1 package FS::part_export::sqlradius;
4 use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG %info %options $notes1 $notes2);
7 use FS::Record qw( dbh qsearch qsearchs str2time_sql str2time_sql_closing );
15 @ISA = qw(FS::part_export);
16 @EXPORT_OK = qw( sqlradius_connect );
21 tie %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
22 'datasrc' => { label=>'DBI data source ' },
23 'username' => { label=>'Database username' },
24 'password' => { label=>'Database password' },
25 'usergroup' => { label => 'Group table',
27 options => [qw( usergroup radusergroup ) ],
29 'ignore_accounting' => {
31 label => 'Ignore accounting records from this database'
33 'process_single_realm' => {
35 label => 'Only process one realm of accounting records',
37 'realm' => { label => 'The realm of of accounting records to be processed' },
38 'ignore_long_sessions' => {
40 label => 'Ignore sessions which span billing periods',
44 label => 'Hide IP address information on session reports',
48 label => 'Hide download/upload information on session reports',
50 'show_called_station' => {
52 label => 'Show the Called-Station-ID on session reports', #as a phone number
54 'overlimit_groups' => {
55 label => 'Radius groups to assign to svc_acct which has exceeded its bandwidth or time limit (if not overridden by overlimit_groups global or per-agent config)',
61 option_values => sub {
63 map { $_->groupnum, $_->long_description }
64 qsearch('radius_group', {}),
69 'groups_susp_reason' => { label =>
70 'Radius group mapping to reason (via template user) (svcnum|username|username@domain reasonnum|reason)',
75 label => 'Export RADIUS group attributes to this database',
78 label => 'To send a disconnection request to each RADIUS client when modifying, suspending or deleting an account, enter a ssh connection string (username@host) with access to the radclient program',
80 'disconnect_port' => {
81 label => 'Port to send disconnection requests to, default 1700',
86 Real-time export of <b>radcheck</b>, <b>radreply</b> and <b>usergroup</b>/<b>radusergroup</b>
87 tables to any SQL database for
88 <a href="http://www.freeradius.org/">FreeRADIUS</a>
89 or <a href="http://radius.innercite.com/">ICRADIUS</a>.
93 An existing RADIUS database will be updated in realtime, but you can use
94 <a href="http://www.freeside.biz/mediawiki/index.php/Freeside:1.9:Documentation:Developer/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset">freeside-sqlradius-reset</a>
95 to delete the entire RADIUS database and repopulate the tables from the
96 Freeside database. See the
97 <a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBI/DBI.pm#connect">DBI documentation</a>
99 <a href="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DBD%3A%3A">documentation for your DBD</a>
100 for the exact syntax of a DBI data source.
102 <li>Using FreeRADIUS 0.9.0 with the PostgreSQL backend, the db_postgresql.sql schema and postgresql.conf queries contain incompatible changes. This is fixed in 0.9.1. Only new installs with 0.9.0 and PostgreSQL are affected - upgrades and other database backends and versions are unaffected.
103 <li>Using ICRADIUS, add a dummy "op" column to your database:
107 ALTER TABLE radgroupcheck ADD COLUMN op VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '=='<br>
110 <li>Using Radiator, see the
111 <a href="http://www.open.com.au/radiator/faq.html#38">Radiator FAQ</a>
112 for configuration information.
118 'desc' => 'Real-time export to SQL-backed RADIUS (FreeRADIUS, ICRADIUS)',
119 'options' => \%options,
122 'nas' => 'Y', # show export_nas selection in UI
123 'default_svc_class' => 'Internet',
125 'This export does not export RADIUS realms (see also '.
126 'sqlradius_withdomain). '.
130 sub _groups_susp_reason_map { map { reverse( /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ ) }
131 split( "\n", shift->option('groups_susp_reason'));
134 sub rebless { shift; }
136 sub export_username { # override for other svcdb
137 my($self, $svc_acct) = (shift, shift);
138 warn "export_username called on $self with arg $svc_acct" if $DEBUG > 1;
142 sub radius_reply { #override for other svcdb
143 my($self, $svc_acct) = (shift, shift);
144 my %every = $svc_acct->EVERY::radius_reply;
145 map { @$_ } values %every;
148 sub radius_check { #override for other svcdb
149 my($self, $svc_acct) = (shift, shift);
150 my %every = $svc_acct->EVERY::radius_check;
151 map { @$_ } values %every;
155 my($self, $svc_x) = (shift, shift);
157 foreach my $table (qw(reply check)) {
158 my $method = "radius_$table";
159 my %attrib = $self->$method($svc_x);
160 next unless keys %attrib;
161 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svc_x->svcnum, 'insert',
162 $table, $self->export_username($svc_x), %attrib );
163 return $err_or_queue unless ref($err_or_queue);
165 my @groups = $svc_x->radius_groups('hashref');
167 cluck localtime(). ": queuing usergroup_insert for ". $svc_x->svcnum.
