path: root/FS/FS/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-11-03Tables added to the list with data upgrade because of reason and void_reasonIrina Todeva
2015-11-03Changes to add classified reasons for invoice voidIrina Todeva
2015-04-20quotations + tax refactor, part 2Mark Wells
2015-02-24multiple payment options, RT#23741Ivan Kohler
2014-05-20search voided invoices, #28684Mark Wells
2013-12-28autoload methods returning foreign records, RT#13971Ivan Kohler
2012-08-01invoice voiding, RT#18677Ivan Kohler
2012-08-01invoice voiding, RT#18677Ivan Kohler
2012-07-31invoice voiding, RT#18677Ivan Kohler