1 package FS::cdr::huawei_softx3000;
2 use base qw( FS::cdr );
5 use vars qw( %info %TZ );
6 use subs qw( ts24008_number TimeStamp );
8 use FS::Record qw( qsearch );
11 #false laziness w/gsm_tap3_12.pm
42 'name' => 'Huawei SoftX3000', #V100R006C05 ?
45 'import_fields' => [],
47 'spec' => _asn_spec(),
48 'macro' => 'CallEventDataFile',
49 'header_buffer' => sub {
50 #my $CallEventDataFile = shift;
52 my %cdr_calltype = ( map { $_->calltypename => $_->calltypenum }
53 qsearch('cdr_calltype', {})
56 { cdr_calltype => \%cdr_calltype,
60 'arrayref' => sub { shift->{'callEventRecords'} },
61 'row_callback' => sub {
62 my( $row, $buffer ) = @_;
63 my @keys = keys %$row;
64 $buffer->{'key'} = $keys[0];
67 'src' => huawei_field('callingNumber', ts24008_number, ),
69 'dst' => huawei_field('calledNumber', ts24008_number, ),
71 'startdate' => huawei_field(['answerTime','deliveryTime'], TimeStamp),
72 'answerdate' => huawei_field(['answerTime','deliveryTime'], TimeStamp),
73 'enddate' => huawei_field('releaseTime', TimeStamp),
74 'duration' => huawei_field('callDuration'),
75 'billsec' => huawei_field('callDuration'),
76 #'disposition' => #diagnostics?
78 #'charged_party' => # 0 or 1, do something with this?
79 'calltypenum' => sub {
81 my $key = $buf->{key};
82 $buf->{'cdr_calltype'}{ $key };
92 my $decode = $_[0] ? shift : '';
96 my $key = $buf->{key};
98 $field = ref($field) ? $field : [ $field ];
100 foreach my $f (@$field) {
101 $value = $rec->{$key}{$f} and last;
105 ? &{ $decode }( $value )
112 # This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of
113 # a directory number e.g. calling/called/connected/translated number.
114 # The encoding of the octet string is in accordance with the
115 # the elements "Calling party BCD number", "Called party BCD number"
116 # and "Connected number" defined in TS 24.008.
117 # This encoding includes type of number and number plan information
118 # together with a BCD encoded digit string.
119 # It may also contain both a presentation and screening indicator
121 # For the avoidance of doubt, this field does not include
122 # octets 1 and 2, the element name and length, as this would be
125 #type id (per TS 24.008 page 490):
126 # low nybble: "numbering plan identification"
127 # high nybble: "type of number"
132 # 4 dedicated access, short code
135 # 7 reserved for extension
136 # (bit 8 "extension")
138 my( $type_id, $value ) = unpack 'Ch*', shift;
139 $value =~ s/f$//; # If the called party BCD number contains an odd number
140 # of digits, bits 5 to 8 of the last octet shall be
141 # filled with an end mark coded as "1111".
147 # The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format
148 # containing local time plus an offset to universal time. Binary coded
149 # decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and
150 # transmission overhead
151 # e.g. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm
153 # YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded
154 # MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded
155 # DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded
156 # hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded
157 # mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded
158 # ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded
159 # S = Sign 0 = "+", "-" ASCII encoded
160 # hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded
161 # mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded
163 my($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $tz_sign, $tz_hour, $tz_min, $dst)=
164 unpack 'H2H2H2H2H2H2AH2H2C', shift;
165 #warn "$year/$mon/$day $hour:$min:$sec $tz_sign$tz_hour$tz_min $dst\n";
166 return 0 unless $year; #y2100 bug
167 local($ENV{TZ}) = $TZ{ "$tz_sign$tz_hour$tz_min" };
168 timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon-1, $year);
179 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 CallEventRecord ::= CHOICE
188 moCallRecord [0] MOCallRecord,
189 mtCallRecord [1] MTCallRecord,
190 roamingRecord [2] RoamingRecord,
191 incGatewayRecord [3] IncGatewayRecord,
192 outGatewayRecord [4] OutGatewayRecord,
193 transitRecord [5] TransitCallRecord,
194 moSMSRecord [6] MOSMSRecord,
195 mtSMSRecord [7] MTSMSRecord,
196 ssActionRecord [10] SSActionRecord,
197 hlrIntRecord [11] HLRIntRecord,
198 commonEquipRecord [14] CommonEquipRecord,
199 recTypeExtensions [15] ManagementExtensions,
200 termCAMELRecord [16] TermCAMELRecord,
201 mtLCSRecord [17] MTLCSRecord,
202 moLCSRecord [18] MOLCSRecord,
203 niLCSRecord [19] NILCSRecord,
204 forwardCallRecord [100] MOCallRecord
209 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
210 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
211 servedIMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL,
213 callingNumber [4] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
214 calledNumber [5] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
215 translatedNumber [6] TranslatedNumber OPTIONAL,
216 connectedNumber [7] ConnectedNumber OPTIONAL,
217 roamingNumber [8] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
218 recordingEntity [9] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
219 mscIncomingROUTE [10] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
220 mscOutgoingROUTE [11] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
221 location [12] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
222 changeOfLocation [13] SEQUENCE OF LocationChange OPTIONAL,
223 basicService [14] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
224 transparencyIndicator [15] TransparencyInd OPTIONAL,
225 changeOfService [16] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfService OPTIONAL,
226 supplServicesUsed [17] SEQUENCE OF SuppServiceUsed OPTIONAL,
227 aocParameters [18] AOCParameters OPTIONAL,
228 changeOfAOCParms [19] SEQUENCE OF AOCParmChange OPTIONAL,
229 msClassmark [20] Classmark OPTIONAL,
230 changeOfClassmark [21] ChangeOfClassmark OPTIONAL,
231 seizureTime [22] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
232 answerTime [23] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
233 releaseTime [24] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
234 callDuration [25] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
235 radioChanRequested [27] RadioChanRequested OPTIONAL,
236 radioChanUsed [28] TrafficChannel OPTIONAL,
237 changeOfRadioChan [29] ChangeOfRadioChannel OPTIONAL,
238 causeForTerm [30] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
239 diagnostics [31] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
240 callReference [32] CallReference OPTIONAL,
241 sequenceNumber [33] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
242 additionalChgInfo [34] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
243 recordExtensions [35] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
244 gsm-SCFAddress [36] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
245 serviceKey [37] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
246 networkCallReference [38] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
247 mSCAddress [39] MSCAddress OPTIONAL,
248 cAMELInitCFIndicator [40] CAMELInitCFIndicator OPTIONAL,
249 defaultCallHandling [41] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL,
250 fnur [45] Fnur OPTIONAL,
251 aiurRequested [46] AiurRequested OPTIONAL,
252 speechVersionSupported [49] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL,
253 speechVersionUsed [50] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL,
254 numberOfDPEncountered [51] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
255 levelOfCAMELService [52] LevelOfCAMELService OPTIONAL,
256 freeFormatData [53] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
257 cAMELCallLegInformation [54] SEQUENCE OF CAMELInformation OPTIONAL,
258 freeFormatDataAppend [55] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
259 defaultCallHandling-2 [56] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL,
260 gsm-SCFAddress-2 [57] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
261 serviceKey-2 [58] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
262 freeFormatData-2 [59] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
263 freeFormatDataAppend-2 [60] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
264 systemType [61] SystemType OPTIONAL,
265 rateIndication [62] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
266 partialRecordType [69] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
267 guaranteedBitRate [70] GuaranteedBitRate OPTIONAL,
268 maximumBitRate [71] MaximumBitRate OPTIONAL,
269 modemType [139] ModemType OPTIONAL,
270 classmark3 [140] Classmark3 OPTIONAL,
271 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
272 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
273 callingChargeAreaCode [145] ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
274 calledChargeAreaCode [146] ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
275 mscOutgoingCircuit [166] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
276 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
277 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
278 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
279 callerDefaultEmlppPriority [171] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
280 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
281 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
282 optimalRoutingFlag [177] NULL OPTIONAL,
283 optimalRoutingLateForwardFlag [178] NULL OPTIONAL,
284 optimalRoutingEarlyForwardFlag [179] NULL OPTIONAL,
285 portedflag [180] PortedFlag OPTIONAL,
286 calledIMSI [181] IMSI OPTIONAL,
287 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
288 changeOfglobalAreaID [189] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfglobalAreaID OPTIONAL,
289 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
290 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
291 intermediatemccmnc [193] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
292 lastmccmnc [194] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
293 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
294 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
295 cUGOutgoingAccessUsed [197] CUGOutgoingAccessUsed OPTIONAL,
296 cUGIndex [198] CUGIndex OPTIONAL,
297 interactionWithIP [199] InteractionWithIP OPTIONAL,
298 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
299 setupTime [201] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
300 alertingTime [202] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
301 voiceIndicator [203] VoiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
302 bCategory [204] BCategory OPTIONAL,
303 callType [205] CallType OPTIONAL
306 --at moc callingNumber is the same as served msisdn except basic msisdn != calling number such as MSP service
310 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
311 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
312 servedIMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL,
313 servedMSISDN [3] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
314 callingNumber [4] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
315 connectedNumber [5] ConnectedNumber OPTIONAL,
316 recordingEntity [6] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
317 mscIncomingROUTE [7] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
318 mscOutgoingROUTE [8] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
319 location [9] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
320 changeOfLocation [10] SEQUENCE OF LocationChange OPTIONAL,
321 basicService [11] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
322 transparencyIndicator [12] TransparencyInd OPTIONAL,
323 changeOfService [13] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfService OPTIONAL,
324 supplServicesUsed [14] SEQUENCE OF SuppServiceUsed OPTIONAL,
325 aocParameters [15] AOCParameters OPTIONAL,
326 changeOfAOCParms [16] SEQUENCE OF AOCParmChange OPTIONAL,
327 msClassmark [17] Classmark OPTIONAL,
328 changeOfClassmark [18] ChangeOfClassmark OPTIONAL,
329 seizureTime [19] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
330 answerTime [20] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
331 releaseTime [21] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
332 callDuration [22] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
333 radioChanRequested [24] RadioChanRequested OPTIONAL,
334 radioChanUsed [25] TrafficChannel OPTIONAL,
335 changeOfRadioChan [26] ChangeOfRadioChannel OPTIONAL,
336 causeForTerm [27] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
337 diagnostics [28] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
338 callReference [29] CallReference OPTIONAL,
339 sequenceNumber [30] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
340 additionalChgInfo [31] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
341 recordExtensions [32] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
342 networkCallReference [33] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
343 mSCAddress [34] MSCAddress OPTIONAL,
344 fnur [38] Fnur OPTIONAL,
345 aiurRequested [39] AiurRequested OPTIONAL,
346 speechVersionSupported [42] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL,
347 speechVersionUsed [43] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL,
348 gsm-SCFAddress [44] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
349 serviceKey [45] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
350 systemType [46] SystemType OPTIONAL,
351 rateIndication [47] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
352 partialRecordType [54] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
353 guaranteedBitRate [55] GuaranteedBitRate OPTIONAL,
354 maximumBitRate [56] MaximumBitRate OPTIONAL,
355 initialCallAttemptFlag [137] NULL OPTIONAL,
356 ussdCallBackFlag [138] NULL OPTIONAL,
357 modemType [139] ModemType OPTIONAL,
358 classmark3 [140] Classmark3 OPTIONAL,
359 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
360 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
361 callingChargeAreaCode [145]ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
362 calledChargeAreaCode [146]ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
363 defaultCallHandling [150] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL,
364 freeFormatData [151] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
365 freeFormatDataAppend [152] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
366 numberOfDPEncountered [153] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
367 levelOfCAMELService [154] LevelOfCAMELService OPTIONAL,
368 roamingNumber [160] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
369 mscIncomingCircuit [166] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
370 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
371 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
372 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
373 calledDefaultEmlppPriority [171] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
374 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
375 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
376 optimalRoutingFlag [177] NULL OPTIONAL,
377 portedflag [180] PortedFlag OPTIONAL,
378 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
379 changeOfglobalAreaID [189] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfglobalAreaID OPTIONAL,
380 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