168 " (". $self->export_username($svc_x). " with ". join(", ", @groups)
170 my $usergroup = $self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup';
171 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue(
172 $svc_x->svcnum, 'usergroup_insert',
173 $self->export_username($svc_x), $usergroup, @groups );
174 return $err_or_queue unless ref($err_or_queue);
179 sub _export_replace {
180 my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift);
182 local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
183 local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
184 local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
185 local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
186 local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
187 local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
189 my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
190 local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
194 if ( $self->export_username($old) ne $self->export_username($new) ) {
195 my $usergroup = $self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup';
196 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'rename',
197 $self->export_username($new), $self->export_username($old), $usergroup );
198 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
199 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
200 return $err_or_queue;
202 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum;
205 foreach my $table (qw(reply check)) {
206 my $method = "radius_$table";
207 my %new = $self->$method($new);
208 my %old = $self->$method($old);
209 if ( grep { !exists $old{$_} #new attributes
210 || $new{$_} ne $old{$_} #changed
213 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'insert',
214 $table, $self->export_username($new), %new );
215 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
216 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
217 return $err_or_queue;
220 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
222 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
226 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum; # chain all of these dependencies
229 my @del = grep { !exists $new{$_} } keys %old;
231 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'attrib_delete',
232 $table, $self->export_username($new), @del );
233 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
234 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
235 return $err_or_queue;
238 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
240 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
244 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum; # chain all of these dependencies
249 my (@oldgroups) = $old->radius_groups('hashref');
250 my (@newgroups) = $new->radius_groups('hashref');
251 ($error,$jobnum) = $self->sqlreplace_usergroups( $new->svcnum,
252 $self->export_username($new),
253 $jobnum ? $jobnum : '',
258 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
262 # radius database is used for authorization, so to avoid users reauthorizing
263 # before the database changes, disconnect users after changing database
264 if ($self->option('disconnect_ssh')) {
265 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'user_disconnect',
266 'disconnect_ssh' => $self->option('disconnect_ssh'),
267 'svc_acct_username' => $old->username,
268 'disconnect_port' => $self->option('disconnect_port'),
270 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
271 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
272 return $err_or_queue;
275 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
277 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
283 $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
288 #false laziness w/broadband_sqlradius.pm
289 sub _export_suspend {
290 my( $self, $svc_acct ) = (shift, shift);
292 my $new = $svc_acct->clone_suspended;
294 local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
295 local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
296 local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
297 local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
298 local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
299 local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
301 my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
302 local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
307 my @newgroups = $self->suspended_usergroups($svc_acct);
309 unless (@newgroups) { #don't change password if assigning to a suspended group
311 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'insert',
312 'check', $self->export_username($new), $new->radius_check );
313 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
314 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
315 return $err_or_queue;
317 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum;
322 $self->sqlreplace_usergroups(
324 $self->export_username($new),
326 [ $svc_acct->radius_groups('hashref') ],
330 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
334 # radius database is used for authorization, so to avoid users reauthorizing
335 # before the database changes, disconnect users after changing database
336 if ($self->option('disconnect_ssh')) {
337 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $new->svcnum, 'user_disconnect',
338 'disconnect_ssh' => $self->option('disconnect_ssh'),
339 'svc_acct_username' => $svc_acct->username,
340 'disconnect_port' => $self->option('disconnect_port'),
342 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
343 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
344 return $err_or_queue;
347 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
349 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
355 $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
360 sub _export_unsuspend {
361 my( $self, $svc_x ) = (shift, shift);
363 local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
364 local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
365 local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
366 local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
367 local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
368 local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
370 my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
371 local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
374 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svc_x->svcnum, 'insert',
375 'check', $self->export_username($svc_x), $self->radius_check($svc_x) );
376 unless ( ref($err_or_queue) ) {
377 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
378 return $err_or_queue;
382 my (@oldgroups) = $self->suspended_usergroups($svc_x);
383 $error = $self->sqlreplace_usergroups(
385 $self->export_username($svc_x),
388 [ $svc_x->radius_groups('hashref') ],
391 $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
394 $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
400 my( $self, $svc_x ) = (shift, shift);
404 my $usergroup = $self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup';
405 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svc_x->svcnum, 'delete',
406 $self->export_username($svc_x), $usergroup );
407 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum;
409 # radius database is used for authorization, so to avoid users reauthorizing
410 # before the database changes, disconnect users after changing database
411 if ($self->option('disconnect_ssh')) {
412 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svc_x->svcnum, 'user_disconnect',
413 'disconnect_ssh' => $self->option('disconnect_ssh'),
414 'svc_acct_username' => $svc_x->username,
415 'disconnect_port' => $self->option('disconnect_port'),
417 return $err_or_queue unless ref($err_or_queue);
419 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
420 return $error if $error;
424 ref($err_or_queue) ? '' : $err_or_queue;
427 sub sqlradius_queue {
428 my( $self, $svcnum, $method ) = (shift, shift, shift);
430 my $queue = new FS::queue {
432 'job' => "FS::part_export::sqlradius::sqlradius_$method",
435 $self->option('datasrc'),
436 $self->option('username'),
437 $self->option('password'),
442 sub suspended_usergroups {
443 my ($self, $svc_x) = (shift, shift);
445 return () unless $svc_x;
447 my $svc_table = $svc_x->table;
449 #false laziness with FS::part_export::shellcommands
450 #subclass part_export?
