path: root/rt/t/mail/dashboards.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/t/mail/dashboards.t')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/t/mail/dashboards.t b/rt/t/mail/dashboards.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a7a54ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/t/mail/dashboards.t
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => 187;
+use Test::Warn;
+use RT::Dashboard::Mailer;
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok($m->login, 'logged in');
+sub create_dashboard {
+ my ($baseurl, $m) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ $m->get_ok($baseurl . '/Dashboards/Modify.html?Create=1');
+ $m->form_name('ModifyDashboard');
+ $m->field('Name' => 'Testing!');
+ $m->click_button(value => 'Create');
+ $m->title_is('Modify the dashboard Testing!');
+ $m->follow_link_ok({text => 'Content'});
+ $m->title_is('Modify the content of dashboard Testing!');
+ my $form = $m->form_name('Dashboard-Searches-body');
+ my @input = $form->find_input('Searches-body-Available');
+ my ($dashboards_component) =
+ map { ( $_->possible_values )[1] }
+ grep { ( $_->value_names )[1] =~ /Dashboards/ } @input;
+ $form->value('Searches-body-Available' => $dashboards_component );
+ $m->click_button(name => 'add');
+ $m->content_contains('Dashboard updated');
+ $m->follow_link_ok({text => 'Show'});
+ $m->title_is('Testing! Dashboard');
+ $m->content_contains('My dashboards');
+ $m->content_like(qr{<a href="/Dashboards/\d+/Testing!">Testing!</a>});
+sub create_subscription {
+ my ($baseurl, $m, %fields) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ # create a subscription
+ $m->follow_link_ok({text => 'Subscription'});
+ $m->title_is('Subscribe to dashboard Testing!');
+ $m->form_name('SubscribeDashboard');
+ $m->set_fields(%fields);
+ $m->click_button(name => 'Save');
+ $m->content_contains("Subscribed to dashboard Testing!");
+sub get_dash_sub_ids {
+ my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
+ $user->Load('root');
+ ok($user->Id, 'loaded user');
+ my ($subscription) = $user->Attributes->Named('Subscription');
+ my $subscription_id = $subscription->Id;
+ ok($subscription_id, 'loaded subscription');
+ my $dashboard_id = $subscription->SubValue('DashboardId');
+ ok($dashboard_id, 'got dashboard id');
+ return ($dashboard_id, $subscription_id);
+# first, create and populate a dashboard
+create_dashboard($baseurl, $m);
+# now test the mailer
+# without a subscription..
+my @mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is @mails, 0, 'no mail yet';
+ All => 1,
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is @mails, 0, "no mail yet since there's no subscription";
+create_subscription($baseurl, $m,
+ Frequency => 'daily',
+ Hour => '06:00',
+my ($dashboard_id, $subscription_id) = get_dash_sub_ids();
+sub produces_dashboard_mail_ok { # {{{
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $subject = delete $args{Subject};
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ RT::Dashboard::Mailer->MailDashboards(%args);
+ my @mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ is @mails, 1, "got a dashboard mail";
+ my $mail = parse_mail( $mails[0] );
+ is($mail->head->get('Subject'), $subject);
+ is($mail->head->get('From'), "root\n");
+ is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Id'), "$dashboard_id\n");
+ is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Subscription-Id'), "$subscription_id\n");
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'Weird MIME failure', 2;
+ my $body = $mail->stringify_body;
+ like($body, qr{My dashboards});
+ like($body, qr{<a href="http://[^/]+/Dashboards/\d+/Testing!">Testing!</a>});
+ };
+} # }}}
+sub produces_no_dashboard_mail_ok { # {{{
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $name = delete $args{Name};
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ RT::Dashboard::Mailer->MailDashboards(%args);
+ @mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ is @mails, 0, $name;
+} # }}}
+sub delete_dashboard { # {{{
+ my $dashboard_id = shift;
+ # delete the dashboard and make sure we get exactly one subscription failure
+ # notice
+ my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new(RT::CurrentUser->new('root'));
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $dashboard->LoadById($dashboard_id);
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+ ($ok, $msg) = $dashboard->Delete;
+ ok($ok, $msg);
+} # }}}
+sub delete_subscriptions { # {{{
+ my $subscription_id = shift;
+ # delete the dashboard and make sure we get exactly one subscription failure
+ # notice
+ my $user = RT::User->new(RT->SystemUser);
+ $user->Load('root');
+ for my $subscription ($user->Attributes->Named('Subscription')) {
+ $subscription->Delete;
+ }
+} # }}}
+my $good_time = 1290423660; # 6:01 EST on a monday
+my $bad_time = 1290427260; # 7:01 EST on a monday
+my $expected_subject = "[] Daily Dashboard: Testing!\n";
+ Time => $good_time,
+ Subject => $expected_subject,
+ All => 1,
+ Subject => $expected_subject,
+ All => 1,
+ Time => $good_time,
+ Subject => $expected_subject,
+ All => 1,
+ Time => $bad_time,
+ Subject => $expected_subject,
