1 package FS::AccessRight;
4 use vars qw(@rights); # %rights);
9 FS::AccessRight - Access control rights.
15 my @rights = FS::AccessRight->rights;
17 #my %rights = FS::AccessRight->rights_categorized;
18 tie my %rights, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::AccessRight->rights_categorized;
19 foreach my $category ( keys %rights ) {
20 my @category_rights = @{ $rights{$category} };
25 Access control rights - Permission to perform specific actions that can be
26 assigned to users and/or groups.
32 # '_desc' => 'Access to high-level reporting',
34 # 'Configuration' => [
35 # '_desc' => 'Access to configuration',
40 # '_desc' => 'Master access to reseller configuration',
45 # 'export_svc_pkg' => [
46 # '_desc' => 'Access to export, service and package configuration',
47 # 'part_export' => {},
54 # '_desc' => 'Access to billing configuration',
55 # 'payment_gateway' => {},
56 # 'part_bill_event' => {},
57 # 'prepay_credit' => {},
59 # 'cust_main_county' => {},
63 # '_desc' => 'Access to dialup configuraiton',
64 # 'svc_acct_pop' => {},
68 # '_desc' => 'Access to broadband configuration',
74 # 'part_referral' => {},
75 # 'part_virtual_field' => {},
77 # 'inventory_class' => {},
84 ##turn it into a more hash-like structure, but ordered via IxHash
86 #well, this is what we have for now. getting better.
87 tie my %rights, 'Tie::IxHash',
92 'Contact and Prospect rights' => [
99 #'View customer contacts',
101 'Generate quotation',
105 # basic customer rights
107 'Customer rights' => [
110 #'View Customer | View tickets',
112 'Edit customer tags',
113 'Edit referring customer',
114 'View customer history',
116 'Unsuspend customer',
118 'Complimentary customer', #aka users-allow_comp
120 'Merge customer across agents',
121 'Bill customer now', #NEW
122 'Bulk send customer notices', #NEW
123 { rightname=>'View customers of all agents', global=>1 },
127 # customer package rights
129 'Customer package rights' => [
130 'View customer packages', #NEW
131 'Order customer package',
133 'Modify one-time charge',
134 'Change customer package',
135 'Detach customer package',
136 'Bulk change customer packages',
137 'Edit customer package dates',
138 'Discount customer package', #NEW
139 'Custom discount customer package', #NEW
140 'Customize customer package',
141 'Suspend customer package',
142 'Suspend customer package later',
143 'Unsuspend customer package',
144 'Cancel customer package immediately',
145 'Cancel customer package later',
146 'Un-cancel customer package',
147 'Delay suspension events',
148 'Add on-the-fly cancel reason', #NEW
149 'Add on-the-fly suspend reason', #NEW
150 'Edit customer package invoice details', #NEW
151 'Edit customer package comments', #NEW
152 'Qualify service', #NEW
153 'Waive setup fee', #NEW
154 'View appointments', #NEWNEW
156 'View package definition costs', #NEWNEW
160 # customer service rights
162 'Customer service rights' => [
163 'View customer services', #NEW
164 'Provision customer service',
165 'Bulk provision customer service',
166 'Bulk move customer services', #NEWNEW
167 'Recharge customer service', #NEW
168 'Unprovision customer service',
169 'Change customer service', #NEWNEW
172 'Edit home dir', #NEW
173 'Edit www config', #NEW
174 'Edit domain catchall', #NEW
175 'Edit domain nameservice', #NEW
176 'Manage domain registration',
178 { rightname=>'View/link unlinked services', global=>1 }, #not agent-virtualizable without more work
182 # customer invoice/financial info rights
184 'Customer invoice / financial info rights' => [
186 'Resend invoices', #NEWNEW
190 'View customer tax exemptions', #yow
191 'Edit customer tax exemptions', #NEWNEW
192 'Add customer tax adjustment', #new, but no need to phase in
193 'View customer batched payments', #NEW
194 'View customer pending payments', #NEW
195 'Edit customer pending payments', #NEW
196 'View customer billing events', #NEW
200 # customer payment rights
202 'Customer payment rights' => [
204 { rightname=>'Post payment', desc=>'Make check or cash payments.' },
205 { rightname=>'Backdate payment', desc=>'Enable payments to be posted for days other than today.' },
206 'Post check payment',
208 'Post payment batch',
209 'Apply payment', #NEWNEW
210 { rightname=>'Unapply payment', desc=>'Enable "unapplication" of unclosed payments from specific invoices.' }, #aka. unapplypayments
211 { rightname=>'Process payment', desc=>'Process credit card or e-check payments' },
212 'Process credit card payment',
213 'Process Echeck payment',
214 { rightname=>'Delete payment', desc=>'Enable deletion of unclosed payments. Be very careful! Only delete payments that were data-entry errors, not adjustments.' }, #aka. deletepayments Optionally specify one or more comma-separated email addresses to be notified when a payment is deleted.
