path: root/rt/lib/RT/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib/RT/')
1 files changed, 1293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/ b/rt/lib/RT/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34e5faebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/
@@ -0,0 +1,1293 @@
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+# <>
+# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+package RT::Test;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Test::More';
+use Socket;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use File::Spec;
+use HTTP::Request::Common ();
+use Hook::LexWrap;
+wrap 'HTTP::Request::Common::form_data',
+ post => sub {
+ my $data = $_[-1];
+ if (ref $data) {
+ $data->[0] = Encode::encode_utf8($data->[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $_[-1] = Encode::encode_utf8($_[-1]);
+ }
+ };
+our @EXPORT = qw(is_empty);
+our ($port, $dbname);
+our @SERVERS;
+my %tmp = (
+ directory => undef,
+ config => {
+ RT => undef,
+ apache => undef,
+ },
+ mailbox => undef,
+=head1 NAME
+RT::Test - RT Testing
+=head1 NOTES
+=head2 COVERAGE
+To run the rt test suite with coverage support, install L<Devel::Cover> and run:
+ cover -ignore_re '^var/mason_data/' -ignore_re '^t/'
+The coverage tests have DevelMode turned off, and have
+C<named_component_subs> enabled for L<HTML::Mason> to avoid an optimizer
+problem in Perl that hides the top-level optree from L<Devel::Cover>.
+sub generate_port {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $port = 1024 + int rand(10000) + $$ % 1024;
+ my $paddr = sockaddr_in( $port, inet_aton('localhost') );
+ socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') )
+ or die "socket: $!";
+ if ( connect( SOCK, $paddr ) ) {
+ close(SOCK);
+ return generate_port();
+ }
+ close(SOCK);
+ return $port;
+ $port = generate_port();
+ $dbname = $ENV{RT_TEST_PARALLEL}? "rt3test_$port" : "rt3test";
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ # Spit out a plan (if we got one) *before* we load modules
+ if ( $args{'tests'} ) {
+ $class->builder->plan( tests => $args{'tests'} )
+ unless $args{'tests'} eq 'no_declare';
+ }
+ else {
+ $class->builder->no_plan unless $class->builder->has_plan;
+ }
+ $class->bootstrap_tempdir;
+ $class->bootstrap_config( %args );
+ use RT;
+ RT::LoadConfig;
+ if (RT->Config->Get('DevelMode')) { require Module::Refresh; }
+ $class->bootstrap_db( %args );
+ RT->Init;
+ $class->bootstrap_plugins( %args );
+ $class->set_config_wrapper;
+ my $screen_logger = $RT::Logger->remove( 'screen' );
+ require Log::Dispatch::Perl;
+ $RT::Logger->add( Log::Dispatch::Perl->new
+ ( name => 'rttest',
+ min_level => $screen_logger->min_level,
+ action => { error => 'warn',
+ critical => 'warn' } ) );
+ # XXX: this should really be totally isolated environment so we
+ # can parallelize and be sane
+ mkpath [ $RT::MasonSessionDir ]
+ if RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ my $level = 1;
+ while ( my ($package) = caller($level-1) ) {
+ last unless $package =~ /Test/;
+ $level++;
+ }
+ Test::More->export_to_level($level);
+ __PACKAGE__->export_to_level($level);
+sub is_empty($;$) {
+ my ($v, $d) = shift;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ return Test::More::ok(1, $d) unless defined $v;
+ return Test::More::ok(1, $d) unless length $v;
