path: root/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/webrt/Admin/Elements')
32 files changed, 0 insertions, 985 deletions
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateQueueCalled b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateQueueCalled
deleted file mode 100755
index aeed6e7..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateQueueCalled
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<FORM METHOD=get ACTION="<% $RT::WebPath %>/Admin/Queues/Create.html">
-Create a queue called <INPUT NAME="Name" size=10><input type=submit>
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateUserCalled b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateUserCalled
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e4bb75..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/CreateUserCalled
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<FORM METHOD=get ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/Users/Create.html">
-New user called <INPUT NAME="Name" size=10><input type=submit value="Create">
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/EditUserComments b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/EditUserComments
deleted file mode 100755
index 1ac7e18..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/EditUserComments
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/Header, Title => "Comments about $name" &>
-These comments aren't generally visible to the user:<br>
-<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<%$id%>">
-<TEXTAREA COLS=60 ROWS=15 WRAP=SOFT NAME="Comments"><% $UserObj->Comments %></TEXTAREA>
-$UserObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GrantQueueRightsTo b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GrantQueueRightsTo
deleted file mode 100755
index 3850a18..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GrantQueueRightsTo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-% if ($msg) {
-% } elsif ($Users) {
-% while (my $u = $Users->Next ) {
-<li> <%$u->Name%> (<%$u->RealName%>) <& SelectQueueRights, Name => "GrantTo".$u->id &>
-% }
-% }
-my ($msg, $Users);
-if (!$ARGS{'UserString'}) {
-$msg = "No users selected.";
- }
-else {
- $Users = new RT::Users($session{'CurrentUser'});
- $Users->Limit(FIELD => $ARGS{'UserField'},
- VALUE => $ARGS{'UserString'},
- OPERATOR => $ARGS{'UserOp'});
- }
-$UserField => 'Name'
-$UserOp => '='
-$UserString => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GroupTabs b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GroupTabs
deleted file mode 100755
index 261bef1..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/GroupTabs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<& /Admin/Elements/Tabs, subtabs => $subtabs, current_tab => 'Admin/Groups/' &>
-my $subtabs = {
- Basics => { title => 'Basics',
- path => "Admin/Groups/Modify.html?id=". $GroupObj->id
- }
- };
-unless ($GroupObj->Pseudo) {
-$subtabs->{'Members'} = { title => 'Members',
- path => "Admin/Groups/Members.html?id=".$GroupObj->id };
-$GroupObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Header b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Header
deleted file mode 100755
index 95acdac..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Header
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/Header, Title => $Title &>
-$Title => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalKeywordSelects b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalKeywordSelects
deleted file mode 100644
index b24d689..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalKeywordSelects
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-% while (my $KeywordSelect = $KeywordSelects->Next()) {
-<%$KeywordSelect->Name %>:
-<% $KeywordSelect->Single ? 'Single' : 'Multiple' %>
-children of
-<% $KeywordSelect->KeywordObj->Path %>
-% if ($KeywordSelect->Depth) {
- up to <%$KeywordSelect->Depth%> levels deep
-% }
-my $KeywordSelects = RT::KeywordSelects->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalScrips b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalScrips
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f044bf..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ListGlobalScrips
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-% while (my $scrip = $Scrips->Next ) {
