+++ /dev/null
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-%# <sales@bestpractical.com>
-%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-%# from www.gnu.org.
-%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%# General Public License for more details.
-%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
-%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
-%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
-%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
-%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
-%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
-%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
-%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
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-%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@actions &>
-<form method="post" action="Scrip.html" id="ModifyScrip" name="ModifyScrip">
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="id" value="<% $id %>" />
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Queue" value="<% $Queue %>" />
-<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Scrip Fields') &>
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Description</&>:</td><td class="value">\
-% if ( $immutable ) {
-<% $scrip->Description %> <i>(system scrip)</i>
-<input type="hidden" name="Scrip-<% $id %>-Description" value="<% $scrip->Description %>">
-% } else {
-<input name="Scrip-<% $id %>-Description" \
- size="60" \
- value="<% $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-Description"} || $scrip->Description || '' %>" />
-% }
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Condition</&>:</td><td class="value">\
-% if ( $immutable ) {
-<% loc( $scrip->ConditionObj->Name ) %>
-<input type="hidden" name="Scrip-<%$id%>-Condition" value="<% $scrip->ConditionObj->Id %>">
-% } else {
-<& /Admin/Elements/SelectScripCondition,
- Name => "Scrip-$id-ScripCondition",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ScripCondition"} || $scrip->ConditionObj->Id,
- ScripObj => $scrip,
- Queue => $Queue,
-% }
-<& /Admin/Elements/EditScripOptions,
- Name => "Condition",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ConditionRules"} || $scrip->ConditionRules,
- Queue => $Queue,
- ScripX => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ScripCondition"} || $scrip->ConditionObj->Id,
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Action</&>:</td><td class="value">\
-% if ( $immutable ) {
-<% loc( $scrip->ActionObj->Name ) %>
-<input type="hidden" name="Scrip-<%$id%>-Action" value="<% $scrip->ActionObj->Id %>">
-% } else {
-<& /Admin/Elements/SelectScripAction,
- Name => "Scrip-$id-ScripAction",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ScripAction"} || $scrip->ActionObj->Id,
- ScripObj => $scrip,
- Queue => $Queue,
-% }
-<& /Admin/Elements/EditScripOptions,
- Name => "Action",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ActionRules"} || $scrip->ActionRules,
- Queue => $Queue,
- ScripX => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ScripAction"} || $scrip->ActionObj->Id,
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Template</&>:</td><td class="value">\
-%# immutable flag doesn't affect this
-<& /Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate,
- Name => "Scrip-$id-Template",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-Template"} || $scrip->TemplateObj->Id,
- Queue => $Queue,
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Stage</&>:</td><td class="value">\
-%# or this
-<& /Admin/Elements/SelectStage,
- Name => "Scrip-$id-Stage",
- Default => $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-Stage"} || $scrip->Stage,
-% if ($session{CurrentUser}->HasRight(Object => $RT::System, Right => 'ExecuteCode')) {
-<& /Elements/Submit,
- Label => $SubmitLabel,
- Reset => 1,
-&><br />
-<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('User Defined conditions and actions') &>
-<tr><td colspan="2">
-<i><&|/l&>(Use these fields when you choose 'User Defined' for a condition or action)</&></i>
-<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Custom condition</&>:</td><td class="value">
-% my $code = $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-CustomIsApplicableCode"} || $scrip->CustomIsApplicableCode || '';
-% my $lines = @{[ $code =~ /\n/gs ]} + 3;
-% $lines = $min_lines if $lines < $min_lines;
-<textarea cols="80" rows="<% $lines %>" name="Scrip-<% $id %>-CustomIsApplicableCode"><% $code %></textarea>
-<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Custom action preparation code</&>:</td><td class="value">
-% $code = $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-CustomPrepareCode"} || $scrip->CustomPrepareCode || '';
-% $lines = @{[ $code =~ /\n/gs ]} + 3;
-% $lines = $min_lines if $lines < $min_lines;
-<textarea cols="80" rows="<% $lines %>" name="Scrip-<% $id %>-CustomPrepareCode"><% $code %></textarea>
-<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Custom action cleanup code</&>:</td><td class="value">
-% $code = $ARGS{"Scrip-$id-CustomCommitCode"} || $scrip->CustomCommitCode || '';
-% $lines = @{[ $code =~ /\n/gs ]} + 3;
-% $lines = $min_lines if $lines < $min_lines;
-<textarea cols="80" rows="<% $lines %>" name="Scrip-<% $id || '' %>-CustomCommitCode"><% $code %></textarea>
-% }
-<& /Elements/Submit,
- Label => $SubmitLabel,
- Reset => 1,
-my (@actions, $SubmitLabel);
-my $scrip = RT::Scrip->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
-my $immutable = 0;
-if ( $id ) {
- $scrip->Load( $id );
- unless ( $id = $scrip->id ) {
- push @actions, loc("Couldn't load scrip #[_1]", $id);
- }
- $SubmitLabel = loc('Save Changes');
- my $a = $scrip->FirstAttribute('Immutable');
- if ( defined($a) and $a->Content ) {
- $immutable = 1;
- }
-unless ( $id ) {
- $id = 'new';
- $SubmitLabel = loc('Create');
-my $min_lines = 10;
-my ($ok, $msg) = $scrip->CompileCheck;
-push @actions, $msg if !$ok;
-$id => undef
-$title => undef
-$Queue => 0
-<%METHOD Process>
-$id => undef
-$Queue => undef
-return ($id) unless $id;
-my @rules = ('ConditionRules', 'ActionRules');
-if ( exists($ARGS{"Scrip-$id-ScripCondition"}) ) {
- foreach my $rules (@rules) {
- my $prefix = join('-', 'Scrip', $id, $rules);
- $ARGS{$prefix} = join("\n", map {
- $_ =~ /^$rules-(.*)$/ ?
- ($1, $ARGS{$_}) : ()
- } keys(%ARGS)
- );
- }
-my $scrip = RT::Scrip->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
-if ( $id eq 'new' ) {
- return $scrip->Create(
- Queue => $Queue,
- ScripAction => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-ScripAction"},
- ScripCondition => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-ScripCondition"},
- Template => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-Template"},
- Description => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-Description"},
- CustomPrepareCode => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-CustomPrepareCode"},
- CustomCommitCode => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-CustomCommitCode"},
- CustomIsApplicableCode => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-CustomIsApplicableCode"},
- Stage => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-Stage"},
- ConditionRules => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-ConditionRules"},
- ActionRules => $ARGS{"Scrip-new-ActionRules"},
- );
-else {
- $scrip->Load( $id );
- return (undef, loc("Couldn't load scrip #[_1]", $id))
- unless $scrip->id;
- my @attribs = qw(Queue ScripAction ScripCondition Template Stage
- Description CustomPrepareCode CustomCommitCode CustomIsApplicableCode
- ConditionRules ActionRules);
- my @results = UpdateRecordObject(
- AttributesRef => \@attribs,
- AttributePrefix => 'Scrip-'.$scrip->Id,
- Object => $scrip,
- ARGSRef => \%ARGS
- );
- return ($scrip->id, @results);