use base qw( FS::geocode_Mixin FS::Record );
use strict;
-use vars qw( $import );
+use vars qw( $import $DEBUG );
use Locale::Country;
use FS::UID qw( dbh driver_name );
use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::GeocodeCache;
use Date::Format qw( time2str );
+use Data::Dumper;
$import = 0;
+$DEBUG = 0;
=head1 NAME
FS::cust_location - Object methods for cust_location records
location_type, location_kind. Disabled locations will be found only if this
location is set to disabled.
-If 'coord_auto' is null, and latitude and longitude are not null, then
-latitude and longitude are also essential fields.
-All other fields are considered "non-essential". If a non-essential field is
-empty in this location, it will be ignored in determining whether an existing
-location matches.
-If a non-essential field is non-empty in this location, existing locations
-that contain a different non-empty value for that field will not match. An
-existing location in which the field is I<empty> will match, but will be
-updated in-place with the value of that field.
+All other fields are considered "non-essential" and will be ignored in
+finding a matching location. If the existing location doesn't match
+in these fields, it will be updated in-place to match.
Returns an error string if inserting or updating a location failed.
sub find_or_insert {
my $self = shift;
+ warn "find_or_insert:\n".Dumper($self) if $DEBUG;
my @essential = (qw(custnum address1 address2 city county state zip country
location_number location_type location_kind disabled));
- if ( !$self->coord_auto and $self->latitude and $self->longitude ) {
- push @essential, qw(latitude longitude);
- # but NOT coord_auto; if the latitude and longitude match the geocoded
- # values then that's good enough
- }
+ # I don't think this is necessary
+ #if ( !$self->coord_auto and $self->latitude and $self->longitude ) {
+ # push @essential, qw(latitude longitude);
+ # # but NOT coord_auto; if the latitude and longitude match the geocoded
+ # # values then that's good enough
+ #}
# put nonempty, nonessential fields/values into this hash
my %nonempty = map { $_ => $self->get($_) }
my %hash = map { $_ => $self->get($_) } @essential;
my @matches = qsearch('cust_location', \%hash);
- # consider candidate locations
- MATCH: foreach my $old (@matches) {
- my $reject = 0;
+ # we no longer reject matches for having different values in nonessential
+ # fields; we just alter the record to match
+ if ( @matches ) {
+ my $old = $matches[0];
+ warn "found existing location #".$old->locationnum."\n" if $DEBUG;
foreach my $field (keys %nonempty) {
- my $old_value = $old->get($field);
- if ( length($old_value) > 0 ) {
- if ( $field eq 'latitude' or $field eq 'longitude' ) {
- # special case, because these are decimals
- if ( abs($old_value - $nonempty{$field}) > 0.000001 ) {
- $reject = 1;
- }
- } elsif ( $old_value ne $nonempty{$field} ) {
- $reject = 1;
- }
- } else {
- # it's empty in $old, has a value in $self
+ if ($old->get($field) ne $nonempty{$field}) {
+ warn "altering $field to match requested location" if $DEBUG;
$old->set($field, $nonempty{$field});
- next MATCH if $reject;
} # foreach $field
if ( $old->modified ) {
+ warn "updating non-essential fields\n" if $DEBUG;
my $error = $old->replace;
return $error if $error;
# didn't find a match
+ warn "not found; inserting new location\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->insert;
sub move_to {
my $old = shift;
my $new = shift;
+ warn "move_to:\nFROM:".Dumper($old)."\nTO:".Dumper($new) if $DEBUG;
local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
return "Error creating location: $error";
+ } elsif ( $new->locationnum == $old->locationnum ) {
+ # then they're the same location; the normal result of doing a minor
+ # location edit
+ $dbh->commit if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return '';
# find all packages that have the old location as their service address,
'main_pkgnum' => '',
foreach my $cust_pkg (@pkgs) {
+ # don't move one-time charges that have already been charged
+ next if $cust_pkg->part_pkg->freq eq '0'
+ and ($cust_pkg->setup || 0) > 0;
$error = $cust_pkg->change(
'locationnum' => $new->locationnum,
'keep_dates' => 1