initial commit
[BroadWorks-OCI.git] / share / OCISchemaAS / Services / OCISchemaServiceEnhancedCallLogs.xsd
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 \r
3 <!-- ********************************************************************** -->\r
4 <!-- Copyright (c) 2000-2012 BroadSoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.          -->\r
5 <!-- ********************************************************************** -->\r
6 <!-- O C I   X M L   S C H E M A  :  S E R V I C E  P A R T                 -->\r
7 <!--                                                                        -->\r
8 <!-- E N H A N C E D   C A L L   L O G S  S E R V I C E                     -->\r
9 <!--                                                                        -->\r
10 <!-- This file defines the XML Schema for the BroadSoft Application Server  -->\r
11 <!-- Open Client Interface (OCI).                                           -->\r
12 <!-- ********************************************************************** -->\r
13 \r
14 <xs:schema xmlns:xs             = ""\r
15            xmlns:core           = "C"\r
16            xmlns                = ""\r
17            attributeFormDefault = "qualified"\r
18            elementFormDefault   = "qualified">\r
19   \r
20   <xs:import namespace      = "C"\r
21              schemaLocation = "../OCISchemaBASE.xsd"/>\r
22   \r
23   <xs:include schemaLocation="../OCISchemaDataTypes.xsd"/>\r
24   <xs:include schemaLocation="../OCISchemaSearchCriteria.xsd"/>\r
25   \r
26   <!-- ********************************************************************************** -->\r
27   <!-- E N H A N C E D   C A L L   L O G S    R E Q U E S T S  A N D  R E S P O N S E S   -->\r
28   <!-- ********************************************************************************** -->\r
29   <!--\r
30   Requests and responses are listed here in alphabetical order.\r
31   The non-primitive attributes inside the commands are defined in another\r
32   section of the schema.\r
33 \r
34   Requests in this schema file:\r
35     EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21    \r
36     GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21    \r
37     ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest17sp4    \r
38     ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsModifyRequest    \r
39     SystemEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest20sp1    \r
40     SystemEnhancedCallLogsModifyRequest    \r
41     UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21    \r
42     \r
43   --> \r
44   \r
45   <xs:complexType name="EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21">\r
46     <xs:annotation>\r
47       <xs:documentation>\r
48         Request users' call logs within an enterprise\r
49         If the callLogType is not specified, all types of calls logs (placed, received, missed) are returned.\r
50         It is possible to restrict the number of rows returned using responsePagingControl. If responsePagingControl\r
51         is not specified, the value of Enhanced Call Logs system parameter maxNonPagedResponseSize will control\r
52         the maximum number of call logs can be returned. \r
53         The response is either an EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21 or an ErrorResponse.\r
54         The following elements are only used in AS data mode and ignored in HSS data mode:\r
55           callAuthorizationCodeFilter\r
56       </xs:documentation>\r
57     </xs:annotation>\r
58     <xs:complexContent>\r
59       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
60         <xs:sequence>\r
61           <xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>\r
62           <xs:element name="callLogType" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallLogsRequestType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
63           <xs:choice>\r
64             <xs:element name="groupId" type="GroupId" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
65             <xs:element name="userDnRange" type="DNRange" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
66             <xs:element name="userExtensionRange" type="ExtensionRange17" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
67           </xs:choice>\r
68           <xs:element name="dateTimeRange" type="EnhancedCallLogsTimeRange"/>\r
69           <xs:element name="numberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsNumberFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
70           <xs:element name="redirectedNumberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedNumberFilter21" minOccurs="0"/>\r
71           <xs:element name="accountAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsAccountAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
72           <xs:element name="callAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
73           <xs:element name="subscriberType" type="EnhancedCallLogsSubscriberType20" minOccurs="0"/>\r
74           <xs:element name="responsePagingControl" type="EnhancedCallLogsResponsePagingControl" minOccurs="0"/>\r
75         </xs:sequence>\r
76       </xs:extension>\r
77     </xs:complexContent>\r
78   </xs:complexType>    \r
79     \r
80   <xs:complexType name="EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21">\r
81     <xs:annotation>\r
82       <xs:documentation>\r
83         Response to EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21.\r
84         Total numbers of rows is:\r
85         - the total number of retrievable logs of the call log type that was specified in the EnterpriseEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21, \r
86           if a call log type was specified in the request.\r
87         - the total number of retrievable logs, if no call log type was specified in the request.\r
88         A list of ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21 will be returned if the call logs are stored on DBS. Otherwise, an error response will be returned.\r
89         The result is sorted by date/time of the call.\r
90       </xs:documentation>\r
91     </xs:annotation>\r
92     <xs:complexContent>\r
93       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
94         <xs:sequence>\r
95           <xs:element name="totalNumberOfRows" type="xs:int"/>\r
96           <xs:element name="extendedCallLog" type="ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
97         </xs:sequence>\r
98       </xs:extension>\r
99     </xs:complexContent>\r
100   </xs:complexType>    \r
101     \r
102   <xs:complexType name="GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21">\r
103     <xs:annotation>\r