452 my $r = $svc_x->cust_svc->cust_pkg->last_reason('susp');
453 my %reasonmap = $self->_groups_susp_reason_map;
456 $userspec = $reasonmap{$r->reasonnum}
457 if exists($reasonmap{$r->reasonnum});
458 $userspec = $reasonmap{$r->reason}
459 if (!$userspec && exists($reasonmap{$r->reason}));
462 if ( $userspec =~ /^\d+$/ ){
463 $suspend_svc = qsearchs( $svc_table, { 'svcnum' => $userspec } );
464 } elsif ( $userspec =~ /^\S+\@\S+$/ && $svc_table eq 'svc_acct' ){
465 my ($username,$domain) = split(/\@/, $userspec);
466 for my $user (qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $username } )){
467 $suspend_svc = $user if $userspec eq $user->email;
469 }elsif ( $userspec && $svc_table eq 'svc_acct' ){
470 $suspend_svc = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $userspec } );
473 return $suspend_svc->radius_groups('hashref') if $suspend_svc;
477 sub sqlradius_insert { #subroutine, not method
478 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
479 my( $table, $username, %attributes ) = @_;
481 foreach my $attribute ( keys %attributes ) {
483 my $s_sth = $dbh->prepare(
484 "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rad$table WHERE UserName = ? AND Attribute = ?"
485 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
486 $s_sth->execute( $username, $attribute ) or die $s_sth->errstr;
488 if ( $s_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] ) {
490 my $u_sth = $dbh->prepare(
491 "UPDATE rad$table SET Value = ? WHERE UserName = ? AND Attribute = ?"
492 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
493 $u_sth->execute($attributes{$attribute}, $username, $attribute)
494 or die $u_sth->errstr;
498 my $i_sth = $dbh->prepare(
499 "INSERT INTO rad$table ( UserName, Attribute, op, Value ) ".
500 "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )"
501 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
505 ( $attribute eq 'Password' ? '==' : ':=' ),
506 $attributes{$attribute},
507 ) or die $i_sth->errstr;
515 sub sqlradius_usergroup_insert { #subroutine, not method
516 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
517 my $username = shift;
518 my $usergroup = ( $_[0] =~ /^(rad)?usergroup/i ) ? shift : 'usergroup';
521 my $s_sth = $dbh->prepare(
522 "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $usergroup WHERE UserName = ? AND GroupName = ?"
523 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
525 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
526 "INSERT INTO $usergroup ( UserName, GroupName, Priority ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )"
527 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
529 foreach ( @groups ) {
530 my $group = $_->{'groupname'};
531 my $priority = $_->{'priority'};
532 $s_sth->execute( $username, $group ) or die $s_sth->errstr;
533 if ($s_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]) {
534 warn localtime() . ": sqlradius_usergroup_insert attempted to reinsert " .
535 "$group for $username\n"
539 $sth->execute( $username, $group, $priority )
540 or die "can't insert into groupname table: ". $sth->errstr;
542 if ( $s_sth->{Active} ) {
543 warn "sqlradius s_sth still active; calling ->finish()";
546 if ( $sth->{Active} ) {
547 warn "sqlradius sth still active; calling ->finish()";
553 sub sqlradius_usergroup_delete { #subroutine, not method
554 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
555 my $username = shift;
556 my $usergroup = ( $_[0] =~ /^(rad)?usergroup/i ) ? shift : 'usergroup';
559 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
560 "DELETE FROM $usergroup WHERE UserName = ? AND GroupName = ?"
561 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
562 foreach ( @groups ) {
563 my $group = $_->{'groupname'};
564 $sth->execute( $username, $group )
565 or die "can't delete from groupname table: ". $sth->errstr;
570 sub sqlradius_rename { #subroutine, not method
571 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
572 my($new_username, $old_username) = (shift, shift);
573 my $usergroup = ( $_[0] =~ /^(rad)?usergroup/i ) ? shift : 'usergroup';
574 foreach my $table (qw(radreply radcheck), $usergroup ) {
575 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET Username = ? WHERE UserName = ?")
