warn "Warning: passed city to replace when cust_main-no_city_in_address is configured"
if $conf->exists('cust_main-no_city_in_address') && $self->get('city');
- # the following fields are immutable
- foreach (qw(address1 address2 city state zip country)) {
- if ( $self->$_ ne $old->$_ ) {
- return "can't change cust_location field $_";
+ # the following fields are immutable if this is a customer location. if
+ # it's a prospect location, then there are no active packages, no billing
+ # history, no taxes, and in general no reason to keep the old location
+ # around.
+ if ( $self->custnum ) {
+ foreach (qw(address1 address2 city state zip country)) {
+ if ( $self->$_ ne $old->$_ ) {
+ return "can't change cust_location field $_";
+ }