381 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
382 intermediatemccmnc [193] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
383 lastmccmnc [194] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
384 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
385 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
386 cUGIncomingAccessUsed [197] CUGIncomingAccessUsed OPTIONAL,
387 cUGIndex [198] CUGIndex OPTIONAL,
388 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
389 redirectingnumber [201] RedirectingNumber OPTIONAL,
390 redirectingcounter [202] RedirectingCounter OPTIONAL,
391 setupTime [203] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
392 alertingTime [204] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
393 calledNumber [205] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
394 voiceIndicator [206] VoiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
395 bCategory [207] BCategory OPTIONAL,
396 callType [208] CallType OPTIONAL
399 RoamingRecord ::= SET
401 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
402 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
404 callingNumber [3] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
405 roamingNumber [4] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
406 recordingEntity [5] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
407 mscIncomingROUTE [6] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
408 mscOutgoingROUTE [7] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
409 basicService [8] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
410 transparencyIndicator [9] TransparencyInd OPTIONAL,
411 changeOfService [10] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfService OPTIONAL,
412 supplServicesUsed [11] SEQUENCE OF SuppServiceUsed OPTIONAL,
413 seizureTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
414 answerTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
415 releaseTime [14] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
416 callDuration [15] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
417 causeForTerm [17] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
418 diagnostics [18] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
419 callReference [19] CallReference OPTIONAL,
420 sequenceNumber [20] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
421 recordExtensions [21] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
422 networkCallReference [22] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
423 mSCAddress [23] MSCAddress OPTIONAL,
424 partialRecordType [30] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
425 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
426 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
427 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
428 callingChargeAreaCode [145] ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
429 calledChargeAreaCode [146] ChargeAreaCode OPTIONAL,
430 mscOutgoingCircuit [166] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
431 mscIncomingCircuit [167] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
432 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
433 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
434 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
435 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
436 optimalRoutingFlag [177] NULL OPTIONAL,
437 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
438 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
439 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
440 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL
443 TermCAMELRecord ::= SET
445 recordtype [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
446 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
448 recordingEntity [3] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
449 interrogationTime [4] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
450 destinationRoutingAddress [5] DestinationRoutingAddress OPTIONAL,
451 gsm-SCFAddress [6] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
452 serviceKey [7] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
453 networkCallReference [8] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
454 mSCAddress [9] MSCAddress OPTIONAL,
455 defaultCallHandling [10] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL,
456 recordExtensions [11] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
457 calledNumber [12] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
458 callingNumber [13] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
459 mscIncomingROUTE [14] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
460 mscOutgoingROUTE [15] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
461 seizureTime [16] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
462 answerTime [17] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
463 releaseTime [18] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
464 callDuration [19] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
465 causeForTerm [21] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
466 diagnostics [22] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
467 callReference [23] CallReference OPTIONAL,
468 sequenceNumber [24] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
469 numberOfDPEncountered [25] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
470 levelOfCAMELService [26] LevelOfCAMELService OPTIONAL,
471 freeFormatData [27] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
472 cAMELCallLegInformation [28] SEQUENCE OF CAMELInformation OPTIONAL,
473 freeFormatDataAppend [29] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
474 mscServerIndication [30] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
475 defaultCallHandling-2 [31] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL,
476 gsm-SCFAddress-2 [32] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
477 serviceKey-2 [33] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
478 freeFormatData-2 [34] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
479 freeFormatDataAppend-2 [35] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
480 partialRecordType [42] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
481 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
482 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
483 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
484 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
485 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
486 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
487 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL
490 IncGatewayRecord ::= SET
492 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
493 callingNumber [1] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
494 calledNumber [2] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
495 recordingEntity [3] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
496 mscIncomingROUTE [4] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
497 mscOutgoingROUTE [5] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
498 seizureTime [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
499 answerTime [7] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
500 releaseTime [8] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
501 callDuration [9] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
502 causeForTerm [11] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
503 diagnostics [12] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
504 callReference [13] CallReference OPTIONAL,
505 sequenceNumber [14] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
506 recordExtensions [15] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
507 partialRecordType [22] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
509 lLC [24] LLC OPTIONAL,
510 hLC [25] HLC OPTIONAL,
511 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
512 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
513 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
514 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
515 rateIndication [159] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
516 roamingNumber [160] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
517 mscIncomingCircuit [167] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
518 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
519 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
520 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
521 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
522 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
523 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
524 cUGIncomingAccessUsed [197] CUGIncomingAccessUsed OPTIONAL,
525 mscIncomingRouteAttribute [198] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
526 mscOutgoingRouteAttribute [199] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
527 networkCallReference [200] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
528 setupTime [201] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
529 alertingTime [202] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
530 voiceIndicator [203] VoiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
531 bCategory [204] BCategory OPTIONAL,
532 callType [205] CallType OPTIONAL
535 OutGatewayRecord ::= SET
537 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
538 callingNumber [1] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
539 calledNumber [2] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
540 recordingEntity [3] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
541 mscIncomingROUTE [4] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
542 mscOutgoingROUTE [5] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
543 seizureTime [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
544 answerTime [7] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
545 releaseTime [8] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
546 callDuration [9] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
547 causeForTerm [11] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
548 diagnostics [12] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
549 callReference [13] CallReference OPTIONAL,
550 sequenceNumber [14] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
551 recordExtensions [15] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
552 partialRecordType [22] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
553 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
554 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
555 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
556 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
557 rateIndication [159] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
558 roamingNumber [160] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
559 mscOutgoingCircuit [166] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
560 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
561 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
562 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
563 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
564 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
565 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
566 cUGIncomingAccessUsed [197] CUGIncomingAccessUsed OPTIONAL,
567 mscIncomingRouteAttribute [198] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
568 mscOutgoingRouteAttribute [199] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
569 networkCallReference [200] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
570 setupTime [201] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
571 alertingTime [202] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
572 voiceIndicator [203] VoiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
573 bCategory [204] BCategory OPTIONAL,
574 callType [205] CallType OPTIONAL
577 TransitCallRecord ::= SET
579 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
580 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
581 mscIncomingROUTE [2] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
582 mscOutgoingROUTE [3] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
583 callingNumber [4] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
584 calledNumber [5] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
585 isdnBasicService [6] BasicService OPTIONAL,
586 seizureTime [7] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
587 answerTime [8] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
588 releaseTime [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
589 callDuration [10] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
590 causeForTerm [12] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
591 diagnostics [13] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
592 callReference [14] CallReference OPTIONAL,
593 sequenceNumber [15] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
594 recordExtensions [16] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
595 partialRecordType [23] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
596 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
597 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
598 originalCalledNumber [142] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
599 rateIndication [159] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
600 mscOutgoingCircuit [166] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
601 mscIncomingCircuit [167] MSCCIC OPTIONAL,
602 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
603 callEmlppPriority [170] EmlppPriority OPTIONAL,
604 eaSubscriberInfo [174] EASubscriberInfo OPTIONAL,
605 selectedCIC [175] SelectedCIC OPTIONAL,
606 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator [195] CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator OPTIONAL,
607 cUGInterlockCode [196] CUGInterlockCode OPTIONAL,
608 cUGIncomingAccessUsed [197] CUGIncomingAccessUsed OPTIONAL,
609 mscIncomingRouteAttribute [198] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
610 mscOutgoingRouteAttribute [199] RouteAttribute OPTIONAL,
611 networkCallReference [200] NetworkCallReference OPTIONAL,
612 setupTime [201] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
613 alertingTime [202] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
614 voiceIndicator [203] VoiceIndicator OPTIONAL,
615 bCategory [204] BCategory OPTIONAL,
616 callType [205] CallType OPTIONAL
621 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
622 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
623 servedIMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL,
625 msClassmark [4] Classmark OPTIONAL,
626 serviceCentre [5] AddressString OPTIONAL,
627 recordingEntity [6] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
628 location [7] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
629 messageReference [8] MessageReference OPTIONAL,
630 originationTime [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
631 smsResult [10] SMSResult OPTIONAL,
632 recordExtensions [11] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
633 destinationNumber [12] SmsTpDestinationNumber OPTIONAL,
634 cAMELSMSInformation [13] CAMELSMSInformation OPTIONAL,
635 systemType [14] SystemType OPTIONAL,
636 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
637 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
638 classmark3 [140] Classmark3 OPTIONAL,