577 $sth->execute($new_username, $old_username)
578 or die "can't update $table: ". $sth->errstr;
583 sub sqlradius_attrib_delete { #subroutine, not method
584 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
585 my( $table, $username, @attrib ) = @_;
587 foreach my $attribute ( @attrib ) {
588 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
589 "DELETE FROM rad$table WHERE UserName = ? AND Attribute = ?" )
591 $sth->execute($username,$attribute)
592 or die "can't delete from rad$table table: ". $sth->errstr;
597 sub sqlradius_delete { #subroutine, not method
598 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
599 my $username = shift;
600 my $usergroup = ( $_[0] =~ /^(rad)?usergroup/i ) ? shift : 'usergroup';
602 foreach my $table (qw( radcheck radreply), $usergroup ) {
603 my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "DELETE FROM $table WHERE UserName = ?" );
604 $sth->execute($username)
605 or die "can't delete from $table table: ". $sth->errstr;
610 sub sqlradius_connect {
611 #my($datasrc, $username, $password) = @_;
612 #DBI->connect($datasrc, $username, $password) or die $DBI::errstr;
613 DBI->connect(@_) or die $DBI::errstr;
616 # on success, returns '' in scalar context, ('',$jobnum) in list context
617 # on error, always just returns error
618 sub sqlreplace_usergroups {
619 my ($self, $svcnum, $username, $jobnum, $old, $new) = @_;
621 # (sorta) false laziness with FS::svc_acct::replace
622 my @oldgroups = @$old;
623 my @newgroups = @$new;
625 foreach my $oldgroup ( @oldgroups ) {
626 if ( grep { $oldgroup eq $_ } @newgroups ) {
627 @newgroups = grep { $oldgroup ne $_ } @newgroups;
630 push @delgroups, $oldgroup;
633 my $usergroup = $self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup';
636 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svcnum, 'usergroup_delete',
637 $username, $usergroup, @delgroups );
639 unless ref($err_or_queue);
641 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
642 return $error if $error;
644 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum; # chain all of these dependencies
648 cluck localtime(). ": queuing usergroup_insert for $svcnum ($username) ".
649 "with ". join(", ", @newgroups)
651 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue( $svcnum, 'usergroup_insert',
652 $username, $usergroup, @newgroups );
654 unless ref($err_or_queue);
656 my $error = $err_or_queue->depend_insert( $jobnum );
657 return $error if $error;
659 $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum; # chain all of these dependencies
661 wantarray ? ('',$jobnum) : '';
667 =item usage_sessions HASHREF
669 =item usage_sessions TIMESTAMP_START TIMESTAMP_END [ SVC_ACCT [ IP [ PREFIX [ SQL_SELECT ] ] ] ]
671 New-style: pass a hashref with the following keys:
675 =item stoptime_start - Lower bound for AcctStopTime, as a UNIX timestamp
677 =item stoptime_end - Upper bound for AcctStopTime, as a UNIX timestamp
679 =item session_status - 'closed' to only show records with AcctStopTime,
680 'open' to only show records I<without> AcctStopTime, empty to show both.
682 =item starttime_start - Lower bound for AcctStartTime, as a UNIX timestamp
684 =item starttime_end - Upper bound for AcctStartTime, as a UNIX timestamp
696 TIMESTAMP_START and TIMESTAMP_END are specified as UNIX timestamps; see
697 L<perlfunc/"time">. Also see L<Time::Local> and L<Date::Parse> for conversion
700 SVC_ACCT, if specified, limits the results to the specified account.
702 IP, if specified, limits the results to the specified IP address.
704 PREFIX, if specified, limits the results to records with a matching
707 #SQL_SELECT defaults to * if unspecified. It can be useful to set it to
708 #SUM(acctsessiontime) or SUM(AcctInputOctets), etc.
