sub charge {
my $self = shift;
- my ( $amount, $quantity, $start_date, $classnum );
+ my ( $amount, $setup_cost, $quantity, $start_date, $classnum );
my ( $pkg, $comment, $additional );
my ( $setuptax, $taxclass ); #internal taxes
my ( $taxproduct, $override ); #vendor (CCH) taxes
my $locationnum;
if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) {
$amount = $_[0]->{amount};
+ $setup_cost = $_[0]->{setup_cost};
$quantity = exists($_[0]->{quantity}) ? $_[0]->{quantity} : 1;
$start_date = exists($_[0]->{start_date}) ? $_[0]->{start_date} : '';
$no_auto = exists($_[0]->{no_auto}) ? $_[0]->{no_auto} : '';
$locationnum = $_[0]->{locationnum} || $self->ship_locationnum;
} else {
$amount = shift;
+ $setup_cost = '';
$quantity = 1;
$start_date = '';
$pkg = @_ ? shift : 'One-time charge';
'setuptax' => $setuptax,
'taxclass' => $taxclass,
'taxproductnum' => $taxproduct,
+ 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost,
} );
my %options = ( ( map { ("additional_info$_" => $additional->[$_] ) }
if ( !$self->get('setup') ) {
- # not yet billed, so allow amount and quantity
+ # not yet billed, so allow amount, setup_cost, quantity and start_date
+ if ( exists($opt{'amount'})
+ and $part_pkg->option('setup_fee') != $opt{'amount'}
+ and $opt{'amount'} > 0 ) {
+ $pkg_opt{'setup_fee'} = $opt{'amount'};
+ $pkg_opt_modified = 1;
+ }
+ if ( exists($opt{'setup_cost'})
+ and $part_pkg->setup_cost != $opt{'setup_cost'}
+ and $opt{'setup_cost'} > 0 ) {
+ $part_pkg->set('setup_cost', $opt{'setup_cost'});
+ }
if ( exists($opt{'quantity'})
and $opt{'quantity'} != $self->quantity
and $opt{'quantity'} > 0 ) {
$self->set('quantity', $opt{'quantity'});
if ( exists($opt{'start_date'})
and $opt{'start_date'} != $self->start_date ) {
$self->set('start_date', $opt{'start_date'});
- if ( exists($opt{'amount'})
- and $part_pkg->option('setup_fee') != $opt{'amount'}
- and $opt{'amount'} > 0 ) {
- $pkg_opt{'setup_fee'} = $opt{'amount'};
- $pkg_opt_modified = 1;
- }
} # else simply ignore them; the UI shouldn't allow editing the fields
my $error;
my $message;
-if ( $param->{'pkgnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+if ( $param->{'pkgnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { #modifying an existing one-time charge
$message = "One-time charge changed";
my $pkgnum = $1;
die "access denied"
my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg;
die "pkgnum $pkgnum is not a one-time charge" unless $part_pkg->freq eq '0';
- my ($amount, $quantity, $start_date);
+ my ($amount, $setup_cost, $quantity);
if ( $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*(\d*(\.\d{1,2})*)\s*$/ ) {
$amount = sprintf('%.2f', $1);
+ if ( $cgi->param('setup_cost') =~ /^\s*(\d*(\.\d{1,2})*)\s*$/ ) {
+ $setup_cost = sprintf('%.2f', $1);
+ }
if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d*)\s*$/ ) {
$quantity = $1 || 1;
- if ( $cgi->param('start_date') ) {
- $start_date = parse_datetime($cgi->param('start_date'));
- } else {
- $start_date = time;
- }
+ my $start_date = $cgi->param('start_date')
+ ? parse_datetime($cgi->param('start_date'))
+ : time;
$error = $cust_pkg->modify_charge(
'pkg' => scalar($cgi->param('pkg')),
'additional' => \@description,
'adjust_commission' => ($cgi->param('adjust_commission') ? 1 : 0),
'amount' => $amount,
+ 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost,
'quantity' => $quantity,
'start_date' => $start_date,
-} else {
+} else { # the usual case: new one-time charge
$message = "One-time charge added";
- # the usual case: new one-time charge
$param->{"amount"} =~ /^\s*(\d*(?:\.?\d{1,2}))\s*$/
or $error .= "Illegal amount " . $param->{"amount"} . " ";
my $amount = $1;
+ my $setup_cost = '';
+ $param->{"setup_cost"} =~ /^\s*(\d*(?:\.?\d{1,2}))\s*$/
+ or $error .= "Illegal setup_cost " . $param->{"setup_cost"} . " ";
+ my $setup_cost = $1;
my $quantity = 1;
if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
$quantity = $1;
$error ||= $cust_main->charge( {
'amount' => $amount,
+ 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost,
'quantity' => $quantity,
'bill_now' => scalar($cgi->param('bill_now')),
'invoice_terms' => scalar($cgi->param('invoice_terms')),
% # don't allow changing these after the fact
% $field = '/elements/tr-fixed.html' if $billed;
<& $field,
- label => 'Amount',
- field => 'amount',
- value => sprintf('%.2f',$part_pkg->option('setup_fee')),
- size => 8,
- prefix => $money_char,
+ label => mt('Amount to charge'),
+ field => 'amount',
+ value => sprintf('%.2f',$part_pkg->option('setup_fee')),
+ size => 8,
+ prefix => $money_char,
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit package definition costs') ) {
+ <& $field,
+ label => mt('Cost'),
+ field => 'setup_cost',
+ value => sprintf('%.2f',$part_pkg->setup_cost),
+ size => 8,
+ prefix => $money_char,
+ &>
+% }
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) {
<& $field,
label => 'Quantity',
% }
% } else { # new one-time charge
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% mt('Amount') |h %> </TD>
- <TD>
- <% $money_char %><INPUT TYPE = "text"
- NAME = "amount"
- SIZE = 6
- VALUE = "<% $amount %>"
- onChange = "return enable_quick_charge(event)"
- onKeyPress = "return enable_quick_charge(event)"
- >
- </TD>
+ <TR>
+ <TD ALIGN="right"><% mt('Amount to charge') |h %> </TD>
+ <TD>
+ <% $money_char %><INPUT TYPE = "text"
+ NAME = "amount"
+ SIZE = 8
+ VALUE = "<% $amount %>"
+ onChange = "return enable_quick_charge(event)"
+ onKeyPress = "return enable_quick_charge(event)"
+ >
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit package definition costs') ) {
+ <& /elements/tr-input-text.html,
+ label => mt('Cost'),
+ field => 'setup_cost',
+ value => $setup_cost,
+ size => 8,
+ prefix => $money_char,
+ &>
+% }
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) {
$amount = $1;
+my $setup_cost = '';
+if ( $cgi->param('setup_cost') =~ /^\s*\$?\s*(\d+(\.\d{1,2})?)\s*$/ ) {
+ $setup_cost = $1;
my $quantity = 1;
if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
$quantity = $1;