--- /dev/null
+package FS::Getopt;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::Getopt - Getopt::Std for Freeside command line/cron scripts
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use FS::Getopt;
+use FS::other_stuff;
+our %opt;
+print "Option A: $opt{A}
+Option B: $opt{B}
+Start date: $opt{start}
+End date: $opt{end}
+Freeside user: $opt{user}
+Verbose mode: $DEBUG
+This module provides a wrapper around Getopt::Std::getopts() that
+automatically processes certain common command line options, and sets
+up a convenient environment for writing a script.
+Options will go into %main::opt, as if you had called getopts(..., \%opt).
+All options recognized by the wrapper use (and will always use) lowercase
+letters as flags, so it's safe for a script to define its options as
+capital letters.
+Options recognized by the wrapper do not need to be included in the string
+argument to getopts().
+The following command line options are recognized:
+=over 4
+=item -v: Verbose mode. Sets $main::DEBUG.
+=item -s: Start date. If provided, FS::Getopt will parse it as a date
+and set $opt{start} to the resulting Unix timestamp value. If parsing fails,
+displays an error and exits.
+=item -e: End date. As for -s; sets $opt{end}.
+Calling getopts() also performs some additional setup:
+=over 4
+=item Exports a function named &main::debug, which performs a warn() if
+$DEBUG has a true value, and if not, does nothing. This should be used to
+output informational messages. (warn() is for warnings.)
+=item Captures the first command line argument after any switches and
+sets $opt{user} to that value. If a value isn't provided, prints an error
+and exits.
+=item Loads L<FS::UID> and calls adminsuidsetup() to connect to the database.
+use strict;
+use base 'Exporter';
+use Getopt::Std ();
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Misc::DateTime qw(parse_datetime day_end);
+our @EXPORT = qw( getopts debug );
+sub getopts {
+ my $optstring = shift;
+ my %opt;
+ $optstring .= 's:e:v';
+ Getopt::Std::getopts($optstring, \%opt);
+ $opt{user} = shift(@ARGV)
+ or die "Freeside username required.\n";
+ adminsuidsetup($opt{user})
+ or die "Failed to connect as user '$opt{user}'.\n";
+ # now we have config access
+ if ( $opt{s} ) {
+ $opt{start} = parse_datetime($opt{s})
+ or die "Unable to parse start date '$opt{s}'.\n";
+ }
+ if ( $opt{e} ) {
+ $opt{end} = parse_datetime($opt{e})
+ or die "Unable to parse start date '$opt{e}'.\n";
+ $opt{end} = day_end($opt{end});
+ }
+ if ( $opt{v} ) {
+ $main::DEBUG ||= $opt{v};
+ }
+ %main::opt = %opt;
+sub debug {
+ warn(@_, "\n") if $main::DEBUG;
$self->scalar_sql($sql, @_);
+=item row_exists [ WHERE [, PLACEHOLDER ...] ]
+Convenience method for the common case of "SELECT 1 FROM table ... LIMIT 1"
+with optional (but almost always needed) WHERE.
+sub row_exists {
+ my($self, $where) = (shift, shift);
+ my $table = $self->table or die 'row_exists called on object of class '.ref($self);
+ my $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM $table";
+ $sql .= " WHERE $where" if $where;
+ $sql .= " LIMIT 1";
+ $self->scalar_sql($sql, @_);
use JSON;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Cache::FileCache;
+use FS::Record qw(dbh);
+use FS::Misc::DateTime qw(parse_datetime);
+use DateTime;
our $me = '[voip.ms]';
-our $DEBUG = 2;
+our $DEBUG = 0;
+# our $DEBUG = 1; # log requests
+# our $DEBUG = 2; # log requests and content of replies
our $base_url = 'https://voip.ms/api/v1/rest.php';
# cache cities and provinces
sub insert_subacct {
my ($self, $svc_acct) = @_;
+=item import_cdrs START, END
+Retrieves CDRs for calls in the date range from START to END and inserts them
+as a new CDR batch. On success, returns a new cdr_batch object. On failure,
+returns an error message. If there are no new CDRs, returns nothing.
