'orig_regionnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
'dest_regionnum', 'int', '', '', '', '',
'min_included', 'int', '', '', '', '',
- 'conn_charge', @money_type, '0', '', #'decimal','','10,5','0','',
+ 'conn_charge', 'decimal', '', '10,4', '0', '',
'conn_sec', 'int', '', '', '0', '',
'min_charge', 'decimal', '', '10,5', '', '', #@money_type, '', '',
'sec_granularity', 'int', '', '', '', '',
'ratetimenum', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
- #time period (link to table of periods)?
'classnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
'primary_key' => 'ratedetailnum',
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
+ # This is now smarter, and shows the call duration in the
+ # largest units that accurately reflect the granularity.
my $duration_sub = sub {
my($cdr, %opt) = @_;
- if ( $opt{minutes} ) {
- $opt{minutes}. ( $opt{granularity} ? 'm' : ' call' );
- } else {
- #config if anyone really wants decimal minutes back
- #sprintf('%.2fm', $cdr->billsec / 60 );
- int($cdr->billsec / 60).'m '. ($cdr->billsec % 60).'s';
+ my $sec = $opt{seconds} || $cdr->billsec;
+ if ( length($opt{granularity}) &&
+ $opt{granularity} == 0 ) { #per call
+ return '1 call';
+ }
+ elsif ( $opt{granularity} == 60 ) {#full minutes
+ return sprintf("%.0fm",$sec/60);
+ }
+ elsif ( $opt{granularity} == 6 ||
+ $opt{granularity} == 30 ) {#tenths or halves
+ return sprintf("%.01fm",$sec/60);
+ }
+ else { #seconds, or unspecified
+ return sprintf("%dm %ds", $sec/60, $sec%60);
-# } elsif ( $rating_method eq 'upstream' ) { #XXX this was convergent, not currently used. very much becoming the odd one out. remove?
-# if ( $cdr->cdrtypenum == 1 ) { #rate based on upstream rateid
-# $rate_detail = $cdr->cdr_upstream_rate->rate_detail;
-# $regionnum = $rate_detail->dest_regionnum;
-# $rate_region = $rate_detail->dest_region;
-# $pretty_destnum = $cdr->dst;
-# warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum and ".
-# "rate detail $rate_detail\n"
-# if $DEBUG;
-# } else { #pass upstream price through
-# $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
-# warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
-# $charges += $charge;
-# @call_details = (
-# #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
-# time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix), #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
-# 'N/A', #minutes...
-# '$'.$charge,
-# #$pretty_destnum,
-# $cdr->description, #$rate_region->regionname,
-# );
-# }
} elsif ( $rating_method eq 'upstream_simple' ) {
#XXX $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
} elsif ( $rating_method eq 'single_price' ) {
# a little false laziness w/below
+ # $rate_detail = new FS::rate_detail({sec_granularity => ... }) ?
my $granularity = length($self->option('sec_granularity'))
? $self->option('sec_granularity')
: 60;
- # length($cdr->billsec) ? $cdr->billsec : $cdr->duration;
$seconds = $use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec;
$seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity )
if $seconds # don't granular-ize 0 billsec calls (bills them)
- && $granularity; # 0 is per call
- my $minutes = $seconds / 60; # sprintf("%.1f",
- #$minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60;
+ && $granularity # 0 is per call
+ && $seconds % $granularity;
+ my $minutes = $seconds / 60;
# XXX config?
#$charge = sprintf('%.2f', ( $self->option('min_charge') * $minutes )
#+ 0.00000001 ); #so 1.005 rounds to 1.01
warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
$charges += $charge;
- @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
- 'charge' => $charge,
+ @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
+ 'charge' => $charge,
+ 'seconds' => $seconds,
+ 'granularity' => $granularity,
"; skipping\n"
} else { # there *is* a rate_detail (or call_details), proceed...
+ # About this section:
+ # We don't round _anything_ (except granularizing)
+ # until the final $charge = sprintf("%.2f"...).
unless ( @call_details || ( $charge ne '' && $charge == 0 ) ) {
$seconds = min($seconds_left, $rate_detail->conn_sec);
$seconds_left -= $seconds;
$weektime += $seconds;
- $charge = sprintf("%.02f", $rate_detail->conn_charge);
+ $charge = $rate_detail->conn_charge;
- my $total_minutes = 0;
- my $whole_minutes = 1;
my $etime;
while($seconds_left) {
my $ratetimenum = $rate_detail->ratetimenum; # may be empty
unless exists $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum};
my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
- $whole_minutes = 0 if $granularity;
- # should this be done in every rate interval?
- $charge_sec += $granularity - ( $charge_sec % $granularity )
- if $charge_sec # don't granular-ize 0 billsec calls (bills them)
- && $granularity; # 0 is per call
- my $minutes = sprintf("%.1f", $charge_sec / 60);
- $minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60;
+ my $minutes;
+ if ( $granularity ) { # charge per minute
+ # Round up to the nearest $granularity
+ if ( $charge_sec and $charge_sec % $granularity ) {
+ $charge_sec += $granularity - ($charge_sec % $granularity);
+ }
+ $minutes = $charge_sec / 60; #don't round this
+ }
+ else { # per call
+ $minutes = 1;
+ $seconds_left = 0;
+ }
$seconds += $charge_sec;
- # per call rather than per minute
- $minutes = 1 unless $granularity;
- $seconds_left = 0 unless $granularity;
$included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} -= $minutes;
if ( $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} <= 0 ) {
my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum}; #XXX should preserve
#(display?) this
$included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = 0;
- $charge += sprintf('%.2f', ($rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min)
- + 0.00000001 ); #so 1.005 rounds to 1.01
+ $charge += ($rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min); #still not rounded
# choose next rate_detail
# this is why we need regionnum/rate_region....
warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
- $total_minutes = sprintf("%.1f", $seconds / 60);
- $total_minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $whole_minutes;
$classnum = $rate_detail->classnum;
- $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $charge);
+ $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $charge + 0.000001); # NOW round it.
warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
$charges += $charge;
@call_details = (
$cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
'granularity' => $rate_detail->sec_granularity,
- 'minutes' => $total_minutes,
- # why do we go through this hocus-pocus?
- # the cdr *will* show duration here
- # if we forego the 'minutes' key
- # duration vs billsec?
+ 'seconds' => $seconds,
'charge' => $charge,
'pretty_dst' => $pretty_destnum,
'dst_regionname' => $regionname,
my $call_details;
my $phonenum = $cust_svc->svc_x->phonenum;
- #if ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream_simple' ) {
if ( scalar(@call_details) == 1 ) {
$call_details =
[ 'C',