path: root/rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog b/rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog
index e1766af..26640b1 100644
--- a/rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog
+++ b/rt/devel/tools/extract-message-catalog
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2017 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
# <>
# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
@@ -53,56 +53,22 @@ use warnings;
use open qw/ :std :encoding(UTF-8) /;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Copy;
-use Regexp::Common;
-use Carp;
use Locale::PO;
+use lib 'lib';
+use RT::I18N::Extract;
$| = 1;
# po dir is for extensions
@ARGV = (<share/po/*.po>, <share/po/*.pot>, <po/*.po>, <po/*.pot>) unless @ARGV;
-our %FILECAT;
-# extract all strings and stuff them into %FILECAT
+# extract all strings and stuff them into %POT
# scan html dir for extensions
-File::Find::find( { wanted => \&extract_strings_from_code, follow => 1 }, qw(bin sbin lib share html etc) );
-# ensure proper escaping and [_1] => %1 transformation
-foreach my $str ( sort keys %FILECAT ) {
- my $entry = delete $FILECAT{$str};
- next unless @{$entry};
- my ($filename, $line) = @{ $entry->[0] };
- my $location = "$filename line $line" . (@{$entry} > 1 ? " (and ".(@{$entry}-1)." other places)" : "");
- if ($str =~ /^\s/m || $str =~ /\s$/m || $str =~ /\\n$/m) {
- warn "Extraneous whitespace in '$str' at $location\n";
- }
- if (grep {$_->[3]} @{$entry} and $str =~ /([\$\@]\w+)/) {
- warn "Interpolated variable '$1' in '$str' at $location\n";
- }
+my $extract = RT::I18N::Extract->new;
+our %POT = $extract->all;
- my $escape = sub { $_ = shift; s/\b_(\d+)/%$1/; $_ };
- $str =~ s/((?<!~)(?:~~)*)\[_(\d+)\]/$1%$2/g;
- $str =~ s/((?<!~)(?:~~)*)\[([A-Za-z#*]\w*),([^\]]+)\]/"$1%$2(".$escape->($3).")"/eg;
- $str =~ s/~([\[\]])/$1/g;
- my $po = Locale::PO->new(-msgid => $str, -msgstr => "");
- $po->reference( join ( ' ', sort map $_->[0].":".$_->[1], @{ $entry } ) );
- my %seen;
- my @vars;
- foreach my $find ( sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } grep { $_->[2] } @{ $entry } ) {
- my ( $file, $line, $var ) = @{$find};
- $var =~ s/^\s*,\s*//;
- $var =~ s/\s*$//;
- push @vars, "($var)" unless $seen{$var}++;
- }
- $po->automatic( join( "\n", @vars) );
- $FILECAT{$po->msgid} = $po;
+print "$_\n" for $extract->errors;
# update all language dictionaries
foreach my $dict (@ARGV) {
@@ -117,208 +83,6 @@ foreach my $dict (@ARGV) {
update($lang, $dict);
-sub extract_strings_from_code {
- my $file = $_;
- local $/;
- return if ( -d $_ || !-e _ );
- return
- if ( $File::Find::dir =~
- qr!lib/blib|lib/t/autogen|var|m4|local|share/fonts! );
- return if ( /\.(?:pot|po|bak|gif|png|psd|jpe?g|svg|css|js)$/ );
- return if ( /~|,D|,B$|extract-message-catalog$|tweak-template-locstring$/ );
- return if ( /StyleGuide.pod/ );
- return if ( /^[\.#]/ );
- return if ( -f "$" );
- print "Looking at $File::Find::name";
- my $filename = $File::Find::name;
- $filename =~ s'^\./'';
- $filename =~ s'\.in$'';
- unless (open _, '<', $file) {
- print "\n Cannot open $file for reading ($!), skipping.\n\n";
- return;
- }
- my $errors = 0;
- my $re_space_wo_nl = qr{(?!\n)\s};
- my $re_loc_suffix = qr{$re_space_wo_nl* \# $re_space_wo_nl* loc $re_space_wo_nl* $}mx;
- my $re_loc_qw_suffix = qr{$re_space_wo_nl* \# $re_space_wo_nl* loc_qw $re_space_wo_nl* $}mx;
- my $re_loc_paren_suffix = qr{$re_space_wo_nl* \# $re_space_wo_nl* loc \(\) $re_space_wo_nl* $}mx;
- my $re_loc_pair_suffix = qr{$re_space_wo_nl* \# $re_space_wo_nl* loc_pair $re_space_wo_nl* $}mx;
- my $re_loc_left_pair_suffix = qr{$re_space_wo_nl* \# $re_space_wo_nl* loc_left_pair $re_space_wo_nl* $}mx;
- my $re_delim = $RE{delimited}{-delim=>q{'"}}{-keep};
- $_ = <_>;
- # Mason filter: <&|/l>...</&> and <&|/l_unsafe>...</&>
- my $line = 1;
- while (m!\G(.*?<&\|/l(?:_unsafe)?(.*?)&>(.*?)</&>)!sg) {
- my ( $all, $vars, $str ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
- $vars =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $str =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, $vars ];
- }
- # Localization function: loc(...)