+sub import_cdrs {
+ my ($self, $start, $end) = @_;
+ $start ||= 0; # all CDRs ever
+ $end ||= time;
+ $DEBUG ||= $self->option('debug');
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ ($start, $end) = ($end, $start) if $end < $start;
+ $start = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $start, time_zone => 'local');
+ $end = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $end, time_zone => 'local');
+ my $accountnum = $self->option('account');
+ my $cdr_batch;
+ # can't retrieve more than 92 days at a time
+ # actually, it's even less than that; on large batches their server
+ # sometimes cuts off in mid-sentence. so set the chunk size smaller.
+ while ( $start < $end ) {
+ my $this_end = $start->clone;
+ $this_end->add(days => 14);
+ if ($this_end > $end) {
+ $this_end = $end;
+ }
+ my $date_from = $start->strftime('%F');
+ my $date_to = $this_end->strftime('%F');
+ warn "retrieving CDRs from $date_from to $date_to\n" if $DEBUG;
+ my $timezone = $start->strftime('%z') / 100; # integer number of hours
+ my $result = $self->api_request('getCDR', {
+ date_from => $date_from,
+ date_to => $date_to,
+ answered => 1,
+ noanswer => 1,
+ busy => 1,
+ failed => 1,
+ timezone => $timezone,
+ });
+ if ( $result->{status} eq 'success' ) {
+ if (!$cdr_batch) {
+ # then create one
+ my $cdrbatchname = 'voip_ms-' . $self->exportnum . '-' . $end->epoch;
+ $cdr_batch = FS::cdr_batch->new({ cdrbatch => $cdrbatchname });
+ my $error = $cdr_batch->insert;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ( @{ $result->{cdr} } ) {
+ my $uniqueid = $_->{uniqueid};
+ # download ranges may overlap; avoid double-importing CDRs
+ if ( FS::cdr->row_exists("uniqueid = ?", $uniqueid) ) {
+ warn "skipped call with uniqueid = '$uniqueid' (already imported)\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ # in this case, and probably in other cases in the near future,
+ # easier to do this than to create a FS::cdr::* format module
+ my $hash = {
+ disposition => $_->{disposition},
+ calldate => $_->{date},
+ dst => $_->{destination},
+ uniqueid => $_->{uniqueid},
+ upstream_price => $_->{total},
+ upstream_dst_regionname => $_->{description},
+ clid => $_->{callerid},
+ duration => $_->{seconds},
+ billsec => $_->{seconds},
+ cdrbatchnum => $cdr_batch->cdrbatchnum,
+ };
+ if ( $_->{date} ) {
+ $hash->{startdate} = parse_datetime($_->{date});
+ }
+ if ( $_->{account} eq $accountnum ) {
+ # calls made from the master account, not a subaccount
+ # charged_party will be set to the source number
+ $hash->{charged_party} = '';
+ } elsif ( $_->{account} =~ /^${accountnum}_(\w+)$/ ) {
+ $hash->{charged_party} = $1;
+ } else {
+ warn "skipped call with account = '$_->{account}'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $_->{callerid} =~ /<(\w+)>$/ ) {
+ $hash->{src} = $1;
+ } elsif ( $_->{callerid} =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
+ $hash->{src} = $1;
+ } else {
+ # else what? they don't have a source number anywhere else
+ warn "skipped call with unparseable callerid '$_->{callerid}'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $cdr = FS::cdr->new($hash);
+ my $error = $cdr->insert;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "$error (uniqueid $_->{uniqueid})";
+ }
+ } # foreach @{ $result->{cdr} }
+ } elsif ( $result->{status} eq 'no_cdr' ) {
+ # normal result if there are no CDRs, duh
+ next; # there may still be more CDRs later
+ } else {
+ dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "$me error retrieving CDRs: $result->{status}";
+ }
+ # we've retrieved and inserted this sub-batch of CDRs
+ $start->add(days => 15);