104       <xs:documentation>\r
105         Request users' call logs within a group\r
106         If the callLogType is not specified, all types of calls logs (placed, received, missed) are returned.\r
107         It is possible to restrict the number of rows returned using responsePagingControl.If responsePagingControl\r
108         is not specified, the value of Enhanced Call Logs system parameter maxNonPagedResponseSize will control\r
109         the maximum number of call logs can be returned. \r
110         The response is either a GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21 or an ErrorResponse.\r
111         The following elements are only used in AS data mode and ignored in HSS data mode:\r
112           callAuthorizationCodeFilter\r
113       </xs:documentation>\r
114     </xs:annotation>\r
115     <xs:complexContent>\r
116       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
117         <xs:sequence>\r
118           <xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>\r
119           <xs:element name="groupId" type="GroupId"/>\r
120           <xs:element name="callLogType" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallLogsRequestType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
121           <xs:choice>\r
122             <xs:element name="userDnRange" type="DNRange" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
123             <xs:element name="userExtensionRange" type="ExtensionRange17" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
124           </xs:choice>\r
125           <xs:element name="dateTimeRange" type="EnhancedCallLogsTimeRange"/>\r
126           <xs:element name="numberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsNumberFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
127           <xs:element name="redirectedNumberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedNumberFilter21" minOccurs="0"/>\r
128           <xs:element name="accountAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsAccountAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
129           <xs:element name="callAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
130           <xs:element name="subscriberType" type="EnhancedCallLogsSubscriberType20" minOccurs="0"/>\r
131           <xs:element name="responsePagingControl" type="EnhancedCallLogsResponsePagingControl" minOccurs="0"/>\r
132         </xs:sequence>\r
133       </xs:extension>\r
134     </xs:complexContent>\r
135   </xs:complexType>    \r
136     \r
137   <xs:complexType name="GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21">\r
138     <xs:annotation>\r
139       <xs:documentation>\r
140         Response to GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21.\r
141         Total numbers of rows is:\r
142         - the total number of retrievable logs of the call log type that was specified in the GroupEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21, \r
143           if a call log type was specified in the request.\r
144         - the total number of retrievable logs, if no call log type was specified in the request.\r
145         A list of ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21 will be returned if the call logs are stored on DBS. Otherwise, an error response will be returned.\r
146         The logs are sorted by date/time of the call.\r
147       </xs:documentation>\r
148     </xs:annotation>\r
149     <xs:complexContent>\r
150       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
151         <xs:sequence>\r
152           <xs:element name="totalNumberOfRows" type="xs:int"/>\r
153           <xs:element name="extendedCallLog" type="ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
154         </xs:sequence>\r
155       </xs:extension>\r
156     </xs:complexContent>\r
157   </xs:complexType>    \r
158     \r
159   <xs:complexType name="ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest17sp4">\r
160     <xs:annotation>\r
161       <xs:documentation>\r
162         Get the service provider's enhanced call log settings.\r
163         The response is either a ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsGetResponse17sp4 or an ErrorResponse.\r
164         This command will return an ErrorResponse if DBS is used as the call log server.\r
165       </xs:documentation>\r
166     </xs:annotation>\r
167     <xs:complexContent>\r
168       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
169         <xs:sequence>\r
170           <xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>\r
171         </xs:sequence>\r
172       </xs:extension>\r
173     </xs:complexContent>\r
174   </xs:complexType>    \r
175     \r
176   <xs:complexType name="ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsGetResponse17sp4">\r
177     <xs:annotation>\r
178       <xs:documentation>\r
179         Response to ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest17sp4.\r
180       </xs:documentation>\r
181     </xs:annotation>\r
182     <xs:complexContent>\r
183       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
184         <xs:sequence>\r
185           <xs:element name="maxLoggedCalls" type="EnhancedCallLogsMaxLoggedCalls17sp4"/>\r
186           <xs:element name="callExpirationDays" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallExpirationDays"/>\r
187         </xs:sequence>\r
188       </xs:extension>\r
189     </xs:complexContent>\r
190   </xs:complexType>    \r
191     \r
192   <xs:complexType name="ServiceProviderEnhancedCallLogsModifyRequest">\r
193     <xs:annotation>\r
194       <xs:documentation>\r
195         Modify the Service Provider level data associated with Enhanced Call Logs.\r
196         Configures the maximum number of logged calls and maximum age of your user's call logs.\r
197         Log entries are deleted when either of the two limits is reached.\r
198         The response is either a SuccessResponse or an ErrorResponse.\r
199       </xs:documentation>\r
200     </xs:annotation>\r
201     <xs:complexContent>\r
202       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
203         <xs:sequence>\r
204           <xs:element name="serviceProviderId" type="ServiceProviderId"/>\r
205           <xs:element name="maxLoggedCalls" type="EnhancedCallLogsMaxLoggedCalls17sp4" minOccurs="0"/>\r
206           <xs:element name="callExpirationDays" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallExpirationDays" minOccurs="0"/>\r
207         </xs:sequence>\r
208       </xs:extension>\r
209     </xs:complexContent>\r
210   </xs:complexType>    \r
211     \r
212   <xs:complexType name="SystemEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest20sp1">\r