+ return Test::More::is($v, '', $d);
+my $created_new_db; # have we created new db? mainly for parallel testing
+sub db_requires_no_dba {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ return 1 if $db_type eq 'SQLite';
+sub bootstrap_tempdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $test_file = (
+ File::Spec->rel2abs((caller)[1])
+ =~ m{(?:^|[\\/])t[/\\](.*)}
+ );
+ my $dir_name = File::Spec->rel2abs('t/tmp/'. $test_file);
+ mkpath( $dir_name );
+ return $tmp{'directory'} = File::Temp->newdir(
+ DIR => $dir_name
+ );
+sub bootstrap_config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $tmp{'config'}{'RT'} = File::Spec->catfile(
+ "$tmp{'directory'}", ''
+ );
+ open my $config, '>', $tmp{'config'}{'RT'}
+ or die "Couldn't open $tmp{'config'}{'RT'}: $!";
+ print $config qq{
+Set( \$WebPort , $port);
+Set( \$WebBaseURL , "http://localhost:\$WebPort");
+Set( \$LogToSyslog , undef);
+Set( \$LogToScreen , "warning");
+Set( \$MailCommand, 'testfile');
+ if ( $ENV{'RT_TEST_DB_SID'} ) { # oracle case
+ print $config "Set( \$DatabaseName , '$ENV{'RT_TEST_DB_SID'}' );\n";
+ print $config "Set( \$DatabaseUser , '$dbname');\n";
+ } else {
+ print $config "Set( \$DatabaseName , '$dbname');\n";
+ print $config "Set( \$DatabaseUser , 'u${dbname}');\n";
+ }
+ print $config "Set( \$DevelMode, 0 );\n"
+ if $INC{'Devel/'};
+ # set mail catcher
+ my $mail_catcher = $tmp{'mailbox'} = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $tmp{'directory'}->dirname, 'mailbox.eml'
+ );
+ print $config <<END;
+Set( \$MailCommand, sub {
+ my \$MIME = shift;
+ open my \$handle, '>>', '$mail_catcher'
+ or die "Unable to open '$mail_catcher' for appending: \$!";
+ \$MIME->print(\$handle);
+ print \$handle "%% split me! %%\n";
+ close \$handle;
+} );
+ print $config $args{'config'} if $args{'config'};
+ print $config "\n1;\n";
+ $ENV{'RT_SITE_CONFIG'} = $tmp{'config'}{'RT'};
+ close $config;
+ return $config;
+sub set_config_wrapper {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old_sub = \&RT::Config::Set;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *RT::Config::Set = sub {
+ my @caller = caller;
+ if ( ($caller[1]||'') =~ /\.t$/ ) {
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $type = $RT::Config::META{$name}->{'Type'} || 'SCALAR';
+ my %sigils = (
+ HASH => '%',
+ ARRAY => '@',
+ SCALAR => '$',
+ );
+ my $sigil = $sigils{$type} || $sigils{'SCALAR'};
+ open my $fh, '>>', $tmp{'config'}{'RT'}
+ or die "Couldn't open config file: $!";
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ print $fh
+ "\nSet(${sigil}${name}, \@{"
+ . Data::Dumper::Dumper([@_[2 .. $#_]])
+ ."}); 1;\n";
+ close $fh;
+ if ( @SERVERS ) {
+ warn "you're changing config option in a test file"
+ ." when server is active";
+ }
+ }
+ return $old_sub->(@_);
+ };
+sub bootstrap_db {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ unless (defined $ENV{'RT_DBA_USER'} && defined $ENV{'RT_DBA_PASSWORD'}) {
+ Test::More::BAIL_OUT(
+ "RT_DBA_USER and RT_DBA_PASSWORD environment variables need"
+ ." to be set in order to run 'make test'"
+ ) unless $self->db_requires_no_dba;
+ }
+ require RT::Handle;
+ # bootstrap with dba cred
+ my $dbh = _get_dbh(RT::Handle->SystemDSN,
+ unless ( $ENV{RT_TEST_PARALLEL} ) {
+ # already dropped db in parallel tests, need to do so for other cases.
