path: root/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi b/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi
index 199c66d81..6215b4b2f 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi
@@ -1,167 +1,3 @@
-% my $title = 'Payment Search Results';
-% my( $count_query, $sql_query );
-% if ( $cgi->param('magic') ) {
-% my @search = ();
-% my $orderby;
-% if ( $cgi->param('magic') eq '_date' ) {
-% if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') && $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
-% push @search, "agentnum = $1"; # $search{'agentnum'} = $1;
-% my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
-% die "unknown agentnum $1" unless $agent;
-% $title = $agent->agent. " $title";
-% }
-% if ( $cgi->param('payby') ) {
-% $cgi->param('payby') =~
-% /^(CARD|CHEK|BILL|PREP|CASH|WEST|MCRD)(-(VisaMC|Amex|Discover|Maestro))?$/
-% or die "illegal payby ". $cgi->param('payby');
-% push @search, "cust_pay.payby = '$1'";
-% if ( $3 ) {
-% my $cardtype = $3;
-% my $search;
-% if ( $cardtype eq 'VisaMC' ) {
-% #avoid posix regexes for portability
-% $search =
-% " ( ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4) != '4936' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
-% " NOT SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
-% " NOT SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
-% " NOT SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
-% " NOT SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
-% " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
-% " NOT SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
-% " )".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '51' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '52' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '53' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '36' ". #Diner's int'l processed as Visa/MC inside US
-% " ) ";
-% } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Amex' ) {
-% $search =
-% " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
-% " ) ";
-% } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Discover' ) {
-% $search =
-% " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '65' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 3 ) = '622' ". #China Union Pay processed as Discover outside CN
-% " ) ";
-% } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Maestro' ) {
-% $search =
-% " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '63' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '67' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) = '564182' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '4936' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
-% " SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
-% " SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
-% " SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
-% " SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
-% " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
-% " SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
-% " ) ";
-% } else {
-% die "unknown card type $cardtype";
-% }
-% my $masksearch = $search;
-% $masksearch =~ s/cust_pay\.payinfo/cust_pay.paymask/gi;
-% push @search,
-% "( $search OR ( cust_pay.paymask IS NOT NULL AND $masksearch ) )";
-% }
-% }
-% my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
-% push @search, "_date >= $beginning ",
-% "_date <= $ending";
-% push @search, FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, 'paid' );
-% $orderby = '_date';
-% } elsif ( $cgi->param('magic') eq 'paybatch' ) {
-% $cgi->param('paybatch') =~ /^([\w\/\:\-\.]+)$/
-% or die "illegal paybatch: ". $cgi->param('paybatch');
-% push @search, "paybatch = '$1'";
-% $orderby = "LOWER(company || ' ' || last || ' ' || first )";
-% } else {
-% die "unknown search magic: ". $cgi->param('magic');
-% }
-% #here is the agent virtualization
-% push @search, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
-% my $search = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @search);
-% $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(paid) ".
-% "FROM cust_pay LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )".
-% $search;
-% $sql_query = {
-% 'table' => 'cust_pay',
-% 'select' => join(', ',
-% 'cust_pay.*',
-% 'cust_main.custnum as cust_main_custnum',
-% FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields(),
-% ),
-% 'hashref' => {},
-% 'extra_sql' => "$search ORDER BY $orderby",
-% 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
-% };
-% } else {
-% $cgi->param('payinfo') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ or die "illegal payinfo";
-% my $payinfo = $1;
-% $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(\w+)$/ or die "illegal payby";
-% my $payby = $1;
-% $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(paid) FROM cust_pay".
-% " WHERE payinfo = '$payinfo' AND payby = '$payby'".
-% " AND ". $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
-% $sql_query = {
-% 'table' => 'cust_pay',
-% 'hashref' => { 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
-% 'payby' => $payby },
-% 'extra_sql' => $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql.
