report_badcard - Set this true if you want bad card transactions to
return an error. By default, they don't.
+force_print - force printing even if invoice has been printed more than once
+every 30 days, and don't increment the `printed' field.
sub collect {
my $since = $invoice_time - ( $cust_bill->_date || 0 );
#warn "$invoice_time ", $cust_bill->_date, " $since";
if ( $since >= 0 #don't print future invoices
- && ( $cust_bill->printed * 2592000 ) <= $since
+ && ( ( $cust_bill->printed * 2592000 ) <= $since
+ || $options{'force_print'} )
) {
#my @print_text = $cust_bill->print_text; #( date )
: "Exit status $? from $lpr";
- my %hash = $cust_bill->hash;
- $hash{'printed'}++;
- my $new_cust_bill = new FS::cust_bill(\%hash);
- my $error = $new_cust_bill->replace($cust_bill);
- warn "Error updating $cust_bill->printed: $error" if $error;
+ unless ( $options{'force_print'} ) {
+ my %hash = $cust_bill->hash;
+ $hash{'printed'}++;
+ my $new_cust_bill = new FS::cust_bill(\%hash);
+ my $error = $new_cust_bill->replace($cust_bill);
+ warn "Error updating $cust_bill->printed: $error" if $error;
+ }
=head1 VERSION
-$Id:,v 1.52 2001-12-28 14:40:35 ivan Exp $
+$Id:,v 1.53 2001-12-28 15:14:01 ivan Exp $
=head1 BUGS
if ( $opt{o} ) {
print "\n\tCollecting" unless $opt{q};
- my $error = $cust_main->collect( 'invoice_time'=>$now,
- 'batch_card' => $opt{i} ? 'no' : 'yes',
- );
+ my $error = $cust_main->collect(
+ 'invoice_time' => $now,
+ 'batch_card' => $opt{i} ? 'no' : 'yes',
+ 'force_print' => 'yes',
+ );
warn "Error collecting from customer #" . $cust_main->custnum. ":$error"
if $error;