213     <xs:annotation>\r
214       <xs:documentation>\r
215         Request the system level data associated with Enhanced Call Logs. The response is either a \r
216         SystemEnhancedCallLogsGetResponse20sp1 or an ErrorResponse.\r
217       </xs:documentation>\r
218     </xs:annotation>\r
219     <xs:complexContent>\r
220       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
221         <xs:sequence/>\r
222       </xs:extension>\r
223     </xs:complexContent>\r
224   </xs:complexType>    \r
225     \r
226   <xs:complexType name="SystemEnhancedCallLogsGetResponse20sp1">\r
227     <xs:annotation>\r
228       <xs:documentation>\r
229         Response to SystemEnhancedCallLogsGetRequest20sp1.\r
230         The following elements are only used in AS data mode:\r
231           isSendEnabled\r
232           server1NetAddress\r
233           server1SendPort\r
234           server1RetrievePort\r
235           server2NetAddress\r
236           server2SendPort\r
237           server2RetrievePort\r
238           sharedSecret\r
239           retransmissionDelayMilliSeconds\r
240           maxTransmissions\r
241           soapTimeoutSeconds\r
242           useDBS\r
243           eclQueryApplicationURL\r
244           eclQueryDataRepositoryURL\r
245       </xs:documentation>\r
246     </xs:annotation>\r
247     <xs:complexContent>\r
248       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
249         <xs:sequence>\r
250           <xs:element name="isSendEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>\r
251           <xs:element name="server1NetAddress" type="NetAddress" minOccurs="0"/>\r
252           <xs:element name="server1SendPort" type="Port1025"/>\r
253           <xs:element name="server1RetrievePort" type="Port"/>\r
254           <xs:element name="server2NetAddress" type="NetAddress" minOccurs="0"/>\r
255           <xs:element name="server2SendPort" type="Port1025"/>\r
256           <xs:element name="server2RetrievePort" type="Port"/>\r
257           <xs:element name="sharedSecret" type="EnhancedCallLogsSharedSecret" minOccurs="0"/>\r
258           <xs:element name="retransmissionDelayMilliSeconds" type="EnhancedCallLogsRetransmissionDelayMilliSeconds"/>\r
259           <xs:element name="maxTransmissions" type="EnhancedCallLogsMaxTransmissions"/>\r
260           <xs:element name="soapTimeoutSeconds" type="EnhancedCallLogsSoapTimeoutSeconds"/>\r
261           <xs:element name="useDBS" type="xs:boolean"/>\r
262           <xs:element name="maxNonPagedResponseSize" type="EnhancedCallLogsNonPagedResponseSize"/>\r
263           <xs:element name="eclQueryApplicationURL" type="URL" minOccurs="0"/>\r
264           <xs:element name="eclQueryDataRepositoryURL" type="URL" minOccurs="0"/>\r
265         </xs:sequence>\r
266       </xs:extension>\r
267     </xs:complexContent>\r
268   </xs:complexType>    \r
269     \r
270   <xs:complexType name="SystemEnhancedCallLogsModifyRequest">\r
271     <xs:annotation>\r
272       <xs:documentation>\r
273         Modify the system level data associated with Enhanced Call Logs.\r
274         The response is either a SuccessResponse or an ErrorResponse.\r
275         The following elements are only used in AS data mode:\r
276           isSendEnabled\r
277           server1NetAddress\r
278           server1SendPort\r
279           server1RetrievePort\r
280           server2NetAddress\r
281           server2SendPort\r
282           server2RetrievePort\r
283           sharedSecret\r
284           retransmissionDelayMilliSeconds\r
285           maxTransmissions\r
286           soapTimeoutSeconds\r
287           useDBS\r
288           eclQueryApplicationURL\r
289           eclQueryDataRepositoryURL\r
290       </xs:documentation>\r
291     </xs:annotation>\r
292     <xs:complexContent>\r
293       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
294         <xs:sequence>\r
295           <xs:element name="isSendEnabled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>\r
296           <xs:element name="server1NetAddress" type="NetAddress" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>\r
297           <xs:element name="server1SendPort" type="Port1025" minOccurs="0"/>\r
298           <xs:element name="server1RetrievePort" type="Port" minOccurs="0"/>\r
299           <xs:element name="server2NetAddress" type="NetAddress" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>\r
300           <xs:element name="server2SendPort" type="Port1025" minOccurs="0"/>\r
301           <xs:element name="server2RetrievePort" type="Port" minOccurs="0"/>\r
302           <xs:element name="sharedSecret" type="EnhancedCallLogsSharedSecret" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>\r
303           <xs:element name="retransmissionDelayMilliSeconds" type="EnhancedCallLogsRetransmissionDelayMilliSeconds" minOccurs="0"/>\r
304           <xs:element name="maxTransmissions" type="EnhancedCallLogsMaxTransmissions" minOccurs="0"/>\r
305           <xs:element name="soapTimeoutSeconds" type="EnhancedCallLogsSoapTimeoutSeconds" minOccurs="0"/>\r
306           <xs:element name="useDBS" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>\r
307           <xs:element name="maxNonPagedResponseSize" type="EnhancedCallLogsNonPagedResponseSize" minOccurs="0"/>\r
308           <xs:element name="eclQueryApplicationURL" type="URL" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>\r
309           <xs:element name="eclQueryDataRepositoryURL" type="URL" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>\r
310         </xs:sequence>\r
311       </xs:extension>\r
312     </xs:complexContent>\r
313   </xs:complexType>    \r
314     \r
315   <xs:complexType name="SystemEnhancedCallLogsSchemaInstanceGetListResponse">\r
316     <xs:annotation>\r
317       <xs:documentation>\r
318       Response to SystemEnhancedCallLogsSchemaInstanceGetListRequest.\r
319       Contains a table with column headings: "Instance Name", "Actual Users", "Potential Users".     \r
320     </xs:documentation>\r
321     </xs:annotation>\r
322     <xs:complexContent>\r
323       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
324         <xs:sequence>\r
325           <xs:element name="schemaInstanceUsageTable" type="core:OCITable"/>\r
326         </xs:sequence>\r
327       </xs:extension>\r
328     </xs:complexContent>\r
329   </xs:complexType>    \r
330     \r
331   <xs:complexType name="UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21">\r
332     <xs:annotation>\r
333       <xs:documentation>\r
334         Request user's call logs.\r
335         If the callLogType is not specified, all types of calls logs (placed, received, missed) are returned.\r