710 Returns an arrayref of hashrefs with the following fields:
716 =item framedipaddress
722 =item acctsessiontime
724 =item acctinputoctets
726 =item acctoutputoctets
728 =item callingstationid
730 =item calledstationid
736 #some false laziness w/cust_svc::seconds_since_sqlradacct
742 my($start, $end, $svc_acct, $ip, $prefix) = ( '', '', '', '', '');
746 $start = $opt->{stoptime_start};
747 $end = $opt->{stoptime_end};
748 $svc_acct = $opt->{svc} || $opt->{svc_acct};
750 $prefix = $opt->{prefix};
751 $summarize = $opt->{summarize};
753 ( $start, $end ) = splice(@_, 0, 2);
754 $svc_acct = @_ ? shift : '';
755 $ip = @_ ? shift : '';
756 $prefix = @_ ? shift : '';
757 #my $select = @_ ? shift : '*';
762 return [] if $self->option('ignore_accounting');
764 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect( map $self->option($_),
765 qw( datasrc username password ) );
767 #select a unix time conversion function based on database type
768 my $str2time = str2time_sql( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} );
769 my $closing = str2time_sql_closing( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} );
772 qw( username realm framedipaddress
773 acctsessiontime acctinputoctets acctoutputoctets
774 callingstationid calledstationid
776 "$str2time acctstarttime $closing as acctstarttime",
777 "$str2time acctstoptime $closing as acctstoptime",
780 @fields = ( 'username', 'sum(acctsessiontime) as acctsessiontime', 'sum(acctinputoctets) as acctinputoctets',
781 'sum(acctoutputoctets) as acctoutputoctets',
788 my $username = $self->export_username($svc_acct);
789 if ( $username =~ /^([^@]+)\@([^@]+)$/ ) {
790 push @where, '( UserName = ? OR ( UserName = ? AND Realm = ? ) )';
791 push @param, $username, $1, $2;
793 push @where, 'UserName = ?';
794 push @param, $username;
798 if ($self->option('process_single_realm')) {
799 push @where, 'Realm = ?';
800 push @param, $self->option('realm');
804 push @where, ' FramedIPAddress = ?';
808 if ( length($prefix) ) {
809 #assume sip: for now, else things get ugly trying to match /^\w+:$prefix/
810 push @where, " CalledStationID LIKE 'sip:$prefix\%'";
813 my $acctstoptime = '';
814 if ( $opt->{session_status} ne 'open' ) {
816 $acctstoptime .= "$str2time AcctStopTime $closing >= ?";
818 $acctstoptime .= ' AND ' if $end;
821 $acctstoptime .= "$str2time AcctStopTime $closing <= ?";
825 if ( $opt->{session_status} ne 'closed' ) {
826 if ( $acctstoptime ) {
827 $acctstoptime = "( ( $acctstoptime ) OR AcctStopTime IS NULL )";
829 $acctstoptime = 'AcctStopTime IS NULL';
832 push @where, $acctstoptime;
834 if ( $opt->{starttime_start} ) {
835 push @where, "$str2time AcctStartTime $closing >= ?";
836 push @param, $opt->{starttime_start};
838 if ( $opt->{starttime_end} ) {
839 push @where, "$str2time AcctStartTime $closing <= ?";
840 push @param, $opt->{starttime_end};
843 my $where = join(' AND ', @where);
844 $where = "WHERE $where" if $where;
847 $groupby = 'GROUP BY username' if $summarize;
849 my $orderby = 'ORDER BY AcctStartTime DESC';
850 $orderby = '' if $summarize;
852 my $sql = 'SELECT '. join(', ', @fields).
853 " FROM radacct $where $groupby $orderby";
856 warn join(',', @param);
858 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die $dbh->errstr;
859 $sth->execute(@param) or die $sth->errstr;
861 [ map { { %$_ } } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}) } ];
872 my $conf = new FS::Conf;
875 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect( map $self->option($_),
876 qw( datasrc username password ) );
878 my $str2time = str2time_sql( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} );
879 my $closing = str2time_sql_closing( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} );
881 my @fields = qw( radacctid username realm acctsessiontime );
886 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
887 SELECT RadAcctId, UserName, Realm, AcctSessionTime,
888 $str2time AcctStartTime $closing, $str2time AcctStopTime $closing,
889 AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets
891 WHERE FreesideStatus IS NULL
892 AND AcctStopTime IS NOT NULL
893 ") or die $dbh->errstr;
894 $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
896 while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
897 my($RadAcctId, $UserName, $Realm, $AcctSessionTime, $AcctStartTime,
898 $AcctStopTime, $AcctInputOctets, $AcctOutputOctets) = @$row;
899 warn "processing record: ".
900 "$RadAcctId ($UserName\@$Realm for ${AcctSessionTime}s"
903 my $fs_username = $UserName;
905 $fs_username = lc($fs_username) unless $conf->exists('username-uppercase');
907 #my %search = ( 'username' => $fs_username );
910 my $errinfo = "for RADIUS detail RadAcctID $RadAcctId ".
911 "(UserName $UserName, Realm $Realm)";
914 if ( ref($self) =~ /withdomain/ ) { #well, should be a callback to that
919 } elsif ( $fs_username =~ /\@/ ) {
920 ($fs_username, $domain) = split('@', $fs_username);
922 warn 'WARNING: nothing Realm column and no @realm in UserName column '.