-<% $scrip->ConditionObj->Name %>
-<% $scrip->ActionObj->Name %>
-with template <% $scrip->TemplateObj->Name %>
-% }
-my $Scrips = new RT::Scrips ($session{'CurrentUser'});
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeyword b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeyword
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b01c36..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeyword
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<FORM METHOD="get" ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/Keywords/Modify.html">
-[<%$title |n %>]<BR>
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="id" VALUE="<% $id %>">
-Keyword <INPUT NAME="Name" VALUE="<% $Keyword->Name %>"><BR>
-Parent <SELECT NAME="Parent">
- <OPTION VALUE=""<% defined($Keyword->Parent) ? '' : ' SELECTED' %>>-</OPTION>
-%while ( $parent = $parents->Next ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $parent->id %>"<% defined($Keyword->Parent) && $parent->id == $Keyword->Parent ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $parent->Name %></OPTION>
-Kids <FONT SIZE="-2">(separate by
-<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="delim" VALUE="n"<% $delim eq 'n' ? ' CHECKED' : '' %>>
-line or
-<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="delim" VALUE="s"<% $delim eq 's' ? ' CHECKED' : '' %>>
-<TEXTAREA NAME="Kids" ROWS=4><% $kidstring %></TEXTAREA>
-<& /Elements/Submit, Label => $submit &>
-my $Keyword = new RT::Keyword($session{CurrentUser});
-my ($title, $submit, %kids, $kid);
-if ( $Create ) {
- $title = "Create a new Keyword";
- $submit = "Create";
- $id = "new";
- %kids = ();
- $Parent = ''; #silence
-} elsif ( $id eq 'new' ) {
- $id = $Keyword->Create( Name => $Name, Parent => $Parent )
- or Abort("can't create keyword Name=>$Name, Parent=>$Parent");
-} else {
- $Keyword->Load($id) || Abort("Can't load keyword id $id");
- #foreach my $field ( grep eval "defined(\$$_)", qw( Name Parent )) {
- # eval "\$Keyword->Set(\$field=>\$$field); #sigh
- #}
- $Keyword->SetName($Name) if defined($Name);
- $Keyword->SetParent($Parent) if defined($Parent);
-$title = "Modify the Keyword <B>". $Keyword->Name. "</B>";
-$submit = "Modify";
-my $kids = new RT::Keywords($session{CurrentUser});
-$kids->Limit( FIELD => 'Parent', VALUE => $id, OPERATOR => '=' );
-$kids{$kid->Name} = $kid while $kid = $kids->Next;
-if ( defined($Kids) ) {
- my %newkids;
- if ( $delim eq 'n' ) {
- %newkids = map { $_=>1 } split(/\n/, $Kids);
- } elsif ( $delim eq 's' ) {
- %newkids = map { $_=>1 } split(' ', $Kids);
- } else {
- Abort("'$delim' isn't a valid keyword delimiter.");
- }
- foreach ( grep { ! defined($newkids{$_}) } keys %kids ) {
- $kids{$_}->Delete;
- delete $kids{$_};
- }
- foreach ( grep { ! defined($kids{$_}) } keys %newkids ) {
- $kids{$_} = new RT::Keyword($session{CurrentUser});
- $kids{$_}->Create( Name => $_, Parent => $id )
- or Abort("can't create keyword Name=>$_, Parent=>$id");
- }
-my $parent;
-my $parents = new RT::Keywords($session{CurrentUser});
-$delim = ( grep /\s/, keys %kids ) ? 'n' : 's';
-my $kidstring = join("\n", keys %kids);
-$id => undef
-$Create => undef
-$Name => undef
-$Parent => undef
-$Kids => undef
-$delim => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeywordSelect b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeywordSelect
deleted file mode 100644
index 470e629..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyKeywordSelect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- <FORM NAME="ModifyKeywordSelect" METHOD=POST ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/KeywordSelects/Modify.html">
- [<%$title |n %>]
- <BR>
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="id" VALUE="<% $id %>">
- Keyword
- <SELECT NAME="Parent">
-%while ( $parent = $parents->Next ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $parent->id %>" <% defined($KeywordSelect->Parent) && $parent->id == $KeywordSelect->Parent ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $parent->Name %></OPTION>
-% }
- <BR>
- Object
- <SELECT NAME="ObjectType">
- <BR>
-function addOption(text, value, defaultselected, selected) {
- var option = new Option(text, value, defaultselected, selected )
- var length = document.ModifyKeywordSelect.ObjectValue.length;
