use FS::part_svc;
use FS::svc_acct_pop;
use FS::svc_acct_sm;
+use FS::cust_main_invoice;
+use FS::svc_domain;
@ISA = qw( FS::svc_Common );
sub delete {
my $self = shift;
- my $error;
- return "Can't delete an account which has mail aliases pointed to it!"
+ return "Can't delete an account which has (svc_acct_sm) mail aliases!"
if $self->uid && qsearch( 'svc_acct_sm', { 'domuid' => $self->uid } );
+ return "Can't delete an account which is a (svc_forward) source!"
+ if qsearch( 'svc_forward', { 'srcsvc' => $self->svcnum } );
+ return "Can't delete an account which is a (svc_forward) destination!"
+ if qsearch( 'svc_forward', { 'dstsvc' => $self->svcnum } );
+ return "Can't delete an account with (svc_www) web service!"
+ if qsearch( 'svc_www', { 'usersvc' => $self->usersvc } );
+ # what about records in session ?
local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- $error = $self->SUPER::delete;
- return $error if $error;
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ foreach my $cust_main_invoice (
+ qsearch( 'cust_main_invoice', { 'dest' => $self->svcnum } )
+ ) {
+ my %hash = $cust_main_invoice->hash;
+ $hash{'dest'} = $self->email;
+ my $new = new FS::cust_main_invoice \%hash;
+ my $error = $new->replace($cust_main_invoice);
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $svc_domain (
+ qsearch( 'svc_domain', { 'catchall' => $self->svcnum } )
+ ) {
+ my %hash = new FS::svc_domain->hash;
+ $hash{'catchall'} = '';
+ my $new = new FS::svc_domain \%hash;
+ my $error = $new->replace($svc_domain);
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ my $error = $self->SUPER::delete;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
my( $username, $dir ) = (
=head1 VERSION
-$Id:,v 1.24 2001-08-19 15:53:34 jeff Exp $
+$Id:,v 1.25 2001-08-20 09:41:52 ivan Exp $
=head1 BUGS
@ISA = qw( FS::svc_Common );
#ask FS::UID to run this stuff for us later
-$FS::UID::callback{'FS::svc_acct_sm'} = sub {
- $conf = new FS::Conf;
- $shellmachine = $conf->exists('qmailmachines')
- ? $conf->config('shellmachine')
- : '';
+#$FS::UID::callback{'FS::svc_acct_sm'} = sub {
+# $conf = new FS::Conf;
+# $shellmachine = $conf->exists('qmailmachines')
+# ? $conf->config('shellmachine')
+# : '';
=head1 NAME
$error = $record->cancel;
+=head1 WARNING
+FS::svc_acct_sm is B<depreciated>. This class is only included for migration
+purposes. See L<FS::svc_forward>.
-An FS::svc_acct object represents a virtual mail alias. FS::svc_acct inherits
-from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
+An FS::svc_acct_sm object represents a virtual mail alias. FS::svc_acct_sm
+inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
=over 4
The additional fields pkgnum and svcpart (see L<FS::cust_svc>) should be
defined. An FS::cust_svc record will be created and inserted.
-If the configuration values (see L<FS::Conf>) shellmachine and qmailmachines
-exist, and domuser is `*' (meaning a catch-all mailbox), the command:
- [ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default ] || {
- touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
- chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
- }
-is executed on shellmachine via ssh (see L<dot-qmail/"EXTENSION ADDRESSES">).
-This behaviour can be surpressed by setting $FS::svc_acct_sm::nossh_hack true.
+ #If the configuration values (see L<FS::Conf>) shellmachine and qmailmachines
+ #exist, and domuser is `*' (meaning a catch-all mailbox), the command:
+ #
+ # [ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default ] || {
+ # touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
+ # chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
+ # }
+ #
+ #is executed on shellmachine via ssh (see L<dot-qmail/"EXTENSION ADDRESSES">).
+ #This behaviour can be surpressed by setting $FS::svc_acct_sm::nossh_hack true.
$error = $self->SUPER::insert;
return $error if $error;
- my $svc_domain = qsearchs( 'svc_domain', { 'svcnum' => $self->domsvc } );
- my $svc_acct = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'uid' => $self->domuid } );
- my ( $uid, $gid, $dir, $domain ) = (
- $svc_acct->uid,
- $svc_acct->gid,
- $svc_acct->dir,
- $svc_domain->domain,
- );
- my $qdomain = $domain;
- $qdomain =~ s/\./:/g; #see manpage for 'dot-qmail': EXTENSION ADDRESSES
- ssh("root\@$shellmachine","[ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default ] || { touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; }")
- if ( ! $nossh_hack && $shellmachine && $dir && $self->domuser eq '*' );
+ #my $svc_domain = qsearchs( 'svc_domain', { 'svcnum' => $self->domsvc } );
+ #my $svc_acct = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'uid' => $self->domuid } );
+ #my ( $uid, $gid, $dir, $domain ) = (
+ # $svc_acct->uid,
+ # $svc_acct->gid,
+ # $svc_acct->dir,
+ # $svc_domain->domain,
+ #);
+ #my $qdomain = $domain;
+ #$qdomain =~ s/\./:/g; #see manpage for 'dot-qmail': EXTENSION ADDRESSES
+ #ssh("root\@$shellmachine","[ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default ] || { touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; }")
+ # if ( ! $nossh_hack && $shellmachine && $dir && $self->domuser eq '*' );
''; #no error
=head1 VERSION
-$Id:,v 1.3 2001-04-22 01:56:15 ivan Exp $
+$Id:,v 1.4 2001-08-20 09:41:52 ivan Exp $
=head1 BUGS
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<FS::Record>, L<FS::Conf>, L<FS::cust_svc>, L<FS::part_svc>, L<FS::cust_pkg>,
L<FS::svc_acct>, L<FS::svc_domain>, L<Net::SSH>, L<ssh>, L<dot-qmail>,
schema.html from the base documentation.
