path: root/rt/docs/extending/external_custom_fields.pod
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+=head1 External custom fields
+=head2 Description
+C<External custom fields> is an extension to custom fields that allow
+you to define CFs with dynamic lists of values. Loading values into
+these custom fields requires writing a little Perl code to fetch the
+data from the external source.
+=head2 Introduction into writing source of values
+For each type of data source that you want, you'll need to put a file in
+F</opt/rt4/local/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> (or equivalent if you
+installed RT into someplace other than F</opt/rt4>). To get a sense of
+the code that you'll need to write, take a look at the code in
+L</opt/rt4/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> for a simple example
+which just uses RT's API to pull in a list of RT's groups.
+Running C<perldoc /opt/rt4/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> will
+show you the documentation for the API that needs to be fulfilled;
+copying and editing the C<Groups> example is probably a fine place to
+Later in this doc we'll describe the example a little bit more.
+=head2 Configuration
+After the custom code is written, you need to tell RT about its
+existence by adding something like following to your
+ Set(@CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::MySource");
+The value in quotes should be the name of the class that you created.
+Stop and start your web server to enable any config changes. Open the
+web interface as an administrative user (such as root), and create new
+custom field. Set its type to be a Select or Autocomplete field, and
+save the changes. You should now you have ability to select a "source"
+for values. Choose the class you wrote from the list and the save
+=head2 How to write custom source
+You have to implement a subclass of L<RT::CustomFieldValues::External>.
+There are two main methods you want to override:
+=over 4
+=item SourceDescription
+This method should return a string describing the data source; this is
+the identifier which the administrator will see in the dropdown in the
+web interface. See L</Configuration>.
+=item ExternalValues
+This method should return an array reference of hash references. The
+hash references should contain keys for C<name>, C<description>, and
+C<sortorder>. C<name> is most important one; the others are optional.
+Here's a simple static example:
+ package RT::CustomFieldValues::MySource;
+ # define class inheritance
+ use base qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::External);
+ # admin friendly description, the default valuse is the name of the class
+ sub SourceDescription {
+ return 'My Source';
+ }
+ # actual values provider method
+ sub ExternalValues {
+ # return reference to array ([])
+ return [
+ # each element of the array is a reference to hash that describe a value
+ # possible keys are name, description and sortorder
+ { name => 'value1', description => 'external value', sortorder => 1 },
+ { name => 'value2', description => 'another external value', sortorder => 2 },
+ # values without description are also valid, the default description is empty string
+ { name => 'value3', sortorder => 3 },
+ # you can skip sortorder too, but note that the default sortorder is 0 (zero)
+ { name => 'value3' },
+ ];
+ }
+ 1; # don't forget to return some true value