3 web stuff going to /var/www/freeside/masondocs oops
5 apache configs going to
6 ./etc/freeside/apache2/freeside-rt.conf
7 ?? oh there's links etc. check
11 in freeside-lib? oops wtf
17 test actually installing!
20 - what else should package install?
23 - /usr/local/etc/freeside/default_conf for new installs
25 test RT was missing, but we're cheating more now by ignoring a huge remap
26 to deb policy-comliant paths. get it working
31 #copied to /usr/local/etc/freeside by make install-docs
34 init.d/insserv-override-apache2
40 test) freeside-webui /etc/apache/conf.d/freeside.conf
41 AuthUserFile is wrong (just fucked)
43 test in postinst) freeside package var/cache/freeside/cache.<datasrc is missing>
47 bin/* ? Anything here needed in a live customer install should be moved to FS/bin so it installs as part of the packaging.
49 freeside-selfservice-client doesn't install at all
53 redo & test its working) somes sort of Alias /freeside /usr/share/freeside/www is needed
54 /var/www/freeside -> /usr/lib/freeside and Alias in apache
56 Added to README.Debian... do something else?
57 Ensure apache is set to run as User freeside.
59 init script doesn't need to add /usr/local/bin. could start over from
60 init.d.ex or init.d.lsb.ex
64 RT install locations (? maybe our RT libraries shouldn't conflict with
67 debian/copyright administrivia