Brian McCane? <> contributed PostgreSQL support, HTML
style enhancements and many, many bugfixes.
+Cerkit <> contributed
CompleteHOST, Inc. ( funded the development of the
-following Freeside features:
+following Freeside features by contracting me for a custom billing system
+based on Freeside:
- Multiple, separate databases and configurations on one box.
- - Per-customer pricing (packages)
+ - Per-customer pricing (custom packages)
+ - Optional customer titles, middle initials and EIN numbers
+ - Internationalization wrt addresses (cust_main, cust_main_county)
- Integration with Radiator,
- Integration with NetSurfer NetKit ISP,
Everything else is my (Ivan Kohler <>) fault.
-$Id: TODO,v 1.14 1998-11-18 09:01:30 ivan Exp $
+$Id: TODO,v 1.15 1998-12-02 01:23:47 ivan Exp $
If you are interested in helping with any of these, please join the mailing
list (send a blank message to to avoid
-- 1.1.x --
+int'l stuff in web interface (not on david's time)
+admin web interface for titles (Dr., Mrs.) and default in fs-setup
+(not on david's time)
test and document libapache-dbi-logger (woo!)
remove whois_hack set to 1 for add all known registries and