639 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
640 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
641 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
642 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
643 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
644 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
645 smsUserDataType [195] SmsUserDataType OPTIONAL,
646 smstext [196] SMSTEXT OPTIONAL,
647 maximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS [197] MaximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS OPTIONAL,
648 concatenatedSMSReferenceNumber [198] ConcatenatedSMSReferenceNumber OPTIONAL,
649 sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS [199] SequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS OPTIONAL,
650 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
651 callReference [201] CallReference OPTIONAL
656 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
657 serviceCentre [1] AddressString OPTIONAL,
658 servedIMSI [2] IMSI OPTIONAL,
659 servedIMEI [3] IMEI OPTIONAL,
661 msClassmark [5] Classmark OPTIONAL,
662 recordingEntity [6] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
663 location [7] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
664 deliveryTime [8] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
665 smsResult [9] SMSResult OPTIONAL,
666 recordExtensions [10] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
667 systemType [11] SystemType OPTIONAL,
668 cAMELSMSInformation [12] CAMELSMSInformation OPTIONAL,
669 basicService [130] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
670 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
671 classmark3 [140] Classmark3 OPTIONAL,
672 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
673 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
674 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
675 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
676 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
677 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
678 smsUserDataType [195] SmsUserDataType OPTIONAL,
679 smstext [196] SMSTEXT OPTIONAL,
680 maximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS [197] MaximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS OPTIONAL,
681 concatenatedSMSReferenceNumber [198] ConcatenatedSMSReferenceNumber OPTIONAL,
682 sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS [199] SequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS OPTIONAL,
683 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
684 origination [201] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
685 callReference [202] CallReference OPTIONAL
690 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
691 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
693 recordingEntity [3] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
694 basicService [4] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
695 routingNumber [5] RoutingNumber OPTIONAL,
696 interrogationTime [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
697 numberOfForwarding [7] NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL,
698 interrogationResult [8] HLRIntResult OPTIONAL,
699 recordExtensions [9] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
700 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
701 callReference [169] CallReference OPTIONAL
704 SSActionRecord ::= SET
706 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
707 servedIMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL,
708 servedIMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL,
710 msClassmark [4] Classmark OPTIONAL,
711 recordingEntity [5] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
712 location [6] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
713 basicServices [7] BasicServices OPTIONAL,
714 supplService [8] SS-Code OPTIONAL,
715 ssAction [9] SSActionType OPTIONAL,
716 ssActionTime [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
717 ssParameters [11] SSParameters OPTIONAL,
718 ssActionResult [12] SSActionResult OPTIONAL,
719 callReference [13] CallReference OPTIONAL,
720 recordExtensions [14] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
721 systemType [15] SystemType OPTIONAL,
722 ussdCodingScheme [126] UssdCodingScheme OPTIONAL,
723 ussdString [127] SEQUENCE OF UssdString OPTIONAL,
724 ussdNotifyCounter [128] UssdNotifyCounter OPTIONAL,
725 ussdRequestCounter [129] UssdRequestCounter OPTIONAL,
726 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
727 classmark3 [140] Classmark3 OPTIONAL,
728 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
729 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
730 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
731 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
732 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
733 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
734 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL
737 CommonEquipRecord ::= SET
739 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
740 equipmentType [1] EquipmentType OPTIONAL,
741 equipmentId [2] EquipmentId OPTIONAL,
742 servedIMSI [3] IMSI OPTIONAL,
744 recordingEntity [5] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
745 basicService [6] BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL,
746 changeOfService [7] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfService OPTIONAL,
747 supplServicesUsed [8] SEQUENCE OF SuppServiceUsed OPTIONAL,
748 seizureTime [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
749 releaseTime [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
750 callDuration [11] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
751 callReference [12] CallReference OPTIONAL,
752 sequenceNumber [13] SequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
753 recordExtensions [14] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
754 systemType [15] SystemType OPTIONAL,
755 rateIndication [16] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
756 fnur [17] Fnur OPTIONAL,
757 partialRecordType [18] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL,
758 causeForTerm [100] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
759 diagnostics [101] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
760 servedIMEI [102] IMEI OPTIONAL,
761 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
762 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
763 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
764 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
765 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL
768 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
772 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
774 ObservedIMEITicket ::= SET
777 imeiStatus [1] IMEIStatus,
780 recordingEntity [4] RecordingEntity,
781 eventTime [5] TimeStamp,
782 location [6] LocationAreaAndCell,
783 imeiCheckEvent [7] IMEICheckEvent OPTIONAL,
784 callReference [8] CallReference OPTIONAL,
785 recordExtensions [9] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
786 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL
791 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
795 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
799 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
800 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
801 lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType OPTIONAL,
802 lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity OPTIONAL,
803 servedIMSI [4] IMSI OPTIONAL,
805 locationType [6] LocationType OPTIONAL,
806 lcsQos [7] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
807 lcsPriority [8] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
808 mlc-Number [9] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
809 eventTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
810 measureDuration [11] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
811 notificationToMSUser [12] NotificationToMSUser OPTIONAL,
812 privacyOverride [13] NULL OPTIONAL,
813 location [14] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
814 locationEstimate [15] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
815 positioningData [16] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
816 lcsCause [17] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
817 diagnostics [18] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
818 systemType [19] SystemType OPTIONAL,
819 recordExtensions [20] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
820 causeForTerm [21] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
821 lcsReferenceNumber [101] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL,
822 servedIMEI [102] IMEI OPTIONAL,
823 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
824 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
825 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
826 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
827 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
828 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
829 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
830 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
831 callReference [201] CallReference OPTIONAL
836 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
837 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
838 lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType OPTIONAL,
839 lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity OPTIONAL,
840 servedIMSI [4] IMSI OPTIONAL,
842 molr-Type [6] MOLR-Type OPTIONAL,
843 lcsQos [7] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
844 lcsPriority [8] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
845 mlc-Number [9] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
846 eventTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
847 measureDuration [11] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
848 location [12] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
849 locationEstimate [13] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
850 positioningData [14] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
851 lcsCause [15] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
852 diagnostics [16] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
853 systemType [17] SystemType OPTIONAL,
854 recordExtensions [18] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
855 causeForTerm [19] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
856 lcsReferenceNumber [101] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL,
857 servedIMEI [102] IMEI OPTIONAL,
858 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
859 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
860 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
861 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
862 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
863 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
864 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
865 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
866 callReference [201] CallReference OPTIONAL
871 recordType [0] CallEventRecordType OPTIONAL,
872 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
873 lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType OPTIONAL,
874 lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity OPTIONAL,
875 servedIMSI [4] IMSI OPTIONAL,
877 servedIMEI [6] IMEI OPTIONAL,
878 emsDigits [7] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
879 emsKey [8] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
880 lcsQos [9] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
881 lcsPriority [10] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
882 mlc-Number [11] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
883 eventTimeStamp [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
884 measureDuration [13] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
885 location [14] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
886 locationEstimate [15] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
887 positioningData [16] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
888 lcsCause [17] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
889 diagnostics [18] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
890 systemType [19] SystemType OPTIONAL,
891 recordExtensions [20] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
892 causeForTerm [21] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
893 lcsReferenceNumber [101] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL,
894 additionalChgInfo [133] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL,
895 chargedParty [141] ChargedParty OPTIONAL,
896 orgRNCorBSCId [167] RNCorBSCId OPTIONAL,
897 orgMSCId [168] MSCId OPTIONAL,
898 globalAreaID [188] GAI OPTIONAL,
899 subscriberCategory [190] SubscriberCategory OPTIONAL,
900 firstmccmnc [192] MCCMNC OPTIONAL,
901 hotBillingTag [200] HotBillingTag OPTIONAL,
902 callReference [201] CallReference OPTIONAL
906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
910 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
912 CallEventDataFile ::= SEQUENCE
914 headerRecord [0] HeaderRecord,
915 callEventRecords [1] SEQUENCE OF CallEventRecord,
916 trailerRecord [2] TrailerRecord,
917 extensions [3] ManagementExtensions
920 ObservedIMEITicketFile ::= SEQUENCE
922 productionDateTime [0] TimeStamp,
923 observedIMEITickets [1] SEQUENCE OF ObservedIMEITicket,
924 noOfRecords [2] INTEGER,
925 extensions [3] ManagementExtensions
928 HeaderRecord ::= SEQUENCE
930 productionDateTime [0] TimeStamp,
931 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity,
932 extensions [2] ManagementExtensions
935 TrailerRecord ::= SEQUENCE
937 productionDateTime [0] TimeStamp,
938 recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity,
939 firstCallDateTime [2] TimeStamp,
940 lastCallDateTime [3] TimeStamp,
941 noOfRecords [4] INTEGER,
942 extensions [5] ManagementExtensions
946 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
950 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
952 AdditionalChgInfo ::= SEQUENCE
954 chargeIndicator [0] ChargeIndicator OPTIONAL,
955 chargeParameters [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
958 AddressString ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1..maxAddressLength))
959 -- This type is used to represent a number for addressing
960 -- purposes. It is composed of
961 -- a) one octet for nature of address, and numbering plan
963 -- b) digits of an address encoded as TBCD-String.
965 -- a) The first octet includes a one bit extension indicator, a
966 -- 3 bits nature of address indicator and a 4 bits numbering
967 -- plan indicator, encoded as follows:
969 -- bit 8: 1 (no extension)
971 -- bits 765: nature of address indicator
973 -- 001 international number
974 -- 010 national significant number
975 -- 011 network specific number
976 -- 100 subscriber number
978 -- 110 abbreviated number
979 -- 111 reserved for extension
981 -- bits 4321: numbering plan indicator
983 -- 0001 ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (Rec CCITT E.164)
985 -- 0011 data numbering plan (CCITT Rec X.121)
986 -- 0100 telex numbering plan (CCITT Rec F.69)
988 -- 0110 land mobile numbering plan (CCITT Rec E.212)
990 -- 1000 national numbering plan
991 -- 1001 private numbering plan
992 -- 1111 reserved for extension
994 -- all other values are reserved.
