#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# $Id: link.cgi,v 1.6 1999-02-28 00:03:51 ivan Exp $
+# $Id: link.cgi,v 1.7 1999-04-08 11:31:40 ivan Exp $
# ivan@voicenet.com 97-feb-5
# can also link on some other fields now (about time) ivan@sisd.com 98-jun-24
# $Log: link.cgi,v $
-# Revision 1.6 1999-02-28 00:03:51 ivan
+# Revision 1.7 1999-04-08 11:31:40 ivan
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.6 1999/02/28 00:03:51 ivan
# removed misleading comments
# Revision 1.5 1999/01/19 05:14:06 ivan
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup);
-use FS::CGI qw(popurl);
+use FS::CGI qw(popurl header);
use FS::Record qw(qsearchs);
%link_field = (
$svcdb = $part_svc->getfield('svcdb');
$link_field = $link_field{$svcdb};
-print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), header("Link to existing $svc account"),
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ), header("Link to existing $svc"),
qq!<FORM ACTION="!, popurl(1), qq!process/link.cgi" METHOD=POST>!;
if ( $link_field ) {