336         The filters "dateTimeRange", "numberFilter", "redirectedNumberFilter", "accountAuthorizationCodeFilter"\r
337         "callAuthorizationCodeFilter" and "subscriberType" are ignored if call logs are stored in CDS. When\r
338         "ReceivedOrMissed" is specified as "callLogType" and call logs are stored in CDS, all call logs including\r
339         placed will be returned.\r
340         It is possible to restrict the number of rows returned using responsePagingControl. If responsePagingControl\r
341         is not specified, the value of Enhanced Call Logs system parameter maxNonPagedResponseSize will control\r
342         the maximum number of call logs can be returned. \r
343         The response is either a UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21 or an ErrorResponse.\r
344         The following elements are only used in AS data mode and ignored in HSS data mode:\r
345           callAuthorizationCodeFilter\r
346       </xs:documentation>\r
347     </xs:annotation>\r
348     <xs:complexContent>\r
349       <xs:extension base="core:OCIRequest">\r
350         <xs:sequence>\r
351           <xs:element name="userId" type="UserId"/>\r
352           <xs:element name="callLogType" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallLogsRequestType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
353           <xs:element name="dateTimeRange" type="EnhancedCallLogsTimeRange"/>\r
354           <xs:element name="numberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsNumberFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
355           <xs:element name="redirectedNumberFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedNumberFilter21" minOccurs="0"/>\r
356           <xs:element name="accountAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsAccountAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
357           <xs:element name="callAuthorizationCodeFilter" type="EnhancedCallLogsCallAuthorizationCodeFilter" minOccurs="0"/>\r
358           <xs:element name="subscriberType" type="EnhancedCallLogsSubscriberType20" minOccurs="0"/>\r
359           <xs:element name="responsePagingControl" type="ResponsePagingControl" minOccurs="0"/>\r
360         </xs:sequence>\r
361       </xs:extension>\r
362     </xs:complexContent>\r
363   </xs:complexType>    \r
364     \r
365   <xs:complexType name="UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListResponse21">\r
366     <xs:annotation>\r
367       <xs:documentation>\r
368         Response to UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21.\r
369         Total numbers of rows is:\r
370         - the total number of retrievable logs of the call log type that was specified in the UserEnhancedCallLogsGetListRequest21, \r
371           if a call log type was specified in the request.\r
372         - the total number of retrievable logs, if no call log type was specified in the request.\r
373         A list of MixedCallLogsEntry will be returned if the call logs are stored on CDS\r
374         A list of ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21 will be returned if the call logs are stored on DBS\r
375         The logs are sorted by date/time of the call.\r
376       </xs:documentation>\r
377     </xs:annotation>\r
378     <xs:complexContent>\r
379       <xs:extension base="core:OCIDataResponse">\r
380         <xs:sequence>\r
381           <xs:element name="totalNumberOfRows" type="xs:int"/>\r
382           <xs:choice>\r
383             <xs:element name="legacyEntry">\r
384               <xs:complexType>\r
385                 <xs:annotation/>\r
386                 <xs:sequence>\r
387                   <xs:element name="callLog" type="MixedCallLogsEntry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
388                 </xs:sequence>\r
389               </xs:complexType>\r
390             </xs:element>\r
391             <xs:element name="extendedEntry">\r
392               <xs:complexType>\r
393                 <xs:annotation/>\r
394                 <xs:sequence>\r
395                   <xs:element name="extendedCallLog" type="ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
396                 </xs:sequence>\r
397               </xs:complexType>\r
398             </xs:element>\r
399           </xs:choice>\r
400         </xs:sequence>\r
401       </xs:extension>\r
402     </xs:complexContent>\r
403   </xs:complexType>    \r
404     \r
405   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsCallExpirationDays">\r
406     <xs:annotation>\r
407       <xs:documentation>\r
408         The maximum length of time the system will store logged calls.\r
409       </xs:documentation>\r
410     </xs:annotation>\r
411     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
412       <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>\r
413       <xs:maxInclusive value="1000"/>\r
414     </xs:restriction>\r
415   </xs:simpleType>    \r
416     \r
417   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsMaxLoggedCalls17sp4">\r
418     <xs:annotation>\r
419       <xs:documentation>\r
420        Sets the maximum number of logged calls that can be stored.\r
421      </xs:documentation>\r
422     </xs:annotation>\r
423     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
424       <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>\r
425       <xs:maxInclusive value="99000"/>\r
426     </xs:restriction>\r
427   </xs:simpleType>    \r
428     \r
429   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsMaxTransmissions">\r
430     <xs:annotation>\r
431       <xs:documentation>\r
432         Maximum transmissions.\r
433       </xs:documentation>\r
434     </xs:annotation>\r
435     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
436       <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>\r
437       <xs:maxInclusive value="5"/>\r
438     </xs:restriction>\r
439   </xs:simpleType>    \r
440     \r
441   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsNonPagedResponseSize">\r
442     <xs:annotation>\r
443       <xs:documentation>\r
444         The maximum number of call log entries to return when paging information is\r
445         not specified in the request.\r
446       </xs:documentation>\r
447     </xs:annotation>\r
448     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
449       <xs:minInclusive value="100"/>\r
450       <xs:maxInclusive value="1000"/>\r
451     </xs:restriction>\r
452   </xs:simpleType>    \r
453     \r
454   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsNumberFilter">\r
455     <xs:annotation>\r
456       <xs:documentation>\r
