105 <TD CLASS="background" ALIGN="left">
106 <a href="javascript:void(0)" ID="email-message-text-view" style="color:#666666" onclick="showtext()">(view)</a>
107 <a href="javascript:void(0)" ID="email-message-text-hide" style="color:#666666; display: none;" onclick="hidetext()">(hide)</a>
108 <PRE id="email-message-text" style="display: none;"><% $text_body %></PRE>
116 function showtext() {
117 $('#email-message-text-view').css('display','none');
118 $('#email-message-text-hide').css('display','');
119 $('#email-message-text').slideDown();
122 function hidetext() {
123 $('#email-message-text-view').css('display','');
124 $('#email-message-text-hide').css('display','none');
125 $('#email-message-text').slideUp();
128 function areyousure(href) {
129 if (confirm("Send this notice to <% ($num_cust > 1) ? "$num_cust customers" : '1 customer' %> ?")) {
136 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="edit" VALUE="Edit">
137 <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Send notice" onClick="areyousure()">
139 % } elsif ($opt{'alternate_form'}) {
141 <% &{$opt{'alternate_form'}}() %>
146 <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
147 function toggle(obj) {
148 document.getElementById('table_no_template').style.display = (obj.value == 0) ? '' : 'none';
152 % if ( $msg_template and $msg_template->disabled ) {
153 % # if we've already established a draft template, don't let msgnum be changed
154 <& /elements/hidden.html,
156 curr_value => ( scalar($cgi->param('msgnum')) || ''),
160 <& /elements/select-msg_template.html,
161 onchange => 'toggle(this)',
162 curr_value => ( scalar($cgi->param('msgnum')) || ''),
166 % # select destination contact classes
168 <& /elements/checkboxes.html,
169 'style' => 'display: inline; vertical-align: top',
170 'disable_links' => 1,
171 'names_list' => \@contact_checkboxes,
172 'element_name_prefix' => 'contact_class_',
173 'checked_callback' => sub {
174 my($cgi, $name) = @_;
175 $name eq 'invoice' #others default to unchecked
179 % # if sending a one-off message, show a form to edit it
180 <TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%" id="table_no_template">
181 <& /elements/tr-td-label.html, 'label' => 'From:' &>
182 <TD><& /elements/input-text.html,
183 'field' => 'from_name',
184 'value' => $conf->config('invoice_from_name', $agent_virt_agentnum) ||
185 $conf->config('company_name', $agent_virt_agentnum), #?
187 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('from_name')),
189 <& /elements/input-text.html,
190 'field' => 'from_addr',
191 'type' => 'email', # HTML5, woot
192 'value' => $conf->config('invoice_from', $agent_virt_agentnum),
194 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('from_addr')),
197 <& /elements/tr-input-text.html,
198 'field' => 'subject',
199 'label' => 'Subject:',
201 'curr_value' => $subject,
205 <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" STYLE="padding-top:3px">Message: </TD>
206 <TD><& /elements/htmlarea.html,
209 'curr_value' => $body,
216 <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="preview" VALUE="Preview notice">
218 % } #end not action or alternate form
222 <& /elements/footer.html &>
228 $opt{'acl'} ||= 'Bulk send customer notices';
231 unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right($opt{'acl'});
233 my $conf = FS::Conf->new;
234 my @no_search_fields = qw( table from subject html_body text_body popup url );
236 my $form_action = $opt{'form_action'} || 'email-customers.html';
237 my $process_url = $opt{'process_url'} || 'process/email-customers.html';
238 my $title = $opt{'title'} || 'Send customer notices';
239 push( @no_search_fields, @{$opt{'no_search_fields'}} ) if $opt{'no_search_fields'};
241 my $table = $cgi->param('table') or die "'table' required";
242 my $agent_virt_agentnum = $cgi->param('agent_virt_agentnum') || '';
244 my $popup = $cgi->param('popup');
245 my $url = $cgi->param('url');
246 my $pdest = { 'message' => "Notice sent" };
247 $pdest->{'url'} = $cgi->param('url') if $url;
250 if ( $cgi->param('search') ) {
251 %search = %{ thaw(decode_base64( $cgi->param('search') )) };
254 %search = $cgi->Vars;
255 delete $search{$_} for @no_search_fields;
256 # FS::$table->search is expected to know which parameters might be
257 # multi-valued, and to accept scalar values for them also. No good
258 # solution to this since CGI can't tell whether a parameter _might_
259 # have had multiple values, only whether it does.
