path: root/rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler b/rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler
index b81c56c..d8a0729 100755
--- a/rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler
+++ b/rt/share/html/REST/1.0/search/dhandler
@@ -47,10 +47,247 @@
%# REST/1.0/search/dhandler
+$format => undef
+$orderby => undef
+$fields => undef
-my $status = "500 Server Error";
-my $output = "Unsupported object type.";
+my $type = $m->dhandler_arg;
+my ( $status, $output );
+if ( $type =~ /^(ticket|queue|user|group)$/i ) {
+ $status = "200 Ok";
+ $output = '';
+ my $type = lc $1;
+ if (
+ $type eq 'user'
+ && !$session{CurrentUser}->HasRight(
+ Object => $RT::System,
+ Right => 'AdminUsers',
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ $status = "403 Forbidden";
+ $output = "Permission denied";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ my $class = 'RT::' . ucfirst $type . 's';
+ my $objects = $class->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
+ # Parse and validate any field specifications.
+ require RT::Interface::REST;
+ my $field = RT::Interface::REST->field_spec;
+ my ( %fields, @fields );
+ if ($fields) {
+ $format ||= "l";
+ unless ( $fields =~ /^(?:$field,)*$field$/ ) {
+ $status = "400 Bad Request";
+ $output = "Invalid field specification: $fields";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ @fields = map lc, split /\s*,\s*/, $fields;
+ @fields{@fields} = ();
+ unless ( exists $fields{id} ) {
+ unshift @fields, "id";
+ $fields{id} = ();
+ }
+ }
+ $format ||= "s";
+ if ( $format !~ /^[isl]$/ ) {
+ $status = "400 Bad request";
+ $output = "Unknown listing format: $format. (Use i, s, or l.)\n";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ my ( $n, $s );
+ $n = 0;
+ my @output;
+ if ( $type eq 'group' ) {
+ $objects->LimitToUserDefinedGroups;
+ }
+ if ( defined $query && length $query ) {
+ if ( $type eq 'ticket' ) {
+ my ( $n, $s );
+ eval { ( $n, $s ) = $objects->FromSQL($query); };
+ if ( $@ || $n == 0 ) {
+ $s ||= $@;
+ $status = "400 Bad request";
+ $output = "Invalid query: '$s'.\n";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ require Text::ParseWords;
+ my ( $field, $op, $value ) = Text::ParseWords::shellwords($query);
+ if ( $op !~
+ /^(?:[!<>]?=|[<>]|(NOT )?LIKE|STARTSWITH|ENDSWITH|MATCHES)$/i )
+ {
+ $status = "400 Bad Request";
+ $output = "Invalid operator specification: $op";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ if ( ! $search_whitelist{$type}{lc $field} ) {
+ $status = "400 Bad Request";
+ $output = "Invalid field specification: $field";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ if ( $field && $op && defined $value ) {
+ if ( $field eq 'Disabled' ) {
+ if ($value) {
+ if ( $type eq 'queue' ) {
+ $objects->FindAllRows;
+ $objects->Limit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => uc $op,
+ VALUE => $value
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $objects->LimitToDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $type eq 'queue' ) {
+ $objects->UnLimit;
+ }
+ else {
+ $objects->LimitToEnabled;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $objects->Limit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => uc $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $output = "Invalid query specification: $query";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $type eq 'queue' ) {
+ $objects->UnLimit;
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq 'user' ) {
+ $objects->LimitToPrivileged;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($orderby) {
+ my ( $order, $field ) = $orderby =~ /^([\+\-])?(.+)/;
+ $order = $order && $order eq '-' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
+ $objects->OrderBy( FIELD => $field, ORDER => $order );
+ }
+ while ( my $object = $objects->Next ) {
+ next if $type eq 'user' && ( $object->id == RT->SystemUser->id || $object->id == RT->Nobody->id );
+ $n++;
+ my $id = $object->Id;
+ if ( $format eq "i" ) {
+ $output .= "$type/" . $id . "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $format eq "s" ) {
+ if ($fields) {
+ my $result = $m->comp(
+ "/REST/1.0/Forms/$type/default",
+ id => $id,
+ format => $format,
+ fields => \%fields
+ );
+ my ( $notes, $order, $key_values, $errors ) = @$result;
+ # If it's the first time through, add our header
+ if ( $n == 1 ) {
+ $output .= join( "\t", @$order ) . "\n";
+ }
+ # Cut off the annoying $type/ before the id;
+ $key_values->{'id'} = $id;
+ $output .= join(
+ "\t",
+ map {
+ ref $key_values->{$_} eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? join( ', ', @{ $key_values->{$_} } )
+ : $key_values->{$_}
+ } @$order
+ ) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $type eq 'ticket' ) {
+ $output .= $object->Id . ": " . $object->Subject . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $output .= $object->Id . ": " . $object->Name . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $d = $m->comp(
+ "/REST/1.0/Forms/$type/default",
+ id => $id,
+ format => $format,
+ fields => \%fields
+ );
+ my ( $c, $o, $k, $e ) = @$d;
+ push @output, [ $c, $o, $k ];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $n == 0 && $format ne "i" ) {
+ $output = "No matching results.\n";
+ }
+ $output = form_compose( \@output ) if @output;
+else {
+ $status = "500 Server Error";
+ $output = "Unsupported object type.";
+ goto OUTPUT;
+$m->out("RT/". $RT::VERSION . " " . $status ."\n\n");
+$m->out($output );
-RT/<% $RT::VERSION %> <% $status %>
-<% $output |n %>
+my %search_whitelist = (
+ queue => {
+ map { lc $_ => 1 }
+ grep { $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::Queue'}{$_}{read} }
+ keys %{ $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::Queue'} }
+ },
+ user => {
+ disabled => 1,
+ map { lc $_ => 1 }
+ grep { $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::User'}{$_}{read} }
+ keys %{ $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::User'} }
+ },
+ group => {
+ disabled => 1,
+ map { lc $_ => 1 }
+ grep { $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::Group'}{$_}{read} }
+ keys %{ $RT::Record::_TABLE_ATTR->{'RT::Group'} }
+ }