path: root/sql-ledger/templates/Italian-invoice.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-ledger/templates/Italian-invoice.tex')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql-ledger/templates/Italian-invoice.tex b/sql-ledger/templates/Italian-invoice.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d3cb106a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql-ledger/templates/Italian-invoice.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ \fontfamily{cmss}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{
+ \parbox[b]{12cm}{
+ <%company%>
+ <%address%>}\hfill
+ \begin{tabular}[b]{rr@{}}
+ Tel & <%tel%>\\
+ Fax & <%fax%>
+ \end{tabular}
+ \rule[1.5ex]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+ }
+\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}{\usebox{\hdr}}
+%\thispagestyle{empty} use this with letterhead paper
+<%pagebreak 90 27 48%>
+ \rule{\textwidth}{2pt}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{tabularx}{7cm}{Xr@{}}
+ \textbf{Totale riga} & \textbf{<%sumcarriedforward%>} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+\markright{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}
+ \textbf{Codice} & \textbf{Descrizione} & \textbf{Quantita'} &
+ \textbf{Unita'} & \textbf{Prezzo} & \textbf{Sc.} & \textbf{Totale righe} \\
+ & carried forward from page <%lastpage%> & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\
+<%end pagebreak%>
+ \parbox[t]{10.5cm}{
+ \textbf{Sede legale:}
+ \vspace{0.5cm}
+<%if address2%>
+<%end address2%>
+<%city%> <%state%> <%zipcode%>
+<%if country%>
+<%end country%>
+%<%if contact%>
+%Attn: <%contact%>
+%<%end contact%>
+<%if customerphone%>
+Telefono: <%customerphone%>
+<%end customerphone%>
+<%if customerfax%>
+Fax: <%customerfax%>
+<%end customerfax%>
+\textbf{Inviare fatttura a:}
+<%if shiptoaddress2%>
+<%end shiptoaddress2%>
+<%shiptocity%> <%shiptostate%> <%shiptozipcode%>
+<%if shiptocountry%>
+<%end shiptocountry%>
+<%if shiptocontact%>
+Attn: <%shiptocontact%>
+<%end shiptocontact%>
+<%if shiptophone%>
+Tel: <%shiptophone%>
+<%end shiptophone%>
+<%if shiptofax%>
+Fax: <%shiptofax%>
+<%end shiptofax%>
+ \textbf{Data fattura} & <%invdate%> \\
+ \textbf{Numero fattura} & <%invnumber%> \\
+ \textbf{Ordine} & <%ordnumber%>
+ \textbf{Codice} & \textbf{Descrizione} & \textbf{Qt\`a} &
+ \textbf{Un.} & \textbf{Prezzo} & \textbf{Sc.} & \textbf{Tot. riga} \\
+<%foreach number%>
+ <%number%> & <%description%> & <%qty%> &
+ <%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discount%> & <%linetotal%> \\
+<%end number%>
+ \textbf{Totale righe} & \textbf{<%subtotal%>} \\
+<%foreach tax%>
+ <%taxdescription%>: <%taxrate%>\% & <%tax%>\\
+<%end tax%>
+<%if paid%>
+ \textbf{Pagato} & - <%paid%> \\
+<%end paid%>
+ \hline
+ \textbf{Totale da pagare} & \textbf{<%total%>} \\
+ Tutti i prezzi sono espressi in valuta \textbf{<%currency%>}.
+<%if notes%>
+ <%notes%>
+<%end if%>
+<%if paid%>
+ \textbf{Pagamenti} & & & \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{Data} & \textbf{Conto} & \textbf{Documento di riferimento} & \textbf{Importo} \\
+<%end paid%>
+<%foreach payment%>
+ <%paymentdate%> & <%paymentaccount%> & <%paymentsource%> & <%payment%> \\
+<%end payment%>
+<%if paid%>
+<%end paid%>
+%\centerline{\textbf{Grazie per averci scelto!}}
+Per i pagamenti successivi alla scadenza della fattura sara'
+addebitato l'interesse legale, aumentato di due punti percentuali, fino al
+pagamento completo.