+ RT::Handle->DropDatabase( $dbh, Force => 1 );
+ }
+ RT::Handle->CreateDatabase( $dbh );
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ $created_new_db++;
+ $dbh = _get_dbh(RT::Handle->DSN,
+ $RT::Handle = new RT::Handle;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh( $dbh );
+ $RT::Handle->InsertSchema( $dbh );
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ $RT::Handle->InsertACL( $dbh ) unless $db_type eq 'Oracle';
+ $RT::Handle = new RT::Handle;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh( undef );
+ RT->ConnectToDatabase;
+ RT->InitLogging;
+ RT->InitSystemObjects;
+ $RT::Handle->InsertInitialData;
+ DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable->FlushCache;
+ $RT::Handle = new RT::Handle;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh( undef );
+ RT->Init;
+ $RT::Handle->PrintError;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh->{PrintError} = 1;
+ unless ( $args{'nodata'} ) {
+ $RT::Handle->InsertData( $RT::EtcPath . "/initialdata" );
+ }
+ DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable->FlushCache;
+sub bootstrap_plugins {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return unless $args{'requires'};
+ my @plugins = @{ $args{'requires'} };
+ push @plugins, $args{'testing'}
+ if $args{'testing'};
+ require RT::Plugin;
+ my $cwd;
+ if ( $args{'testing'} ) {
+ require Cwd;
+ $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
+ }
+ my $old_func = \&RT::Plugin::_BasePath;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *RT::Plugin::_BasePath = sub {
+ my $name = $_[0]->{'name'};
+ return $cwd if $args{'testing'} && $name eq $args{'testing'};
+ if ( grep $name eq $_, @plugins ) {
+ my $variants = join "(?:|::|-|_)", map "\Q$_\E", split /::/, $name;
+ my ($path) = map $ENV{$_}, grep /^CHIMPS_(?:$variants).*_ROOT$/i, keys %ENV;
+ return $path if $path;
+ }
+ return $old_func->(@_);
+ };
+ RT->Config->Set( Plugins => @plugins );
+ RT->InitPluginPaths;
+ require File::Spec;
+ foreach my $name ( @plugins ) {
+ my $plugin = RT::Plugin->new( name => $name );
+ Test::More::diag( "Initializing DB for the $name plugin" )
+ my $etc_path = $plugin->Path('etc');
+ Test::More::diag( "etc path of the plugin is '$etc_path'" )
+ if ( -e $etc_path ) {
+ my ($ret, $msg) = $RT::Handle->InsertSchema( undef, $etc_path );
+ Test::More::ok($ret || $msg =~ /^Couldn't find schema/, "Created schema: ".($msg||''));
+ ($ret, $msg) = $RT::Handle->InsertACL( undef, $etc_path );
+ Test::More::ok($ret || $msg =~ /^Couldn't find ACLs/, "Created ACL: ".($msg||''));
+ my $data_file = File::Spec->catfile( $etc_path, 'initialdata' );
+ if ( -e $data_file ) {
+ ($ret, $msg) = $RT::Handle->InsertData( $data_file );;
+ Test::More::ok($ret, "Inserted data".($msg||''));
+ } else {
+ Test::More::ok(1, "There is no data file" );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+# we can not say if plugin has no data or we screwed with etc path
+ Test::More::ok(1, "There is no etc dir: no schema" );
+ Test::More::ok(1, "There is no etc dir: no ACLs" );
+ Test::More::ok(1, "There is no etc dir: no data" );
+ }
+ $RT::Handle->Connect; # XXX: strange but mysql can loose connection
+ }
+sub _get_dbh {
+ my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @_;
+ if ( $dsn =~ /Oracle/i ) {
+ $ENV{'NLS_NCHAR'} = "AL32UTF8";
+ }
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect(
+ $dsn, $user, $pass,
+ { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1 },
+ );
+ unless ( $dbh ) {
+ my $msg = "Failed to connect to $dsn as user '$user': ". $DBI::errstr;
+ print STDERR $msg; exit -1;
+ }
+ return $dbh;
+=head2 load_or_create_user
+sub load_or_create_user {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Privileged => 1, Disabled => 0, @_ );
+ my $MemberOf = delete $args{'MemberOf'};
+ $MemberOf = [ $MemberOf ] if defined $MemberOf && !ref $MemberOf;
+ $MemberOf ||= [];
+ my $obj = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ if ( $args{'Name'} ) {
+ $obj->LoadByCols( Name => $args{'Name'} );
+ } elsif ( $args{'EmailAddress'} ) {
+ $obj->LoadByCols( EmailAddress => $args{'EmailAddress'} );
+ } else {
+ die "Name or EmailAddress is required";
+ }
+ if ( $obj->id ) {
+ # cool
+ $obj->SetPrivileged( $args{'Privileged'} || 0 )
+ if ($args{'Privileged'}||0) != ($obj->Privileged||0);
+ $obj->SetDisabled( $args{'Disabled'} || 0 )
+ if ($args{'Disabled'}||0) != ($obj->Disabled||0);
