#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# $Id: cust_pkg.cgi,v 1.7 1999-04-14 01:03:01 ivan Exp $
+# $Id: cust_pkg.cgi,v 1.8 1999-07-21 07:34:13 ivan Exp $
# this is for changing packages around, not editing things within the package
# 98-jun-1
# $Log: cust_pkg.cgi,v $
-# Revision 1.7 1999-04-14 01:03:01 ivan
+# Revision 1.8 1999-07-21 07:34:13 ivan
+# links to package browse and agent type edit if there aren't any packages to
+# order. thanks to "Tech Account" <techy@orac.hq.org>
+# Revision 1.7 1999/04/14 01:03:01 ivan
# oops, in 1.2 tree, can't do searches until [cgi|admin]suidsetup,
# bug is hidden by mod_perl persistance
use strict;
use vars qw( $cgi %pkg %comment $custnum $p1 @cust_pkg
- $cust_main $agent $type_pkgs $count %remove_pkg );
+ $cust_main $agent $type_pkgs $count %remove_pkg $pkgparts );
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup);
$cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main',{'custnum'=>$custnum});
$agent = qsearchs('agent',{'agentnum'=> $cust_main->agentnum });
-$count = 0 ;
-print qq!<TABLE>! ;
+$count = 0;
+$pkgparts = 0;
+print qq!<TABLE>!;
foreach $type_pkgs ( qsearch('type_pkgs',{'typenum'=> $agent->typenum }) ) {
+ $pkgparts++;
- print qq!<TR>! if ($count == 0) ;
+ print qq!<TR>! if ( $count == 0 );
my $value = $cgi->param("pkg$pkgpart") || 0;
print <<END;
$pkgpart: $pkg{$pkgpart} - $comment{$pkgpart}</TD>\n
$count ++ ;
- if ($count == 2)
- {
+ if ( $count == 2 ) {
print qq!</TR>\n! ;
- $count = 0 ;
+ $count = 0;
-print qq!</TABLE>! ;
+print qq!</TABLE>!;
-print qq!<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order">\n!;
+unless ( $pkgparts ) {
+ my $p2 = popurl(2);
+ my $typenum = $agent->typenum;
+ my $agent_type = qsearchs( 'agent_type', { 'typenum' => $typenum } );
+ my $atype = $agent_type->atype;
+ print <<END;
+(No <a href="${p2}browse/part_pkg.cgi">package definitions</a>, or agent type
+<a href="${p2}edit/agent_type.cgi?$typenum">$atype</a> not allowed to purchase
+any packages.)
print <<END;
+<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order">