path: root/sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex b/sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex
index d5ac40c67..026941957 100644
--- a/sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex
+++ b/sql-ledger/templates/Default-sales_order.tex
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
@@ -11,41 +11,40 @@
- \fontfamily{cmss}\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont
- \parbox{\textwidth}{
- \parbox[b]{12cm}{
- <%company%>
- <%address%>}\hfill
- \begin{tabular}[b]{rr@{}}
- Telephone & <%tel%>\\
- Facsimile & <%fax%>
- \end{tabular}
- \rule[1.5ex]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+ \parbox[b]{.42\textwidth}{%
+ <%company%>
+ <%address%>
+ \parbox[b]{.2\textwidth}{
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{sql-ledger}
+ }\hfill
+ \begin{tabular}[b]{rr@{}}
+ Telephone & <%tel%>\\
+ Facsimile & <%fax%>
+ \end{tabular}
+ \rule[1.5em]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
-\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}{\usebox{\hdr}}
-%\thispagestyle{empty} use this with letterhead paper
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@@ -56,50 +55,108 @@
-\markright{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}
+\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}{<%company%>\hfill <%ordnumber%>}
- \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
- \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc} & \textbf{Amount} \\
+ \textbf{Pos} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
+ \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc \%} & \textbf{Amount} \\
& carried forward from <%lastpage%> & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\
<%end pagebreak%>
+<%city%> <%state%> <%zipcode%>
+<%if contact%>
+<%end contact%>
+<%if customerphone%>
+Tel: <%customerphone%>
+<%end customerphone%>
+<%if customerfax%>
+Fax: <%customerfax%>
+<%end customerfax%>
+\textbf{Ship To}
+<%shiptocity%> <%shiptostate%> <%shiptozipcode%>
+<%if shiptocontact%>
+<%end shiptocontact%>
+<%if shiptophone%>
+Tel: <%shiptophone%>
+<%end shiptophone%>
+<%if shiptofax%>
+Fax: <%shiptofax%>
+<%end shiptofax%>
\textbf{S A L E S} \parbox{0.3cm}{\hfill} \textbf{O R D E R}
- \textbf{Date} & <%orddate%> \\
- \textbf{Number} & <%ordnumber%>
- \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
- \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc} & \textbf{Amount} \\
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{Order \#} & \textbf{Order Date} & \textbf{Required by} & \textbf{Salesperson} & \textbf{Shipping Point} & \textbf{Ship Via} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <%ordnumber%> & <%orddate%> & <%reqdate%> & <%employee%> & <%shippingpoint%> & <%shipvia%> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{Pos} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
+ \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc \%} & \textbf{Amount} \\
<%foreach number%>
- <%number%> & <%description%> & <%qty%> &
- <%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discount%> & <%linetotal%> \\
+ <%runningnumber%> & <%number%> & <%description%> & <%qty%> &
+ <%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discountrate%> & <%linetotal%> \\
<%end number%>
@@ -109,35 +166,42 @@
- \textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%subtotal%>} \\
+ Subtotal & <%subtotal%> \\
<%foreach tax%>
<%taxdescription%> on <%taxbase%> & <%tax%>\\
<%end tax%>
- \textbf{Total} & \textbf{<%ordtotal%>}\\
+ Total & <%ordtotal%>\\
+<%text_amount%> ***** <%decimal%>/100
- All prices in \textbf{<%currency%>} funds.
+All prices in \textbf{<%currency%>}.
+<%if terms%>
+Terms: <%terms%> days
+<%end terms%>
-<%if notes%>
- <%notes%>
-<%end if%>
-A 10\% order cancellation fee will be applied for any special order products or
-products that have been customized, enhanced or upgraded at customers request.
-Items which are non-returnable are indicated above.
+\centerline{\textbf{Thank You for your valued business!}}