- add_full_period: Bill for the time up to the prorate day plus one full
-billing period after that.
+ billing period after that.
- prorate_round_day: Round the current time to the nearest full day,
-instead of using the exact time.
+ instead of using the exact time.
- prorate_defer_bill: Don't bill the prorate interval until the prorate
-day arrives.
+ day arrives.
- prorate_verbose: Generate details to explain the prorate calculations.
$add_period = 1;
- # if the customer alreqady has a billing day-of-month established,
+ # if the customer already has a billing day-of-month established,
# and it's a valid cutoff day, try to respect it
my $next_bill_day;
if ( my $next_bill = $cust_pkg->cust_main->next_bill_date ) {
my $permonth = $charge / $self->freq;
my $months = ( ( $self->freq - 1 ) + ($mend-$mnow) / ($mend-$mstart) );
- if ( $self->option('prorate_verbose',1)
- and $months > 0 and $months < $self->freq ) {
- push @$details,
- 'Prorated (' . time2str('%b %d', $mnow) .
- ' - ' . time2str('%b %d', $mend) . '): ' . $money_char .
- sprintf('%.2f', $permonth * $months + 0.00000001 );
- }
+ # after this, $self->freq - 1 < $months <= $self->freq
# add a full period if currently billing for a partial period
# or periods up to freq_override if billing for an override interval
if ( ($param->{'freq_override'} || 0) > 1 ) {
$months += $param->{'freq_override'} - 1;
- }
- elsif ( $add_period && $months < $self->freq) {
+ # freq_override - 1 correct here?
+ # (probably only if freq == 1, yes?)
+ } elsif ( $add_period && $months < $self->freq ) {
+ # 'add_period' is a misnomer.
+ # we add enough to make the total at least a full period
+ $months++;
+ $$sdate = $self->add_freq($mstart, 1);
+ # now $self->freq <= $months <= $self->freq + 1
+ # (note that this only happens if $months < $self->freq to begin with)
- if ( $self->option('prorate_verbose',1) ) {
- # calculate the prorated and add'l period charges
+ }
+ if ( $self->option('prorate_verbose',1) and $months > 0 ) {
+ if ( $months < $self->freq ) {
+ # we are billing a fractional period only
+ # # (though maybe not a fractional month)
+ my $period_end = $self->add_freq($mstart);
+ push @$details,
+ 'Prorated (' . time2str('%b %d', $mnow) .
+ ' - ' . time2str('%b %d', $period_end) . '): ' . $money_char .
+ sprintf('%.2f', $permonth * $months + 0.00000001 );
+ } elsif ( $months > $self->freq ) {
+ # we are billing MORE than a full period
push @$details,
- 'First full month: ' . $money_char .
- sprintf('%.2f', $permonth);
- }
- $months += $self->freq;
- $$sdate = $self->add_freq($mstart);
+ 'Prorated (' . time2str('%b %d', $mnow) .
+ ' - ' . time2str('%b %d', $mend) . '): ' . $money_char .
+ sprintf('%.2f', $permonth * ($months - $self->freq + 0.0000001)),
+ 'First full period: ' . $money_char .
+ sprintf('%.2f', $permonth * $self->freq);
+ } # else $months == $self->freq, and no prorating has happened
$param->{'months'} = $months;