'msgname' => 'Template name',
'from_addr' => 'From: ',
'bcc_addr' => 'Bcc: ',
- 'locale' => 'Language',
+ 'locale' => 'Locale',
'subject' => 'Subject: ',
'body' => 'Message body',
'edit_callback' => \&edit_callback,
'error_callback' => \&edit_callback,
'html_bottom' => '</DIV>',
+ 'html_table_bottom'=> \&html_table_bottom,
'html_foot' => ( $no_submit ? '' : "</TD>$sidebar</TR></TABLE>" ),
'no_submit' => $no_submit,
# make a list of available locales
my $content_locales = $object->content_locales;
- my @locales = grep { !exists($content_locales->{$_}) } FS::Locales->locales;
+ my @locales = grep { !exists($content_locales->{$_}) }
+ FS::Conf->new->config('available-locales');
my %labels;
foreach (@locales) {
my %info = FS::Locales->locale_info($_);
- $labels{$_} = $info{'name'}; # ignoring country for now
+ $labels{$_} = $info{'label'};
unshift @locales, 'new';
$labels{'new'} = 'Select language';
curr_value => 'new',
onchange => $onchange_locale,
- } # else it's already set up correctly
+ }
sub menubar_opt_callback {
foreach my $l (FS::Locales->locales) {
if ( exists $object->content_locales->{$l} ) {
my %info = FS::Locales->locale_info($l);
- push @tabs,
- $info{'name'},
+ push @tabs,
+ $info{'label'},
- $selected = $info{'name'} if $object->locale eq $l;
+ $selected = $info{'label'} if $object->locale eq $l;
else {
$display_new = 1; # there is at least one unused locale left
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance("body");
+function areyousure(url, message) {
+ if (confirm(message))
+ window.location.href = url;
<TD valign="top"><FORM name="dummy">
Substitutions: '
+sub html_table_bottom {
+ my $object = shift;
+ $cgi->param('locale') =~ /^(\w+)$/;
+ my $locale = $1;
+ my $html;
+ if ( $locale and $locale ne 'new' ) {
+ # set up a delete link
+ my $msgnum = $object->msgnum;
+ my $url = $p."misc/delete-template_content.html?msgnum=$msgnum;locale=$1";
+ my $link = qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('$url','Really delete this template?')">! .
+ 'Delete this template' .
+ '</A>';
+ $html = qq!<TR><TD></TD>
+ <TD STYLE="font-style: italic; font-size: small">$link</TD></TR>!;
+ }
+ $html;
--- /dev/null
+die "access denied"
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right(['Edit templates', 'Edit global templates']);
+my ($msgnum, $locale);
+$cgi->param('msgnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "bad msgnum";
+$msgnum = $1;
+$cgi->param('locale') =~ /^(\w+)$/ or die "bad locale";
+$locale = $1;
+my $content = qsearchs('template_content',
+ { msgnum => $msgnum, locale => $locale })
+ or die "couldn't find $locale version of template #$msgnum";
+my $error = $content->delete;
+my $url = $p.'edit/msg_template.html?msgnum='.$msgnum;
+$url .= ";locale=$locale;error=$error" if $error;
+<% $cgi->redirect($url) %>