1 package FS::part_pkg::voip_sqlradacct;
4 use vars qw(@ISA $DEBUG %info);
6 use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch);
7 use FS::part_pkg::flat;
11 @ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::flat);
16 'disabled' => 1, #they're sucked into our CDR table now instead
17 'name' => 'VoIP rating by plan of CDR records in an SQL RADIUS radacct table',
18 'shortname' => 'VoIP/telco CDR rating (external RADIUS)',
19 'inherit_fields' => [ 'global_Mixin' ],
21 'ratenum' => { 'name' => 'Rate plan',
22 'type' => 'select-rate',
25 'fieldorder' => [qw( ratenum ignore_unrateable )],
31 my $str = $self->SUPER::price_info(@_);
32 $str .= " plus usage" if $str;
37 my($self, $cust_pkg ) = @_;
38 $self->option('setup_fee');
41 #false laziness w/voip_cdr... resolve it if this one ever gets used again
43 my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_;
45 my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;
47 my $ratenum = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('ratenum');
49 my %included_min = ();
53 foreach my $cust_svc (
54 grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_acct' } $cust_pkg->cust_svc
58 $cust_svc->get_session_history( $last_bill, $$sdate )
61 warn "rating session $session\n".
62 join('', map { " $_ => ". $session->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$session );
66 # look up rate details based on called station id
69 my $dest = $session->{'calledstationid'};
71 #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
74 $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
76 $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @, @sip.example.com
78 #determine the country code
80 if ( $dest =~ /^011(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/ ) {
82 my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
83 #first look for 1 digit country code
84 if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
86 $dest = $u1.$u2.$rest;
87 } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
90 } else { #3 digit country code
91 $countrycode = $three;
97 $dest =~ s/^1//;# if length($dest) > 10;
100 warn "rating call to +$countrycode $dest\n" if $DEBUG;
102 #find a rate prefix, first look at most specific (4 digits) then 3, etc.,
103 # finally trying the country code only
104 my $rate_prefix = '';
105 for my $len ( reverse(1..6) ) {
106 $rate_prefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
107 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
108 #'npa' => { op=> 'LIKE', value=> substr($dest, 0, $len) }
109 'npa' => substr($dest, 0, $len),
112 $rate_prefix ||= qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
113 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
117 die "Can't find rate for call to +$countrycode $dest\n"
120 my $regionnum = $rate_prefix->regionnum;
121 my $rate_detail = qsearchs('rate_detail', {
122 'ratenum' => $ratenum,
123 'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
126 warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
127 "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
131 # find the price and add detail to the invoice
134 $included_min{$regionnum} =
135 ($rate_detail->min_included * $cust_pkg->quantity || 1)
136 unless exists $included_min{$regionnum};
138 my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
139 my $seconds = $session->{'acctsessiontime'};
140 $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity );
141 my $minutes = sprintf("%.1f", $seconds / 60);
142 $minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60;
144 $included_min{$regionnum} -= $minutes;
147 if ( $included_min{$regionnum} < 0 ) {
148 my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum};
149 $included_min{$regionnum} = 0;
150 $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min );
154 my $rate_region = $rate_prefix->rate_region;
155 warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
158 #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $session->{'acctstarttime'}),
159 time2str("%c", $session->{'acctstarttime'}),
162 "+$countrycode $dest",
163 $rate_region->regionname,
166 warn " adding details on charge to invoice: ".
167 join(' - ', @call_details )
170 push @$details, join(' - ', @call_details); #\@call_details,
176 $self->option('recur_fee') + $charges;
180 sub can_discount { 0; }
185 my($self, $cust_pkg) = @_;
186 $self->option('recur_fee');