+ } # while ( $start < $end )
+ if ( $cdr_batch ) {
+ dbh->commit if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $cdr_batch;
+ } else {
+ # no CDRs were ever found
+ return;
+ }
'Accept' => 'text/json',
- warn "$me $method\n" . $request->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG;
+ warn "$me $method\n" if $DEBUG;
+ warn $request->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->request($request);
- warn "$me received\n" . $response->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG;
+ warn "$me received\n" . $response->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
if ( !$response->is_success ) {
return { status => $response->content };
- return decode_json($response->content);
+ local $@;
+ my $decoded_response = eval { decode_json($response->content) };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ die "Error parsing response:\n" . $response->content . "\n\n";
+ }
+ return $decoded_response;
=item api_insist METHOD, CONTENT
'svc_pbx.svcnum' => 'Freeside service # (svc_pbx.svcnum)',
'svc_pbx.ip.src' => 'PBX name to source IP address',
'svc_pbx.ip.dst' => 'PBX name to destination IP address',
+ 'svc_acct.username' => 'Username (svc_acct.username)',
tie my %rating_method, 'Tie::IxHash',
#my @invoice_details_sort;
# for tagging invoice details
+ # (unfortunate; should be a svc_x class method or table_info item or
+ # something)
my $phonenum;
if ( $svc_table eq 'svc_phone' ) {
$phonenum = $svc_x->phonenum;
} elsif ( $svc_table eq 'svc_pbx' ) {
$phonenum = $svc_x->title;
+ } elsif ( $svc_table eq 'svc_acct' ) {
+ $phonenum = $svc_x->username;
#first rate any outstanding CDRs not yet rated
- # XXX eventually use an FS::Cursor for this
+ # use FS::Cursor for this starting in 4.x
my $cdr_search = $svc_x->psearch_cdrs(%options);
$cdr_search->increment(0); # because we're changing their status as we go
use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
use FS::UI::bytecount;
use FS::UI::Web;
+use FS::PagedSearch qw( psearch ); # XXX in v4, replace with FS::Cursor
use FS::part_pkg;
use FS::part_svc;
use FS::svc_acct_pop;
$self->last_login ? ctime($self->last_login) : 'unknown';
+=item psearch_cdrs OPTIONS
+Returns a paged search (L<FS::PagedSearch>) for Call Detail Records
+associated with this service. For svc_acct, "associated with" means that
+either the "src" or the "charged_party" field of the CDR matches the
+"username" field of the service.
-sub get_cdrs {
- my($self, $start, $end, %opt ) = @_;
- my $did = $self->username; #yup
- my $prefix = $opt{'default_prefix'}; #convergent.au '+61'
- my $for_update = $opt{'for_update'} ? 'FOR UPDATE' : '';
- #SELECT $for_update * FROM cdr
- # WHERE calldate >= $start #need a conversion
- # AND calldate < $end #ditto
- # AND ( charged_party = "$did"
- # OR charged_party = "$prefix$did" #if length($prefix);
- # OR ( ( charged_party IS NULL OR charged_party = '' )
- # AND
- # ( src = "$did" OR src = "$prefix$did" ) # if length($prefix)
- # )
- # )
- # AND ( freesidestatus IS NULL OR freesidestatus = '' )
- my $charged_or_src;
- if ( length($prefix) ) {
- $charged_or_src =
- " AND ( charged_party = '$did'
- OR charged_party = '$prefix$did'
- OR ( ( charged_party IS NULL OR charged_party = '' )
- ( src = '$did' OR src = '$prefix$did' )
- )
- )
- ";
- } else {
- $charged_or_src =
- " AND ( charged_party = '$did'
- OR ( ( charged_party IS NULL OR charged_party = '' )
- src = '$did'
- )
- )
- ";
+sub psearch_cdrs {
+ my($self, %options) = @_;
+ my @fields;
+ my %hash;
+ my @where;
+ my $did = dbh->quote($self->username);
+ my $prefix = $options{'default_prefix'} || ''; #convergent.au '+61'
