systemd: start apache after postgresql
[freeside.git] / conf / invoice_latexsummary
1 \begin{tabular}{ll}
2 \begin{minipage}{6.4cm}
3 \begin{tabular}{m{0cm}m{6.4cm}}
4 \rule{0cm}{10cm}&\begin{minipage}{6cm}[@-- $notes --@]\end{minipage}\\
5 \end{tabular}
6 \end{minipage} &
7 \rule{2cm}{0cm}
8 \begin{minipage}{12.8cm}
9 \begin{tabular}{lr}
10 \hline
11 &\\
12 \textbf{\underline{Summary of Previous Balance}} & \\
13 &\\
14 \textbf{Previous Balance}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- sprintf('%.2f', $true_previous_balance) --@]}\\
15 &\\
16 \hline
17 &\\
18 \textbf{\underline{Summary of New Charges}} & \\
19 &\\
20 [@--
21   foreach my $section (@summary_subtotals) {
22     $OUT .= '\textbf{'. ($section->{'description'} ? $section->{'description'} : 'Charges' ). '}';
23     $OUT .= '&\textbf{'. $section->{'subtotal'}. '}\\\\';
24   }
25   $OUT .= '\cline{2-2}';
26 --@]
27 \textbf{New Charges Total}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- $current_less_finance --@]}\\
28 &\\
29 \hline
30 &\\
31 \textbf{\underline{Invoice Summary}} & \\
32 & \\
33 \textbf{Previous Past Due Charges}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- sprintf('%.2f', $true_previous_balance) --@]}\\
34 \textbf{Finance charges on overdue amount}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- $finance_amount --@]}\\
35 \textbf{New Charges}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- $current_less_finance --@]}\\
36 [@--
37   if ( $balance_adjustments > 0 ) {
38     $OUT .= '\textbf{Payments and Credits}&\textbf{-\dollar'.$balance_adjustments.'}\\\\'
39   }
40 --@]
41 \cline{2-2}
42 \textbf{Total Amount Due}&\textbf{\dollar[@-- sprintf('%.2f', $balance) --@]}\\
43 &\\
44 \hline
45 \end{tabular}
46 \end{minipage} \\
47 \end{tabular}
48 \newpage