- document.ModifyKeywordSelect.ObjectValue.options[length] = option
-function ChangeObjectValue(what) {
- Value = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value
- if ( Value == "(none)" ) {
- document.ModifyKeywordSelect.ObjectValue.options.length = 0
- addOption("(n/a)", "", false, false)
- }
- if ( Value == "Queue" ) {
- document.ModifyKeywordSelect.ObjectValue.options.length = 0
-%foreach $queue ( keys %queues ) {
- addOption("<% $queues{$queue} %>", "<% $queue %>", false, <% $queue == $KeywordSelect->ObjectValue ? 'true' : 'false' %> )
- }
- Limit to <SELECT NAME="ObjectField" onChange="ChangeObjectValue(this)">
- <OPTION VALUE="" <% $KeywordSelect->ObjectField ? '' : ' SELECTED' %>>(none)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="Queue" <% $KeywordSelect->ObjectField eq 'Queue' ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>>Queue</OPTION>
- <SELECT NAME="ObjectValue">
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $KeywordSelect->ObjectValue %>">
- <% $KeywordSelect->ObjectField ? $queues{$KeywordSelect->ObjectValue} : "(n/a)" %></OPTION>
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="SingleMagic" VALUE="1">
- <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Single" VALUE="1" <% $KeywordSelect->Single ? ' CHECKED' : '' %>>Allow single selection only<BR>
- Limit to <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Generations" SIZE="2" VALUE="<% $KeywordSelect->Generations %>"> generations (0 = no limit)<BR>
- <& /Elements/Submit, Label => $submit &>
-my $KeywordSelect = new RT::KeywordSelect($session{CurrentUser});
-my($title, $submit);
-if ( $Create ) {
- $title = "Create a new KeywordSelect";
- $submit = "Create";
- $id = "new";
-} else {
- if ( $id eq 'new' ) {
- $id = $KeywordSelect->Create (
- Parent => $Parent,
- ObjectType => $ObjectType,
- ObjectField => $ObjectField,
- ObjectValue => $ObjectValue,
- Single => $Single,
- Generations => $Generations,
- ) or Abort "can't create KeywordSelect";
- } else {
- $KeywordSelect->Load($id) || Abort("Can't load keyword id $id");
- #false laziness
- $KeywordSelect->SetParent($Parent) if defined($Parent);
- $KeywordSelect->SetObjectType($ObjectType) if defined($ObjectType);
- $KeywordSelect->SetObjectField($ObjectField) if defined($ObjectField);
- $KeywordSelect->SetObjectValue($ObjectValue) if defined($ObjectValue);
- $KeywordSelect->SetSingle($Single) if defined($SingleMagic);
- $KeywordSelect->SetGenerations($Generations) if defined($Generations);
- }
- $title = "Modify the KeywordSelect <B>". $KeywordSelect->KeywordObj->Name. "</B>";
- $submit = "Modify";
- my $parents = new RT::Keywords($session{CurrentUser});
- $parents->UnLimit;
- my $parent;
-my $queues = new RT::Queues($session{CurrentUser});
-my %queues;
-my $queue;
-$queues{$queue->id} = $queue->Name while $queue = $queues->Next;
-$id => undef
-$Create => undef
-$Parent => undef
-$ObjectType => undef
-$ObjectField => undef
-$ObjectValue => undef
-$Single => undef
-$SingleMagic => undef
-$Generations => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyQueue b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyQueue
deleted file mode 100755
index a641c81..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyQueue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => 'Editing Configuration for queue '.$QueueObj->Id &>
-<FORM ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/Queues/Modify.html" METHOD=POST>
-<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=id VALUE="<%$QueueObj->Id%>">
-Queue Name:
-<TD><INPUT name="Name" value="<%$QueueObj->Name%>"></TD>
-Description:</TD><TD COLSPAN=3><INPUT name="Description" value="<%$QueueObj->Description%>" size=60></TD></TR>
-Correspondence Address:
-<INPUT name="CorrespondAddress" value="<%$QueueObj->CorrespondAddress%>">
-Comment Address: </TD><TD>
-<INPUT NAME="CommentAddress" value="<%$QueueObj->CommentAddress%>">
-Priority starts at:
-</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="InitialPriority" value="<%$QueueObj->InitialPriority %>">
-Over time, priority moves toward:
-</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="FinalPriority" value="<%$QueueObj->FinalPriority %>">
-Requests should be due in:
-<INPUT NAME="DefaultDueIn" VALUE="<%$QueueObj->DefaultDueIn%>"> days.
