default to a session cookie instead of setting an explicit timeout, weird timezone...
[freeside.git] / locale / tw_utf / pos
1 $self{texts} = {
2   'Account'                     => '帳戶',
3   'Add POS Invoice'             => '新增POS發票',
4   'Cannot post transaction!'    => '不能加入交易',
5   'Change'                      => '更改',
6   'Continue'                    => '繼續',
7   'Credit Limit'                => '信用額度',
8   'Currency'                    => '幣別',
9   'Current'                     => '現有',
10   'Customer'                    => '客戶',
11   'Customer missing!'           => '未指明客戶',
12   'Delete'                      => '刪除',
13   'Department'                  => '部門',
14   'Description'                 => '說明',
15   'Edit POS Invoice'            => '編輯POS',
16   'Exchange Rate'               => '匯率',
17   'Exchange rate missing!'      => '未指明匯率',
18   'Extended'                    => '巳擴大',
19   'From'                        => '從',
20   'Language'                    => '語言',
21   'Memo'                        => '備忘錄',
22   'Number'                      => '編號',
23   'Open'                        => '開啟',
24   'Paid'                        => '已付',
25   'Post'                        => '加入',
26   'Posted!'                     => '巳加入',
27   'Price'                       => '價格',
28   'Print'                       => '列印',
29   'Printed'                     => '巳列印',
30   'Qty'                         => '數量',
31   'Receipts'                    => '收據',
32   'Record in'                   => '記錄於',
33   'Remaining'                   => '尚餘',
34   'Salesperson'                 => '銷售人員',
35   'Screen'                      => '螢幕',
36   'Source'                      => '來源',
37   'Subtotal'                    => '小計',
38   'To'                          => '至',
39   'Total'                       => '總計',
40   'Unit'                        => '單位',
41   'Update'                      => '更新',
42 };
44 $self{subs} = {
45   'add'                         => 'add',
46   'display_row'                 => 'display_row',
47   'edit'                        => 'edit',
48   'form_footer'                 => 'form_footer',
49   'form_header'                 => 'form_header',
50   'lookup_partsgroup'           => 'lookup_partsgroup',
51   'openinvoices'                => 'openinvoices',
52   'post'                        => 'post',
53   'print'                       => 'print',
54   'print_form'                  => 'print_form',
55   'print_options'               => 'print_options',
56   'receipts'                    => 'receipts',
57   '繼續'                      => 'continue',
58   '刪除'                      => 'delete',
59   '加入'                      => 'post',
60   '列印'                      => 'print',
61   '更新'                      => 'update',
62 };
64 1;