+ my $prefixdid = dbh->quote($prefix . $self->username);
+ my $for_update = $options{'for_update'} ? 'FOR UPDATE' : '';
+ if ( $options{inbound} ) {
+ # these will be selected under their DIDs
+ push @where, "FALSE";
+ }
+ my @orwhere;
+ if (!$options{'disable_charged_party'}) {
+ push @orwhere,
+ "charged_party = $did",
+ "charged_party = $prefixdid";
+ }
+ if (!$options{'disable_src'}) {
+ push @orwhere,
+ "src = $did AND charged_party IS NULL",
+ "src = $prefixdid AND charged_party IS NULL";
+ }
+ push @where, '(' . join(' OR ', @orwhere) . ')';
+ # $options{'status'} = '' is meaningful; for the rest of them it's not
+ if ( exists $options{'status'} ) {
+ $hash{'freesidestatus'} = $options{'status'};
+ }
+ if ( $options{'cdrtypenum'} ) {
+ $hash{'cdrtypenum'} = $options{'cdrtypenum'};
+ if ( $options{'calltypenum'} ) {
+ $hash{'calltypenum'} = $options{'calltypenum'};
+ }
+ if ( $options{'begin'} ) {
+ push @where, 'startdate >= '. $options{'begin'};
+ }
+ if ( $options{'end'} ) {
+ push @where, 'startdate < '. $options{'end'};
+ }
+ if ( $options{'nonzero'} ) {
+ push @where, 'duration > 0';
+ }
- qsearch(
- 'select' => "$for_update *",
+ my $extra_sql = join(' AND ', @where);
+ if ($extra_sql) {
+ if (keys %hash) {
+ $extra_sql = " AND ".$extra_sql;
+ } else {
+ $extra_sql = " WHERE ".$extra_sql;
+ }
+ }
+ return psearch({
+ 'select' => '*',
'table' => 'cdr',
- 'hashref' => {
- #( freesidestatus IS NULL OR freesidestatus = '' )
- 'freesidestatus' => '',
- },
- 'extra_sql' => $charged_or_src,
+ 'hashref' => \%hash,
+ 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
+ 'order_by' => "ORDER BY startdate $for_update",
+ });
- );
+=item get_cdrs (DEPRECATED)
+Like psearch_cdrs, but returns all the L<FS::cdr> objects at once, in a
+single list. Arguments are the same as for psearch_cdrs.
+sub get_cdrs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $psearch = $self->psearch_cdrs(@_);
+ qsearch ( $psearch->{query} )
# sub radius_groups has moved to svc_Radius_Mixin
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use FS::Misc::Getopt;
+use FS::cdr_batch;
+use FS::part_export;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
+use Date::Format 'time2str';
+# parse command line
+our %opt;
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+my @exports = qsearch('part_export', { exporttype => 'voip_ms' });
+if (!@exports) {
+ die "There are no voip.ms exports configured.\n";
+foreach my $part_export (@exports) {
+ debug "Account #".$part_export->option('account');
+ if (!$opt{start}) {
+ # find the most recently downloaded batch
+ my $exportnum = $part_export->exportnum;
+ my $most_recent = qsearchs({
+ 'table' => 'cdr_batch',
+ 'hashref' => { 'cdrbatch' => {op=>'like',
+ value=>'voip_ms-' . $exportnum . '-%'}
+ },
+ 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY _date DESC LIMIT 1',
+ });
+ if ( $most_recent ) {
+ $most_recent->cdrbatch =~ /-(\d+)$/; # extract the end timestamp
+ $opt{start} = $1;
+ debug "Downloading records since most recent batch: ".
+ time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $opt{start});
+ } else {
+ $opt{start} = 0;
+ debug "Downloading records since time = zero.";
+ }
+ }
+ $opt{end} ||= time;
+ my $error_or_batch = $part_export->import_cdrs( $opt{start}, $opt{end} );
+ if ( ref $error_or_batch ) {
+ debug "Created batch #".$error_or_batch->cdrbatchnum;
+ dbh->commit;
+ } elsif ( $error_or_batch ) {
+ warn $error_or_batch;
+ dbh->rollback;
+ } else {
+ debug "No CDRs found."
+ }
+sub usage {
+ "Usage: \n cdr-voip_ms.import [ options ] user
+ Options:
+ -v: be verbose
+ -s date: start date (defaults to the most recent batch date)
+ -e date: end date