923 "$errinfo -- skipping\n" if $DEBUG;
924 $status = 'skipped (no realm)';
927 $extra_sql = " AND '$domain' = ( SELECT domain FROM svc_domain
928 WHERE svc_domain.svcnum = svc_acct.domsvc ) ";
931 my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit; # can't undo side effects, but at
932 local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; # least we can avoid over counting
938 if ( $self->option('process_single_realm')
939 && $self->option('realm') ne $Realm )
941 warn "WARNING: wrong realm $errinfo - skipping\n" if $DEBUG;
944 grep { qsearch( 'export_svc', { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum,
945 'svcpart' => $_->cust_svc->svcpart,
950 { 'username' => $fs_username },
956 warn "WARNING: no svc_acct record found $errinfo - skipping\n";
957 } elsif ( scalar(@svc_acct) > 1 ) {
958 warn "WARNING: multiple svc_acct records found $errinfo - skipping\n";
961 my $svc_acct = $svc_acct[0];
962 warn "found svc_acct ". $svc_acct->svcnum. " $errinfo\n" if $DEBUG;
964 $svc_acct->last_login($AcctStartTime);
965 $svc_acct->last_logout($AcctStopTime);
967 my $session_time = $AcctStopTime;
968 $session_time = $AcctStartTime
969 if $self->option('ignore_long_sessions');
971 my $cust_pkg = $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
972 if ( $cust_pkg && $session_time < ( $cust_pkg->last_bill
973 || $cust_pkg->setup ) ) {
974 $status = 'skipped (too old)';
977 push @st, _try_decrement($svc_acct,'seconds', $AcctSessionTime);
978 push @st, _try_decrement($svc_acct,'upbytes', $AcctInputOctets);
979 push @st, _try_decrement($svc_acct,'downbytes', $AcctOutputOctets);
980 push @st, _try_decrement($svc_acct,'totalbytes', $AcctInputOctets
981 + $AcctOutputOctets);
982 $status=join(' ', @st);
989 warn "setting FreesideStatus to $status $errinfo\n" if $DEBUG;
990 my $psth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE radacct
991 SET FreesideStatus = ?
993 ) or die $dbh->errstr;
994 $psth->execute($status, $RadAcctId) or die $psth->errstr;
996 $fdbh->commit or die $fdbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
1002 sub _try_decrement {
1003 my ($svc_acct, $column, $amount) = @_;
1004 if ( $svc_acct->$column !~ /^$/ ) {
1005 warn " svc_acct.$column found (". $svc_acct->$column.
1006 ") - decrementing\n"
1008 my $method = 'decrement_' . $column;
1009 my $error = $svc_acct->$method($amount);
1010 die $error if $error;
1013 warn " no existing $column value for svc_acct - skipping\n" if $DEBUG;
1018 =item export_nas_insert NAS
1020 =item export_nas_delete NAS
1022 =item export_nas_replace NEW_NAS OLD_NAS
1024 Update the NAS table (allowed RADIUS clients) on the attached RADIUS
1025 server. Currently requires the table to be named 'nas' and to follow
1026 the stock schema (/etc/freeradius/nas.sql).
1030 sub export_nas_insert { shift->export_nas_action('insert', @_); }
1031 sub export_nas_delete { shift->export_nas_action('delete', @_); }
1032 sub export_nas_replace { shift->export_nas_action('replace', @_); }
1034 sub export_nas_action {
1036 my ($action, $new, $old) = @_;
1037 # find the NAS in the target table by its name
1038 my $nasname = ($action eq 'replace') ? $old->nasname : $new->nasname;
1039 my $nasnum = $new->nasnum;
1041 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue('', "nas_$action",
1042 nasname => $nasname,
1045 return $err_or_queue unless ref $err_or_queue;
1049 sub sqlradius_nas_insert {
1050 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1052 my $nas = qsearchs('nas', { nasnum => $opt{'nasnum'} })
1053 or die "nasnum ".$opt{'nasnum'}.' not found';
1054 # insert actual NULLs where FS::Record has translated to empty strings
1055 my @values = map { length($nas->$_) ? $nas->$_ : undef }
1056 qw( nasname shortname type secret server community description );
1057 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO nas
1058 (nasname, shortname, type, secret, server, community, description)
1059 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
1060 $sth->execute(@values) or die $dbh->errstr;
1063 sub sqlradius_nas_delete {
1064 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1066 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM nas WHERE nasname = ?');
1067 $sth->execute($opt{'nasname'}) or die $dbh->errstr;
1070 sub sqlradius_nas_replace {
1071 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1073 my $nas = qsearchs('nas', { nasnum => $opt{'nasnum'} })
1074 or die "nasnum ".$opt{'nasnum'}.' not found';
1075 my @values = map {$nas->$_}
1076 qw( nasname shortname type secret server community description );
1077 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE nas SET
1078 nasname = ?, shortname = ?, type = ?, secret = ?,
1079 server = ?, community = ?, description = ?
1080 WHERE nasname = ?');
1081 $sth->execute(@values, $opt{'nasname'}) or die $dbh->errstr;
1084 =item export_attr_insert RADIUS_ATTR
1086 =item export_attr_delete RADIUS_ATTR
1088 =item export_attr_replace NEW_RADIUS_ATTR OLD_RADIUS_ATTR
1090 Update the group attribute tables (radgroupcheck and radgroupreply) on
1091 the RADIUS server. In delete and replace actions, the existing records
1092 are identified by the combination of group name and attribute name.
1094 In the special case where attributes are being replaced because a group
1095 name (L<FS::radius_group>->groupname) is changing, the pseudo-field
1096 'groupname' must be set in OLD_RADIUS_ATTR.