+ } else {
+ my ($val, $msg) = $obj->Create( %args );
+ die "$msg" unless $val;
+ }
+ # clean group membership
+ {
+ require RT::GroupMembers;
+ my $gms = RT::GroupMembers->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $groups_alias = $gms->Join(
+ FIELD1 => 'GroupId', TABLE2 => 'Groups', FIELD2 => 'id',
+ );
+ $gms->Limit( ALIAS => $groups_alias, FIELD => 'Domain', VALUE => 'UserDefined' );
+ $gms->Limit( FIELD => 'MemberId', VALUE => $obj->id );
+ while ( my $group_member_record = $gms->Next ) {
+ $group_member_record->Delete;
+ }
+ }
+ # add new user to groups
+ foreach ( @$MemberOf ) {
+ my $group = RT::Group->new( RT::SystemUser() );
+ $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup( $_ );
+ die "couldn't load group '$_'" unless $group->id;
+ $group->AddMember( $obj->id );
+ }
+ return $obj;
+=head2 load_or_create_queue
+sub load_or_create_queue {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Disabled => 0, @_ );
+ my $obj = RT::Queue->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ if ( $args{'Name'} ) {
+ $obj->LoadByCols( Name => $args{'Name'} );
+ } else {
+ die "Name is required";
+ }
+ unless ( $obj->id ) {
+ my ($val, $msg) = $obj->Create( %args );
+ die "$msg" unless $val;
+ } else {
+ my @fields = qw(CorrespondAddress CommentAddress);
+ foreach my $field ( @fields ) {
+ next unless exists $args{ $field };
+ next if $args{ $field } eq $obj->$field;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $method = 'Set'. $field;
+ my ($val, $msg) = $obj->$method( $args{ $field } );
+ die "$msg" unless $val;
+ }
+ }
+ return $obj;
+=head2 load_or_create_custom_field
+sub load_or_create_custom_field {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Disabled => 0, @_ );
+ my $obj = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ if ( $args{'Name'} ) {
+ $obj->LoadByName( Name => $args{'Name'}, Queue => $args{'Queue'} );
+ } else {
+ die "Name is required";
+ }
+ unless ( $obj->id ) {
+ my ($val, $msg) = $obj->Create( %args );
+ die "$msg" unless $val;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub last_ticket {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $current = shift;
+ $current = $current ? RT::CurrentUser->new($current) : $RT::SystemUser;
+ my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new( $current );
+ $tickets->OrderBy( FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC' );
+ $tickets->Limit( FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0' );
+ $tickets->RowsPerPage( 1 );
+ return $tickets->First;
+sub store_rights {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require RT::ACE;
+ # fake construction
+ RT::ACE->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my @fields = keys %{ RT::ACE->_ClassAccessible };
+ require RT::ACL;
+ my $acl = RT::ACL->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $acl->Limit( FIELD => 'RightName', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 'SuperUser' );
+ my @res;
+ while ( my $ace = $acl->Next ) {
+ my $obj = $ace->PrincipalObj->Object;
+ if ( $obj->isa('RT::Group') && $obj->Type eq 'UserEquiv' && $obj->Instance == $RT::Nobody->id ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %tmp = ();
+ foreach my $field( @fields ) {
+ $tmp{ $field } = $ace->__Value( $field );
+ }
+ push @res, \%tmp;
+ }
+ return @res;
+sub restore_rights {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @entries = @_;
+ foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
+ my $ace = RT::ACE->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my ($status, $msg) = $ace->RT::Record::Create( %$entry );
+ unless ( $status ) {
+ Test::More::diag "couldn't create a record: $msg";
+ }
+ }
+sub set_rights {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require RT::ACL;
+ my $acl = RT::ACL->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $acl->Limit( FIELD => 'RightName', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 'SuperUser' );
+ while ( my $ace = $acl->Next ) {
+ my $obj = $ace->PrincipalObj->Object;
+ if ( $obj->isa('RT::Group') && $obj->Type eq 'UserEquiv' && $obj->Instance == $RT::Nobody->id ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $ace->Delete;
+ }
+ return $self->add_rights( @_ );
+sub add_rights {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @list = ref $_[0]? @_: @_? { @_ }: ();
+ require RT::ACL;
+ foreach my $e (@list) {
+ my $principal = delete $e->{'Principal'};