218 # customer credit rights
220 'Customer credit and refund rights' => [
222 'Credit line items', #NEWNEWNEW
223 'Apply credit', #NEWNEW
224 { rightname=>'Unapply credit', desc=>'Enable "unapplication" of unclosed credits.' }, #aka unapplycredits
225 { rightname=>'Delete credit', desc=>'Enable deletion of unclosed credits. Be very careful! Only delete credits that were data-entry errors, not adjustments.' }, #aka. deletecredits Optionally specify one or more comma-separated email addresses to be notified when a credit is deleted.
227 { rightname=>'Post refund', desc=>'Enable posting of check and cash refunds.' },
230 # { rightname=>'Process refund', desc=>'Enable processing of generic credit card/ACH refunds (i.e. not associated with a specific prior payment).' },
231 { rightname=>'Refund payment', desc=>'Enable refund of existing customer credit card or e-check payments.' },
232 'Refund credit card payment',
233 'Refund Echeck payment',
234 'Delete refund', #NEW
235 'Add on-the-fly credit reason', #NEW
236 'Add on-the-fly refund reason', #NEW
240 # customer voiding rights..
242 'Customer payment void rights' => [
243 { rightname=>'Credit card void', desc=>'Enable local-only voiding of credit card payments in addition to refunds against the payment gateway.' }, #aka. cc-void
244 { rightname=>'Echeck void', desc=>'Enable local-only voiding of echeck payments in addition to refunds against the payment gateway.' }, #aka. echeck-void
246 { rightname=>'Unvoid payments', desc=>'Enable unvoiding of voided payments' }, #aka. unvoid
252 # note/attachment rights...
254 'Customer note and attachment rights' => [
255 'Add customer note', #NEW
256 'Edit customer note', #NEW
257 'View attachments', #NEW
258 'Browse attachments', #NEW
259 'Download attachment', #NEW
260 'Add attachment', #NEW
261 'Edit attachment', #NEW
262 'Delete attachment', #NEW
263 'View deleted attachments', #NEW
264 'Undelete attachment', #NEW
265 'Purge attachment', #NEW
269 # report/listing rights...