1100 # some false laziness with NAS export stuff...
1102 sub export_attr_insert { shift->export_attr_action('insert', @_); }
1104 sub export_attr_delete { shift->export_attr_action('delete', @_); }
1106 sub export_attr_replace { shift->export_attr_action('replace', @_); }
1108 sub export_attr_action {
1110 my ($action, $new, $old) = @_;
1113 if ( $action eq 'delete' ) {
1116 if ( $action eq 'delete' or $action eq 'replace' ) {
1117 # delete based on an exact match
1119 attrname => $old->attrname,
1120 attrtype => $old->attrtype,
1121 groupname => $old->groupname || $old->radius_group->groupname,
1123 value => $old->value,
1125 $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue('', 'attr_delete', %opt);
1126 return $err_or_queue unless ref $err_or_queue;
1128 # this probably doesn't matter, but just to be safe...
1129 my $jobnum = $err_or_queue->jobnum if $action eq 'replace';
1130 if ( $action eq 'replace' or $action eq 'insert' ) {
1132 attrname => $new->attrname,
1133 attrtype => $new->attrtype,
1134 groupname => $new->radius_group->groupname,
1136 value => $new->value,
1138 $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue('', 'attr_insert', %opt);
1139 $err_or_queue->depend_insert($jobnum) if $jobnum;
1140 return $err_or_queue unless ref $err_or_queue;
1145 sub sqlradius_attr_insert {
1146 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1150 # make sure $table is completely safe
1151 if ( $opt{'attrtype'} eq 'C' ) {
1152 $table = 'radgroupcheck';
1154 elsif ( $opt{'attrtype'} eq 'R' ) {
1155 $table = 'radgroupreply';
1158 die "unknown attribute type '$opt{attrtype}'";
1161 my @values = @opt{ qw(groupname attrname op value) };
1162 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
1163 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' (groupname, attribute, op, value) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'
1165 $sth->execute(@values) or die $dbh->errstr;
1168 sub sqlradius_attr_delete {
1169 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1173 if ( $opt{'attrtype'} eq 'C' ) {
1174 $table = 'radgroupcheck';
1176 elsif ( $opt{'attrtype'} eq 'R' ) {
1177 $table = 'radgroupreply';
1180 die "unknown attribute type '".$opt{'attrtype'}."'";
1183 my @values = @opt{ qw(groupname attrname op value) };
1184 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
1185 'DELETE FROM '.$table.
1186 ' WHERE groupname = ? AND attribute = ? AND op = ? AND value = ?'.
1189 $sth->execute(@values) or die $dbh->errstr;
1192 #sub sqlradius_attr_replace { no longer needed
1194 =item export_group_replace NEW OLD
1196 Replace the L<FS::radius_group> object OLD with NEW. This will change
1197 the group name and priority in all radusergroup records, and the group
1198 name in radgroupcheck and radgroupreply.
1202 sub export_group_replace {
1204 my ($new, $old) = @_;
1205 return '' if $new->groupname eq $old->groupname
1206 and $new->priority == $old->priority;
1208 my $err_or_queue = $self->sqlradius_queue(
1211 ($self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup'),
1215 return $err_or_queue unless ref $err_or_queue;
1219 sub sqlradius_group_replace {
1220 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1221 my $usergroup = shift;
1222 $usergroup =~ /^(rad)?usergroup$/
1223 or die "bad usergroup table name: $usergroup";
1224 my ($new, $old) = (shift, shift);
1225 # apply renames to check/reply attribute tables
1226 if ( $new->{'groupname'} ne $old->{'groupname'} ) {
1227 foreach my $table (qw(radgroupcheck radgroupreply)) {
1228 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
1229 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET groupname = ? WHERE groupname = ?'
1231 $sth->execute($new->{'groupname'}, $old->{'groupname'})
1232 or die $dbh->errstr;
1235 # apply renames and priority changes to usergroup table
1236 my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
1237 'UPDATE '.$usergroup.' SET groupname = ?, priority = ? WHERE groupname = ?'
1239 $sth->execute($new->{'groupname'}, $new->{'priority'}, $old->{'groupname'})
1240 or die $dbh->errstr;
1243 =item sqlradius_user_disconnect
1245 For a specified user, sends a disconnect request to all nas in the server database.
1247 Accepts L</sqlradius_connect> connection input and the following named parameters:
1249 I<disconnect_ssh> - user@host with access to radclient program (required)
1251 I<svc_acct_username> - the user to be disconnected (required)
1253 I<disconnect_port> - the port (on the nas) to send disconnect requests to (defaults to 1700)
1255 Note this is NOT the opposite of sqlradius_connect.
1259 sub sqlradius_user_disconnect {
1260 my $dbh = sqlradius_connect(shift, shift, shift);
1263 my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select nasname, secret from nas') or die $dbh->errstr;
1264 $sth->execute() or die $dbh->errstr;
1265 my $nas = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
1268 die "No nas found in radius db" unless @$nas;
1269 # set up ssh connection
1270 my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($opt{'disconnect_ssh'});
1271 die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: " . $ssh->error
1273 # send individual disconnect requests
1274 my $user = $opt{'svc_acct_username'}; #svc_acct username
1275 my $port = $opt{'disconnect_port'} || 1700; #or should we pull this from the db?