+ unless ( ref $principal ) {
+ if ( $principal =~ /^(everyone|(?:un)?privileged)$/i ) {
+ $principal = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $principal->LoadSystemInternalGroup($1);
+ } else {
+ die "principal is not an object, but also is not name of a system group";
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $principal->isa('RT::Principal') ) {
+ if ( $principal->can('PrincipalObj') ) {
+ $principal = $principal->PrincipalObj;
+ }
+ }
+ my @rights = ref $e->{'Right'}? @{ $e->{'Right'} }: ($e->{'Right'});
+ foreach my $right ( @rights ) {
+ my ($status, $msg) = $principal->GrantRight( %$e, Right => $right );
+ $RT::Logger->debug($msg);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub run_mailgate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require RT::Test::Web;
+ my %args = (
+ url => RT::Test::Web->rt_base_url,
+ message => '',
+ action => 'correspond',
+ queue => 'General',
+ debug => 1,
+ command => $RT::BinPath .'/rt-mailgate',
+ @_
+ );
+ my $message = delete $args{'message'};
+ $args{after_open} = sub {
+ my $child_in = shift;
+ if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($message, 'MIME::Entity') ) {
+ $message->print( $child_in );
+ } else {
+ print $child_in $message;
+ }
+ };
+ $self->run_and_capture(%args);
+sub run_and_capture {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $cmd = delete $args{'command'};
+ die "Couldn't find command ($cmd)" unless -f $cmd;
+ $cmd .= ' --debug' if delete $args{'debug'};
+ while( my ($k,$v) = each %args ) {
+ next unless $v;
+ $cmd .= " --$k '$v'";
+ }
+ $cmd .= ' 2>&1';
+ DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable->FlushCache;
+ require IPC::Open2;
+ my ($child_out, $child_in);
+ my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($child_out, $child_in, $cmd);
+ $args{after_open}->($child_in, $child_out) if $args{after_open};
+ close $child_in;
+ my $result = do { local $/; <$child_out> };
+ close $child_out;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ return ($?, $result);
+sub send_via_mailgate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $message = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ my ($status, $gate_result) = $self->run_mailgate(
+ message => $message, %args
+ );
+ my $id;
+ unless ( $status >> 8 ) {
+ ($id) = ($gate_result =~ /Ticket:\s*(\d+)/i);
+ unless ( $id ) {
+ Test::More::diag "Couldn't find ticket id in text:\n$gate_result"
+ }
+ } else {
+ Test::More::diag "Mailgate output:\n$gate_result"
+ }
+ return ($status, $id);
+sub open_mailgate_ok {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $baseurl = shift;
+ my $queue = shift || 'general';
+ my $action = shift || 'correspond';
+ Test::More::ok(open(my $mail, "|$RT::BinPath/rt-mailgate --url $baseurl --queue $queue --action $action"), "Opened the mailgate - $!");
+ return $mail;
+sub close_mailgate_ok {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $mail = shift;
+ close $mail;
+ Test::More::is ($? >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally. yay");
+sub mailsent_ok {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $expected = shift;
+ my $mailsent = scalar grep /\S/, split /%% split me! %%\n/,
+ RT::Test->file_content(
+ $tmp{'mailbox'},
+ 'unlink' => 0,
+ noexist => 1
+ );
+ Test::More::is(
+ $mailsent, $expected,
+ "The number of mail sent ($expected) matches. yay"
+ );
+sub set_mail_catcher {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub fetch_caught_mails {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return grep /\S/, split /%% split me! %%\n/,
+ RT::Test->file_content(
+ $tmp{'mailbox'},
+ 'unlink' => 1,
+ noexist => 1
+ );
+sub clean_caught_mails {
+ unlink $tmp{'mailbox'};
+=head2 get_relocatable_dir
+Takes a path relative to the location of the test file that is being
+run and returns a path that takes the invocation path into account.
+e.g. RT::Test::get_relocatable_dir(File::Spec->updir(), 'data', 'emails')
+sub get_relocatable_dir {
+ (my $volume, my $directories, my $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
+ if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($directories)) {
+ return File::Spec->catdir($directories, @_);
+ } else {
+ return File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), $directories, @_);
+ }
+=head2 get_relocatable_file
+Same as get_relocatable_dir, but takes a file and a path instead
+of just a path.