-<& /Elements/Submit &>
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
-$QueueObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e4f8a3..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => 'Editing Configuration for user '.$UserObj->Name &>
-<FORM ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/ModifyUser.html" METHOD=POST>
-Name: <input name="Name" value="<%$UserObj->Name%>">
-New Password: <input type=password name="Pass1"><BR>
-Retype Password: <input type=password name="Pass2"><BR>
-Comments: <TEXTAREA name="Comments" COLS=20 ROWS=5>
-Signature: <TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=5 name="Signature">
-EmailAddress: <input name="EmailAddress" value="<%$UserObj->EmailAddress%>">
-FreeformContactInfo: <input name="FreeformContactInfo" value="<%$UserObj->FreeformContactInfo%>">
-Organization: <input name="Organization" value="<%$UserObj->Organization%>">
-RealName: <input name="RealName" value="<%$UserObj->RealName%>">
-NickName: <input name="NickName" value="<%$UserObj->NickName%>">
-Lang: <input name="Lang" value="<%$UserObj->Lang%>">
-EmailEncoding: <input name="EmailEncoding" value="<%$UserObj->EmailEncoding%>">
-WebEncoding: <input name="WebEncoding" value="<%$UserObj->WebEncoding%>">
-ExternalContactInfoId: <input name="ExternalContactInfoId" value="<%$UserObj->ExternalContactInfoId%>">
-ContactInfoSystem: <input name="ContactInfoSystem" value="<%$UserObj->ContactInfoSystem%>">
-Gecos: <input name="Gecos" value="<%$UserObj->Gecos%>">
-ExternalAuthId: <input name="ExternalAuthId" value="<%$UserObj->ExternalAuthId%>">
-AuthSystem: <input name="AuthSystem" value="<%$UserObj->AuthSystem%>">
-HomePhone: <input name="HomePhone" value="<%$UserObj->HomePhone%>">
-WorkPhone: <input name="WorkPhone" value="<%$UserObj->WorkPhone%>">
-MobilePhone: <input name="MobilePhone" value="<%$UserObj->MobilePhone%>">
-PagerPhone: <input name="PagerPhone" value="<%$UserObj->PagerPhone%>">
-Address1: <input name="Address1" value="<%$UserObj->Address1%>">
-Address2: <input name="Address2" value="<%$UserObj->Address2%>">
-City: <input name="City" value="<%$UserObj->City%>">
-State: <input name="State" value="<%$UserObj->State%>">
-Zip: <input name="Zip" value="<%$UserObj->Zip%>">
-Country: <input name="Country" value="<%$UserObj->Country%>">
-<input type=submit>
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
-$UserObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser
deleted file mode 100755
index 53aa027..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => 'Editing Configuration for user '.$UserObj->Name &>
-<FORM ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Admin/Users/Modify.html" METHOD=POST>
-Name: <input name="Name" value="<%$UserObj->Name%>">
-New Password: <input type=password name="Pass1"><BR>
-Retype Password: <input type=password name="Pass2"><BR>
-Comments: <TEXTAREA name="Comments" COLS=80 ROWS=5 WRAP=VIRTUAL>
-Signature: <TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=5 name="Signature" WRAP=HARD>
-EmailAddress: <input name="EmailAddress" value="<%$UserObj->EmailAddress%>">
-FreeformContactInfo: <input name="FreeformContactInfo" value="<%$UserObj->FreeformContactInfo%>">
-Organization: <input name="Organization" value="<%$UserObj->Organization%>">
-RealName: <input name="RealName" value="<%$UserObj->RealName%>">
-NickName: <input name="NickName" value="<%$UserObj->NickName%>">
-Lang: <input name="Lang" value="<%$UserObj->Lang%>">
-EmailEncoding: <input name="EmailEncoding" value="<%$UserObj->EmailEncoding%>">
-WebEncoding: <input name="WebEncoding" value="<%$UserObj->WebEncoding%>">
-ExternalContactInfoId: <input name="ExternalContactInfoId" value="<%$UserObj->ExternalContactInfoId%>">
-ContactInfoSystem: <input name="ContactInfoSystem" value="<%$UserObj->ContactInfoSystem%>">
-Gecos: <input name="Gecos" value="<%$UserObj->Gecos%>">
-ExternalAuthId: <input name="ExternalAuthId" value="<%$UserObj->ExternalAuthId%>">
-AuthSystem: <input name="AuthSystem" value="<%$UserObj->AuthSystem%>">
-HomePhone: <input name="HomePhone" value="<%$UserObj->HomePhone%>">
-WorkPhone: <input name="WorkPhone" value="<%$UserObj->WorkPhone%>">
-MobilePhone: <input name="MobilePhone" value="<%$UserObj->MobilePhone%>">
-PagerPhone: <input name="PagerPhone" value="<%$UserObj->PagerPhone%>">
-Address1: <input name="Address1" value="<%$UserObj->Address1%>">
-Address2: <input name="Address2" value="<%$UserObj->Address2%>">
-City: <input name="City" value="<%$UserObj->City%>">
-State: <input name="State" value="<%$UserObj->State%>">
-Zip: <input name="Zip" value="<%$UserObj->Zip%>">
-Country: <input name="Country" value="<%$UserObj->Country%>">
-<& /Elements/Submit &>
