path: root/rt/lib/RT/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib/RT/')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/ b/rt/lib/RT/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79c3e8a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+=head1 NAME
+RT::I18N - a base class for localization of RT
+package RT::I18N;
+use strict;
+use Locale::Maketext 1.04;
+use Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.25;
+use base ('Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy');
+use vars qw( %Lexicon );
+#If we're running on 5.6, we desperately need Encode::compat. But if we're on 5.8, we don't really need it.
+BEGIN { if ($] < 5.007001) {
+require Encode::compat;
+} }
+use Encode;
+use MIME::Entity;
+use MIME::Head;
+# I decree that this project's first language is English.
+%Lexicon = (
+ 'TEST_STRING' => 'Concrete Mixer',
+ '__Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
+ '_AUTO' => 1,
+ # That means that lookup failures can't happen -- if we get as far
+ # as looking for something in this lexicon, and we don't find it,
+ # then automagically set $Lexicon{$key} = $key, before possibly
+ # compiling it.
+ # The exception is keys that start with "_" -- they aren't auto-makeable.
+# End of lexicon.
+=head2 Init
+Initializes the lexicons used for localization.
+=begin testing
+use_ok (RT::I18N);
+=end testing
+sub Init {
+ # Load language-specific functions
+ foreach my $language ( glob(substr(__FILE__, 0, -3) . "/*.pm")) {
+ if ($language =~ /^([-\w.\/\\~:]+)$/) {
+ require $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn("$language is tainted. not loading");
+ }
+ }
+ my @lang = @RT::LexiconLanguages;
+ @lang = ('*') unless @lang;
+ # Acquire all .po files and iterate them into lexicons
+ Locale::Maketext::Lexicon->import({
+ _decode => 1, map {
+ $_ => [
+ Gettext => (substr(__FILE__, 0, -3) . "/$_.po"),
+ Gettext => "$RT::LocalLexiconPath/*/$_.po",
+ ],
+ } @lang
+ });
+ return 1;
+=head2 encoding
+Returns the encoding of the current lexicon, as yanked out of __ContentType's "charset" field.
+If it can't find anything, it returns 'ISO-8859-1'
+=begin testing
+ok(my $chinese = RT::I18N->get_handle('zh_tw'));
+ok(UNIVERSAL::can($chinese, 'maketext'));
+ok($chinese->maketext('__Content-Type') =~ /utf-8/i, "Found the utf-8 charset for traditional chinese in the string ".$chinese->maketext('__Content-Type'));
+ok($chinese->encoding eq 'utf-8', "The encoding is 'utf-8' -".$chinese->encoding);
+ok(my $en = RT::I18N->get_handle('en'));
+ok(UNIVERSAL::can($en, 'maketext'));
+ok($en->encoding eq 'utf-8', "The encoding ".$en->encoding." is 'utf-8'");
+=end testing
+sub encoding { 'utf-8' }
+# {{{ SetMIMEEntityToUTF8
+=head2 SetMIMEEntityToUTF8 $entity
+An utility method which will try to convert entity body into utf8.
+It's now a wrap-up of SetMIMEEntityToEncoding($entity, 'utf-8').
+sub SetMIMEEntityToUTF8 {
+ RT::I18N::SetMIMEEntityToEncoding(shift, 'utf-8');
+# }}}
+# {{{ SetMIMEEntityToEncoding
+=head2 SetMIMEEntityToEncoding $entity, $encoding
+An utility method which will try to convert entity body into specified
+charset encoding (encoded as octets, *not* unicode-strings). It will
+iterate all the entities in $entity, and try to convert each one into
+specified charset if whose Content-Type is 'text/plain'.
+This method doesn't return anything meaningful.