-% " ORDER BY _date",
-% };
-% }
-% my $link = sub {
-% my $cust_pay = shift;
-% $cust_pay->cust_main_custnum
-% ? [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ]
-% : '';
-% };
<% include( 'elements/search.html',
'title' => $title,
'name' => 'payments',
@@ -199,12 +35,194 @@
#'align' => 'lrrrll',
- 'align' => 'rrr',
+ 'align' => 'rrr'.FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
'links' => [
- ( map { $link } FS::UI::Web::cust_header() ),
+ ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $link : '' }
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
+ ),
+ 'color' => [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
+ ],
+ 'style' => [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
+ ],
+die "access denied"
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
+my $title = 'Payment Search Results';
+my( $count_query, $sql_query );
+if ( $cgi->param('magic') ) {
+ my @search = ();
+ my $orderby;
+ if ( $cgi->param('magic') eq '_date' ) {
+ if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') && $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ push @search, "agentnum = $1"; # $search{'agentnum'} = $1;
+ my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
+ die "unknown agentnum $1" unless $agent;
+ $title = $agent->agent. " $title";
+ }
+ if ( $cgi->param('payby') ) {
+ $cgi->param('payby') =~
+ /^(CARD|CHEK|BILL|PREP|CASH|WEST|MCRD)(-(VisaMC|Amex|Discover|Maestro))?$/
+ or die "illegal payby ". $cgi->param('payby');
+ push @search, "cust_pay.payby = '$1'";
+ if ( $3 ) {
+ my $cardtype = $3;
+ my $search;
+ if ( $cardtype eq 'VisaMC' ) {
+ #avoid posix regexes for portability
+ $search =
+ " ( ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4) != '4936' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
+ " NOT SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
+ " NOT SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
+ " NOT SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
+ " NOT SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
+ " AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
+ " NOT SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
+ " )".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '51' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '52' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '53' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '36' ". #Diner's int'l processed as Visa/MC inside US
+ " ) ";
+ } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Amex' ) {
+ $search =
+ " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
+ " ) ";
+ } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Discover' ) {
+ $search =
+ " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '65' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 3 ) = '622' ". #China Union Pay processed as Discover outside CN
+ " ) ";
+ } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Maestro' ) {
+ $search =
+ " ( substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '63' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '67' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) = '564182' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '4936' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
+ " SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
+ " SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
+ " SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
+ " SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
+ " OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
+ " SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
+ " ) ";
+ } else {
+ die "unknown card type $cardtype";
+ }
+ my $masksearch = $search;
+ $masksearch =~ s/cust_pay\.payinfo/cust_pay.paymask/gi;
+ push @search,
+ "( $search OR ( cust_pay.paymask IS NOT NULL AND $masksearch ) )";
+ }
+ }
+ my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
+ push @search, "_date >= $beginning ",
+ "_date <= $ending";
+ push @search, FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, 'paid' );
+ $orderby = '_date';
+ } elsif ( $cgi->param('magic') eq 'paybatch' ) {
+ $cgi->param('paybatch') =~ /^([\w\/\:\-\.]+)$/
+ or die "illegal paybatch: ". $cgi->param('paybatch');
+ push @search, "paybatch = '$1'";
+ $orderby = "LOWER(company || ' ' || last || ' ' || first )";
+ } else {
+ die "unknown search magic: ". $cgi->param('magic');
+ }
+ #here is the agent virtualization
+ push @search, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
+ my $search = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @search);
+ $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(paid) ".
+ "FROM cust_pay LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )".
+ $search;
+ $sql_query = {
+ 'table' => 'cust_pay',
+ 'select' => join(', ',
+ 'cust_pay.*',
+ 'cust_main.custnum as cust_main_custnum',
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields(),
+ ),
+ 'hashref' => {},
+ 'extra_sql' => "$search ORDER BY $orderby",
+ 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
+ };
+} else {
+ $cgi->param('payinfo') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ or die "illegal payinfo";
+ my $payinfo = $1;
+ $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(\w+)$/ or die "illegal payby";
+ my $payby = $1;
+ $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(paid) FROM cust_pay".
+ " WHERE payinfo = '$payinfo' AND payby = '$payby'".
+ " AND ". $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
+ $sql_query = {
+ 'table' => 'cust_pay',
+ 'hashref' => { 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
+ 'payby' => $payby },
+ 'extra_sql' => $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql.
+ " ORDER BY _date",
+ };
+my $link = sub {
+ my $cust_pay = shift;
+ $cust_pay->cust_main_custnum
+ ? [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ]
+ : '';