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
-$UserObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueRightsForUser b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueRightsForUser
deleted file mode 100644
index e62a124..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueRightsForUser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-%while(my $ACE = $ACL->Next) {
-<LI><checkbox name="delete_ace_<%$ACE->id%>"> <%$ACE->RightName%> (<%$ACE->UserObj->RealName%>)
-my $ACL = new RT::ACL($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$PrincipalId => undef
-$QueueObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueTabs b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueTabs
deleted file mode 100755
index b7da7e0..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/QueueTabs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<& /Admin/Elements/Tabs, subtabs => $subtabs, current_tab => 'Admin/Queues/' &>
- my $subtabs = {
- A => { title => 'Basics',
- path => "Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=".$id,
- },
- B => { title => 'Watchers',
- path => "Admin/Queues/People.html?id=".$id,
- },
- C => { title => 'Scrips',
- path => "Admin/Queues/Scrips.html?id=".$id,
- },
- D => { title => 'Templates',
- path => "Admin/Queues/Templates.html?id=".$id,
- },
- E => { title => 'Keyword Selections',
- path => "Admin/Queues/Keywords.html?id=".$id,
- },
- F => { title => 'Group Rights',
- path => "Admin/Queues/GroupRights.html?id=".$id,
- },
- G => { title => 'User Rights',
- path => "Admin/Queues/UserRights.html?id=".$id,
- },
-$id => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectKeywordSelect b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectKeywordSelect
deleted file mode 100644
index f5a8d77..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectKeywordSelect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<input size=10 name="<%$NamePrefix%>-Name" value="<% $KeywordSelect->Name %>">:
-<& /Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple,
- Name => $NamePrefix.'-Single',
- Default => $KeywordSelect->Single &>
-children of
-<& /Elements/SelectKeyword, Root => '0',
- Name => $NamePrefix.'-Keyword',
- Default => $KeywordSelect->KeywordObj->Id &>
- up to <input name="<%$NamePrefix%>-Depth" size=2 value="<%$KeywordSelect->Depth%>"> levels deep.
-unless ($NamePrefix) {
- $NamePrefix = $KeywordSelect->Id;
-$NamePrefix = "KeywordSelect-$NamePrefix";
-$KeywordSelect => undef
-$NamePrefix => undef
-</%ARGS> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyGroup b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyGroup
deleted file mode 100644
index 45d437f..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyGroup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-%while ( $Group = $Groups->Next) {
-<A HREF="Modify.html?id=<%$Group->id%>"><%$Group->id%>: <%$Group->Name%></a><BR>
-my ($Group);
-my $Groups = new RT::Groups($session{'CurrentUser'});
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeyword b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeyword
deleted file mode 100644
index 6af2232..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeyword
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-%while ( $keyword = $keywords->Next ) {
-<A HREF="/Admin/Keywords/Modify.html?id=<%$keyword->id%>"><%$keyword->id%>: <%$keyword->Name%></a><BR>
-use RT::Keywords;
-my $keyword;
-my $keywords = new RT::Keywords $session{CurrentUser};
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeywordSelect b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeywordSelect
deleted file mode 100644
index c91eb6c..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyKeywordSelect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-%while ( $keywordselect = $keywordselects->Next ) {
-<A HREF="/Admin/KeywordSelects/Modify.html?id=<%$keywordselect->id%>"><%$keywordselect->id%>: ( <%$keywordselect->Parent%>: <%$keywordselect->KeywordObj->Name%> )</a><BR>
-use RT::KeywordSelects;
-my $keywordselect;
-my $keywordselects = new RT::KeywordSelects $session{CurrentUser};
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyQueue b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyQueue
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c6cd7d..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyQueue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-%while ( $queue = $queues->Next) {
-<A HREF="Modify.html?id=<%$queue->id%>"><%$queue->id%>: <%$queue->Name%></a><BR>
-my ($queue);
-my $queues = new RT::Queues($session{'CurrentUser'});
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyUser b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyUser
deleted file mode 100755
