1 # This perlcritic policy file isn't to be taken as gospel. It's just a start
2 # As of now, it's mostly about disabling policies we're not able to follow or
3 # strongly disagree with
4 exclude = Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict
9 # we don't unpack @_ right away as we mostly use named vars with defaults:
12 # my %args = ( default => 'value', ..., @_ );
14 [-Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking]
16 # Readonly superiority is not convincing, especially considering
17 # that 'use constant' participates in constants folding during
19 [-ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma]
22 [BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockGrep]
25 [BuiltinFunctions::RequireBlockMap]