+ Name => "no dashboard mail it's a dry run",
+ All => 1,
+ DryRun => 1,
+ Name => "no dashboard mail it's a dry run",
+ Time => $good_time,
+ DryRun => 1,
+ Name => "no mail because it's the wrong time",
+ Time => $bad_time,
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 0, "no mail leftover");
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardSubject' => 'a %s b %s c');
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => '');
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => (qr/My dashboards/, "Testing!"));
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+RT::Dashboard::Mailer->MailDashboards(All => 1);
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 1, "one mail");
+my $mail = parse_mail($mails[0]);
+is($mail->head->get('Subject'), "[] a Daily b Testing! c\n");
+is($mail->head->get('From'), "dashboard\\n");
+is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Id'), "$dashboard_id\n");
+is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Subscription-Id'), "$subscription_id\n");
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'Weird MIME failure', 2;
+ my $body = $mail->stringify_body;
+ unlike($body, qr{My dashboards});
+ unlike($body, qr{Testing!});
+warning_like {
+ RT::Dashboard::Mailer->MailDashboards(All => 1);
+} qr/Unable to load dashboard $dashboard_id of subscription $subscription_id for user root/;
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 1, "one mail for subscription failure");
+$mail = parse_mail($mails[0]);
+is($mail->head->get('Subject'), "[] Missing dashboard!\n");
+is($mail->head->get('From'), "dashboard\\n");
+is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Id'), "$dashboard_id\n");
+is($mail->head->get('X-RT-Dashboard-Subscription-Id'), "$subscription_id\n");
+RT::Dashboard::Mailer->MailDashboards(All => 1);
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 0, "no mail because the subscription notice happens only once");
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => ());
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => 'root');
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+create_dashboard($baseurl, $m);
+create_subscription($baseurl, $m,
+ Frequency => 'weekly',
+ Hour => '06:00',
+($dashboard_id, $subscription_id) = get_dash_sub_ids();
+# bump $bad_time to Tuesday
+$bad_time = $good_time + 86400;
+ Time => $good_time,
+ Subject => "[] a Weekly b Testing! c\n",
+ Name => "no mail because it's the wrong time",
+ Time => $bad_time,
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 0, "no mail leftover");
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardSubject' => 'a %s b %s c');
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => '');
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => (qr/My dashboards/, "Testing!"));
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => ());
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => 'root');
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+create_dashboard($baseurl, $m);
+create_subscription($baseurl, $m,
+ Frequency => 'm-f',
+ Hour => '06:00',
+($dashboard_id, $subscription_id) = get_dash_sub_ids();
+# bump $bad_time back to Sunday
+$bad_time = $good_time - 86400;
+ Time => $good_time,
+ Subject => "[] a Weekday b Testing! c\n",
+ Name => "no mail because it's the wrong time",
+ Time => $bad_time,
+ Name => "no mail because it's the wrong time",
+ Time => $bad_time - 86400, # saturday
+ Time => $bad_time - 86400 * 2, # friday
+ Subject => "[] a Weekday b Testing! c\n",
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 0, "no mail leftover");
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardSubject' => 'a %s b %s c');
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => '');
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => (qr/My dashboards/, "Testing!"));
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => ());
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => 'root');
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+create_dashboard($baseurl, $m);
+create_subscription($baseurl, $m,
+ Frequency => 'monthly',
+ Hour => '06:00',
+($dashboard_id, $subscription_id) = get_dash_sub_ids();
+$good_time = 1291201200; # dec 1
+$bad_time = $good_time - 86400; # day before (i.e. different month)
+ Time => $good_time,
+ Subject => "[] a Monthly b Testing! c\n",
+ Name => "no mail because it's the wrong time",
+ Time => $bad_time,
+@mails = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mails, 0, "no mail leftover");
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardSubject' => 'a %s b %s c');
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => '');
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => (qr/My dashboards/, "Testing!"));
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+RT->Config->Set('EmailDashboardRemove' => ());
+RT->Config->Set('DashboardAddress' => 'root');
+($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+create_dashboard($baseurl, $m);
+create_subscription($baseurl, $m,
+ Frequency => 'never',
+($dashboard_id, $subscription_id) = get_dash_sub_ids();
+ Name => "mail should never get sent",
+ Time => $bad_time,