|| $self->ut_foreign_key('pkgnum', 'cust_pkg', 'pkgnum')
|| $self->ut_foreign_key('discountnum', 'discount', 'discountnum' )
- || $self->ut_float('months_used') #actually decimal, but this will do
+ || $self->ut_sfloat('months_used') #actually decimal, but this will do
|| $self->ut_numbern('end_date')
|| $self->ut_alphan('otaker')
|| $self->ut_numbern('usernum')
qsearchs('discount', { 'discountnum' => $self->discountnum } );
-=item increment_months_used
+=item increment_months_used MONTHS
Increments months_used by the given parameter
+=item decrement_months_used MONTHS
+Decrement months_used by the given parameter
+(Note: as in, extending the length of the discount. Typically only used to
+stack/extend a discount when the customer package has one active already.)
+sub decrement_months_used {
+ my( $self, $recharged ) = @_;
+ #UPDATE cust_pkg_discount SET months_used = months_used - ?
+ #leaves no history, and billing is mutexed per-customer
+ #we're run from part_event/Action/referral_pkg_discount on behalf of a
+ # different customer, so we need to grab this customer's mutex.
+ # incidentally, that's some inelegant encapsulation breaking shit, and a
+ # great argument in favor of native-DB trigger history so we can trust
+ # in normal ACID like the SQL above instead of this
+ $self->cust_pkg->cust_main->select_for_update;
+ $self->months_used( $self->months_used - $recharged );
+ $self->replace();
=item status
--- /dev/null
+package FS::part_event::Action::referral_pkg_discount;
+use strict;
+use base qw( FS::part_event::Action );
+sub description { "Discount the referring customer's package"; }
+#sub eventtable_hashref {
+sub option_fields {
+ (
+ 'if_pkgpart' => { 'label' => 'Only packages',
+ 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
+ 'multiple' => 1,
+ },
+ 'discountnum' => { 'label' => 'Discount',
+ 'type' => 'select-table', #we don't handle the select-discount create a discount case
+ 'table' => 'discount',
+ 'name_col' => 'description', #well, method
+ 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY discountnum', #requied because name_col is a method
+ 'hashref' => { 'disabled' => '',
+ 'months' => { op=>'!=', value=>'0' },
+ },
+ 'disable_empty' => 1,
+ },
+ );
+#false laziness w/referral_pkg_billdate, probably should make
+# Mixin/referral_pkg.pm if we need changes or anything else in this vein
+sub do_action {
+ my( $self, $cust_object, $cust_event ) = @_;
+ my $cust_main = $self->cust_main($cust_object);
+ return 'No referring customer' unless $cust_main->referral_custnum;
+ my $referring_cust_main = $cust_main->referring_cust_main;
+ #return 'Referring customer is cancelled'
+ # if $referring_cust_main->status eq 'cancelled';
+ my %if_pkgpart = map { $_=>1 } split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->option('if_pkgpart') );
+ my @cust_pkg = grep $if_pkgpart{ $_->pkgpart },
+ $referring_cust_main->billing_pkgs;
+ return 'No qualifying billing package definition' unless @cust_pkg;
+ my $cust_pkg = $cust_pkg[0]; #only one
+ #end of false laziness
+ my @cust_pkg_discount = $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_discount_active;
+ my @my_cust_pkg_discount =
+ grep { $_->discountnum == $self->option('discountnum') } @cust_pkg_discount;
+ if ( @my_cust_pkg_discount ) { #increment the existing one instead
+ die "guru meditation #and: multiple discounts"
+ if scalar(@my_cust_pkg_discount) > 1;
+ my $cust_pkg_discount = $my_cust_pkg_discount[0];
+ my $discount = $cust_pkg_discount->discount;
+ die "guru meditation #goob: can't extended non-expiring discount"
+ if $discount->months == 0;
+ my $error = $cust_pkg_discount->decrement_months_used( $discount->months );
+ die "Error extending discount: $error\n" if $error;
+ } elsif ( @cust_pkg_discount ) {
+ #"stacked" discount case not possible from UI, not handled, so prevent
+ # against creating one here. i guess we could try to find a different
+ # @cust_pkg above if this case needed to be handled better?
+ die "Can't discount an already discounted package";
+ } else { #normal case, create a new one
+ my $cust_pkg_discount = new FS::cust_pkg_discount {
+ 'pkgnum' => $cust_pkg->pkgnum,
+ 'discountnum' => $self->option('discountnum'),
+ 'months_used' => 0,
+ #'end_date' => '',
+ #we dont handle the create a new discount case
+ #'_type' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum__type')),
+ #'amount' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum_amount')),
+ #'percent' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum_percent')),
+ #'months' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum_months')),
+ #'setup' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum_setup')),
+ ##'linked' => scalar($cgi->param('discountnum_linked')),
+ ##'disabled' => $self->discountnum_disabled,
+ };
+ my $error = $cust_pkg_discount->insert;
+ die "Error discounting package: $error\n" if $error;
+ }
+ '';