-$Id: TODO,v 1.46 2000-06-27 12:15:50 ivan Exp $
+$Id: TODO,v 1.47 2000-07-03 09:03:14 ivan Exp $
If you are interested in helping with any of these, please join the mailing
list (send a blank message to ivan-freeside-subscribe@sisd.com) to avoid
+Bug: during the linking process apparantly you can link too many services to
+a package. *sigh*
zip code i18n is not very good :( but at least US, CA, HU, ?
ut_phonen doesn't check data length. several
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# $Id: svc_acct_sm.export,v 1.4 2000-06-29 14:02:29 ivan Exp $
+# $Id: svc_acct_sm.export,v 1.5 2000-07-03 09:03:14 ivan Exp $
# Create and export config files for sendmail, qmail
# /var/spool/freeside/conf and sendmail updates ivan@sisd.com 98-aug-14
# $Log: svc_acct_sm.export,v $
-# Revision 1.4 2000-06-29 14:02:29 ivan
+# Revision 1.5 2000-07-03 09:03:14 ivan
+# added sendmailrestart and sendmailconfigpath config files
+# Revision 1.4 2000/06/29 14:02:29 ivan
# add sendmailrestart configuration file
# Revision 1.3 2000/06/12 08:37:56 ivan
$conf = new FS::Conf;
+my($shellmachine, @qmailmachines);
if ( $conf->exists('qmailmachines') ) {
$shellmachine = $conf->config('shellmachine');
@qmailmachines = $conf->config('qmailmachines');
-my @sendmailmachines = $conf->config('sendmailmachines')
- if $conf->exists('sendmailmachines');
+my(@sendmailmachines, $sendmailconfigpath, $sendmailrestart);
+if $conf->exists('sendmailmachines') {
+ @sendmailmachines = $conf->config('sendmailmachines');
+ $sendmailconfigpath = $conf->config('sendmailconfigpath') || '/etc';
+ $sendmailrestart = $conf->config('sendmailrestart');
my $mydomain = $conf->config('domain');
foreach $sendmailmachine (@sendmailmachines) {
- scp("$spooldir/sendmail.cw","root\@$sendmailmachine:/etc/sendmail.cw.new")
+ scp("$spooldir/sendmail.cw","root\@$sendmailmachine:$sendmailconfigpath/sendmail.cw.new")
== 0 or die "scp error: $!";
- scp("$spooldir/virtusertable","root\@$sendmailmachine:/etc/virtusertable.new")
+ scp("$spooldir/virtusertable","root\@$sendmailmachine:$sendmailconfigpath/virtusertable.new")
== 0 or die "scp error: $!";
"( ".
- "mv /etc/sendmail.cw.new /etc/sendmail.cw; ".
- "mv /etc/virtusertable.new /etc/virtusertable; ".
- #"/etc/init.d/sendmail restart; ".
+ "mv $sendmailconfigpath/sendmail.cw.new $sendmailconfigpath/sendmail.cw; ".
+ "mv $sendmailconfigpath/virtusertable.new $sendmailconfigpath/virtusertable; ".
+ $sendmailrestart.
" )"
== 0 or die "ssh error: $!";
<li>registries/internic/to - Email address to which InterNIC domain registrations are sent.
+ <li>sendmailconfigpath - Sendmail configuration file path - defaults to `/etc'. Many newer distributions use `/etc/mail'.
<li>sendmailmachines - Your sendmail machines, one per line. This enables export of `/etc/virtusertable' and `/etc/sendmail.cw'.
<li>sendmailrestart - If defined, the command which is run on sendmail machines after files are copied.
<li>shellmachine - A single machine with user home directories mounted. This enables home directory creation, renaming and archiving/deletion. In conjunction with `qmailmachines', it also enables `.qmail-extension' file maintenance.