index da49212..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectModifyUser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-%while ( $user = $users->Next) {
-<A HREF="Modify.html?id=<%$user->id%>"><%$user->id%>: <%$user->Name%></a><BR>
-my ($user);
-my $users = new RT::Users($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$users->Limit(FIELD => 'id',
- VALUE => $RT::SystemUser->id,
- OPERATOR => '!=' );
-if (defined $IdLike) {
-$users->Limit(FIELD => 'Name',
- VALUE => $IdLike,
-if (defined $EmailLike) {
-$users->Limit(FIELD => 'EmailAddress',
- VALUE => $EmailLike,
-$IdLike => undef
-$EmailLike => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectQueueRights b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectQueueRights
deleted file mode 100755
index 6861d40..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectQueueRights
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-%# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Attic/SelectQueueRights,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:08 ivan Exp $
-<SELECT NAME ="<%$Name%>">
-%foreach $right (@rights) {
-<OPTION VALUE="<%$right%>" <%($Default eq $right) && 'SELECTED'%>><%$right%></OPTION>
-% }
-use RT::ACE;
-my $ACE = new RT::ACE($session{'CurrentUser'});
-my %QueueRights = $ACE->QueueRights;
-my %TicketRights = $ACE->TicketRights;
-my ($key, $right, @rights);
-foreach $key (sort keys %QueueRights) {
-push (@rights, $QueueRights{$key} . " ($key)");
-foreach $key (sort keys %TicketRights) {
-push (@rights, $TicketRights{$key} . " ($key)");
-$Name => undef
-$Default => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectRights b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectRights
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac7749..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectRights
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<TD valign=top>
-<h3>New rights</h3>
-% foreach $right (sort keys %Rights) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<%$right%>"
- ><%$right%></OPTION>
-% }
-<TD valign=top>
-<h3>Current rights</h3>
-<i>(Check box to revoke right)</i> <BR>
-% while (my $right = $ACLObj->Next()) {
-% if ($right->RightName) {
-<input type=checkbox value="<%$right->Id%>" name="RevokeACE"> <%$right->RightName%><br>
-% }
-% }
- my ($right, $ACLDesc, $AppliesTo, %Rights);
- my $ACLObj = new RT::ACL($session{'CurrentUser'});
- my $ACE = new RT::ACE($session{'CurrentUser'});
- if ($Scope eq 'Queue') {
- $AppliesTo = $QueueObj->Id;
- $ACLObj->LimitToQueue($AppliesTo);
- %Rights = $ACE->QueueRights();
- }
- elsif ($Scope eq 'System') {
- $AppliesTo = 0;
- $ACLObj->LimitToSystem();
- %Rights = ( $ACE->SystemRights , $ACE->QueueRights());
- }
- if ($PrincipalType eq 'Group') {
- $ACLObj->LimitPrincipalToGroup($PrincipalObj->Id);
- }
- elsif ($PrincipalType eq 'User') {
- $ACLObj->LimitPrincipalToUser($PrincipalObj->Id);
- }
- $ACLDesc = "$PrincipalType-".$PrincipalObj->Id."-$Scope-$AppliesTo";
-$PrincipalType => undef
-$PrincipalObj => undef
-$Scope => undef
-$QueueObj => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScrip b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScrip
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ae15d8..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScrip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<SELECT NAME=<%$Name%>>
-<% $Default eq undef && 'SELECTED' %>
-%while (my $Scrip = $Scrips->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE=<%$Scrip->Id%>
-<% $Scrip->Id == $Default && 'SELECTED' %>
-my $Scrips = RT::Scrips->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$Default => undef
-$Name => 'Scrip'
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripAction b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripAction
deleted file mode 100644
index 08a1734..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripAction
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<SELECT NAME=<%$Name%>>
-<% $Default eq undef && 'SELECTED' %>
-%while (my $ScripAction = $ScripActions->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE=<%$ScripAction->Id%>
-<% $ScripAction->Id == $Default && 'SELECTED' %>
-my $ScripActions = RT::ScripActions->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$Default => undef
-$Name => 'ScripAction'
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripCondition b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripCondition
deleted file mode 100644
index 434f0c4..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectScripCondition
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<SELECT NAME=<%$Name%>>
-<% $Default eq undef && 'SELECTED' %>