457         Filter criteria based on the called number or number called.\r
458       </xs:documentation>\r
459     </xs:annotation>\r
460     <xs:sequence>\r
461       <xs:choice>\r
462         <xs:element name="includeBasicCallType" type="BasicCallType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
463         <xs:element name="includeCallCategory" type="CallCategory" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
464         <xs:element name="includeConfigurableCallType" type="CommunicationBarringCallType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
465         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaDialedNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
466         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaCalledNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
467         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaNetworkTranslatedNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
468         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaCallingPresentationNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
469       </xs:choice>\r
470     </xs:sequence>\r
471   </xs:complexType>    \r
472     \r
473   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsOutgoingDnis">\r
474     <xs:annotation>\r
475       <xs:documentation>\r
476         Outgoing call center dnis name. In the format of call center id + ":" + DNIS name.\r
477       </xs:documentation>\r
478     </xs:annotation>\r
479     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
480       <xs:minLength value="1"/>\r
481       <xs:maxLength value="202"/>\r
482     </xs:restriction>\r
483   </xs:simpleType>    \r
484     \r
485   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedNumberFilter21">\r
486     <xs:annotation>\r
487       <xs:documentation>\r
488         Filter criteria based on the transferred/forwarded number.\r
489       </xs:documentation>\r
490     </xs:annotation>\r
491     <xs:sequence>\r
492       <xs:choice>\r
493         <xs:element name="redirectedCall" type="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedCallSelection21"/>\r
494         <xs:element name="includeServiceInvocationBasicCallType" type="BasicCallType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
495         <xs:element name="includeServiceInvocationCallCategory" type="CallCategory" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
496         <xs:element name="includeServiceInvocationConfigurableCallType" type="CommunicationBarringCallType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
497         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaServiceInvocationDialedNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
498         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaServiceInvocationCalledNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
499         <xs:element name="searchCriteriaServiceInvocationNetworkTranslatedNumber" type="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
500       </xs:choice>\r
501     </xs:sequence>\r
502   </xs:complexType>    \r
503     \r
504   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsRedirectedCallSelection21">\r
505     <xs:annotation>\r
506       <xs:documentation>\r
507       Redirected call selection.\r
508       When " redirectedCall " is set to true, all call logs with redirected call are returned. When it\r
509       set to false, all call logs without redirected call are returned.\r
510       The redirected call can be defined by including a subset of Service Invocation Disposition here. \r
511       If none included, any call has a ServiceInvocationDisposition  value defined in ServiceInvocationDisposition\r
512       is considered as a redirected call.\r
513       </xs:documentation>\r
514     </xs:annotation>\r
515     <xs:sequence>\r
516       <xs:element name="redirectedCall" type="xs:boolean"/>\r
517       <xs:element name="redirectType" type="ServiceInvocationDisposition21" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
518     </xs:sequence>\r
519   </xs:complexType>    \r
520     \r
521   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsAccountAuthorizationCodeFilter">\r
522     <xs:annotation>\r
523       <xs:documentation>\r
524         Filter criteria based on the account code.\r
525         When "callsWithCodes" is set to true, all call logs with account/authorization codes are returned. \r
526         When it set to false, all call logs without account/authorization codes are returned.\r
527       </xs:documentation>\r
528     </xs:annotation>\r
529     <xs:sequence>\r
530       <xs:choice>\r
531         <xs:element name="callsWithCodes" type="xs:boolean"/>\r
532         <xs:element name="accountAuthorizationCode" type="OutgoingCallingPlanAuthorizationCode"/>\r
533       </xs:choice>\r
534     </xs:sequence>\r
535   </xs:complexType>    \r
536     \r
537   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsCallAuthorizationCodeFilter">\r
538     <xs:annotation>\r
539       <xs:documentation>\r
540         Filter criteria based on call authorization code. Note that this code\r
541         filter is different than EnhancedCallLogsAccountAuthorizationCodeFilter,\r
542         which applies strictly to codes entered using the account/authorization\r
543         code service.\r
544         When "callsWithCodes" is set to true, all call logs with authorization\r
545         codes are returned. \r
546         When it set to false, all call logs without authorization codes are\r
547         returned.\r
548         If "authorizationCode" is set, all call logs matching that specific\r
549         authorization code are returned.\r
550       </xs:documentation>\r
551     </xs:annotation>\r
552     <xs:sequence>\r
553       <xs:choice>\r
554         <xs:element name="callsWithCodes" type="xs:boolean"/>\r
555         <xs:element name="authorizationCode" type="OutgoingCallingPlanAuthorizationCode"/>\r
556       </xs:choice>\r
557     </xs:sequence>\r
558   </xs:complexType>    \r
559     \r
560   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsRetransmissionDelayMilliSeconds">\r
561     <xs:annotation>\r
562       <xs:documentation>\r
563         Retransmission delay in milli-seconds.\r
564       </xs:documentation>\r
565     </xs:annotation>\r
566     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
567       <xs:minInclusive value="200"/>\r
568       <xs:maxInclusive value="5000"/>\r
569     </xs:restriction>\r
570   </xs:simpleType>    \r
571     \r
572   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsSharedSecret">\r
573     <xs:annotation>\r
574       <xs:documentation>Shared Secret.</xs:documentation>\r