+sub SetMIMEEntityToEncoding {
+ my ( $entity, $enc, $preserve_words ) = ( shift, shift, shift );
+ #if ( $entity->is_multipart ) {
+ #$RT::Logger->crit("This entity is a multipart " . $entity->head->as_string);
+ SetMIMEEntityToEncoding( $_, $enc, $preserve_words ) foreach $entity->parts;
+ #}
+ my $charset = _FindOrGuessCharset($entity) or return;
+ # one and only normalization
+ $charset = 'utf-8' if $charset =~ /^utf-?8$/i;
+ $enc = 'utf-8' if $enc =~ /^utf-?8$/i;
+ SetMIMEHeadToEncoding(
+ $entity->head,
+ _FindOrGuessCharset($entity, 1) => $enc,
+ $preserve_words
+ );
+ my $head = $entity->head;
+ # convert at least MIME word encoded attachment filename
+ foreach my $attr (qw( content-disposition.filename)) {
+ if ( my $name = $head->mime_attr($attr) and !$preserve_words ) {
+ $head->mime_attr( $attr => DecodeMIMEWordsToUTF8($name) );
+ }
+ }
+ # If this is a textual entity, we'd need to preserve its original encoding
+ $head->add( "X-RT-Original-Encoding" => $charset )
+ if $head->mime_attr('content-type.charset') or $head->mime_type =~ /^text/;
+ return unless ( $head->mime_type =~ qr{^(text/plain|message/rfc822)$}i );
+ my $body = $entity->bodyhandle;
+ if ( $enc ne $charset && $body) {
+ my @lines = $body->as_lines or return;
+ # {{{ Convert the body
+ eval {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Converting '$charset' to '$enc' for ". $head->mime_type . " - ". $head->get('subject'));
+ # NOTE:: see the comments at the end of the sub.
+ Encode::_utf8_off( $lines[$_] ) foreach ( 0 .. $#lines );
+ Encode::from_to( $lines[$_], $charset => $enc ) for ( 0 .. $#lines );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $RT::Logger->error( "Encoding error: " . $@ . " defaulting to ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8" );
+ eval {
+ Encode::from_to( $lines[$_], 'iso-8859-1' => $enc ) foreach ( 0 .. $#lines );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $RT::Logger->crit( "Totally failed to convert to utf-8: " . $@ . " I give up" );
+ }
+ }
+ # }}}
+ my $new_body = MIME::Body::InCore->new( \@lines );
+ # set up the new entity
+ $head->mime_attr( "content-type" => 'text/plain' )
+ unless ( $head->mime_attr("content-type") );
+ $head->mime_attr( "content-type.charset" => $enc );
+ $entity->bodyhandle($new_body);
+ }
+# NOTES: Why Encode::_utf8_off before Encode::from_to
+# All the strings in RT are utf-8 now. Quotes from Encode POD:
+# [$length =] from_to($octets, FROM_ENC, TO_ENC [, CHECK])
+# ... The data in $octets must be encoded as octets and not as
+# characters in Perl's internal format. ...
+# Not turning off the UTF-8 flag in the string will prevent the string
+# from conversion.
+# }}}
+# {{{ DecodeMIMEWordsToUTF8
+=head2 DecodeMIMEWordsToUTF8 $raw
+An utility method which mimics MIME::Words::decode_mimewords, but only
+limited functionality. This function returns an utf-8 string.
+It returns the decoded string, or the original string if it's not
+encoded. Since the subroutine converts specified string into utf-8
+charset, it should not alter a subject written in English.
+Why not use MIME::Words directly? Because it fails in RT when I
+tried. Maybe it's ok now.
+sub DecodeMIMEWordsToUTF8 {
+ my $str = shift;
+ DecodeMIMEWordsToEncoding($str, 'utf-8');
+sub DecodeMIMEWordsToEncoding {
+ my $str = shift;
+ my $enc = shift;
+ @_ = $str =~ m/([^=]*)=\?([^?]+)\?([QqBb])\?([^?]+)\?=([^=]*)/g;
+ return ($str) unless (@_);
+ $str = "";
+ while (@_) {
+ my ($prefix, $charset, $encoding, $enc_str, $trailing) =
+ (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
+ $trailing =~ s/\s?\t?$//; # Observed from Outlook Express
+ if ($encoding eq 'Q' or $encoding eq 'q') {
+ use MIME::QuotedPrint;
+ $enc_str =~ tr/_/ /; # Observed from Outlook Express
+ $enc_str = decode_qp($enc_str);
+ } elsif ($encoding eq 'B' or $encoding eq 'b') {
+ use MIME::Base64;
+ $enc_str = decode_base64($enc_str);
+ } else {
+ $RT::Logger->warning("RT::I18N::DecodeMIMEWordsToCharset got a " .