260 @search{keys %search} = map { /\0/ ? [ split /\0/, $_ ] : $_ } values %search;
263 &{$opt{'post_search_hook'}}(
265 'search' => \%search,
266 ) if $opt{'post_search_hook'};
270 if ( $cgi->param('from') ) {
271 $from = $cgi->param('from');
272 } elsif ( $cgi->param('from_name') ) {
273 $from = ($cgi->param('from_name') . ' <' . $cgi->param('from_addr') . '>');
274 } elsif ( $cgi->param('from_addr') ) {
275 $from = $cgi->param('from_addr');
278 my $msg_template = '';
279 if ( $cgi->param('msgnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
280 $msg_template = FS::msg_template->by_key($1)
281 or die "template not found: ".$cgi->param('msgnum');
284 my @contact_classnum;
285 my @contact_classname;
287 my $subject = $cgi->param('subject');
288 my $body = $cgi->param('body');
289 my ($html_body, $text_body);
291 if ( !$cgi->param('preview') ) {
293 # edit mode: initialize the fields from the saved draft, if there is one
294 if ( $msg_template and $msg_template->disabled eq 'D' ) {
295 my $content = $msg_template->content(''); # no localization on these yet
296 $subject ||= $content->subject;
297 $body ||= $content->body;
302 my $sql_query = "FS::$table"->search(\%search);
303 my $count_query = delete($sql_query->{'count_query'});
304 my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($count_query)
305 or die "Error preparing $count_query: ". dbh->errstr;
307 or die "Error executing $count_query: ". $count_sth->errstr;
308 my $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
309 $num_cust = $count_arrayref->[0];
311 if ( !$msg_template or $msg_template->disabled eq 'D' ) {
312 # then this is a one-off template; edit it in place
313 my $subject = $cgi->param('subject') || '';
314 my $body = $cgi->param('body') || '';
316 # create a draft template
317 $msg_template ||= FS::msg_template->new({
321 # anyone have a better idea for msgname?
322 $msg_template->set('msgname' => "Notice " . DateTime->now->iso8601);
323 $msg_template->set('from_addr' => $from);
329 if ( $msg_template->msgnum ) {
330 $error = $msg_template->replace(%content);
332 $error = $msg_template->insert(%content);
336 $cgi->param('error', $error);
337 $cgi->delete('preview'); # don't go on to preview stage yet
341 # unless creating the msg_template failed, we now have one, so construct a
342 # preview message from the first customer/whatever in the search results
344 if ( $msg_template ) {
345 $sql_query->{'extra_sql'} .= ' LIMIT 1';
346 $sql_query->{'select'} = "$table.*";
347 $sql_query->{'order_by'} = '';
348 my $object = qsearchs($sql_query);
349 my $cust = $object->cust_main;
351 'cust_main' => $cust,
355 my $cust_msg = $msg_template->prepare(%msgopts);
356 $from = $cust_msg->env_from;
357 $html_body = $cust_msg->preview;
358 #hmm. this came in with the #37098 rewrite, but isn't on v3 :/
359 # causing problems with mangling subject of unrelated things
360 # should probably decode instead of ignore the UTF-8 thing, but
361 # this at least masks the ugliness for now :/
362 if ( $cust_msg->header =~ /^subject: (.*)/mi && $1 !~ /^\=\?UTF-8/ ) {
367 # contact_class_X params
368 #we can't switch to multi_param until we're done supporting deb 7
369 local($CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN) = 0;
370 foreach my $param ( $cgi->param ) {
371 if ( $param =~ /^contact_class_(\w+)$/ ) {
372 push @contact_classnum, $1;
373 if ( $1 eq 'invoice' ) {
374 push @contact_classname, 'Invoice recipients';
376 my $contact_class = FS::contact_class->by_key($1);
377 push @contact_classname, encode_entities($contact_class->classname);
383 my @contact_checkboxes = (
384 [ 'invoice' => { label => 'Invoice recipients' } ]
386 foreach my $class (qsearch('contact_class', { disabled => '' })) {
387 push @contact_checkboxes, [
389 { label => $class->classname }