--- /dev/null
+package FS::part_export::portaone;
+use strict;
+use base qw( FS::part_export );
+use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
+use Net::HTTPS::Any qw(https_post);
+use FS::Conf;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+PortaOne integration for Freeside
+This export offers basic svc_phone provisioning for PortaOne.
+During insert, this will add customers to portaone if they do not yet exist,
+using the customer prefix + custnum as the customer name. An account will
+be created for the service and assigned to the customer, using account prefix
++ svcnum as the account id. During replace, the customer info will be updated
+if it already exists in the system.
+This module also provides generic methods for working through the L</PortaOne API>.
+use vars qw( %info );
+tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
+ 'username' => { label => 'User Name',
+ default => '' },
+ 'password' => { label => 'Password',
+ default => '' },
+ 'port' => { label => 'Port',
+ default => 443 },
+ 'account_prefix' => { label => 'Account ID Prefix',
+ default => 'FREESIDE_CUST' },
+ 'customer_prefix' => { label => 'Customer Name Prefix',
+ default => 'FREESIDE_SVC' },
+ 'debug' => { type => 'checkbox',
+ label => 'Enable debug warnings' },
+%info = (
+ 'svc' => 'svc_phone',
+ 'desc' => 'Export customer and service/account to PortaOne',
+ 'options' => \%options,
+ 'notes' => <<'END',
+During insert, this will add customers to portaone if they do not yet exist,
+using the customer prefix + custnum as the customer name. An account will
+be created for the service and assigned to the customer, using account prefix
++ svcnum as the account id. During replace, the customer info will be updated
+if it already exists in the system.
+sub _export_insert {
+ my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+ # load needed info from our end
+ my $cust_main = $svc_phone->cust_main;
+ return "Could not load service customer" unless $cust_main;
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+ # initialize api session
+ $self->api_login;
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ # load DID, abort if it is already assigned
+# my $number_info = $self->api_call('DID','get_number_info',{
+# 'number' => $svc_phone->countrycode . $svc_phone->phonenum
+# },'number_info');
+# return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+# return "Number is already assigned" if $number_info->{'i_account'};
+ # reserve DID
+ # check if customer already exists
+ my $customer_info = $self->api_call('Customer','get_customer_info',{
+ 'name' => $self->option('customer_prefix') . $cust_main->custnum,
+ },'customer_info');
+ my $i_customer = $customer_info ? $customer_info->{'i_customer'} : undef;
+ # insert customer (using name => custnum) if customer with that name/custnum doesn't exist
+ # has the possibility of creating duplicates if customer was previously hand-entered,
+ # could check if customer has existing services on our end, load customer from one of those
+ # but...not right now
+ unless ($i_customer) {
+ $i_customer = $self->api_call('Customer','add_customer',{
+ 'customer_info' => {
+ 'name' => $self->option('customer_prefix') . $cust_main->custnum,
+ 'iso_4217' => ($conf->config('currency') || 'USD'),
+ }
+ },'i_customer');
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ return "Error creating customer" unless $i_customer;
+ }
+ # check if account already exists
+ my $account_info = $self->api_call('Account','get_account_info',{
+ 'id' => $self->option('account_prefix') . $svc_phone->svcnum,
+ },'account_info');
+ my $i_account;
+ if ($account_info) {
+ # there shouldn't be any time account already exists on insert,
+ # but if custnum & svcnum match, should be safe to run with it
+ return "Account " . $svc_phone->svcnum . " already exists"
+ unless $account_info->{'i_customer'} eq $i_customer;
+ $i_account = $account_info->{'i_account'};
+ } else {
+ # normal case--insert account for this service
+ $i_account = $self->api_call('Account','add_account',{
+ 'account_info' => {
+ 'id' => $self->option('account_prefix') . $svc_phone->svcnum,
+ 'i_customer' => $i_customer,
+ 'iso_4217' => ($conf->config('currency') || 'USD'),
+ }
+ },'i_account');
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ }
+ return "Error creating account" unless $i_account;
+ # assign DID to account
+ # update customer, including name
+ $self->api_update_customer($i_customer,$cust_main);
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ # end api session
+ return $self->api_logout;
+sub _export_replace {
+ my ($self, $svc_phone, $svc_phone_old) = @_;
+ # load needed info from our end
+ my $cust_main = $svc_phone->cust_main;
+ return "Could not load service customer" unless $cust_main;
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+ # initialize api session
+ $self->api_login;
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ # check for existing customer
+ # should be loading this from DID...
