sub bill {
my( $self, %options ) = @_;
return '' if $self->payby eq 'COMP';
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
warn "$me bill customer ". $self->custnum. "\n"
if $DEBUG;
next unless @cust_bill_pkg; #don't create an invoice w/o line items
+ warn "$me billing pass $pass\n".
+ Dumper(\@cust_bill_pkg)."\n"
+ if $DEBUG > 2;
if ( scalar( grep { $_->recur && $_->recur > 0 } @cust_bill_pkg) ||
sub calculate_taxes {
my ($self, $cust_bill_pkg, $taxlisthash, $invoice_time) = @_;
- my @tax_line_items = ();
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
- warn "having a look at the taxes we found...\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ warn "$me calculate_taxes\n".
+ Dumper($self, $cust_bill_pkg, $taxlisthash, $invoice_time). "\n"
+ if $DEBUG > 2;
+ my @tax_line_items = ();
# keys are tax names (as printed on invoices / itemdesc )
# values are listrefs of taxlisthash keys (internal identifiers)
sub _make_lines {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my $part_pkg = $params{part_pkg} or die "no part_pkg specified";
my $cust_pkg = $params{cust_pkg} or die "no cust_pkg specified";
my $precommit_hooks = $params{precommit_hooks} or die "no package specified";
my $real_pkgpart = shift;
my $options = shift;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my %cust_bill_pkg = ();
my %taxes = ();
my $part_pkg = shift;
my $class = shift;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my @taxes = ();
my $geocode = $self->geocode('cch');
sub collect {
my( $self, %options ) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my $invoice_time = $options{'invoice_time'} || time;
#put below somehow?
sub do_cust_event {
my( $self, %options ) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my $time = $options{'time'} || time;
#put below somehow?
sub discount_term_values {
my $self = shift;
my $term = shift;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
warn "$me discount_term_values called with $term\n" if $DEBUG;
my %result = ();
#my $DEBUG = $opt{'debug'}
local($DEBUG) = $opt{'debug'}
if defined($opt{'debug'}) && $opt{'debug'} > $DEBUG;
+ $DEBUG = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
warn "$me due_cust_event called with options ".
join(', ', map { "$_: $opt{$_}" } keys %opt). "\n"
sub realtime_collect {
my( $self, %options ) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
if ( $DEBUG ) {
warn "$me realtime_collect:\n";
warn " $_ => $options{$_}\n" foreach keys %options;
sub realtime_bop {
my $self = shift;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my %options = ();
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
%options = %{$_[0]};
sub _realtime_bop_result {
my( $self, $cust_pay_pending, $transaction, %options ) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
if ( $DEBUG ) {
warn "$me _realtime_bop_result: pending transaction ".
$cust_pay_pending->paypendingnum. "\n";
sub realtime_botpp_capture {
my( $self, $cust_pay_pending, %options ) = @_;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
if ( $DEBUG ) {
warn "$me realtime_botpp_capture: pending transaction $cust_pay_pending\n";
warn " $_ => $options{$_}\n" foreach keys %options;
sub realtime_refund_bop {
my $self = shift;
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
my %options = ();
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
%options = %{$_[0]};
my $self = shift;
my $opt = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ };
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
warn "$me order_pkg called with options ".
join(', ', map { "$_: $opt->{$_}" } keys %$opt ). "\n"
if $DEBUG;
my %options = @_;
$seconds_ref ||= $options{'seconds_ref'};
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
warn "$me order_pkgs called with options ".
join(', ', map { "$_: $options{$_}" } keys %options ). "\n"
if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
my $extra_qsearch = ref($_[0]) ? shift : {};
+ local($DEBUG) = $cust_main::DEBUG if $cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
return $self->num_ncancelled_pkgs unless wantarray;
my @cust_pkg = ();