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?\bloc$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}{-keep})/sg) {
- my ( $all, $match ) = ( $1, $2 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- my ( $vars, $str );
- next unless ( $match =~ /\(\s*($re_delim)(.*?)\s*\)$/so );
- my $interp = (substr($1,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $str = substr( $1, 1, -1 ); # $str comes before $vars now
- $vars = $9;
- $vars =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
- $str =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, $vars, $interp ];
- }
- my %seen;
- # Comment-based mark: "..." # loc
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?($re_delim)[ \{\}\)\],;]*$re_loc_suffix)/smgo) {
- my ( $all, $str ) = ( $1, $2 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $seen{$line}++;
- unless ( defined $str ) {
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " Couldn't process loc at $filename:$line:\n $str\n";
- next;
- }
- my $interp = (substr($str,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $str = substr($str, 1, -1);
- $str =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, '', $interp ];
- }
- # Comment-based mark for list to loc(): ("...", $foo, $bar) # loc()
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*? $RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}{-keep} [ \{\}\)\],;]* $re_loc_paren_suffix)/sgx) {
- my ( $all, $match ) = ( $1, $2 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- my ( $vars, $str );
- unless ( $match =~
- /\(\s*($re_delim)(.*?)\s*\)$/so ) {
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " Failed to match delimited against $match, line $line";
- next;
- }
- my $interp = (substr($1,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $str = substr( $1, 1, -1 ); # $str comes before $vars now
- $vars = $9;
- $seen{$line}++;
- $vars =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
- $str =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, $vars, $interp ];
- }
- # Comment-based qw mark: "qw(...)" # loc_qw
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?(?:qw\(([^)]+)\)[ \{\}\)\],;]*)?$re_loc_qw_suffix)/smgo) {
- my ( $all, $str ) = ( $1, $2 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $seen{$line}++;
- unless ( defined $str ) {
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " Couldn't process loc_qw at $filename:$line:\n $str\n";
- next;
- }
- foreach my $value (split ' ', $str) {
- push @{ $FILECAT{$value} }, [ $filename, $line, '' ];
- }
- }
- # Comment-based left pair mark: "..." => ... # loc_left_pair
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?(?:(\w+|$re_delim)\s*=>[^#\n]+?)?$re_loc_left_pair_suffix)/smgo) {
- my ( $all, $key ) = ( $1, $2 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $seen{$line}++;
- unless ( defined $key ) {
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " Couldn't process loc_left_pair at $filename:$line:\n $key\n";
- next;
- }
- my $interp = (substr($key,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $key =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g if $key =~ s/^(['"])(.*)\1$/$2/g; # dequote potentially quoted string
- push @{ $FILECAT{$key} }, [ $filename, $line, '', $interp ];
- }
- # Comment-based pair mark: "..." => "..." # loc_pair
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?(?:(\w+|$re_delim)\s*=>\s*($re_delim)[ \{\}\)\],;]*)?$re_loc_pair_suffix)/smgo) {
- my ( $all, $key, $val ) = ( $1, $2, $10 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $seen{$line}++;
- unless ( defined $key && defined $val ) {
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " Couldn't process loc_pair at $filename:$line:\n $key\n $val\n";
- next;
- }
- my $interp_key = (substr($key,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $key =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g if $key =~ s/^(['"])(.*)\1$/$2/g; # dequote potentially quoted string
- push @{ $FILECAT{$key} }, [ $filename, $line, '', $interp_key ];
- my $interp_val = (substr($val,0,1) eq '"' ? 1 : 0);
- $val = substr($val, 1, -1); # dequote always quoted string
- $val =~ s/\\(['"\\])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$val} }, [ $filename, $line, '', $interp_val ];
- }
- # Specific key foo => "...", #loc{foo}
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*?(\w+|$re_delim)\s*=>\s*($re_delim)(?-s:.*?)\#$re_space_wo_nl*loc\{\2\}$re_space_wo_nl*)$/smgo) {
- my ( $all, $key, $val ) = ( $1, $2, $10 );
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- $seen{$line}++;
- unless ( defined $key && defined $val ) {
- warn "Couldn't process loc_pair at $filename:$line:\n $key\n $val\n";
- next;
- }
- $val = substr($val, 1, -1); # dequote always quoted string
- $val =~ s/\\(['"])/$1/g;
- push @{ $FILECAT{$val} }, [ $filename, $line, '' ];
- }
- # Check for ones we missed
- $line = 1;
- pos($_) = 0;
- while (m/\G(.*? \# $re_space_wo_nl* (loc (_\w+|\(\)|{$re_delim})?) $re_space_wo_nl* $)/smgox) {
- my ($all, $loc_type) = ($1, $2);
- $line += ( $all =~ tr/\n/\n/ );
- next if $seen{$line};
- print "\n" unless $errors++;
- print " $loc_type that did not match, line $line of $filename\n";
- }
- if ($errors) {
- print "\n"
- } else {
- print "\r", " " x 100, "\r";
- }
- close (_);
sub uniq {
my %seen;
@@ -341,7 +105,7 @@ sub update {
# Default to the empty string for new ones
$lexicon->{$_->msgid} ||= $_
- for values %FILECAT;
+ for values %POT;
my $errors = 0;
for my $msgid ( keys %{$lexicon} ) {
@@ -357,7 +121,7 @@ sub update {
next if not length $entry->dequote($msgid);
# Not found in source? Drop it
- my $source = $FILECAT{$msgid};
+ my $source = $POT{$msgid};
if (not $source) {
delete $lexicon->{$msgid};