1277 foreach my $nas (@$nas) {
1278 my $nasname = $nas->{'nasname'};
1279 my $secret = $nas->{'secret'};
1280 my $command = qq(echo "User-Name=$user" | radclient -r 1 $nasname:$port disconnect '$secret');
1281 my ($output, $errput) = $ssh->capture2($command);
1282 $error .= "Error running $command: $errput " . $ssh->error . " "
1283 if $errput || $ssh->error;
1285 $error .= "Some clients may have successfully disconnected"
1286 if $error && (@$nas > 1);
1287 $error = "No clients found"
1289 die $error if $error;
1294 # class method to fetch groups/attributes from the sqlradius install on upgrade
1297 sub _upgrade_exporttype {
1298 # do this only if the radius_attr table is empty
1299 local $FS::radius_attr::noexport_hack = 1;
1301 return if qsearch('radius_attr', {});
1303 foreach my $self ($class->all_sqlradius) {
1304 my $error = $self->import_attrs;
1305 die "exportnum ".$self->exportnum.":\n$error\n" if $error;
1312 my $dbh = DBI->connect( map $self->option($_),
1313 qw( datasrc username password ) );
1315 warn "Error connecting to RADIUS server: $DBI::errstr\n";
1319 my $usergroup = $self->option('usergroup') || 'usergroup';
1321 warn "Importing RADIUS groups and attributes from ".$self->option('datasrc').
1324 # map out existing groups and attrs
1327 foreach my $radius_group ( qsearch('radius_group', {}) ) {
1328 $attrs_of{$radius_group->groupname} = +{
1329 map { $_->attrname => $_ } $radius_group->radius_attr
1331 $groupnum_of{$radius_group->groupname} = $radius_group->groupnum;
1334 # get groupnames from radgroupcheck and radgroupreply
1336 SELECT groupname, attribute, op, value, \'C\' FROM radgroupcheck
1338 SELECT groupname, attribute, op, value, \'R\' FROM radgroupreply';
1339 my @fixes; # things that need to be changed on the radius db
1340 foreach my $row ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) } ) {
1341 my ($groupname, $attrname, $op, $value, $attrtype) = @$row;
1342 warn "$groupname.$attrname\n";
1343 if ( !exists($groupnum_of{$groupname}) ) {
1344 my $radius_group = new FS::radius_group {
1345 'groupname' => $groupname,
1348 $error = $radius_group->insert;
1350 warn "error inserting group $groupname: $error";
1351 next;#don't continue trying to insert the attribute
1353 $attrs_of{$groupname} = {};
1354 $groupnum_of{$groupname} = $radius_group->groupnum;
1357 my $a = $attrs_of{$groupname};
1358 my $old = $a->{$attrname};
1361 if ( $attrtype eq 'R' ) {
1362 # Freeradius tolerates illegal operators in reply attributes. We don't.
1363 if ( !grep ($_ eq $op, FS::radius_attr->ops('R')) ) {
1364 warn "$groupname.$attrname: changing $op to +=\n";
1365 # Make a note to change it in the db
1367 'UPDATE radgroupreply SET op = \'+=\' WHERE groupname = ? AND attribute = ? AND op = ? AND VALUE = ?',
1368 $groupname, $attrname, $op, $value
1370 # and import it correctly.
1375 if ( defined $old ) {
1377 $new = new FS::radius_attr {
1382 $error = $new->replace($old);
1384 warn "error modifying attr $attrname: $error";
1389 $new = new FS::radius_attr {
1390 'groupnum' => $groupnum_of{$groupname},
1391 'attrname' => $attrname,
1392 'attrtype' => $attrtype,
1396 $error = $new->insert;
1398 warn "error inserting attr $attrname: $error" if $error;
1402 $attrs_of{$groupname}->{$attrname} = $new;
1406 my ($sql, @args) = @$_;
1407 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
1408 $sth->execute(@args) or warn $sth->errstr;
1421 #don't just look for ->can('usage_sessions'), we're sqlradius-specific
1422 # (radiator is supposed to be setup with a radacct table)
1423 #i suppose it would be more slick to look for things that inherit from us..
1425 my @part_export = ();
1426 push @part_export, qsearch('part_export', { 'exporttype' => $_ } )
1427 foreach qw( sqlradius sqlradius_withdomain radiator phone_sqlradius
1428 broadband_sqlradius );
1432 sub all_sqlradius_withaccounting {
1434 grep { ! $_->option('ignore_accounting') } $class->all_sqlradius;