+ my $customer_info = $self->api_call('Customer','get_customer_info',{
+ 'name' => $cust_main->custnum,
+ },'customer_info');
+ my $i_customer = $customer_info ? $customer_info->{'i_customer'} : undef;
+ return "Customer not found in portaone" unless $i_customer;
+ # if did changed
+ # make sure new did is available, reserve
+ # release old did from account
+ # assign new did to account
+ # update customer info
+ $self->api_update_customer($i_customer,$cust_main);
+ return $self->api_error if $self->api_error;
+ # end api session
+ return $self->api_logout();
+sub _export_delete {
+ my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+ return '';
+sub _export_suspend {
+ my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+ return '';
+sub _export_unsuspend {
+ my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+ return '';
+=head1 PortaOne API
+These methods allow access to the PortaOne API using the credentials
+set in the export options.
+ $export->api_login;
+ die $export->api_error if $export->api_error;
+ my $customer_info = $export->api_call('Customer','get_customer_info',{
+ 'name' => $export->option('customer_prefix') . $cust_main->custnum,
+ },'customer_info');
+ die $export->api_error if $export->api_error;
+ $export->api_logout;
+ die $export->api_error if $export->api_error;
+=head2 api_call
+Accepts I<$service>, I<$method>, I<$params> hashref and optional
+I<$returnfield>. Places an api call to the specified service
+and method with the specified params. Returns the decoded json
+object returned by the api call. If I<$returnfield> is specified,
+returns only that field of the decoded object, and errors out if
+that field does not exist. Returns empty on failure; retrieve
+error messages using L</api_error>.
+Must run L</api_login> first.
+sub api_call {
+ my ($self,$service,$method,$params,$returnfield) = @_;
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} = '';
+ my $auth_info = $self->{'__portaone_auth_info'};
+ my %auth_info = $auth_info ? ('auth_info' => encode_json($auth_info)) : ();
+ $params ||= {};
+ print "Calling $service/$method\n" if $self->option('debug');
+ my ( $page, $response, %reply_headers ) = https_post(
+ 'host' => $self->machine,
+ 'port' => $self->option('port'),
+ 'path' => '/rest/'.$service.'/'.$method.'/',
+ 'args' => [ %auth_info, 'params' => encode_json($params) ],
+ );
+ if (($response eq '200 OK') || ($response =~ /^500/)) {
+ my $result;
+ eval { $result = decode_json($page) };
+ unless ($result) {
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} = "Error decoding json: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($response eq '200 OK') {
+ return $result unless $returnfield;
+ unless (exists $result->{$returnfield}) {
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} = "Field $returnfield not returned during $service/$method";
+ return;
+ }
+ return $result->{$returnfield};
+ }
+ if ($result->{'faultcode'}) {
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} =
+ "Server returned error during $service/$method: ".$result->{'faultstring'};
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} =
+ "Bad response from server during $service/$method: $response";
+ return;
+=head2 api_error
+Returns the error string set by L</PortaOne API> methods,
+or a blank string if most recent call produced no errors.
+sub api_error {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'__portaone_error'} || '';
+=head2 api_login
+Initializes an api session using the credentials for this export.
+Always returns empty. Retrieve error messages using L</api_error>.
+sub api_login {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'__portaone_auth_info'} = undef; # needs to be declared undef for api_call
+ my $result = $self->api_call('Session','login',{
+ 'login' => $self->option('username'),
+ 'password' => $self->option('password'),
+ });
+ return unless $result;
+ $self->{'__portaone_auth_info'} = $result;
+ return;
+=head2 api_logout
+Ends the current api session established by L</api_login>.
+For convenience, returns L</api_error>.
+sub api_logout {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->api_call('Session','logout',$self->{'__portaone_auth_info'});
+ return $self->api_error;
+=head2 api_update_customer
+Accepts I<$i_customer> and I<$cust_main>. Updates the customer
+specified by I<$i_customer> with the current values of I<$cust_main>.
+Always returns empty. Retrieve error messages using L</api_error>.
+sub api_update_customer {
+ my ($self,$i_customer,$cust_main) = @_;
+ my $location = $cust_main->bill_location;
+ unless ($location) {
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} = "Could not load customer location";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $updated_customer = $self->api_call('Customer','update_customer',{
+ 'i_customer' => $i_customer,
+ 'companyname' => $cust_main->company,
+ 'firstname' => $cust_main->first,
+ 'lastname' => $cust_main->last,
+ 'baddr1' => $location->address1,
+ 'baddr2' => $location->address2,
+ 'city' => $location->city,
+ 'state' => $location->state,
+ 'zip' => $location->zip,
+ 'country' => $location->country,
+ # could also add contact phones & email here
+ },'i_customer');
+ $self->{'__portaone_error'} = "Customer updated, but custnum mismatch detected"
+ unless $updated_customer eq $i_customer;
+ return;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jonathan Prykop