+e.g. RT::Test::get_relocatable_file('test-email',
+ (File::Spec->updir(), 'data', 'emails'))
+sub get_relocatable_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ return File::Spec->catfile(get_relocatable_dir(@_), $file);
+sub get_abs_relocatable_dir {
+ (my $volume, my $directories, my $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
+ if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($directories)) {
+ return File::Spec->catdir($directories, @_);
+ } else {
+ return File::Spec->catdir(Cwd->getcwd(), $directories, @_);
+ }
+sub import_gnupg_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $type = shift || 'secret';
+ $key =~ s/\@/-at-/g;
+ $key .= ".$type.key";
+ require RT::Crypt::GnuPG;
+ # simple strategy find data/gnupg/keys, from the dir where test file lives
+ # to updirs, try 3 times in total
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile( 'data', 'gnupg', 'keys' );
+ my $abs_path;
+ for my $up ( 0 .. 2 ) {
+ my $p = get_relocatable_dir($path);
+ if ( -e $p ) {
+ $abs_path = $p;
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->updir(), $path );
+ }
+ }
+ die "can't find the dir where gnupg keys are stored"
+ unless $abs_path;
+ return RT::Crypt::GnuPG::ImportKey(
+ RT::Test->file_content( [ $abs_path, $key ] ) );
+sub lsign_gnupg_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ require RT::Crypt::GnuPG; require GnuPG::Interface;
+ my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+ my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPGOptions');
+ $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+ RT::Crypt::GnuPG::_PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+ meta_interactive => 0,
+ );
+ my %handle;
+ my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+ stdin => ($handle{'input'} = new IO::Handle),
+ stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+ stderr => ($handle{'error'} = new IO::Handle),
+ logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+ status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+ command => ($handle{'command'} = new IO::Handle),
+ );
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+ local @ENV{'LANG', 'LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+ my $pid = $gnupg->wrap_call(
+ handles => $handles,
+ commands => ['--lsign-key'],
+ command_args => [$key],
+ );
+ close $handle{'input'};
+ while ( my $str = readline $handle{'status'} ) {
+ if ( $str =~ /^\[GNUPG:\]\s*GET_BOOL sign_uid\..*/ ) {
+ print { $handle{'command'} } "y\n";
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ close $handle{'output'};
+ my %res;
+ $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+ foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+ $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+ delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+ close $handle{$_};
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+ $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+ $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+ if ( $err || $res{'exit_code'} ) {
+ $res{'message'} = $err? $err : "gpg exitted with error code ". ($res{'exit_code'} >> 8);
+ }
+ return %res;
+sub trust_gnupg_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ require RT::Crypt::GnuPG; require GnuPG::Interface;
+ my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+ my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPGOptions');
+ $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+ RT::Crypt::GnuPG::_PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+ meta_interactive => 0,
+ );
+ my %handle;
+ my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+ stdin => ($handle{'input'} = new IO::Handle),
+ stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+ stderr => ($handle{'error'} = new IO::Handle),
+ logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+ status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+ command => ($handle{'command'} = new IO::Handle),
+ );
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+ local @ENV{'LANG', 'LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+ my $pid = $gnupg->wrap_call(
+ handles => $handles,
+ commands => ['--edit-key'],
+ command_args => [$key],
+ );
+ close $handle{'input'};
+ my $done = 0;
+ while ( my $str = readline $handle{'status'} ) {
+ if ( $str =~ /^\[GNUPG:\]\s*\QGET_LINE keyedit.prompt/ ) {