575     </xs:annotation>\r
576     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
577       <xs:minLength value="1"/>\r
578       <xs:maxLength value="80"/>\r
579     </xs:restriction>\r
580   </xs:simpleType>    \r
581     \r
582   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsSoapTimeoutSeconds">\r
583     <xs:annotation>\r
584       <xs:documentation>\r
585         Timeout when retrieving enhanced call logs through the SOAP interface.\r
586       </xs:documentation>\r
587     </xs:annotation>\r
588     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
589       <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>\r
590       <xs:maxInclusive value="120"/>\r
591     </xs:restriction>\r
592   </xs:simpleType>    \r
593     \r
594   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsTimeRange">\r
595     <xs:annotation>\r
596       <xs:documentation>\r
597         Time range used to filter call logs.\r
598       </xs:documentation>\r
599     </xs:annotation>\r
600     <xs:sequence>\r
601       <xs:element name="startDateTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>\r
602       <xs:element name="endDateTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>\r
603     </xs:sequence>\r
604   </xs:complexType>    \r
605     \r
606   <xs:complexType name="ExtendedMixedCallLogsEntry21">\r
607     <xs:annotation>\r
608       <xs:documentation>\r
609         Extended Call Log entry describing a placed, received, or missed call.\r
610         "countryCode" is the user's country code\r
611         The following time elements are represented as timestamp, i.e., the number of milliseconds\r
612         since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.\r
613         "startTime" represents the time when the system sends out a call invitation message (e.g. for\r
614         placed calls) or receives a call invitation message (e.g. for missed/received calls). \r
615         "answerTime" represents the time when the call is answered by the terminating party.\r
616         "detachedTime" represents the time when the call is successfully redirected by the system.  \r
617         "releaseTime" represents the time when the call is released. This time corresponds to the \r
618         moment the call is released by the system, and not necessarily when one party hangs up, since this \r
619         does not always mean the call is released (e.g. Emergency/911 calls).\r
620         The elements "userGroupId", "userId","userPrimaryDn" and "userPrimaryExtension"\r
621         are only returned when the enterprise or group level requests are used.\r
622         The following elements are only used in AS data mode:\r
623           callAuthorizationCode\r
624           securityClassification\r
625       </xs:documentation>\r
626     </xs:annotation>\r
627     <xs:sequence>\r
628       <xs:element name="callLogType" type="CallLogsType"/>\r
629       <xs:element name="countryCode" type="CountryCode"/>\r
630       <xs:element name="callLogId" type="CallLogId17sp4"/>\r
631       <xs:element name="callId" type="CallId"/>\r
632       <xs:element name="subscriberType" type="EnhancedCallLogsSubscriberType20"/>\r
633       <xs:element name="dialedNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
634       <xs:element name="calledNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
635       <xs:element name="networkTranslatedAddress" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
636       <xs:element name="callingAssertedNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
637       <xs:element name="callingPresentationNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
638       <xs:element name="callingPresentationNumberSource" type="CallingPresentationNumberSource" minOccurs="0"/>\r
639       <xs:element name="callingPresentationName" type="CallLogsEntryName17sp4" minOccurs="0"/>\r
640       <xs:element name="callingPresentationIndicator" type="PresentationIndicator"/>\r
641       <xs:element name="callingGroupId" type="GroupId" minOccurs="0"/>\r
642       <xs:element name="calledDirectoryName" type="CallLogsEntryName" minOccurs="0"/>\r
643       <xs:element name="calledGroupId" type="GroupId" minOccurs="0"/>\r
644       <xs:element name="connectedNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
645       <xs:element name="connectedNumberSource" type="ConnectedNumberSource" minOccurs="0"/>\r
646       <xs:element name="connectedName" type="CallLogsEntryName17sp4" minOccurs="0"/>\r
647       <xs:element name="connectedPresentationIndicator" type="PresentationIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>\r
648       <xs:element name="typeOfNetwork" type="NetworkType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
649       <xs:element name="callCategory" type="CallCategory" minOccurs="0"/>\r
650       <xs:element name="basicCallType" type="BasicCallType"/>\r
651       <xs:element name="configurableCallType" type="CommunicationBarringCallType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
652       <xs:element name="alternateCallIndicator" type="CommunicationBarringAlternateCallIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>\r
653       <xs:element name="virtualOnNetCallType" type="VirtualOnNetCallTypeName" minOccurs="0"/>\r
654       <xs:element name="time" type="xs:dateTime"/>\r
655       <xs:element name="startTime" type="xs:long"/>\r
656       <xs:element name="answerTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>\r
657       <xs:element name="releaseTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>\r
658       <xs:element name="detachedTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>\r
659       <xs:element name="detachedAnswerTime" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>\r
660       <xs:element name="outgoingDnis" type="EnhancedCallLogsOutgoingDnis" minOccurs="0"/>\r
661       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationDisposition" type="ServiceInvocationDisposition21" minOccurs="0"/>\r
662       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationDialedNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
663       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationCalledNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
664       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationNetworkTranslatedAddress" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
665       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationTypeOfNetwork" type="NetworkType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
666       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationCallCategory" type="CallCategory" minOccurs="0"/>\r
