--- /dev/null
+package FS::DBI;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( DBI );
+=head1 NAME
+FS::DBI - Freeside wrapper for DBI
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::DBI;
+ $dbh = FS::DBI->connect( @args );
+ $dbh->do(
+ 'UPDATE table SET foo = ? WHERE bar = ?',
+ undef,
+ $foo, $bar
+ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
+See L<DBI>
+Allow Freeside to manage how DBI is used when necessary
+=head2 Legacy databases and DBD::Pg v3.0+
+Breaking behavior was introduced in DBD::Pg version 3.0.0
+in regards to L<DBD::Pg/pg_enable_utf8>.
+Some freedside databases are legacy databases with older encodings
+and locales. pg_enable_utf8 no longer sets client_encoding to utf8
+on non-utf8 databases, causing crashes and data corruption.
+FS::DBI->connect() enforces utf8 client_encoding on all DBD::Pg connections
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 connect @connect_args
+For usage, see L<DBI/connect>
+Force utf8 client_encoding on DBD::Pg connections
+sub connect {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $dbh = $class->SUPER::connect( @_ );
+ if ( $_[0] =~ /^DBI::Pg/ ) {
+ $dbh->do('SET client_encoding TO UTF8;')
+ or die sprintf 'Error setting client_encoding to UTF8: %s', $dbh->errstr;
+ # DBD::Pg requires touching this attribute when changing the client_encoding
+ # on an already established connection, to get expected behavior.
+ $dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = -1;
+ }
+ $dbh;
+# Stub required to subclass DBI
+package FS::DBI::st;
+use base qw( DBI::st );
+# Stub required to subclass DBI
+package FS::DBI::db;
+use base qw( DBI::db );
use subs qw( getsecrets );
use Carp qw( carp croak cluck confess );
-use DBI;
+use FS::DBI;
use IO::File;
use FS::CurrentUser;
sub myconnect {
- my $handle = DBI->connect( getsecrets(), { 'AutoCommit' => 0,
- 'ChopBlanks' => 1,
- 'ShowErrorStatement' => 1,
- 'pg_enable_utf8' => 1,
- #'mysql_enable_utf8' => 1,
- }
- )
- or die "DBI->connect error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+ my $handle = FS::DBI->connect(
+ getsecrets(),
+ {
+ 'AutoCommit' => 0,
+ 'ChopBlanks' => 1,
+ 'ShowErrorStatement' => 1,
+ 'pg_enable_utf8' => 1,
+ # 'mysql_enable_utf8' => 1,
+ }
+ ) or die "FS::DBI->connect error: $FS::DBI::errstr\n";
$FS::Conf::conf_cache = undef;