+ if ( $done ) {
+ print { $handle{'command'} } "quit\n";
+ } else {
+ print { $handle{'command'} } "trust\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\[GNUPG:\]\s*\QGET_LINE edit_ownertrust.value/ ) {
+ print { $handle{'command'} } "5\n";
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\[GNUPG:\]\s*\QGET_BOOL edit_ownertrust.set_ultimate.okay/ ) {
+ print { $handle{'command'} } "y\n";
+ $done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ close $handle{'output'};
+ my %res;
+ $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+ foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+ $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+ delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+ close $handle{$_};
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+ $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+ $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+ if ( $err || $res{'exit_code'} ) {
+ $res{'message'} = $err? $err : "gpg exitted with error code ". ($res{'exit_code'} >> 8);
+ }
+ return %res;
+sub started_ok {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require RT::Test::Web;
+ my $which = $ENV{'RT_TEST_WEB_HANDLER'} || 'standalone';
+ my ($server, $variant) = split /\+/, $which, 2;
+ my $function = 'start_'. $server .'_server';
+ unless ( $self->can($function) ) {
+ die "Don't know how to start server '$server'";
+ }
+ return $self->$function( $variant, @_ );
+sub start_standalone_server {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require RT::Interface::Web::Standalone;
+ require Test::HTTP::Server::Simple::StashWarnings;
+ unshift @RT::Interface::Web::Standalone::ISA,
+ 'Test::HTTP::Server::Simple::StashWarnings';
+ *RT::Interface::Web::Standalone::test_warning_path = sub {
+ "/__test_warnings";
+ };
+ my $s = RT::Interface::Web::Standalone->new($port);
+ my $ret = $s->started_ok;
+ push @SERVERS, $s->pids;
+ $RT::Handle = new RT::Handle;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh( undef );
+ RT->ConnectToDatabase;
+ return ($ret, RT::Test::Web->new);
+sub start_apache_server {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $variant = shift || 'mod_perl';
+ my %info = $self->apache_server_info( variant => $variant );
+ Test::More::diag(do {
+ open my $fh, '<', $tmp{'config'}{'RT'};
+ local $/;
+ <$fh>
+ });
+ my $log_fn = File::Spec->catfile(
+ "$tmp{'directory'}", 'apache.log'
+ );
+ my $pid_fn = File::Spec->catfile(
+ "$tmp{'directory'}", ""
+ );
+ my $tmpl = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catfile(
+ 't', 'data', 'configs',
+ 'apache'. $info{'version'} .'+'. $variant .'.conf'
+ ) );
+ my %opt = (
+ listen => $port,
+ server_root => $info{'HTTPD_ROOT'} || $ENV{'HTTPD_ROOT'}
+ || Test::More::BAIL_OUT("Couldn't figure out server root"),
+ pid_file => $pid_fn,
+ document_root => $RT::MasonComponentRoot,
+ rt_bin_path => $RT::BinPath,
+ log_file => $log_fn,
+ rt_site_config => $ENV{'RT_SITE_CONFIG'},
+ );
+ {
+ my $method = 'apache_'.$variant.'_server_options';
+ $self->$method( \%info, \%opt );
+ }
+ $tmp{'config'}{'apache'} = File::Spec->catfile(
+ "$tmp{'directory'}", "apache.conf"
+ );
+ $self->process_in_file(
+ in => $tmpl,
+ out => $tmp{'config'}{'apache'},
+ options => \%opt,
+ );
+ $self->fork_exec($info{'executable'}, '-f', $tmp{'config'}{'apache'});
+ my $pid = do {
+ my $tries = 60;
+ while ( !-e $pid_fn ) {
+ $tries--;
+ last unless $tries;
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ Test::More::BAIL_OUT("Couldn't start apache server, no pid file")
+ unless -e $pid_fn;
+ open my $pid_fh, '<', $pid_fn
+ or Test::More::BAIL_OUT("Couldn't open pid file: $!");
+ my $pid = <$pid_fh>;
+ chomp $pid;
+ $pid;
+ };
+ Test::More::ok($pid, "Started apache server #$pid");
+ push @SERVERS, $pid;
+ return (RT->Config->Get('WebURL'), RT::Test::Web->new);
+sub apache_server_info {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %res = @_;
+ my $bin = $res{'executable'} = $ENV{'RT_TEST_APACHE'}
+ || $self->find_apache_server
+ || Test::More::BAIL_OUT("Couldn't find apache server, use RT_TEST_APACHE");
+ Test::More::diag("Using '$bin' apache executable for testing")
+ my $info = `$bin -V`;
+ ($res{'version'}) = ($info =~ m{Server\s+version:\s+Apache/(\d+\.\d+)\.});
+ Test::More::BAIL_OUT(
+ "Couldn't figure out version of the server"
+ ) unless $res{'version'};
