--- /dev/null
+package FS::cdr::telstra;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( @ISA %info $tmp_mon $tmp_mday $tmp_year );
+use Time::Local;
+use FS::cdr;
+# Telstra LinxOnline eBill format
+@ISA = qw(FS::cdr);
+my %cdr_type_of = (
+ 'UIR' => 1,
+ #'SER' => 7,
+ #'OCR' => 8,
+%info = (
+ 'name' => 'Telstra LinxOnline',
+ 'weight' => 20,
+ 'header' => 1,
+ 'type' => 'fixedlength',
+ # Wholesale Usage Information Record format
+ 'fixedlength_format' => [ qw(
+ InterfaceRecordType:3:1:3
+ ServiceProviderCode:3:4:6
+ EventUniqueID:24:7:30
+ ProductBillingIdentifier:8:31:38
+ BillingElementCode:8:39:46
+ InvoiceArrangementID:10:47:56
+ ServiceArrangementID:10:57:66
+ FullNationalNumber:29:67:95
+ OriginatingNumber:25:96:120
+ DestinationNumber:25:121:145
+ OriginatingDateTime:18:146:163
+ ToArea:12:164:175
+ UnitQuantityDuration:27:176:202
+ CallTypeCode:3:203:205
+ RecordType:1:206:206
+ Price:15:207:221
+ DistanceRangeCode:4:222:225
+ ClosedUserGroupID:5:226:230
+ ReversalChargeIndicator:1:231:231
+ 1900CallDescription:30:232:261
+ Filler:253:262:514
+ )],
+ 'import_fields' => [
+ sub { # InterfaceRecordType: skip everything except usage records
+ my ($cdr, $field, $conf, $param) = @_;
+ $param->{skiprow} = 1 if !exists($cdr_type_of{$field});
+ $cdr->cdrtypenum(1);
+ },
+ skip(1), # service provider code
+ 'uniqueid', # event file instance, sequence number, bill file ID
+ # together these form a unique record ID
+ skip(4), # product billing identifier, billing element, invoice
+ # arrangement, service arrangement
+ parse_phonenum('charged_party'),
+ # "This is the billable number and represents the
+ # service number transferred to the Service Provider as a
+ # result of Product Redirection."
+ parse_phonenum('src'), # OriginatingNumber
+ parse_phonenum('dst'), # DestinationNumber
+ sub { # OriginatingDate and OriginatingTime, two fields in the spec
+ my ($cdr, $date) = @_;
+ $date =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})\s*(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/
+ or die "unparseable date: $date";
+ $cdr->startdate(timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1));
+ },
+ skip(1), #ToArea
+ sub { # UnitOfMeasure, Quantity, CallDuration, three fields
+ my ($cdr, $field, $conf, $param) = @_;
+ my ($unit, $qty, $dur) = ($field =~ /^(.{5})(.{13})(.{9})$/);
+ $qty = $qty / 100000; # five decimal places
+ if( $unit =~ /^SEC/ ) {
+ $cdr->billsec($qty);
+ $cdr->duration($qty);
+ }
+ elsif( $unit =~ /^6SEC/ ) {
+ $cdr->billsec($qty*6);
+ $cdr->duration($qty*6);
+ }
+ elsif( $unit =~ /^MIN/ ) {
+ $cdr->billsec($qty*60);
+ $cdr->duration($qty*60);
+ }
+ else {
+ # For now, ignore units that don't convert to time
+ $param->{skiprow} = 1;
+ }
+ },
+ skip(2), # CallTypeCode, RecordType
+ sub { # Price
+ my ($cdr, $price) = @_;
+ $cdr->upstream_price($price / 10000000);
+ },
+ skip(5),
+ ],
+sub skip {
+ map {''} (1..$_[0])
+sub parse_phonenum {
+ my $field = shift;
+ return sub {
+ my ($cdr, $data) = @_;
+ my $phonenum;
+ my ($type) = ($data =~ /^(.)/); #network service type
+ if ($type eq 'A') {
+ # domestic number: area code length, then 10-digit number (maybe
+ # padded with spaces), then extension info if it's the FNN/billable
+ # number
+ ($phonenum) = ($data =~ /^.\d(.{0,10})/);
+ $phonenum =~ s/\s//g;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'O') {
+ # international number: country code length, then 15-digit number
+ ($phonenum) = ($data =~ /^.\d(.{0,15})/);
+ }
+ else {
+ # other, take 18 characters
+ ($phonenum) = ($data =~ /^.(.{0,18})/);
+ }
+ $cdr->setfield($field, $phonenum);
+ }