<li>Copy fs_passwd/fs_passwd to /usr/local/bin on the shell machine(s). (chown freeside, chmod 4755). You may link it to passwd, chfn and chsh as well.
<li>Copy fs_passwd/fs_passwdd to /usr/local/sbin on the shell machine(s). (chown freeside, chmod 500)
<li>Create /usr/local/freeside on the shell machine(s). (chown freeside, chmod 700)
- <li>Run an iteration of "fs_passwd/fs_passwd_server shell.machine" as the freeside user for each shell machine (this is a daemon process).
+ <li>Run an iteration of "fs_passwd/fs_passwd_server <i>user</i> shell.machine" as the freeside user for each shell machine (this is a daemon process). <i>user</i> refers to the freeside user from the <a href="config.html">mapsecrets configuration file</a>.