+ my %opts = ($info =~ m/^\s*-D\s+([A-Z_]+?)(?:="(.*)")$/mg);
+ %res = (%res, %opts);
+ $res{'modules'} = [
+ map {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_}
+ grep $_ !~ /Compiled in modules/i,
+ split /\r*\n/, `$bin -l`
+ ];
+ return %res;
+sub apache_mod_perl_server_options {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %info = %{ shift() };
+ my $current = shift;
+ my %required_modules = (
+ '2.2' => [qw(authz_host log_config env alias perl)],
+ );
+ my @mlist = @{ $required_modules{ $info{'version'} } };
+ $current->{'load_modules'} = '';
+ foreach my $mod ( @mlist ) {
+ next if grep $_ =~ /^(mod_|)$mod\.c$/, @{ $info{'modules'} };
+ $current->{'load_modules'} .=
+ "LoadModule ${mod}_module modules/mod_${mod}.so\n";
+ }
+ return;
+sub apache_fastcgi_server_options {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %info = %{ shift() };
+ my $current = shift;
+ my %required_modules = (
+ '2.2' => [qw(authz_host log_config env alias mime fastcgi)],
+ );
+ my @mlist = @{ $required_modules{ $info{'version'} } };
+ $current->{'load_modules'} = '';
+ foreach my $mod ( @mlist ) {
+ next if grep $_ =~ /^(mod_|)$mod\.c$/, @{ $info{'modules'} };
+ $current->{'load_modules'} .=
+ "LoadModule ${mod}_module modules/mod_${mod}.so\n";
+ }
+ return;
+sub find_apache_server {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $_ foreach grep defined,
+ map $self->find_executable($_),
+ qw(httpd apache apache2 apache1);
+ return undef;
+sub stop_server {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sig = 'TERM';
+ $sig = 'INT' if !$ENV{'RT_TEST_WEB_HANDLER'}
+ || $ENV{'RT_TEST_WEB_HANDLER'} =~/^standalone(?:\+|\z)/;
+ kill $sig, @SERVERS;
+ foreach my $pid (@SERVERS) {
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ }
+sub file_content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $path = File::Spec->catfile( @$path ) if ref $path eq 'ARRAY';
+ Test::More::diag "reading content of '$path'" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ open my $fh, "<:raw", $path
+ or do {
+ warn "couldn't open file '$path': $!" unless $args{noexist};
+ return ''
+ };
+ my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ close $fh;
+ unlink $path if $args{'unlink'};
+ return $content;
+sub find_executable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ require File::Spec;
+ foreach my $dir ( split /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) {
+ my $fpath = File::Spec->catpath(
+ (File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 'no file' ))[0..1], $name
+ );
+ next unless -e $fpath && -r _ && -x _;
+ return $fpath;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub fork_exec {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pid = fork;
+ unless ( defined $pid ) {
+ die "cannot fork: $!";
+ } elsif ( !$pid ) {
+ exec @_;
+ die "can't exec `". join(' ', @_) ."` program: $!";
+ } else {
+ return $pid;
+ }
+sub process_in_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( in => undef, options => undef, @_ );
+ my $text = $self->file_content( $args{'in'} );
+ while ( my ($opt) = ($text =~ /\%\%(.+?)\%\%/) ) {
+ my $value = $args{'options'}{ lc $opt };
+ die "no value for $opt" unless defined $value;
+ $text =~ s/\%\%\Q$opt\E\%\%/$value/g;
+ }
+ my ($out_fh, $out_conf);
+ unless ( $args{'out'} ) {
+ ($out_fh, $out_conf) = tempfile();
+ } else {
+ $out_conf = $args{'out'};
+ open $out_fh, '>', $out_conf
+ or die "couldn't open '$out_conf': $!";
+ }
+ print $out_fh $text;
+ seek $out_fh, 0, 0;
+ return ($out_fh, $out_conf);
+END {
+ my $Test = RT::Test->builder;
+ return if $Test->{Original_Pid} != $$;
+ # we are in END block and should protect our exit code
+ # so calls below may call system or kill that clobbers $?
+ local $?;
+ RT::Test->stop_server;
+ # not success
+ if ( grep !$_, $Test->summary ) {
+ $tmp{'directory'}->unlink_on_destroy(0);
+ Test::More::diag(
+ "Some tests failed, tmp directory"
+ ." '$tmp{directory}' is not cleaned"
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $ENV{RT_TEST_PARALLEL} && $created_new_db ) {
+ # Pg doesn't like if you issue a DROP DATABASE while still connected
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ $dbh->disconnect if $dbh;
+ $dbh = _get_dbh( RT::Handle->SystemDSN, $ENV{RT_DBA_USER}, $ENV{RT_DBA_PASSWORD} );
+ RT::Handle->DropDatabase( $dbh, Force => 1 );
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ }