show a full stack backtrace if we wind up in the hash method with an empty Hash attri...
[freeside.git] / conf / invoice_latex
1 %% file: Standard Multipage.tex\r
2 %% Purpose: Multipage bill template for e-Bills\r
3 %% \r
4 %% Created by Mark Asplen-Taylor\r
5 %% Asplen Management Ltd\r
6 %%\r
7 %%\r
8 %% Modified for Freeside by Ivan Kohler\r
9 %%\r
10 %% Changes\r
11 %%      0.1     4/12/00 Created\r
12 %%      0.2     18/10/01        More fields added\r
13 %%      1.0     16/11/01        RELEASED\r
14 %%      1.2     16/10/02        Invoice number added\r
15 %%      1.3     2/12/02 Logo graphic added\r
16 %%      1.4     7/2/03  Multipage headers/footers added\r
17 %%      n/a     10/12/03 forked for Freeside; checked into CVS\r
18 %%\r
19 \r
20 \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}\r
21 \r
22 \usepackage{fancyhdr,lastpage,ifthen,longtable,afterpage}\r
23 \usepackage{graphicx}                   % required for logo graphic\r
24 \r
25 \addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0in}  % top margin to top of header\r
26 \addtolength{\hoffset}{-0.60in} %left margin on page\r
27 \addtolength{\topmargin}{-0.6in}        % top margin to top of header\r
28 \setlength{\headheight}{1in}            % height of header\r
29 \setlength{\headsep}{0.5in}     % between header and text\r
30 \addtolength{\textheight}{-0.4in}       % height of main text\r
31 \r
32 \addtolength{\textheight}{-0.5in}       % height of main text\r
33 \setlength{\footskip}{0.5in}            % bottom of footer from bottom of text\r
34 \r
35 \addtolength{\textwidth}{2.1in}         % width of text\r
36 \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in}         % odd page left margin\r
37 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in}        % even page left margin\r
38 \r
39 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}\r
40 \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1pt}\r
41 \r
42                                                 % New command for address lines i.e. skip them if blank\r
43 \r
44 \newcommand{\addressline}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{#1\newline}}\r
45 \newcommand{\dollar}[1][]{\symbol{36}} % Inserts dollar symbol\r
46 \r
47 \pagestyle{fancy}\r
48 \r
49 %% Font options are:\r
50 %%      bch     Bitsream Charter\r
51 %%      put     Utopia\r
52 %%      phv     Adobe Helvetica\r
53 %%      pnc     New Century Schoolbook\r
54 %%      ptm     Times\r
55 %%      pcr     Courier\r
56 \r
57 \renewcommand{\familydefault}{phv}              \r
58 \r
59 \begin{document}\r
60 %\r
61 %%      Headers and footers defined for the first page\r
62 \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{\small{\r
63 \begin{tabular}{c}\r
64 $footer\r
65 \end{tabular}}}\r
66 %\r
67 %%      The LH Heading comprising logo\r
68 %%      UNCOMMENT the following FOUR lines and change the path if necssary to provide a logo\r
69 \fancyhead[LO,LE]{\r
70 \begin{tabular}{l}\r
71 \includegraphics{/usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:dbname=freeside/logo.eps}\r
72 \end{tabular}}\r
73 %\r
74 %%      The Heading comprising isue date, customer ref & INVOICE name\r
75 \fancyhead[RO,RE]{\r
76 \begin{tabular}{rcl}\r
77 Invoice date & & Invoice number \\\r
78 \vspace{0.2cm}\r
79 \textbf{$date} & & \textbf{$invnum} \\\hline\r
80 \rule{0pt}{5ex} &~~ \huge{\textsc{Invoice}}& \\\r
81 \vspace{-0.2cm}\r
82  & & \\\hline\r
83 \end{tabular}}\r
84 %\r
85 %%      Header & footer changes for subsequent pages\r
86 %\r
87 \afterpage{ \fancyfoot[RO,RE]{\small{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}} }\r
88 \afterpage{ \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{\small{$smallfooter}} }\r
89 \afterpage{ \fancyhead[LO,LE]{\small{}} }\r
90 \afterpage{ \fancyhead[RO,RE]{\small{\r
91 \begin{tabular}{ll}\r
92 Invoice date & Invoice number\\\r
93 \textbf{$date} & \textbf{$invnum}\\\r
94 \end{tabular}}} }\r
95 %\r
96 %\r
97 \makebox{\r
98 \begin{minipage}[t]{2.9in}\r
99 \vspace{0.20in}\r
100 \textbf{$payname}\\\r
101 \addressline{$company}\r
102 \addressline{$address1}\r
103 \addressline{$address2}\r
104 \addressline{$city, $state  $zip}\r
105 \addressline{$country}\r
106 \end{minipage}}\r
107 \hfill\r
108 \makebox{\r
109 \begin{minipage}[t]{2.5in}\r
110 \begin{flushright}\r
111 Terms: $terms\\\r
112 $po_line\\\r
113 \end{flushright}\r
114 \end{minipage}}\r
115 \vspace{0.5cm}\r
116 %\r
117 \section*{\textsc{Charges}}\r
118 \begin{longtable}{|c|l|c|r|r|}\r
119 \hline\r
120 \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\r
121 \makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{Ref}} & \r
122 \makebox[7.9cm][l]{\textbf{Description}} & \r
123 \makebox[1.3cm][c]{\textbf{Quantity}} & \r
124 \makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Unit Price}} & \r
125 \makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Amount}} \\\r
126 \hline\r
127 \endfirsthead\r
128 \multicolumn{5}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}Continued from previous page}\\\r
129 \hline\r
130 \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\r
131 \makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{Ref}} & \r
132 \makebox[7.9cm][l]{\textbf{Description}} & \r
133 \makebox[1.3cm][c]{\textbf{Quantity}} & \r
134 \makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Unit Price}} & \r
135 \makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{Amount}} \\\r
136 \hline\r
137 \endhead\r
138 \multicolumn{5}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}/cont...}\\\r
139 \endfoot\r
140 %%TotalDetails\r
141  & \multicolumn{3}{l}{$total_item}    & $total_amount\\\r
142 %%EndTotalDetails\r
143 \hline\r
144 \endlastfoot\r
145 %%Detail\r
146 \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}$ref & \r
147 \begin{tabular}{l}\r
148 $description\tabularnewline\r
149 \end{tabular}\r
150 & $quantity & \dollar $amount & \dollar $amount\\\hline\r
151 %%EndDetail\r
152 \end{longtable}\r
153 \vfill\r
154 $notes\r
155 \end{document}\r