path: root/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:29 ivan Exp $
+=head1 NAME
+App::Info::Handler::Prompt - Prompting App::Info event handler
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use App::Info::Category::FooApp;
+ use App::Info::Handler::Print;
+ my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Print->new;
+ my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_unknown => $prompter );
+ # Or...
+ my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_confirm => 'prompt' );
+App::Info::Handler::Prompt objects handle App::Info events by printing their
+messages to C<STDOUT> and then accepting a new value from C<STDIN>. The new
+value is validated by any callback supplied by the App::Info concrete subclass
+that triggered the event. If the value is valid, App::Info::Handler::Prompt
+assigns the new value to the event request. If it isn't it prints the error
+message associated with the event request, and then prompts for the data
+Although designed with unknown and confirm events in mind,
+App::Info::Handler::Prompt handles info and error events as well. It will
+simply print info event messages to C<STDOUT> and print error event messages
+to C<STDERR>. For more interesting info and error event handling, see
+L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> and
+Upon loading, App::Info::Handler::Print registers itself with
+App::Info::Handler, setting up a single string, "prompt", that can be passed
+to an App::Info concrete subclass constructor. This string is a shortcut that
+tells App::Info how to create an App::Info::Handler::Print object for handling
+use strict;
+use App::Info::Handler;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.22';
+@ISA = qw(App::Info::Handler);
+# Register ourselves.
+ ('prompt' => sub { __PACKAGE__->new('prompt') } );
+=head2 Constructor
+=head3 new
+ my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Prompt->new;
+Constructs a new App::Info::Handler::Prompt object and returns it. No special
+arguments are required.
+sub new {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $self->{tty} = -t STDIN && ( -t STDOUT || !( -f STDOUT || -c STDOUT ) );
+ # We're done!
+ return $self;
+my $get_ans = sub {
+ my ($prompt, $tty, $def) = @_;
+ # Print the message.
+ local $| = 1;
+ local $\;
+ print $prompt;
+ # Collect the answer.
+ my $ans;
+ if ($tty) {
+ $ans = <STDIN>;
+ if (defined $ans ) {
+ chomp $ans;
+ } else { # user hit ctrl-D
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "$def\n" if defined $def;
+ }
+ return $ans;
+sub handler {
+ my ($self, $req) = @_;
+ my $ans;
+ my $type = $req->type;
+ if ($type eq 'unknown' || $type eq 'confirm') {
+ # We'll want to prompt for a new value.
+ my $val = $req->value;
+ my ($def, $dispdef) = defined $val ? ($val, " [$val] ") : ('', ' ');
+ my $msg = $req->message or Carp::croak("No message in request");
+ $msg .= $dispdef;
+ # Get the answer.
+ $ans = $get_ans->($msg, $self->{tty}, $def);
+ # Just return if they entered an empty string or we couldnt' get an
+ # answer.
+ return 1 unless defined $ans && $ans ne '';
+ # Validate the answer.
+ my $err = $req->error;
+ while (!$req->value($ans)) {
+ print "$err: '$ans'\n";
+ $ans = $get_ans->($msg, $self->{tty}, $def);
+ return 1 unless defined $ans && $ans ne '';
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'info') {
+ # Just print the message.
+ print STDOUT $req->message, "\n";
+ } elsif ($type eq 'error') {
+ # Just print the message.
+ print STDERR $req->message, "\n";
+ } else {
+ # This shouldn't happen.
+ Carp::croak("Invalid request type '$type'");
+ }
+ # Return true to indicate that we've handled the request.
+ return 1;
+=head1 BUGS
+Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David Wheeler <L<|"">>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<App::Info|App::Info> documents the event handling interface.
+L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp> handles events by
+passing their messages Carp module functions.
+L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> handles events by
+printing their messages to a file handle.
+L<App::Info::Handler|App::Info::Handler> describes how to implement custom
+App::Info event handlers.
+Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.