996 -- b) The following octets representing digits of an address
997 -- encoded as a TBCD-STRING.
999 -- maxAddressLength INTEGER ::= 20
1001 AiurRequested ::= ENUMERATED
1004 -- See Bearer Capability TS 24.008
1005 -- (note that value "4" is intentionally missing
1006 -- because it is not used in TS 24.008)
1009 aiur09600BitsPerSecond (1),
1010 aiur14400BitsPerSecond (2),
1011 aiur19200BitsPerSecond (3),
1012 aiur28800BitsPerSecond (5),
1013 aiur38400BitsPerSecond (6),
1014 aiur43200BitsPerSecond (7),
1015 aiur57600BitsPerSecond (8),
1016 aiur38400BitsPerSecond1 (9),
1017 aiur38400BitsPerSecond2 (10),
1018 aiur38400BitsPerSecond3 (11),
1019 aiur38400BitsPerSecond4 (12)
1022 AOCParameters ::= SEQUENCE
1027 e1 [1] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1028 e2 [2] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1029 e3 [3] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1030 e4 [4] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1031 e5 [5] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1032 e6 [6] EParameter OPTIONAL,
1033 e7 [7] EParameter OPTIONAL
1036 AOCParmChange ::= SEQUENCE
1038 changeTime [0] TimeStamp,
1039 newParameters [1] AOCParameters
1042 BasicService ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))
1044 --This parameter identifies the ISDN Basic service as defined in ETSI specification ETS 300 196.
1045 -- allServices '00'h
1047 -- unrestricteDigtalInfo '02'h
1049 -- unrestricteDigtalInfowithtoneandannoucement '04'h
1050 -- telephony3k1HZ '20'h
1052 -- telefaxGroup4Class1 '22'h
1053 -- videotextSyntaxBased '23'h
1054 -- videotelephony '24'h
1055 -- telefaxGroup2-3 '25'h
1056 -- telephony7kHZ '26'h
1060 BasicServices ::= SET OF BasicServiceCode
1062 BasicServiceCode ::= CHOICE
1064 bearerService [2] BearerServiceCode,
1065 teleservice [3] TeleserviceCode
1069 TeleserviceCode ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
1070 -- This type is used to represent the code identifying a single
1071 -- teleservice, a group of teleservices, or all teleservices. The
1072 -- services are defined in TS GSM 02.03.
1073 -- The internal structure is defined as follows:
1075 -- bits 87654321: group (bits 8765) and specific service
1078 -- allTeleservices (0x00),
1079 -- allSpeechTransmissionServices (0x10),
1080 -- telephony (0x11),
1081 -- emergencyCalls (0x12),
1083 -- allShortMessageServices (0x20),
1084 -- shortMessageMT-PP (0x21),
1085 -- shortMessageMO-PP (0x22),
1087 -- allFacsimileTransmissionServices (0x60),
1088 -- facsimileGroup3AndAlterSpeech (0x61),
1089 -- automaticFacsimileGroup3 (0x62),
1090 -- facsimileGroup4 (0x63),
1092 -- The following non-hierarchical Compound Teleservice Groups
1093 -- are defined in TS GSM 02.30:
1094 -- allDataTeleservices (0x70),
1095 -- covers Teleservice Groups 'allFacsimileTransmissionServices'
1096 -- and 'allShortMessageServices'
1097 -- allTeleservices-ExeptSMS (0x80),
1098 -- covers Teleservice Groups 'allSpeechTransmissionServices' and
1099 -- 'allFacsimileTransmissionServices'
1101 -- Compound Teleservice Group Codes are only used in call
1102 -- independent supplementary service operations, i.e. they
1103 -- are not used in InsertSubscriberData or in
1104 -- DeleteSubscriberData messages.
1106 -- allVoiceGroupCallServices (0x90),
1107 -- voiceGroupCall (0x91),
1108 -- voiceBroadcastCall (0x92),
1110 -- allPLMN-specificTS (0xd0),
1111 -- plmn-specificTS-1 (0xd1),
1112 -- plmn-specificTS-2 (0xd2),
1113 -- plmn-specificTS-3 (0xd3),
1114 -- plmn-specificTS-4 (0xd4),
1115 -- plmn-specificTS-5 (0xd5),
1116 -- plmn-specificTS-6 (0xd6),
1117 -- plmn-specificTS-7 (0xd7),
1118 -- plmn-specificTS-8 (0xd8),
1119 -- plmn-specificTS-9 (0xd9),
1120 -- plmn-specificTS-A (0xda),
1121 -- plmn-specificTS-B (0xdb),
1122 -- plmn-specificTS-C (0xdc),
1123 -- plmn-specificTS-D (0xdd),
1124 -- plmn-specificTS-E (0xde),
1125 -- plmn-specificTS-F (0xdf)
1128 BearerServiceCode ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
1129 -- This type is used to represent the code identifying a single
1130 -- bearer service, a group of bearer services, or all bearer
1131 -- services. The services are defined in TS 3GPP TS 22.002 [3].
1132 -- The internal structure is defined as follows:
1134 -- plmn-specific bearer services:
1135 -- bits 87654321: defined by the HPLMN operator
1137 -- rest of bearer services:
1138 -- bit 8: 0 (unused)
1139 -- bits 7654321: group (bits 7654), and rate, if applicable
1142 -- allBearerServices (0x00),
1143 -- allDataCDA-Services (0x10),
1144 -- dataCDA-300bps (0x11),
1145 -- dataCDA-1200bps (0x12),
1146 -- dataCDA-1200-75bps (0x13),
1147 -- dataCDA-2400bps (0x14),
1148 -- dataCDA-4800bps (0x15),
1149 -- dataCDA-9600bps (0x16),
1150 -- general-dataCDA (0x17),
1152 -- allDataCDS-Services (0x18),
1153 -- dataCDS-1200bps (0x1a),
1154 -- dataCDS-2400bps (0x1c),
1155 -- dataCDS-4800bps (0x1d),
1156 -- dataCDS-9600bps (0x1e),
1157 -- general-dataCDS (0x1f),
1159 -- allPadAccessCA-Services (0x20),
1160 -- padAccessCA-300bps (0x21),
1161 -- padAccessCA-1200bps (0x22),
1162 -- padAccessCA-1200-75bps (0x23),
1163 -- padAccessCA-2400bps (0x24),
1164 -- padAccessCA-4800bps (0x25),
1165 -- padAccessCA-9600bps (0x26),
1166 -- general-padAccessCA (0x27),
1168 -- allDataPDS-Services (0x28),
1169 -- dataPDS-2400bps (0x2c),
1170 -- dataPDS-4800bps (0x2d),
1171 -- dataPDS-9600bps (0x2e),
1172 -- general-dataPDS (0x2f),
1174 -- allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA (0x30),
1176 -- allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS (0x38),
1178 -- allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA (0x40),
1180 -- allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS (0x48),
1182 -- The following non-hierarchical Compound Bearer Service
1183 -- Groups are defined in TS GSM 02.30:
1184 -- allDataCircuitAsynchronous (0x50),
1185 -- covers "allDataCDA-Services", "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA" and
1186 -- "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA"
1187 -- allDataCircuitSynchronous (0x58),
1188 -- covers "allDataCDS-Services", "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS" and
1189 -- "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS"
1190 -- allAsynchronousServices (0x60),
1191 -- covers "allDataCDA-Services", "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA",
1192 -- "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA" and "allPadAccessCDA-Services"
1193 -- allSynchronousServices (0x68),
1194 -- covers "allDataCDS-Services", "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS",
1195 -- "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS" and "allDataPDS-Services"
1197 -- Compound Bearer Service Group Codes are only used in call
1198 -- independent supplementary service operations, i.e. they
1199 -- are not used in InsertSubscriberData or in
1200 -- DeleteSubscriberData messages.
1202 -- allPLMN-specificBS (0xd0),
1203 -- plmn-specificBS-1 (0xd1),
1204 -- plmn-specificBS-2 (0xd2),
1205 -- plmn-specificBS-3 (0xd3),
1206 -- plmn-specificBS-4 (0xd4),
1207 -- plmn-specificBS-5 (0xd5),
1208 -- plmn-specificBS-6 (0xd6),
1209 -- plmn-specificBS-7 (0xd7),
1210 -- plmn-specificBS-8 (0xd8),
1211 -- plmn-specificBS-9 (0xd9),
1212 -- plmn-specificBS-A (0xda),
1213 -- plmn-specificBS-B (0xdb),
1214 -- plmn-specificBS-C (0xdc),
1215 -- plmn-specificBS-D (0xdd),
1216 -- plmn-specificBS-E (0xde),
1217 -- plmn-specificBS-F (0xdf)
1220 BCDDirectoryNumber ::= OCTET STRING
1221 -- This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of
1222 -- a directory number e.g. calling/called/connected/translated number.
1223 -- The encoding of the octet string is in accordance with the
1224 -- the elements "Calling party BCD number", "Called party BCD number"
1225 -- and "Connected number" defined in TS 24.008.
1226 -- This encoding includes type of number and number plan information
1227 -- together with a BCD encoded digit string.
1228 -- It may also contain both a presentation and screening indicator
1230 -- For the avoidance of doubt, this field does not include
1231 -- octets 1 and 2, the element name and length, as this would be
1234 CallDuration ::= INTEGER
1236 -- The call duration in seconds.
1237 -- For successful calls this is the chargeable duration.
1238 -- For call attempts this is the call holding time.