271 'Reporting/listing rights' => [
273 'List all customers',
274 'Advanced customer search',
275 'List zip codes', #NEW
279 'Summarize packages',
281 'List service passwords',
283 { rightname=> 'List rating data', desc=>'Usage reports', global=>1 },
284 'Billing event reports',
285 'Receivables report',
287 { rightname=> 'List inventory', global=>1 },
288 { rightname=>'View email logs', global=>1 },
289 { rightname=>'View system logs' },
291 'Download report data',
292 'Services: Accounts',
293 'Services: Accounts: Advanced search',
295 'Services: Certificates',
296 'Services: Mail forwards',
297 'Services: Virtual hosting services',
298 'Services: Wireless broadband services',
299 'Services: Wireless broadband services: Advanced search',
301 'Services: Cable subscribers',
302 'Services: Conferencing',
303 'Services: Dish services',
304 'Services: Hardware',
305 'Services: Hardware: Advanced search',
306 'Services: Phone numbers',
307 'Services: Phone numbers: Advanced search',
310 'Services: Mailing lists',
311 'Services: Alarm services',
313 'Services: External services',
314 'Usage: RADIUS sessions',
315 'Usage: Call Detail Records (CDRs)',
316 'Usage: Unrateable CDRs',
317 'Usage: Time worked',
318 #gone in 4.x as a distinct ACL (for now?) { rightname=>'Employees: Commission Report', global=>1 },
319 { rightname=>'Employees: Audit Report', global=>1 },
321 #{ rightname => 'List customers of all agents', global=>1 },
327 'Miscellaneous rights' => [
328 { rightname=>'Job queue', global=>1 },
329 { rightname=>'Time queue', global=>1 },
330 { rightname=>'Process batches', }, #Process payment batches
331 { rightname=>'Process global batches', global=>1 }, #Process global payment batches
332 { rightname=>'Reprocess batches', global=>1 }, #Reprocess payment batches
333 { rightname=>'Redownload resolved batches', global=>1 }, #Redownload resolved payment batches
334 { rightname=>'Process invoice batches', },
335 { rightname=>'Process global invoice batches', global=>1 },
336 { rightname=>'Import', global=>1 }, #some of these are ag-virt'ed now? give em their own ACLs
337 { rightname=>'Export', global=>1 },
338 { rightname=> 'Edit rating data', desc=>'Delete CDRs', global=>1 },
344 #'Database access rights' => [
345 { rightname=>'Raw SQL', global=>1 }, #NEW
349 # setup/config rights
351 'Configuration rights' => [
352 'Edit advertising sources',
353 { rightname=>'Edit global advertising sources', global=>1 },
357 'Edit package definitions',
358 { rightname=>'Edit global package definitions', global=>1 },
359 'Edit package definition costs',
361 'Bulk edit package definitions',
363 'Edit FCC report configuration',
364 { rightname => 'Edit FCC report configuration for all agents', global=>1 },
367 #{ rightname=>'Edit global CDR rates', global=>1, },
369 'Edit fee definitions',
370 { rightname=>'Edit global fee definitions', global=>1 },
372 'Edit billing events',
373 { rightname=>'Edit global billing events', global=>1 },
376 { rightname=>'View global templates', global=>1 },
378 { rightname=>'Edit global templates', global=>1 },
381 { rightname=>'Edit global inventory', global=>1 },
383 { rightname=>'Dialup configuration' },
384 { rightname=>'Dialup global configuration', global=>1 },
386 { rightname=>'Broadband configuration' },
387 { rightname=>'Broadband global configuration', global=>1 },
389 { rightname=>'Alarm configuration' },
390 { rightname=>'Alarm global configuration', global=>1 },
392 { rightname=> 'Configure network monitoring', global=>1 },
394 #{ rightname=>'Edit employees', global=>1, },
395 #{ rightname=>'Edit employee groupss', global=>1, },
397 { rightname=>'Configuration', global=>1 }, #most of the rest of the configuraiton is not agent-virtualized
399 { rightname=>'Configuration download', }, #description of how it affects
400 #search/elements/search.html
412 Returns the full list of right names.
418 map { ref($_) ? $_->{'rightname'} : $_ } map @{ $rights{$_} }, keys %rights;
421 =item default_superuser_rights
423 Most (but not all) right names.
427 sub default_superuser_rights {
429 my %omit = map { $_=>1 } (
434 'Edit customer package dates',
436 'Usage: Time worked',
437 'Redownload resolved batches',
439 'Configuration download',
440 'View customers of all agents',
441 'View/link unlinked services',
445 'Void invoices',#people are overusing this when credits are more appropriate
448 no warnings 'uninitialized';
449 grep { ! $omit{$_} } $class->rights;
454 Returns a list of key-value pairs suitable for assigning to a hash. Keys are
455 category names and values are list references of rights. Each element of the
456 list reference scalar right name or a hashref with the following keys:
460 =item rightname - Right name
462 =item desc - Extended right description
464 =item global - Global flag, indicates that this access right provides access to global data which is shared among all agents.
478 Damn those infernal six-legged creatures!
482 L<FS::access_right>, L<FS::access_group>, L<FS::access_user>