667       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationBasicCallType" type="BasicCallType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
668       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationConfigurableCallType" type="CommunicationBarringCallType" minOccurs="0"/>\r
669       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationAlternateCallIndicator" type="CommunicationBarringAlternateCallIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>\r
670       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationVirtualOnNetCallType" type="VirtualOnNetCallTypeName" minOccurs="0"/>\r
671       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationCalledDirectoryName" type="CallLogsEntryName" minOccurs="0"/>\r
672       <xs:element name="serviceInvocationCalledGroupId" type="GroupId" minOccurs="0"/>\r
673       <xs:element name="redirectingNumber" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI" minOccurs="0"/>\r
674       <xs:element name="redirectingName" type="CallLogsEntryName17sp4" minOccurs="0"/>\r
675       <xs:element name="redirectingPresentationIndicator" type="RedirectingPresentationIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>\r
676       <xs:element name="RedirectingReason" type="RedirectingReason" minOccurs="0"/>\r
677       <xs:element name="accountAuthorizationCode" type="OutgoingCallingPlanAuthorizationCode" minOccurs="0"/>\r
678       <xs:element name="callAuthorizationCode" type="OutgoingCallingPlanAuthorizationCode" minOccurs="0"/>\r
679       <xs:element name="userGroupId" type="GroupId" minOccurs="0"/>\r
680       <xs:element name="userId" type="UserId" minOccurs="0"/>\r
681       <xs:element name="userPrimaryDn" type="DN" minOccurs="0"/>\r
682       <xs:element name="userPrimaryExtension" type="Extension17" minOccurs="0"/>\r
683       <xs:element name="securityClassification" type="SecurityClassificationName" minOccurs="0"/>\r
684     </xs:sequence>\r
685   </xs:complexType>    \r
686     \r
687   <xs:simpleType name="CallId">\r
688     <xs:annotation>\r
689       <xs:documentation>\r
690         The call Id of a call associated a this call log entry\r
691       </xs:documentation>\r
692     </xs:annotation>\r
693     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
694       <xs:minLength value="1"/>\r
695       <xs:maxLength value="40"/>\r
696     </xs:restriction>\r
697   </xs:simpleType>    \r
698     \r
699   <xs:simpleType name="CallingPresentationNumberSource">\r
700     <xs:annotation>\r
701       <xs:documentation>\r
702         Identifies the source of the number used in the Calling Presentation Number field\r
703       </xs:documentation>\r
704     </xs:annotation>\r
705     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
706       <xs:enumeration value="Configurable CLID"/>\r
707       <xs:enumeration value="DNIS"/>\r
708       <xs:enumeration value="Emergency"/>\r
709       <xs:enumeration value="Group"/>\r
710       <xs:enumeration value="Trunk Group"/>\r
711       <xs:enumeration value="User"/>\r
712       <xs:enumeration value="Department"/>\r
713     </xs:restriction>\r
714   </xs:simpleType>    \r
715     \r
716   <xs:simpleType name="PresentationIndicator">\r
717     <xs:annotation>\r
718       <xs:documentation>\r
719         Presentation Indicator\r
720       </xs:documentation>\r
721     </xs:annotation>\r
722     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
723       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous"/>\r
724       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous Name"/>\r
725       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous URI"/>\r
726       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous Unavailable"/>\r
727       <xs:enumeration value="Public"/>\r
728       <xs:enumeration value="Unavailable"/>\r
729     </xs:restriction>\r
730   </xs:simpleType>    \r
731     \r
732   <xs:simpleType name="ConnectedNumberSource">\r
733     <xs:annotation>\r
734       <xs:documentation>\r
735         Connected Number Type\r
736       </xs:documentation>\r
737     </xs:annotation>\r
738     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
739       <xs:enumeration value="Configurable CLID"/>\r
740       <xs:enumeration value="Group"/>\r
741       <xs:enumeration value="User"/>\r
742       <xs:enumeration value="Department"/>\r
743     </xs:restriction>\r
744   </xs:simpleType>    \r
745     \r
746   <xs:simpleType name="NetworkType">\r
747     <xs:annotation>\r
748       <xs:documentation>\r
749         The Type of Network for the call provided in the most significant contact from the NS\r
750       </xs:documentation>\r
751     </xs:annotation>\r
752     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
753       <xs:enumeration value="Private"/>\r
754       <xs:enumeration value="Public"/>\r
755     </xs:restriction>\r
756   </xs:simpleType>    \r
757     \r
758   <xs:simpleType name="CallCategory">\r
759     <xs:annotation>\r
760       <xs:documentation>\r
761         The Call Category for the call provided in the most significant contact from the NS\r
762       </xs:documentation>\r
763     </xs:annotation>\r
764     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
765       <xs:enumeration value="Local"/>\r
766       <xs:enumeration value="National"/>\r
767       <xs:enumeration value="Interlata"/>\r
768       <xs:enumeration value="Intralata"/>\r
769       <xs:enumeration value="International"/>\r
770       <xs:enumeration value="Private"/>\r
771       <xs:enumeration value="Emergency"/>\r
772       <xs:enumeration value="Other"/>\r
773     </xs:restriction>\r
774   </xs:simpleType>    \r
775     \r
776   <xs:simpleType name="BasicCallType">\r
777     <xs:annotation>\r
778       <xs:documentation>\r
779         The basic call type for the origination\r
780       </xs:documentation>\r
781     </xs:annotation>\r
782     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
783       <xs:enumeration value="Group"/>\r
784       <xs:enumeration value="Enterprise"/>\r
785       <xs:enumeration value="Network"/>\r
786       <xs:enumeration value="Network URL"/>\r
787       <xs:enumeration value="Repair"/>\r
788       <xs:enumeration value="Emergency"/>\r
789     </xs:restriction>\r
790   </xs:simpleType>    \r
791     \r
792   <xs:simpleType name="ServiceInvocationDisposition21">\r
793     <xs:annotation>\r
794       <xs:documentation>\r
795         Indicates the type of service invocation that caused the call to be detached.\r
796       </xs:documentation>\r
797     </xs:annotation>\r
798     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