1241 CallEventRecordType ::= ENUMERATED -- INTEGER
1246 incGatewayRecord (3),
1247 outGatewayRecord (4),
1248 transitCallRecord (5),
1251 ssActionRecord (10),
1253 commonEquipRecord (14),
1256 termCAMELRecord (17),
1260 forwardCallRecord (100)
1263 CalledNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1265 CallingNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1267 CallingPartyCategory ::= Category
1269 CallReference ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1..8))
1271 CallReferenceNumber ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1..8))
1273 CAMELDestinationNumber ::= DestinationRoutingAddress
1275 CAMELInformation ::= SET
1277 cAMELDestinationNumber [1] CAMELDestinationNumber OPTIONAL,
1278 connectedNumber [2] ConnectedNumber OPTIONAL,
1279 roamingNumber [3] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL,
1280 mscOutgoingROUTE [4] ROUTE OPTIONAL,
1281 seizureTime [5] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1282 answerTime [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1283 releaseTime [7] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
1284 callDuration [8] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
1285 dataVolume [9] DataVolume OPTIONAL,
1286 cAMELInitCFIndicator [10] CAMELInitCFIndicator OPTIONAL,
1287 causeForTerm [11] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL,
1288 cAMELModification [12] ChangedParameters OPTIONAL,
1289 freeFormatData [13] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
1290 diagnostics [14] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
1291 freeFormatDataAppend [15] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
1292 freeFormatData-2 [16] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
1293 freeFormatDataAppend-2 [17] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
1296 CAMELSMSInformation ::= SET
1298 gsm-SCFAddress [1] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
1299 serviceKey [2] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
1300 defaultSMSHandling [3] DefaultSMS-Handling OPTIONAL,
1301 freeFormatData [4] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
1302 callingPartyNumber [5] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
1303 destinationSubscriberNumber [6] CalledNumber OPTIONAL,
1304 cAMELSMSCAddress [7] AddressString OPTIONAL,
1305 smsReferenceNumber [8] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL
1308 CAMELInitCFIndicator ::= ENUMERATED
1310 noCAMELCallForwarding (0),
1311 cAMELCallForwarding (1)
1314 CAMELModificationParameters ::= SET
1316 -- The list contains only parameters changed due to CAMEL call
1320 callingPartyNumber [0] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
1321 callingPartyCategory [1] CallingPartyCategory OPTIONAL,
1322 originalCalledPartyNumber [2] OriginalCalledNumber OPTIONAL,
1323 genericNumbers [3] GenericNumbers OPTIONAL,
1324 redirectingPartyNumber [4] RedirectingNumber OPTIONAL,
1325 redirectionCounter [5] NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL
1329 Category ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))
1331 -- The internal structure is defined in ITU-T Rec Q.763.
1332 --see subscribe category
1334 CauseForTerm ::= ENUMERATED -- INTEGER
1336 -- Cause codes from 16 up to 31 are defined in TS 32.015 as 'CauseForRecClosing'
1337 -- (cause for record closing).
1338 -- There is no direct correlation between these two types.
1339 -- LCS related causes belong to the MAP error causes acc. TS 29.002.
1344 partialRecordCallReestablishment (2),
1345 unsuccessfulCallAttempt (3),
1346 stableCallAbnormalTermination (4),
1347 cAMELInitCallRelease (5),
1348 unauthorizedRequestingNetwork (52),
1349 unauthorizedLCSClient (53),
1350 positionMethodFailure (54),
1351 unknownOrUnreachableLCSClient (58)
1354 CellId ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(2))
1356 -- Coded according to TS 24.008
1359 ChangedParameters ::= SET
1361 changeFlags [0] ChangeFlags,
1362 changeList [1] CAMELModificationParameters OPTIONAL
1365 ChangeFlags ::= BIT STRING
1367 -- callingPartyNumberModified (0),
1368 -- callingPartyCategoryModified (1),
1369 -- originalCalledPartyNumberModified (2),
1370 -- genericNumbersModified (3),
1371 -- redirectingPartyNumberModified (4),
1372 -- redirectionCounterModified (5)
1375 ChangeOfClassmark ::= SEQUENCE
1377 classmark [0] Classmark,
1378 changeTime [1] TimeStamp
1381 ChangeOfRadioChannel ::= SEQUENCE
1383 radioChannel [0] TrafficChannel,
1384 changeTime [1] TimeStamp,
1385 speechVersionUsed [2] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL
1388 ChangeOfService ::= SEQUENCE
1390 basicService [0] BasicServiceCode,
1391 transparencyInd [1] TransparencyInd OPTIONAL,
1392 changeTime [2] TimeStamp,
1393 rateIndication [3] RateIndication OPTIONAL,
1394 fnur [4] Fnur OPTIONAL
1397 ChannelCoding ::= ENUMERATED
1404 ChargeIndicator ::= ENUMERATED -- INTEGER
1411 Classmark ::= OCTET STRING
1413 -- See Mobile station classmark 2 or 3 TS 24.008
1416 ConnectedNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1418 DataVolume ::= INTEGER
1420 -- The volume of data transferred in segments of 64 octets.
1423 Day ::= INTEGER -- (1..31)
1425 --DayClass ::= ObjectInstance
1427 --DayClasses ::= SET OF DayClass
1429 --DayDefinition ::= SEQUENCE
1431 -- day [0] DayOfTheWeek,
1432 -- dayClass [1] ObjectInstance
1435 --DayDefinitions ::= SET OF DayDefinition
1437 --DateDefinition ::= SEQUENCE
1441 -- dayClass [2] ObjectInstance
1444 --DateDefinitions ::= SET OF DateDefinition
1446 --DayOfTheWeek ::= ENUMERATED
1458 DestinationRoutingAddress ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1460 DefaultCallHandling ::= ENUMERATED
1465 -- exception handling:
1466 -- reception of values in range 2-31 shall be treated as "continueCall"
1467 -- reception of values greater than 31 shall be treated as "releaseCall"
1469 DeferredLocationEventType ::= BIT STRING
1474 -- exception handling
1475 -- a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing other values than listed above in
1476 -- DeferredLocationEventType shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of
1477 -- unexpected data value.
1479 Diagnostics ::= CHOICE
1481 gsm0408Cause [0] INTEGER,
1483 gsm0902MapErrorValue [1] INTEGER,
1484 -- Note: The value to be stored here corresponds to
1485 -- the local values defined in the MAP-Errors and
1486 -- MAP-DialogueInformation modules, for full details
1488 ccittQ767Cause [2] INTEGER,
1490 networkSpecificCause [3] ManagementExtension,
1491 -- To be defined by network operator
1492 manufacturerSpecificCause [4] ManagementExtension
1493 -- To be defined by manufacturer
1496 DefaultSMS-Handling ::= ENUMERATED
1498 continueTransaction (0) ,
1499 releaseTransaction (1)
1501 -- exception handling:
1502 -- reception of values in range 2-31 shall be treated as "continueTransaction"
1503 -- reception of values greater than 31 shall be treated as "releaseTransaction"
1505 --Destinations ::= SET OF AE-title
1507 EmergencyCallIndEnable ::= BOOLEAN
1509 EmergencyCallIndication ::= SEQUENCE
1512 callerId [1] IMSIorIMEI
1515 EParameter ::= INTEGER -- (0..1023)
1517 -- Coded according to TS 22.024 and TS 24.080
1520 EquipmentId ::= INTEGER
1522 Ext-GeographicalInformation ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1..maxExt-GeographicalInformation))
1523 -- Refers to geographical Information defined in 3G TS 23.032.
1524 -- This is composed of 1 or more octets with an internal structure according to
1526 -- Octet 1: Type of shape, only the following shapes in 3G TS 23.032 are allowed:
1527 -- (a) Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle
1528 -- (b) Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse
1529 -- (c) Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid
1530 -- (d) Ellipsoid Arc
1531 -- (e) Ellipsoid Point
1532 -- Any other value in octet 1 shall be treated as invalid
1533 -- Octets 2 to 8 for case (a) - Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle
1534 -- Degrees of Latitude 3 octets
1535 -- Degrees of Longitude 3 octets
1536 -- Uncertainty code 1 octet
1537 -- Octets 2 to 11 for case (b) - Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse:
1538 -- Degrees of Latitude 3 octets
1539 -- Degrees of Longitude 3 octets
1540 -- Uncertainty semi-major axis 1 octet
1541 -- Uncertainty semi-minor axis 1 octet
1542 -- Angle of major axis 1 octet
1543 -- Confidence 1 octet
1544 -- Octets 2 to 14 for case (c) - Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid
1545 -- Degrees of Latitude 3 octets
1546 -- Degrees of Longitude 3 octets
1547 -- Altitude 2 octets
1548 -- Uncertainty semi-major axis 1 octet
1549 -- Uncertainty semi-minor axis 1 octet
1550 -- Angle of major axis 1 octet
1551 -- Uncertainty altitude 1 octet
1552 -- Confidence 1 octet
1553 -- Octets 2 to 13 for case (d) - Ellipsoid Arc
1554 -- Degrees of Latitude 3 octets
1555 -- Degrees of Longitude 3 octets
1556 -- Inner radius 2 octets
1557 -- Uncertainty radius 1 octet
1558 -- Offset angle 1 octet
1559 -- Included angle 1 octet
1560 -- Confidence 1 octet
1561 -- Octets 2 to 7 for case (e) - Ellipsoid Point
1562 -- Degrees of Latitude 3 octets
1563 -- Degrees of Longitude 3 octets
1565 -- An Ext-GeographicalInformation parameter comprising more than one octet and
1566 -- containing any other shape or an incorrect number of octets or coding according
1567 -- to 3G TS 23.032 shall be treated as invalid data by a receiver.
1569 -- An Ext-GeographicalInformation parameter comprising one octet shall be discarded
1570 -- by the receiver if an Add-GeographicalInformation parameter is received
1571 -- in the same message.
1573 -- An Ext-GeographicalInformation parameter comprising one octet shall be treated as
1574 -- invalid data by the receiver if an Add-GeographicalInformation parameter is not
1575 -- received in the same message.
1577 -- maxExt-GeographicalInformation INTEGER ::= 20
1578 -- the maximum length allows for further shapes in 3G TS 23.032 to be included in later
1579 -- versions of 3G TS 29.002
1581 EquipmentType ::= ENUMERATED -- INTEGER
1583 conferenceBridge (0)
1586 FileType ::= ENUMERATED -- INTEGER
1590 observedIMEITicket (14)
1596 -- See Bearer Capability TS 24.008
1598 fnurNotApplicable (0),
1599 fnur9600-BitsPerSecond (1),
1600 fnur14400BitsPerSecond (2),
1601 fnur19200BitsPerSecond (3),
1602 fnur28800BitsPerSecond (4),
1603 fnur38400BitsPerSecond (5),
1604 fnur48000BitsPerSecond (6),
1605 fnur56000BitsPerSecond (7),
1606 fnur64000BitsPerSecond (8),
1607 fnur33600BitsPerSecond (9),
1608 fnur32000BitsPerSecond (10),
1609 fnur31200BitsPerSecond (11)
1612 ForwardToNumber ::= AddressString
1614 FreeFormatData ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1..160))
1616 -- Free formated data as sent in the FCI message
1620 GenericNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1622 GenericNumbers ::= SET OF GenericNumber
1624 Gsm-SCFAddress ::= ISDNAddressString
1629 HLRIntResult ::= Diagnostics
1631 Horizontal-Accuracy ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
1633 -- bits 7-1 = 7 bit Uncertainty Code defined in 3G TS 23.032. The horizontal location
1634 -- error should be less than the error indicated by the uncertainty code with 67%
1637 HotBillingTag ::= ENUMERATED --INTEGER
1643 HSCSDParmsChange ::= SEQUENCE
1645 changeTime [0] TimeStamp,
1646 hSCSDChanAllocated [1] NumOfHSCSDChanAllocated,
1647 initiatingParty [2] InitiatingParty OPTIONAL,
1648 aiurRequested [3] AiurRequested OPTIONAL,
1649 chanCodingUsed [4] ChannelCoding,
1650 hSCSDChanRequested [5] NumOfHSCSDChanRequested OPTIONAL
1654 IMEI ::= TBCD-STRING -- (SIZE (8))
1655 -- Refers to International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
1656 -- and Software Version Number (SVN) defined in TS GSM 03.03.
1657 -- If the SVN is not present the last octet shall contain the
1658 -- digit 0 and a filler.
1659 -- If present the SVN shall be included in the last octet.
1661 IMSI ::= TBCD-STRING -- (SIZE (3..8))
1662 -- digits of MCC, MNC, MSIN are concatenated in this order.
1666 mobileOriginatedCall (0),
1667 mobileTerminatedCall (1),
1668 smsMobileOriginating (2),
1669 smsMobileTerminating (3),
1674 IMEIStatus ::= ENUMERATED
1676 greyListedMobileEquipment (0),
1677 blackListedMobileEquipment (1),
1678 nonWhiteListedMobileEquipment (2)
1687 InitiatingParty ::= ENUMERATED
1693 ISDN-AddressString ::= AddressString -- (SIZE (1..maxISDN-AddressLength))
1694 -- This type is used to represent ISDN numbers.
1696 -- maxISDN-AddressLength INTEGER ::= 9
1698 LCSCause ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))
1700 -- See LCS Cause Value, 3GPP TS 49.031
1703 LCS-Priority ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
1704 -- 0 = highest priority
1705 -- 1 = normal priority
1706 -- all other values treated as 1
1708 LCSClientIdentity ::= SEQUENCE
1710 lcsClientExternalID [0] LCSClientExternalID OPTIONAL,
1711 lcsClientDialedByMS [1] AddressString OPTIONAL,
1712 lcsClientInternalID [2] LCSClientInternalID OPTIONAL
1715 LCSClientExternalID ::= SEQUENCE
1717 externalAddress [0] AddressString OPTIONAL
1718 -- extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL
1721 LCSClientInternalID ::= ENUMERATED
1723 broadcastService (0),
1726 anonymousLocation (3),
1727 targetMSsubscribedService (4)
1729 -- for a CAMEL phase 3 PLMN operator client, the value targetMSsubscribedService shall be used
1731 LCSClientType ::= ENUMERATED
1733 emergencyServices (0),
1734 valueAddedServices (1),
1735 plmnOperatorServices (2),
1736 lawfulInterceptServices (3)
1738 -- exception handling:
1739 -- unrecognized values may be ignored if the LCS client uses the privacy override
1740 -- otherwise, an unrecognized value shall be treated as unexpected data by a receiver
1741 -- a return error shall then be returned if received in a MAP invoke
1743 LCSQoSInfo ::= SEQUENCE
1745 horizontal-accuracy [0] Horizontal-Accuracy OPTIONAL,
1746 verticalCoordinateRequest [1] NULL OPTIONAL,
1747 vertical-accuracy [2] Vertical-Accuracy OPTIONAL,
1748 responseTime [3] ResponseTime OPTIONAL
1751 LevelOfCAMELService ::= BIT STRING
1754 -- callDurationSupervision (1),
1755 -- onlineCharging (2)
1758 LocationAreaAndCell ::= SEQUENCE
1760 locationAreaCode [0] LocationAreaCode,
1761 cellIdentifier [1] CellId
1763 -- For 2G the content of the Cell Identifier is defined by the Cell Id
1764 -- refer TS 24.008 and for 3G by the Service Area Code refer TS 25.413.
1769 LocationAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(2))
1774 LocationChange ::= SEQUENCE
1776 location [0] LocationAreaAndCell,
1777 changeTime [1] TimeStamp
1780 Location-info ::= SEQUENCE
1782 mscNumber [1] MscNo OPTIONAL,
1783 location-area [2] LocationAreaCode,
1784 cell-identification [3] CellId OPTIONAL
1787 LocationType ::= SEQUENCE
1789 locationEstimateType [0] LocationEstimateType,
1790 deferredLocationEventType [1] DeferredLocationEventType OPTIONAL
1793 LocationEstimateType ::= ENUMERATED
1795 currentLocation (0),
1796 currentOrLastKnownLocation (1),
1797 initialLocation (2),
1798 activateDeferredLocation (3),
1799 cancelDeferredLocation (4)
1801 -- exception handling:
1802 -- a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing an unrecognized LocationEstimateType
1803 -- shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of unexpected data value
1805 LocUpdResult ::= Diagnostics
1807 ManagementExtensions ::= SET OF ManagementExtension
1809 ManagementExtension ::= SEQUENCE
1811 identifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
1812 significance [1] BOOLEAN , -- DEFAULT FALSE,
1813 information [2] OCTET STRING
1819 -- This type contains the mobile country code (MCC) and the mobile
1820 -- network code (MNC) of a PLMN.
1823 RateIndication ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))
1825 --0 no rate adaption
1826 --1 V.110, I.460/X.30
1827 --2 ITU-T X.31 flag stuffing
1833 MessageReference ::= OCTET STRING
1835 Month ::= INTEGER -- (1..12)
1837 MOLR-Type ::= INTEGER
1838 --0 locationEstimate
1842 MSCAddress ::= AddressString
1844 MscNo ::= ISDN-AddressString
1849 MSISDN ::= ISDN-AddressString
1854 MSPowerClasses ::= SET OF RFPowerCapability
1856 NetworkCallReference ::= CallReferenceNumber
1860 NetworkSpecificCode ::= INTEGER
1862 -- To be defined by network operator
1865 NetworkSpecificServices ::= SET OF NetworkSpecificCode
1867 NotificationToMSUser ::= ENUMERATED
1869 notifyLocationAllowed (0),
1870 notifyAndVerify-LocationAllowedIfNoResponse (1),
1871 notifyAndVerify-LocationNotAllowedIfNoResponse (2),
1872 locationNotAllowed (3)
1874 -- exception handling:
1875 -- At reception of any other value than the ones listed the receiver shall ignore
1876 -- NotificationToMSUser.
1878 NumberOfForwarding ::= INTEGER -- (1..5)
1880 NumOfHSCSDChanRequested ::= INTEGER
1882 NumOfHSCSDChanAllocated ::= INTEGER
1884 ObservedIMEITicketEnable ::= BOOLEAN
1886 OriginalCalledNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1888 OriginDestCombinations ::= SET OF OriginDestCombination
1890 OriginDestCombination ::= SEQUENCE
1892 origin [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
1893 destination [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL
1895 -- Note that these values correspond to the contents
1896 -- of the attributes originId and destinationId
1897 -- respectively. At least one of the two must be present.
1901 PartialRecordTimer ::= INTEGER
1903 PartialRecordType ::= ENUMERATED
1908 classmarkChange (3),
1910 radioChannelChange (5),
1911 hSCSDParmChange (6),
1912 changeOfCAMELDestination (7),
1914 severalSSOperationBill (21)
1917 PartialRecordTypes ::= SET OF PartialRecordType
1919 PositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1..33))
1921 -- See Positioning Data IE (octet 3..n), 3GPP TS 49.031
1924 RadioChannelsRequested ::= SET OF RadioChanRequested
1926 RadioChanRequested ::= ENUMERATED
1929 -- See Bearer Capability TS 24.008
1931 halfRateChannel (0),
1932 fullRateChannel (1),
1933 dualHalfRatePreferred (2),
1934 dualFullRatePreferred (3)
1937 --RecordClassDestination ::= CHOICE
1939 -- osApplication [0] AE-title,
1940 -- fileType [1] FileType
1943 --RecordClassDestinations ::= SET OF RecordClassDestination
1945 RecordingEntity ::= AddressString
1947 RecordingMethod ::= ENUMERATED
1953 RedirectingNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
1955 RedirectingCounter ::= INTEGER
1957 ResponseTime ::= SEQUENCE
1959 responseTimeCategory ResponseTimeCategory
1961 -- note: an expandable SEQUENCE simplifies later addition of a numeric response time.
1963 ResponseTimeCategory ::= ENUMERATED
1968 -- exception handling:
1969 -- an unrecognized value shall be treated the same as value 1 (delaytolerant)
1971 RFPowerCapability ::= INTEGER
1973 -- This field contains the RF power capability of the Mobile station
1974 -- classmark 1 and 2 of TS 24.008 expressed as an integer.
1977 RoamingNumber ::= ISDN-AddressString
1982 RoutingNumber ::= CHOICE
1984 roaming [1] RoamingNumber,
1985 forwarded [2] ForwardToNumber
1990 teleservice [1] TeleserviceCode,
1991 bearerService [2] BearerServiceCode,
1992 supplementaryService [3] SS-Code,
1993 networkSpecificService [4] NetworkSpecificCode
1996 ServiceDistanceDependencies ::= SET OF ServiceDistanceDependency
1998 ServiceDistanceDependency ::= SEQUENCE
2000 aocService [0] INTEGER,
2001 chargingZone [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL
2003 -- Note that these values correspond to the contents
2004 -- of the attributes aocServiceId and zoneId
2009 ServiceKey ::= INTEGER -- (0..2147483647)
2011 SimpleIntegerName ::= INTEGER
2013 SimpleStringName ::= GraphicString
2015 SMSResult ::= Diagnostics
2017 SmsTpDestinationNumber ::= OCTET STRING
2019 -- This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of
2020 -- the SMS address field the encoding of the octet string is in
2021 -- accordance with the definition of address fields in TS 23.040.