package FS::svc_domain;
use strict;
-use vars qw( @ISA $whois_hack $conf $mydomain $smtpmachine
+use vars qw( @ISA $whois_hack $conf $smtpmachine
$tech_contact $from $to @nameservers @nameserver_ips @template
@mxmachines @nsmachines $soadefaultttl $soaemail $soaexpire $soamachine
$soarefresh $soaretry
use Mail::Header;
use Date::Format;
use Net::Whois 1.0;
+use Net::SSH qw(ssh);
use FS::Record qw(fields qsearch qsearchs dbh);
use FS::Conf;
use FS::svc_Common;
$FS::UID::callback{'FS::domain'} = sub {
$conf = new FS::Conf;
- $mydomain = $conf->config('domain');
$smtpmachine = $conf->config('smtpmachine');
$soarefresh = $conf->config('soarefresh');
$soaretry = $conf->config('soaretry');
+ $qshellmachine = $conf->exists('qmailmachines')
+ ? $conf->config('shellmachine')
+ : '';
=head1 NAME
If any machines are defined in the I<mxmachines> configuration file, MX
records are added to the domain_record table (see L<FS::domain_record>).
-Any problems adding FS::domain_record records will emit warnings, but will
-not return errors from this method. If your configuration files are correct
-you shouln't have any problems.
+If a machine is defined in the I<shellmachine> configuration value, the
+I<qmailmachines> configuration file exists, and the I<catchall> field points
+to an an account with a home directory (see L<FS::svc_acct>), the command:
+ [ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-defualt ] || {
+ touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
+ chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default;
+ }
+is executed on shellmachine via ssh (see L<dot-qmail/"EXTENSION ADDRESSES">).
+This behaviour can be supressed by setting $FS::svc_domain::nossh_hack true.
+a machine is defined
+in the
$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ if ( $qshellmachine && $self->catchall && ! $nossh_hack ) {
+ my $svc_acct = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $self->catchall } )
+ or warn "WARNING: inserted unknown catchall: ". $self->catchall;
+ if ( $svc_acct && $svc_acct->dir ) {
+ my $qdomain = $self->domain;
+ $qdomain =~ s/\./:/g; #see manpage for 'dot-qmail': EXTENSION ADDRESSES
+ my ( $uid, $gid, $dir ) = (
+ $svc_acct->uid,
+ $svc_acct->gid,
+ $svc_acct->dir,
+ );
+ ssh("root\@$qshellmachine", "[ -e $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default ] || { touch $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; chown $uid:$gid $dir/.qmail-$qdomain-default; }");
+ }
+ }
''; #no error
The corresponding FS::cust_svc record will be deleted as well.
+sub delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "Can't delete a domain which has accounts!"
+ if qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'domsvc' => $self->svcnum } );
+ return "Can't delete a domain with (svc_acct_sm) mail aliases!"
+ if qsearch('svc_acct_sm', { 'domsvc' => $self->svcnum } );
+ return "Can't delete a domain with (domain_record) zone entries!"
+ if qsearch('domain_record', { 'svcnum' => $self->svcnum } );
+ $self->SUPER::delete;
=item replace OLD_RECORD
Replaces OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
} elsif ( scalar(@svc_acct) > 1 ) {
return "More than one account in package ". $pkgnum. ": specify admin contact email";
} else {
- $self->email($svc_acct[0]->username. '@'. $mydomain);
+ $self->email($svc_acct[0]->email );
=head1 VERSION
-$Id:,v 1.15 2001-08-19 08:18:01 ivan Exp $
+$Id:,v 1.16 2001-08-20 09:41:52 ivan Exp $
=head1 BUGS
package FS::svc_forward;
use strict;
-use vars qw( @ISA $nossh_hack $conf $shellmachine @qmailmachines @vpopmailmachines);
+use vars qw( @ISA $nossh_hack $conf $shellmachine @qmailmachines
+ @vpopmailmachines );
+use Net::SSH qw(ssh);
+use FS::Conf;
use FS::Record qw( fields qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::svc_Common;
use FS::cust_svc;
-use Net::SSH qw(ssh);
-use FS::Conf;
use FS::svc_acct;
use FS::svc_domain;
#ask FS::UID to run this stuff for us later
$FS::UID::callback{'FS::svc_forward'} = sub {
$conf = new FS::Conf;
- $shellmachine = $conf->exists('qmailmachines')
- ? $conf->config('shellmachine')
- : '';
+ if ( $conf->exists('qmailmachines') ) {
+ $shellmachine = $conf->config('shellmachine')
+ } else {
+ $shellmachine = '';
+ }
if ( $conf->exists('vpopmailmachines') ) {
@vpopmailmachines = $conf->config('vpopmailmachines');
+ } else {
+ @vpopmailmachines = ();
=head1 VERSION
-$Id:,v 1.3 2001-08-19 15:53:35 jeff Exp $
+$Id:,v 1.4 2001-08-20 09:41:52 ivan Exp $
=head1 BUGS