use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
use Frontier::RPC2;
-use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
-use FS::cust_main qw( smart_search );
+# Instead of 'use'ing freeside modules on the fly below, just preload them now.
+use FS;
+use FS::CGI;
+use FS::Record;
+use FS::cust_main;
@ISA = qw( );
#die 'Called _serve without parameters' unless ref($params) eq 'ARRAY';
$params = [] unless (ref($params) eq 'ARRAY');
- my ($class, $sub) = split(/\./, $method_name);
- my $fssub = "FS::${class}::${sub}";
- warn "fssub: ${fssub}" if $DEBUG;
- warn "params: " . Dumper($params) if $DEBUG;
- unless (UNIVERSAL::can("FS::${class}", $sub)) {
- warn "FS::XMLRPC: Can't call undefined subroutine '${fssub}'";
- # Should we encode an error in the response,
- # or just break silently to the remote caller and complain locally?
- return [];
- }
- my @result;
- eval {
- no strict 'refs';
+ if ($method_name =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)/) {
+ #my ($class, $sub) = split(/\./, $method_name);
+ my ($class, $sub) = ($1, $2);
my $fssub = "FS::${class}::${sub}";
- @result = (&$fssub(@$params));
- };
- if ($@) {
- warn "FS::XMLRPC: Error while calling '${fssub}': $@";
- return [];
- }
- warn Dumper(@result);
- if (grep { UNIVERSAL::can($_, 'hashref') ? 0 : 1 } @result) {
- warn "FS::XMLRPC: One or more objects returned from '${fssub}' doesn't " .
- "support the 'hashref' method.";
- return [];
- } else {
- return [ map { $_->hashref } @result ];
- }
+ warn "fssub: ${fssub}" if $DEBUG;
+ warn "params: " . Dumper($params) if $DEBUG;
+ unless (UNIVERSAL::can("FS::${class}", $sub)) {
+ warn "FS::XMLRPC: Can't call undefined subroutine '${fssub}'";
+ # Should we encode an error in the response,
+ # or just break silently to the remote caller and complain locally?
+ return [];
+ }
+ my @result;
+ eval {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $fssub = "FS::${class}::${sub}";
+ @result = (&$fssub(@$params));
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn "FS::XMLRPC: Error while calling '${fssub}': $@";
+ return [];
+ }
+ warn Dumper(@result);
+ if (grep { UNIVERSAL::can($_, 'hashref') ? 0 : 1 } @result) {
+ warn "FS::XMLRPC: One or more objects returned from '${fssub}' doesn't " .
+ "support the 'hashref' method.";
+ return [];
+ } else {
+ return [ map { $_->hashref } @result ];
+ }
+ } elsif ($method_name eq 'version') {
+ return [ $FS::VERSION ];
+ } # else...
+ warn "Unhandle XMLRPC request '${method_name}'";
+ return [];