+ "strange encoding: $encoding.");
+ }
+ # now we have got a decoded subject, try to convert into the encoding
+ unless ($charset eq $enc) {
+ eval { Encode::from_to($enc_str, $charset, $enc) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $charset = _GuessCharset( $enc_str );
+ Encode::from_to($enc_str, $charset, $enc);
+ }
+ }
+ $str .= $prefix . $enc_str . $trailing;
+ }
+ return ($str)
+# }}}
+# {{{ _FindOrGuessCharset
+=head2 _FindOrGuessCharset MIME::Entity, $head_only
+When handed a MIME::Entity will first attempt to read what charset the message is encoded in. Failing that, will use Encode::Guess to try to figure it out
+If $head_only is true, only guesses charset for head parts. This is because header's encoding (e.g. filename="...") may be different from that of body's.
+sub _FindOrGuessCharset {
+ my $entity = shift;
+ my $head_only = shift;
+ my $head = $entity->head;
+ if ($head->mime_attr("content-type.charset")) {
+ return $head->mime_attr("content-type.charset");
+ }
+ if ( !$head_only and $head->mime_type =~ m{^text/}) {
+ my $body = $entity->bodyhandle or return;
+ return _GuessCharset( $body->as_string );
+ }
+ else {
+ # potentially binary data -- don't guess the body
+ return _GuessCharset( $head->as_string );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ _GuessCharset
+=head2 _GuessCharset STRING
+use Encode::Guess to try to figure it out the string's encoding.
+sub _GuessCharset {
+ my $fallback = 'iso-8859-1';
+ my $charset;
+ if ( @RT::EmailInputEncodings and eval { require Encode::Guess; 1 } ) {
+ Encode::Guess->set_suspects(@RT::EmailInputEncodings);
+ my $decoder = Encode::Guess->guess( $_[0] );
+ if ( ref $decoder ) {
+ $charset = $decoder->name;
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Guessed encoding: $charset");
+ return $charset;
+ }
+ elsif ($decoder =~ /(\S+ or .+)/) {
+ my %matched = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ or /, $1);
+ return 'utf-8' if $matched{'utf8'}; # one and only normalization
+ foreach my $suspect (@RT::EmailInputEncodings) {
+ next unless $matched{$suspect};
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Encode::Guess ambiguous ($decoder); using $suspect");
+ $charset = $suspect;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $RT::Logger->warning("Encode::Guess failed: $decoder; fallback to $fallback");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $RT::Logger->warning("Cannot Encode::Guess; fallback to $fallback");
+ }
+ return($charset || $fallback);
+# }}}
+# {{{ SetMIMEHeadToEncoding
+Converts a MIME Head from one encoding to another. This totally violates the RFC.
+We should never need this. But, Surprise!, MUAs are badly broken and do this kind of stuff
+all the time
+sub SetMIMEHeadToEncoding {
+ my ( $head, $charset, $enc, $preserve_words ) = ( shift, shift, shift, shift );
+ $charset = 'utf-8' if $charset eq 'utf8';
+ $enc = 'utf-8' if $enc eq 'utf8';
+ return if $charset eq $enc and $preserve_words;
+ foreach my $tag ( $head->tags ) {
+ my @values = $head->get_all($tag);
+ $head->delete($tag);
+ foreach my $value (@values) {
+ if ( $charset ne $enc ) {
+ eval {
+ Encode::_utf8_off($value);
+ Encode::from_to( $value, $charset => $enc );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $RT::Logger->error( "Encoding error: " . $@
+ . " defaulting to ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8" );
+ eval { Encode::from_to( $value, 'iso-8859-1' => $enc ) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $RT::Logger->crit( "Totally failed to convert to utf-8: " . $@ . " I give up" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $value = DecodeMIMEWordsToEncoding( $value, $enc ) unless $preserve_words;
+ $head->add( $tag, $value );
+ }
+ }
+# }}}
+eval "require RT::I18N_Vendor";
+die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/});
+eval "require RT::I18N_Local";
+die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/});
+1; # End of module.