# but NOT $conf
use vars qw( $invoice_lines @buf ); #yuck
-use List::Util qw(sum);
+use List::Util qw(sum first);
use Date::Format;
use Date::Language;
use Text::Template 1.20;
warn "$me generating sections\n"
if $DEBUG > 1;
- my $taxtotal = 0;
- my $tax_section = { 'description' => $self->mt('Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees'),
- 'subtotal' => $taxtotal, # adjusted below
- 'tax_section' => 1,
- };
- my $tax_weight = _pkg_category($tax_section->{description})
- ? _pkg_category($tax_section->{description})->weight
- : 0;
- $tax_section->{'summarized'} = ''; #why? $summarypage && !$tax_weight ? 'Y' : '';
- $tax_section->{'sort_weight'} = $tax_weight;
- my $adjusttotal = 0;
- my $adjust_section = {
- 'description' => $self->mt('Credits, Payments, and Adjustments'),
- 'adjust_section' => 1,
- 'subtotal' => 0, # adjusted below
- };
- my $adjust_weight = _pkg_category($adjust_section->{description})
- ? _pkg_category($adjust_section->{description})->weight
- : 0;
- $adjust_section->{'summarized'} = ''; #why? $summarypage && !$adjust_weight ? 'Y' : '';
- $adjust_section->{'sort_weight'} = $adjust_weight;
my $unsquelched = $params{unsquelch_cdr} || $cust_main->squelch_cdr ne 'Y';
my $multisection = $conf->exists($tc.'sections', $cust_main->agentnum) ||
$conf->exists($tc.'sections_by_location', $cust_main->agentnum);
$previous_section = $default_section;
+ my $adjust_section = {
+ 'description' => $self->mt('Credits, Payments, and Adjustments'),
+ 'adjust_section' => 1,
+ 'subtotal' => 0, # adjusted below
+ };
+ my $adjust_weight = _pkg_category($adjust_section->{description})
+ ? _pkg_category($adjust_section->{description})->weight
+ : 0;
+ $adjust_section->{'summarized'} = ''; #why? $summarypage && !$adjust_weight ? 'Y' : '';
+ # Note: 'sort_weight' here is actually a flag telling whether there is an
+ # explicit package category for the adjust section. If so, certain behavior
+ # happens.
+ $adjust_section->{'sort_weight'} = $adjust_weight;
if ( $multisection ) {
($extra_sections, $extra_lines) =
$self->_items_extra_usage_sections($escape_function_nonbsp, $format)
warn "$me adding taxes\n"
if $DEBUG > 1;
+ # create a tax section if we don't yet have one
+ my $tax_description = 'Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees';
+ my $tax_section = first { $_->{description} eq $tax_description } @sections;
+ if (!$tax_section) {
+ $tax_section = { 'description' => $tax_description };
+ push @sections, $tax_section if $multisection;
+ }
+ $tax_section->{tax_section} = 1; # mark this section as containing taxes
+ # if this is an existing tax section, we're merging the tax items into it.
+ # grab the taxtotal that's already there, strip the money symbol if any
+ my $taxtotal = $tax_section->{'subtotal'} || 0;
+ $taxtotal =~ s/^\Q$other_money_char\E//;
+ # this does nothing
+ #my $tax_weight = _pkg_category($tax_section->{description})
+ # ? _pkg_category($tax_section->{description})->weight
+ # : 0;
+ #$tax_section->{'summarized'} = ''; #why? $summarypage && !$tax_weight ? 'Y' : '';
+ #$tax_section->{'sort_weight'} = $tax_weight;
my @items_tax = $self->_items_tax;
foreach my $tax ( @items_tax ) {
$other_money_char. sprintf('%.2f', $self->charged - $taxtotal );
if ( $multisection ) {
- $tax_section->{'subtotal'} = $other_money_char.
- sprintf('%.2f', $taxtotal);
- $tax_section->{'pretotal'} = 'New charges sub-total '.
- $total->{'total_amount'};
- if ( $taxtotal ) {
- push @sections, $tax_section;
- push @summary_subtotals, $tax_section;
+ if ( $taxtotal > 0 ) {
+ $tax_section->{'subtotal'} = $other_money_char.
+ sprintf('%.2f', $taxtotal);
+ $tax_section->{'pretotal'} = 'New charges sub-total '.
+ $total->{'total_amount'};
+ $tax_section->{'description'} = $self->mt($tax_description);
+ # append it if it's not already there
+ if ( !grep $tax_section, @sections ) {
+ push @sections, $tax_section;
+ push @summary_subtotals, $tax_section;
+ }
} else {
unshift @total_items, $total;
$money_char. sprintf("%10.2f",$self->charged) ];
push @buf,['',''];
# Totals
$total->{'total_item'} = &$escape_function($credit->{'description'});
$credittotal += $credit->{'amount'};
$total->{'total_amount'} = $minus.$other_money_char.$credit->{'amount'};
- $adjusttotal += $credit->{'amount'};
if ( $multisection ) {
push @detail_items, {
ext_description => [],
$total->{'total_item'} = &$escape_function($payment->{'description'});
$paymenttotal += $payment->{'amount'};
$total->{'total_amount'} = $minus.$other_money_char.$payment->{'amount'};
- $adjusttotal += $payment->{'amount'};
if ( $multisection ) {
push @detail_items, {
ext_description => [],
if ( $multisection ) {
$adjust_section->{'subtotal'} = $other_money_char.
- sprintf('%.2f', $adjusttotal);
+ sprintf('%.2f', $credittotal + $paymenttotal);
+ #why this? because {sort_weight} forces the adjust_section to appear
+ #in @extra_sections instead of @sections. obviously.
push @sections, $adjust_section
unless $adjust_section->{sort_weight};
# do not summarize; adjustments there are shown according to
$self->_items_cust_bill_pkg([ $self->cust_bill_pkg ])
-The only OPTIONS accepted is 'section', which may point to a hashref
-with a key named 'condensed', which may have a true value. If it
-does, this method tries to merge identical items into items with
-'quantity' equal to the number of items (not the sum of their
-separate quantities, for some reason).
+OPTIONS are passed through to _items_cust_bill_pkg, and should include
+'format' and 'escape_function' at minimum.
+To produce items for a specific invoice section, OPTIONS should include
+'section', a hashref containing 'category' and/or 'locationnum' keys.
+'section' may also contain a key named 'condensed'. If this is present
+and has a true value, _items_pkg will try to merge identical items into items
+with 'quantity' equal to the number of items (not the sum of their separate
+quantities, for some reason).
foreach (sort keys(%base_invnums)) {
next if $_ == $self->invnum;
+ # per convention, we must escape ext_description lines
push @ext_desc,
$self->mt('from invoice #[_1] on [_2]', $_, $base_invnums{$_})
my $desc = $part_fee->itemdesc_locale($self->cust_main->locale);
- $desc = &{$escape_function}($desc);
+ # but not escape the base description line
push @items,
{ feepart => $cust_bill_pkg->feepart,
use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA $me $DEBUG );
-use FS::Record qw( qsearch );
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::pkg_class;
use FS::part_pkg;
$weight += 10;
+ # create default category for package fees
+ my $tax_category_name = 'Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees';
+ my $tax_category = qsearchs('pkg_category',
+ { categoryname => $tax_category_name }
+ );
+ if (!$tax_category) {
+ $tax_category = FS::pkg_category->new({
+ categoryname => $tax_category_name,
+ weight => 1000, # doesn't really matter
+ });
+ my $error = $tax_category->insert;
+ die "error creating tax category: $error\n" if $error;
+ }
+ my $fee_class_name = 'Fees'; # does not appear on invoice
+ my $fee_class = qsearchs('pkg_class', { classname => $fee_class_name });
+ if (!$fee_class) {
+ $fee_class = FS::pkg_class->new({
+ classname => $fee_class_name,
+ categorynum => $tax_category->categorynum,
+ });
+ my $error = $fee_class->insert;
+ die "error creating fee class: $error\n" if $error;
+ }
+ # assign it to all fee defs that don't otherwise have a class
+ foreach my $part_fee (qsearch('part_fee', { classnum => '' })) {
+ $part_fee->set('classnum', $fee_class->classnum);
+ my $error = $part_fee->replace;
+ die "error assigning default class to fee def#".$part_fee->feepart .
+ ":$error\n" if $error;
+ }