2022 -- This encoding includes type of number and numbering plan indication
2023 -- together with the address value range.
2026 SpeechVersionIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(1))
2029 -- 000 0001 GSM speech full rate version 1
2030 -- 001 0001 GSM speech full rate version 2 used for enhanced full rate
2031 -- 010 0001 GSM speech full rate version 3 for future use
2032 -- 000 0101 GSM speech half rate version 1
2033 -- 001 0101 GSM speech half rate version 2 for future use
2034 -- 010 0101 GSM speech half rate version 3 for future use
2036 SSActionResult ::= Diagnostics
2038 SSActionType ::= ENUMERATED
2046 passwordRegistration (6),
2050 -- ussdInvocation (7) include ussd phase 1,phase 2
2052 --SS Request = SSActionType
2054 SS-Code ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
2055 -- This type is used to represent the code identifying a single
2056 -- supplementary service, a group of supplementary services, or
2057 -- all supplementary services. The services and abbreviations
2058 -- used are defined in TS 3GPP TS 22.004 [5]. The internal structure is
2059 -- defined as follows:
2061 -- bits 87654321: group (bits 8765), and specific service
2062 -- (bits 4321) ussd = ff
2065 -- reserved for possible future use
2068 -- allLineIdentificationSS (0x10),
2069 -- reserved for possible future use
2070 -- all line identification SS
2072 -- calling-line-identification-presentation (0x11),
2073 -- calling line identification presentation
2074 -- calling-line-identification-restriction (0x12),
2075 -- calling line identification restriction
2076 -- connected-line-identification-presentation (0x13),
2077 -- connected line identification presentation
2078 -- connected-line-identification-restriction (0x14),
2079 -- connected line identification restriction
2080 -- malicious-call-identification (0x15),
2081 -- reserved for possible future use
2082 -- malicious call identification
2084 -- allNameIdentificationSS (0x18),
2085 -- all name identification SS
2086 -- calling-name-presentation (0x19),
2087 -- calling name presentation
2089 -- SS-Codes '00011010'B, to '00011111'B, are reserved for future
2090 -- NameIdentification Supplementary Service use.
2092 -- allForwardingSS (0x20),
2093 -- all forwarding SS
2094 -- call-forwarding-unconditional (0x21),
2095 -- call forwarding unconditional
2096 -- call-deflection (0x24),
2098 -- allCondForwardingSS (0x28),
2099 -- all conditional forwarding SS
2100 -- call-forwarding-on-mobile-subscriber-busy (0x29),
2101 -- call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy
2102 -- call-forwarding-on-no-reply (0x2a),
2103 -- call forwarding on no reply
2104 -- call-forwarding-on-mobile-subscriber-not-reachable (0x2b),
2105 -- call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable
2107 -- allCallOfferingSS (0x30),
2108 -- reserved for possible future use
2109 -- all call offering SS includes also all forwarding SS
2111 -- explicit-call-transfer (0x31),
2112 -- explicit call transfer
2113 -- mobile-access-hunting (0x32),
2114 -- reserved for possible future use
2115 -- mobile access hunting
2117 -- allCallCompletionSS (0x40),
2118 -- reserved for possible future use
2119 -- all Call completion SS
2121 -- call-waiting (0x41),
2123 -- call-hold (0x42),
2125 -- completion-of-call-to-busy-subscribers-originating-side (0x43),
2126 -- completion of call to busy subscribers, originating side
2127 -- completion-of-call-to-busy-subscribers-destination-side (0x44),
2128 -- completion of call to busy subscribers, destination side
2129 -- this SS-Code is used only in InsertSubscriberData and DeleteSubscriberData
2131 -- multicall (0x45),
2134 -- allMultiPartySS (0x50),
2135 -- reserved for possible future use
2136 -- all multiparty SS
2141 -- allCommunityOfInterest-SS (0x60),
2142 -- reserved for possible future use
2143 -- all community of interest SS
2144 -- closed-user-group (0x61),
2145 -- closed user group
2147 -- allChargingSS (0x70),
2148 -- reserved for possible future use
2150 -- advice-of-charge-information (0x71),
2151 -- advice of charge information
2152 -- advice-of-charge-charging (0x72),
2153 -- advice of charge charging
2155 -- allAdditionalInfoTransferSS (0x80),
2156 -- reserved for possible future use
2157 -- all additional information transfer SS
2158 -- uUS1-user-to-user-signalling (0x81),
2159 -- UUS1 user-to-user signalling
2160 -- uUS2-user-to-user-signalling (0x82),
2161 -- UUS2 user-to-user signalling
2162 -- uUS3-user-to-user-signalling (0x83),
2163 -- UUS3 user-to-user signalling
2165 -- allBarringSS (0x90),
2167 -- barringOfOutgoingCalls (0x91),
2168 -- barring of outgoing calls
2169 -- barring-of-all-outgoing-calls (0x92),
2170 -- barring of all outgoing calls
2171 -- barring-of-outgoing-international-calls (0x93),
2172 -- barring of outgoing international calls
2174 -- barring of outgoing international calls except those directed
2176 -- barringOfIncomingCalls (0x99),
2177 -- barring of incoming calls
2178 -- barring-of-all-incoming-calls (0x9a),
2179 -- barring of all incoming calls
2180 -- barring-of-incoming-calls-when-roaming-outside-home-PLMN-Country (0x9b),
2181 -- barring of incoming calls when roaming outside home PLMN
2184 -- allCallPrioritySS (0xa0),
2185 -- reserved for possible future use
2186 -- all call priority SS
2187 -- enhanced-Multilevel-Precedence-Pre-emption-EMLPP-service (0xa1),
2188 -- enhanced Multilevel Precedence Pre-emption 'EMLPP) service
2190 -- allLCSPrivacyException (0xb0),
2191 -- all LCS Privacy Exception Classes
2192 -- universal (0xb1),
2193 -- allow location by any LCS client
2194 -- callrelated (0xb2),
2195 -- allow location by any value added LCS client to which a call
2196 -- is established from the target MS
2197 -- callunrelated (0xb3),
2198 -- allow location by designated external value added LCS clients
2199 -- plmnoperator (0xb4),
2200 -- allow location by designated PLMN operator LCS clients
2202 -- allMOLR-SS (0xc0),
2203 -- all Mobile Originating Location Request Classes
2204 -- basicSelfLocation (0xc1),
2205 -- allow an MS to request its own location
2206 -- autonomousSelfLocation (0xc2),
2207 -- allow an MS to perform self location without interaction
2208 -- with the PLMN for a predetermined period of time
2209 -- transferToThirdParty (0xc3),
2210 -- allow an MS to request transfer of its location to another LCS client
2212 -- allPLMN-specificSS (0xf0),
2213 -- plmn-specificSS-1 (0xf1),
2214 -- plmn-specificSS-2 (0xf2),
2215 -- plmn-specificSS-3 (0xf3),
2216 -- plmn-specificSS-4 (0xf4),
2217 -- plmn-specificSS-5 (0xf5),
2218 -- plmn-specificSS-6 (0xf6),
2219 -- plmn-specificSS-7 (0xf7),
2220 -- plmn-specificSS-8 (0xf8),
2221 -- plmn-specificSS-9 (0xf9),
2222 -- plmn-specificSS-A (0xfa),
2223 -- plmn-specificSS-B (0xfb),
2224 -- plmn-specificSS-C (0xfc),
2225 -- plmn-specificSS-D (0xfd),
2226 -- plmn-specificSS-E (0xfe),
2230 SSParameters ::= CHOICE
2232 forwardedToNumber [0] ForwardToNumber,
2233 unstructuredData [1] OCTET STRING
2236 SupplServices ::= SET OF SS-Code
2238 SuppServiceUsed ::= SEQUENCE
2240 ssCode [0] SS-Code OPTIONAL,
2241 ssTime [1] TimeStamp OPTIONAL
2244 SwitchoverTime ::= SEQUENCE
2246 hour INTEGER , -- (0..23),
2247 minute INTEGER , -- (0..59),
2248 second INTEGER -- (0..59)
2251 SystemType ::= ENUMERATED
2252 -- "unknown" is not to be used in PS domain.
2260 -- This type (Telephony Binary Coded Decimal String) is used to
2261 -- represent several digits from 0 through 9, *, #, a, b, c, two
2262 -- digits per octet, each digit encoded 0000 to 1001 (0 to 9),
2263 -- 1010 (*), 1011 (#), 1100 (a), 1101 (b) or 1110 (c); 1111 used
2264 -- as filler when there is an odd number of digits.
2266 -- bits 8765 of octet n encoding digit 2n
2267 -- bits 4321 of octet n encoding digit 2(n-1) +1
2269 TariffId ::= INTEGER
2271 TariffPeriod ::= SEQUENCE
2273 switchoverTime [0] SwitchoverTime,
2274 tariffId [1] INTEGER
2275 -- Note that the value of tariffId corresponds
2276 -- to the attribute tariffId.
2279 TariffPeriods ::= SET OF TariffPeriod
2281 TariffSystemStatus ::= ENUMERATED
2283 available (0), -- available for modification
2284 checked (1), -- "frozen" and checked
2285 standby (2), -- "frozen" awaiting activation
2286 active (3) -- "frozen" and active
2290 TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(9))
2292 -- The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format
2293 -- containing local time plus an offset to universal time. Binary coded
2294 -- decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and
2295 -- transmission overhead
2296 -- e.g. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm
2298 -- YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded
2299 -- MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded
2300 -- DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded
2301 -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded
2302 -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded
2303 -- ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded
2304 -- S = Sign 0 = "+", "-" ASCII encoded
2305 -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded
2306 -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded
2309 TrafficChannel ::= ENUMERATED
2315 TranslatedNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
2317 TransparencyInd ::= ENUMERATED
2325 rOUTENumber [0] INTEGER,
2326 rOUTEName [1] GraphicString
2329 --rOUTEName 1 10 octet
2331 TSChangeover ::= SEQUENCE
2333 newActiveTS [0] INTEGER,
2334 newStandbyTS [1] INTEGER,
2335 -- changeoverTime [2] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL,
2336 authkey [3] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
2337 checksum [4] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
2338 versionNumber [5] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
2339 -- Note that if the changeover time is not
2340 -- specified then the change is immediate.