799       <xs:enumeration value="Automatic Hold/Retrieve"/>\r
800       <xs:enumeration value="Call Forward Always"/>\r
801       <xs:enumeration value="Call Forward Busy"/>\r
802       <xs:enumeration value="Call Forward No Answer"/>\r
803       <xs:enumeration value="Call Forward Not Reachable"/>\r
804       <xs:enumeration value="Call Forward Selective"/>\r
805       <xs:enumeration value="Call Park"/>\r
806       <xs:enumeration value="Call Pickup"/>\r
807       <xs:enumeration value="Deflection"/>\r
808       <xs:enumeration value="Directed Call Pickup"/>\r
809       <xs:enumeration value="Distribution from Call Center"/>\r
810       <xs:enumeration value="Distribution from Hunt Group"/>\r
811       <xs:enumeration value="Distribution from Route Point"/>\r
812       <xs:enumeration value="Do Not Disturb"/>\r
813       <xs:enumeration value="Fax Deposit"/>\r
814       <xs:enumeration value="Group Night Forwarding"/>\r
815       <xs:enumeration value="Sequential Ring"/>\r
816       <xs:enumeration value="Series Completion"/>\r
817       <xs:enumeration value="Simultaneous Ring"/>\r
818       <xs:enumeration value="Third Party Deflection"/>\r
819       <xs:enumeration value="Third Party Voice Mail Support"/>\r
820       <xs:enumeration value="Transfer Consult"/>\r
821       <xs:enumeration value="Trunk Group Forward Capacity Exceeded"/>\r
822       <xs:enumeration value="Trunk Group Forward Unreachable"/>\r
823       <xs:enumeration value="Trunk Group Forward Unconditional"/>\r
824       <xs:enumeration value="Voice Mail Transfer"/>\r
825       <xs:enumeration value="Voice Messaging"/>\r
826       <xs:enumeration value="Find-me/Follow-me"/>\r
827       <xs:enumeration value="Personal Assistant"/>\r
828     </xs:restriction>\r
829   </xs:simpleType>    \r
830     \r
831   <xs:simpleType name="RedirectingPresentationIndicator">\r
832     <xs:annotation>\r
833       <xs:documentation>\r
834         The presentation indicator for the last redirecting party\r
835       </xs:documentation>\r
836     </xs:annotation>\r
837     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
838       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous"/>\r
839       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous Name"/>\r
840       <xs:enumeration value="Anonymous URI"/>\r
841       <xs:enumeration value="Public"/>\r
842     </xs:restriction>\r
843   </xs:simpleType>    \r
844     \r
845   <xs:simpleType name="RedirectingReason">\r
846     <xs:annotation>\r
847       <xs:documentation>\r
848         The reason for the redirection by the last redirecting party\r
849       </xs:documentation>\r
850     </xs:annotation>\r
851     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
852       <xs:minLength value="1"/>\r
853       <xs:maxLength value="20"/>\r
854     </xs:restriction>\r
855   </xs:simpleType>    \r
856     \r
857   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsResponsePageSize">\r
858     <xs:annotation>\r
859       <xs:documentation>\r
860         Maximum number of rows to return in response to a paging request for enhanced call logs\r
861       </xs:documentation>\r
862     </xs:annotation>\r
863     <xs:restriction base="xs:int">\r
864       <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>\r
865       <xs:maxInclusive value="1000"/>\r
866     </xs:restriction>\r
867   </xs:simpleType>    \r
868     \r
869   <xs:complexType name="EnhancedCallLogsResponsePagingControl">\r
870     <xs:annotation>\r
871       <xs:documentation>\r
872         Used in enhanced call logs group and enterprise queries to restrict the set of result\r
873         rows when making a request that can result in a large dataset. The client specifies the\r
874         starting row and the number of rows requested. \r
875         The server only provides those rows in results, if available.\r
876       </xs:documentation>\r
877     </xs:annotation>\r
878     <xs:sequence>\r
879       <xs:element name="responseStartIndex" type="ResponseStartIndex"/>\r
880       <xs:element name="responsePageSize" type="EnhancedCallLogsResponsePageSize"/>\r
881     </xs:sequence>\r
882   </xs:complexType>    \r
883     \r
884   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsSubscriberType20">\r
885     <xs:annotation>\r
886       <xs:documentation>\r
887         Subscriber type\r
888       </xs:documentation>\r
889     </xs:annotation>\r
890     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
891       <xs:enumeration value="Auto Attendant"/>\r
892       <xs:enumeration value="BroadWorks Anywhere Portal"/>\r
893       <xs:enumeration value="Call Center"/>\r
894       <xs:enumeration value="Find-me/Follow-me"/>\r
895       <xs:enumeration value="Flexible Seating Host"/>\r
896       <xs:enumeration value="Hunt Group"/>\r
897       <xs:enumeration value="Route Point"/>\r
898       <xs:enumeration value="User"/>\r
899       <xs:enumeration value="VoiceXML"/>\r
900     </xs:restriction>\r
901   </xs:simpleType>    \r
902     \r
903   <xs:simpleType name="EnhancedCallLogsCallLogsRequestType">\r
904     <xs:annotation>\r
905       <xs:documentation>\r
906         Call Log type used by enhanced call logs requests\r
907       </xs:documentation>\r
908     </xs:annotation>\r
909     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
910       <xs:enumeration value="Placed"/>\r
911       <xs:enumeration value="Received"/>\r
912       <xs:enumeration value="Missed"/>\r
913       <xs:enumeration value="ReceivedOrMissed"/>\r
914     </xs:restriction>\r
915   </xs:simpleType>    \r
916     \r
917   <xs:simpleType name="CallLogsEntryName17sp4">\r
918     <xs:annotation>\r
919       <xs:documentation>\r
920          Calling Name.\r
921        </xs:documentation>\r
922     </xs:annotation>\r
923     <xs:restriction base="xs:token">\r
924       <xs:minLength value="1"/>\r
925       <xs:maxLength value="80"/>\r
926     </xs:restriction>\r
927   </xs:simpleType>    \r
928     \r
929   <xs:complexType name="SearchCriteriaOutgoingDNorSIPURI">\r
930     <xs:annotation>\r
931       <xs:documentation>\r
932         Criteria for searching for a phone number or SIPURI.\r
933       </xs:documentation>\r
934     </xs:annotation>\r
935     <xs:complexContent>\r
936       <xs:extension base="SearchCriteria">\r
937         <xs:sequence>\r
938           <xs:element name="mode" type="SearchMode"/>\r
939           <xs:element name="value" type="OutgoingDNorSIPURI"/>\r
940           <xs:element name="isCaseInsensitive" type="xs:boolean" fixed="false"/>\r
941         </xs:sequence>\r
942       </xs:extension>\r
943     </xs:complexContent>\r
944   </xs:complexType>    \r
945     \r
946 </xs:schema>\r