-%while (my $ScripCondition = $ScripConditions->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE=<%$ScripCondition->Id%>
-<% $ScripCondition->Id == $Default && 'SELECTED' %>
-my $ScripConditions = RT::ScripConditions->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$Default => undef
-$Name => 'ScripCondition'
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple
deleted file mode 100644
index 307b021..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectSingleOrMultiple
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- <select name="<%$Name%>">
- <option value="1" <%$SingleDefault%>>Single</option>
- <option value="0" <%$MultipleDefault%>>Multiple</option>
- </select>
-my ($SingleDefault, $MultipleDefault);
-if ($Default == 1) {
- $SingleDefault = "SELECTED";
-elsif ($Default == 0 ) {
- $MultipleDefault = "SELECTED";
-$Name => 'Single'
-$Default => 1
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate
deleted file mode 100755
index 76550dc..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectTemplate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<SELECT NAME=<%$Name%>>
-<% $Default eq 'none' && 'SELECTED' %>
-%while (my $Template = $PrimaryTemplates->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE=<%$Template->Id%>
-<% ($Template->Id == $Default) && 'SELECTED' %>
-%while (my $Template = $OtherTemplates->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE=<%$Template->Id%>
-<% ($Template->Id == $Default) && 'SELECTED'%>
->Global template: <%$Template->Name%>
-my $PrimaryTemplates = RT::Templates->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-if ($DefaultQueue != 0) {
-my $OtherTemplates = RT::Templates->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$Default => 'none'
-$DefaultQueue => undef
-$Name => 'Template'
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectUsers b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectUsers
deleted file mode 100644
index af51c60..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SelectUsers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-%while (my $user = $users->Next) {
-<OPTION VALUE="<%$user->id%>"><%$user->Name%>
-my $users = new RT::Users($session{'CurrentUser'});
-$users->Limit(FIELD => 'id', VALUE => $RT::SystemUser->id, OPERATOR => '!=' );
-$users->Limit(FIELD => 'id', VALUE => $RT::Nobody->id, OPERATOR => '!=' );
-$Name => 'Users'
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SystemTabs b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SystemTabs
deleted file mode 100755
index f8b2312..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/SystemTabs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<& /Admin/Elements/Tabs, subtabs => $subtabs, current_tab => 'Admin/Global/', current_subtab => $current_subtab &>
- my $subtabs = {
- A => { title => 'Scrips',
- path => 'Admin/Global/Scrips.html',
- },
- Ba => { title => 'Keyword Selections',
- path => 'Admin/Global/Keywords.html',
- },
- B => { title => 'Templates',
- path => 'Admin/Global/Templates.html',
- },
- C => { title => 'Group Rights',
- path => 'Admin/Global/GroupRights.html',
- },
- D => { title => 'User Rights',
- path => 'Admin/Global/UserRights.html',
- }
-$id => undef
-$current_subtab => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Tabs b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Tabs
deleted file mode 100755
index ee6d82b..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/Tabs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<& /Elements/Tabs, tabs => $tabs, subtabs => $subtabs, current_toptab => 'Admin/', current_tab => $current_tab, current_subtab => $current_subtab&>
- my $tabs = { Users => { title => 'Users',
- path => 'Admin/Users/',
- },
- Groups => { title => 'Groups',
- path => 'Admin/Groups/',
- },
- Queues => { title => 'Queues',
- path => 'Admin/Queues/',
- },
- System => { 'title' => 'Global',
- path => 'Admin/Global/',
- },
- Keywords => { title => 'Keywords',
- path => 'Admin/Keywords/',
- },
- };
-$subtabs => undef
-$current_tab => undef
-$current_subtab => undef
diff --git a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/UserTabs b/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/UserTabs
deleted file mode 100755
index bbf1731..0000000
--- a/rt/webrt/Admin/Elements/UserTabs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<& /Admin/Elements/Tabs, subtabs => $subtabs,
- current_tab => 'Admin/Users/',
- current_subtab => $current_subtab &>
-my $subtabs = {
- Queues => { title => 'Basics',
- path => "Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=".$id
- },
-# Scrips => { title => 'Rights',
-# path => "Admin/Users/Rights.html?id=".$id
-# }
- };
-$id => undef
-$current_subtab => undef