2343 TSCheckError ::= SEQUENCE
2345 errorId [0] TSCheckErrorId
2346 --fail [1] ANY DEFINED BY errorId OPTIONAL
2349 TSCheckErrorId ::= CHOICE
2351 globalForm [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
2352 localForm [1] INTEGER
2355 TSCheckResult ::= CHOICE
2358 fail [1] SET OF TSCheckError
2361 TSCopyTariffSystem ::= SEQUENCE
2367 TSNextChange ::= CHOICE
2369 noChangeover [0] NULL,
2370 tsChangeover [1] TSChangeover
2373 TypeOfSubscribers ::= ENUMERATED
2375 home (0), -- HPLMN subscribers
2376 visiting (1), -- roaming subscribers
2380 TypeOfTransaction ::= ENUMERATED
2387 Vertical-Accuracy ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
2389 -- bits 7-1 = 7 bit Vertical Uncertainty Code defined in 3G TS 23.032.
2390 -- The vertical location error should be less than the error indicated
2391 -- by the uncertainty code with 67% confidence.
2393 ISDNAddressString ::= AddressString
2395 EmlppPriority ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
2397 --priorityLevelA EMLPP-Priority ::= 6
2398 --priorityLevelB EMLPP-Priority ::= 5
2399 --priorityLevel0 EMLPP-Priority ::= 0
2400 --priorityLevel1 EMLPP-Priority ::= 1
2401 --priorityLevel2 EMLPP-Priority ::= 2
2402 --priorityLevel3 EMLPP-Priority ::= 3
2403 --priorityLevel4 EMLPP-Priority ::= 4
2407 EASubscriberInfo ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (3))
2408 -- The internal structure is defined by the Carrier Identification
2409 -- parameter in ANSI T1.113.3. Carrier codes between "000" and "999" may
2410 -- be encoded as 3 digits using "000" to "999" or as 4 digits using
2411 -- "0000" to "0999". Carrier codes between "1000" and "9999" are encoded
2414 SelectedCIC ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (3))
2416 PortedFlag ::= ENUMERATED
2418 numberNotPorted (0),
2422 SubscriberCategory ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
2423 -- unknownuser = 0x00,
2424 -- frenchuser = 0x01,
2425 -- englishuser = 0x02,
2426 -- germanuser = 0x03,
2427 -- russianuser = 0x04,
2428 -- spanishuser = 0x05,
2429 -- specialuser = 0x06,
2430 -- reserveuser = 0x09,
2431 -- commonuser = 0x0a,
2432 -- superioruser = 0x0b,
2433 -- datacalluser = 0x0c,
2434 -- testcalluser = 0x0d,
2435 -- spareuser = 0x0e,
2436 -- payphoneuser = 0x0f,
2441 CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator ::= ENUMERATED
2447 CUGInterlockCode ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (4))
2451 CUGOutgoingAccessUsed ::= ENUMERATED
2453 callInTheSameCUGGroup (0),
2454 callNotInTheSameCUGGroup (1)
2459 MSCCIC ::= INTEGER -- (0..65535)
2461 RNCorBSCId ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (3))
2462 --octet order is the same as RANAP/BSSAP signaling
2463 --if spc is coded as 14bit, then OCTET STRING1 will filled with 00 ,for example rnc id = 123 will be coded as 00 01 23
2468 MSCId ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (3))
2469 --National network format , octet order is the same as ISUP signaling
2470 --if spc is coded as 14bit, then OCTET STRING1 will filled with 00,,for example rnc id = 123 will be coded as 00 01 23
2475 EmergencyCallFlag ::= ENUMERATED
2477 notEmergencyCall (0),
2481 CUGIncomingAccessUsed ::= ENUMERATED
2483 callInTheSameCUGGroup (0),
2484 callNotInTheSameCUGGroup (1)
2487 SmsUserDataType ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1))
2489 --00 concatenated-short-messages-8-bit-reference-number
2490 --01 special-sms-message-indication
2492 --03 Value not used to avoid misinterpretation as <LF>
2493 --04 characterapplication-port-addressing-scheme-8-bit-address
2494 --05 application-port-addressing-scheme-16-bit-address
2495 --06 smsc-control-parameters
2496 --07 udh-source-indicator
2497 --08 concatenated-short-message-16-bit-reference-number
2498 --09 wireless-control-message-protocol
2499 --0A text-formatting
2500 --0B predefined-sound
2501 --0C user-defined-sound-imelody-max-128-bytes
2502 --0D predefined-animation
2503 --0E large-animation-16-16-times-4-32-4-128-bytes
2504 --0F small-animation-8-8-times-4-8-4-32-bytes
2505 --10 large-picture-32-32-128-bytes
2506 --11 small-picture-16-16-32-bytes
2507 --12 variable-picture
2508 --13 User prompt indicator
2509 --14 Extended Object
2510 --15 Reused Extended Object
2511 --16 Compression Control
2512 --17 Object Distribution Indicator
2513 --18 Standard WVG object
2514 --19 Character Size WVG object
2515 --1A Extended Object Data Request Command
2516 --1B-1F Reserved for future EMS features (see subclause 3.10)
2517 --20 RFC 822 E-Mail Header
2518 --21 Hyperlink format element
2519 --22 Reply Address Element
2520 --23 - 6F Reserved for future use
2521 --70 - 7F (U)SIM Toolkit Security Headers
2522 --80 - 9F SME to SME specific use
2523 --A0 - BF Reserved for future use
2524 --C0 - DF SC specific use
2525 --E0 - FE Reserved for future use
2528 ConcatenatedSMSReferenceNumber ::= INTEGER -- (0..65535)
2530 MaximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS ::= INTEGER -- (0..255)
2532 SequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS ::= INTEGER -- (0..255)
2534 SequenceNumber ::= INTEGER
2539 DisconnectParty ::= ENUMERATED
2541 callingPartyRelease (0),
2542 calledPartyRelease (1),
2546 ChargedParty ::= ENUMERATED
2552 ChargeAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (1..3))
2554 CUGIndex ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE (2))
2556 GuaranteedBitRate ::= ENUMERATED
2558 gBR14400BitsPerSecond (1), -- BS20 non-transparent
2559 gBR28800BitsPerSecond (2), -- BS20 non-transparent and transparent,
2560 -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2561 gBR32000BitsPerSecond (3), -- BS30 multimedia
2562 gBR33600BitsPerSecond (4), -- BS30 multimedia
2563 gBR56000BitsPerSecond (5), -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2564 gBR57600BitsPerSecond (6), -- BS20 non-transparent
2565 gBR64000BitsPerSecond (7), -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2567 gBR12200BitsPerSecond (106), -- AMR speech
2568 gBR10200BitsPerSecond (107), -- AMR speech
2569 gBR7950BitsPerSecond (108), -- AMR speech
2570 gBR7400BitsPerSecond (109), -- AMR speech
2571 gBR6700BitsPerSecond (110), -- AMR speech
2572 gBR5900BitsPerSecond (111), -- AMR speech
2573 gBR5150BitsPerSecond (112), -- AMR speech
2574 gBR4750BitsPerSecond (113) -- AMR speech
2577 MaximumBitRate ::= ENUMERATED
2579 mBR14400BitsPerSecond (1), -- BS20 non-transparent
2580 mBR28800BitsPerSecond (2), -- BS20 non-transparent and transparent,
2581 -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2582 mBR32000BitsPerSecond (3), -- BS30 multimedia
2583 mBR33600BitsPerSecond (4), -- BS30 multimedia
2584 mBR56000BitsPerSecond (5), -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2585 mBR57600BitsPerSecond (6), -- BS20 non-transparent
2586 mBR64000BitsPerSecond (7), -- BS30 transparent and multimedia
2588 mBR12200BitsPerSecond (106), -- AMR speech
2589 mBR10200BitsPerSecond (107), -- AMR speech
2590 mBR7950BitsPerSecond (108), -- AMR speech
2591 mBR7400BitsPerSecond (109), -- AMR speech
2592 mBR6700BitsPerSecond (110), -- AMR speech
2593 mBR5900BitsPerSecond (111), -- AMR speech
2594 mBR5150BitsPerSecond (112), -- AMR speech
2595 mBR4750BitsPerSecond (113) -- AMR speech
2601 -- this parameter is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 3) of the "high layer compatibility" parameter of ITU-T Q.931 [35].
2605 -- this parameter is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 3) of the "low layer compatibility" parameter of ITU-T Q.931 [35].
2610 -- this parameter is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 3) of the "bearer capability" parameter of ITU-T Q.931 [35].
2612 ModemType ::= ENUMERATED
2621 modem-undef-interface (7),
2622 modem-autobauding1 (8),
2623 no-other-modem-type (31),
2627 UssdCodingScheme ::= OCTET STRING
2629 UssdString ::= OCTET STRING
2631 UssdNotifyCounter ::= INTEGER -- (0..255)
2633 UssdRequestCounter ::= INTEGER -- (0..255)
2635 Classmark3 ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(2))
2637 OptimalRoutingDestAddress ::= BCDDirectoryNumber
2639 GAI ::= OCTET STRING -- (SIZE(7))
2640 --such as 64 F0 00 00 ABCD 1234
2642 ChangeOfglobalAreaID ::= SEQUENCE
2645 changeTime [1] TimeStamp
2648 InteractionWithIP ::= NULL
2650 RouteAttribute ::= ENUMERATED
2661 VoiceIndicator ::= ENUMERATED
2663 sendToneByLocalMsc (0) ,
2664 sendToneByOtherMsc (1),
2665 voiceNoIndication (3)
2668 BCategory ::= ENUMERATED
2672 subscriberNoIndication (3)
2675 CallType ::= ENUMERATED