path: root/httemplate/index.html
diff options
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+ <HEAD>
+ Freeside Main Menu
+ </TITLE>
+ </HEAD>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr><td>
+ <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="Silicon Interactive Software Design" SRC="images/small-logo.png">
+ </td><td>
+ <font color="#ff0000" size=7>freeside main menu</font>
+ </td><td align=right valign=bottom>
+ version %%%VERSION%%%
+ <BR><A HREF="">Freeside&nbsp;home&nbsp;page</A>
+ <BR><A HREF="docs/">Documentation</A>
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+[<A NAME="customer_service" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Sales / Customer service </A>]
+[ <A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping / Collections</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin</A> ]
+ <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Sales / Customer service</TH></TR>
+ <TR><TD>
+ <BR><FONT SIZE="+1"><A HREF="edit/cust_main.cgi">New Customer</A></FONT>
+ <BR>
+ <BR><FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum_on" VALUE="1">Customer # <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="custnum_text"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> or <A HREF="search/cust_main.cgi?browse=custnum">all customers by customer number</A></FORM>
+ <FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="last_on" VALUE="1">Last name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last_text"><SELECT NAME="last_type"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> or <A HREF="search/cust_main.cgi?browse=last">all customers by last name</A></FORM>
+ <FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="company_on" VALUE="1">Company <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company_text"><SELECT NAME="company_type"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy<OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> or <A HREF="search/cust_main.cgi?browse=company">all customers by company</A></FORM>
+<!-- <FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="address2_on" VALUE="1">Unit <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2_text"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>-->
+ <FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="phone_on" VALUE="1">Phone # <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="phone_text"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>
+ <BR><FORM ACTION="search/svc_acct.cgi" METHOD="POST">Username <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username"><SELECT NAME="username_type"><OPTION VALUE="All">(all)</OPTION><OPTION>Fuzzy</OPTION><OPTION>Substring</OPTION><OPTION SELECTED>Exact</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> or <A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?username">all accounts by username</A> or <A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?uid">uid</A></FORM>
+ <BR><FORM ACTION="search/svc_domain.cgi" METHOD="POST">Domain <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="domain"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> or <A HREF="search/svc_domain.cgi?domain">all domains</A></FORM>
+ <BR><A HREF="search/svc_forward.cgi?svcnum">all mail forwards by svcnum</A><BR>
+ <BR><A HREF="search/svc_www?svcnum">all virtual hosts by svcnum</A><BR>
+ <BR>
+ </TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR><BR><BR>
+[ <A HREF="#customer_service">Sales / Customer service</A> ]
+[<A NAME="bookkeeping" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Bookkeeping / Collections </A>]
+[ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin</A> ]
+ <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Bookkeeping / Collections</TH></TR>
+ <TR><TD>
+ <BR><A HREF="search/cust_main-quickpay.html">Quick payment entry</A>
+ <BR>
+ <BR><FORM ACTION="search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="POST">Credit card # <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="card_on" VALUE="1"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="card"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>
+ <FORM ACTION="search/cust_bill.html" METHOD="POST">Invoice # <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invnum" SIZE="8"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>
+ <FORM ACTION="search/cust_pay.cgi" METHOD="POST">Check # <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" SIZE="8"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="BILL"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>
+ <BR><A HREF="browse/cust_pay_batch.cgi">View pending credit card batch</A> <BR><BR><A HREF="search/cust_pkg_report.cgi">Packages (by next bill date range)</A>
+ <BR><BR>Invoice reports
+ <UL>
+ <LI><a href="search/cust_bill_event.html">Invoice event errors (failed credit cards)</a>
+ <LI>open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>15 day open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN15_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN15_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN15_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>30 day open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN30_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN30_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN30_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>60 day open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN60_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN60_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN60_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>90 day open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN90_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN90_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN90_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>120 day open invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN120_invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN120_date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?OPEN120_custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ <LI>all invoices (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?invnum">by invoice number</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?date">by date</A>) (<A HREF="search/cust_bill.html?custnum">by customer number</A>)
+ </UL>
+ <A HREF="search/report_cust_pay.html">Payment report (by type and/or date range)</A>
+ <BR><BR><A HREF="search/report_cust_credit.html">Credit report (by employee and/or date range)</A>
+ <BR><BR><A HREF="graph/money_time.cgi">Sales, Credits and Receipts Summary</A>
+ <BR><BR><A HREF="search/report_receivables.cgi">Accounts Receivable Aging Summary</A>
+ <BR><BR><A HREF="search/report_prepaid_income.html">Prepaid Income (Unearned Revenue) Report</A>
+ <BR><BR><A HREF="search/report_tax.html">Sales Tax Liability Report</A>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <A NAME="admin">Administration</a>
+ <ul>
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_pkg.cgi">View/Edit package definitions</A>
+ - One or more services are grouped together into a package and
+ given pricing information. Customers purchase packages, not
+ services.
+<!-- <LI><A HREF="browse/agent_type.cgi">View/Edit agent types</A>
+ - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
+ then assign to particular agents.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/agent.cgi">View/Edit agents</A>
+ - Agents are resellers of your service. Agents may be limited
+ to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/cust_main_county.cgi">View/Edit locales and tax rates</A>
+ - Change tax rates, or break down a country into states, or a state
+ into counties and assign different tax rates to each.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_bill_event.cgi">View/Edit invoice events</A> - Actions for overdue invoices
+ </ul>
+ <BR>
+ </TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR><BR><BR>
+[ <A HREF="#customer_service">Sales / Customer service</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping / Collections</A> ]
+[<A NAME="reports" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Reports </A>]
+[ <A HREF="#sysadmin">Sysadmin</A> ]
+ <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Reports</TH></TR>
+ <TR><TD>
+ <BR>
+ Auditing pre-Freeside services with no customer record
+ <UL>
+ <LI>unlinked accounts (<A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_svcnum">by service number</A>) (<A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_username">by username</A>) (<A HREF="search/svc_acct.cgi?UN_uid">by uid</A>)
+<!-- <LI>unlinked mail forwards (<A HREF="search/svc_forward.cgi?UN_svcnum">by service number</A>) (by ?)) -->
+ <LI>unlinked domains (<A HREF="search/svc_domain.cgi?UN_svcnum">by service number</A>) (<A HREF="search/svc_domain.cgi?UN_domain">by domain</A>)
+ </UL>
+ Packages
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="search/cust_pkg.cgi?pkgnum">all packages (by package number)</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="search/cust_pkg.cgi?magic=suspended">suspended packages (by package number)</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="search/cust_pkg.cgi?APKG_pkgnum">packages with unconfigured services (by package number)</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="search/cust_pkg_report.cgi">packages (by next bill date range)</A>
+ </UL>
+ <A HREF="browse/part_pkg.cgi?active=1">Package definitions (by number of active packages)</A><BR><BR>
+ <A HREF="browse/part_svc.cgi?active=1">Service definitions (by number of active services)</A><BR><BR>
+ Customers
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="search/cust_main-otaker.cgi">Search customers by ordering employee</A>
+ </UL>
+ <FORM ACTION="search/sql.html" METHOD="POST">SQL query: <TT>SELECT </TT><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sql" SIZE=32><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Query"></FORM>
+ <BR>
+ </TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR><BR><BR>
+[ <A HREF="#customer_service">Sales / Customer service</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#bookkeeping">Bookkeeping / Collections</A> ]
+[ <A HREF="#reports">Reports</A> ]
+[<A NAME="sysadmin" style="background-color: #cccccc"> Sysadmin </A>]
+ <TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Sysadmin</TH></TR>
+ <TR><TD>
+ <BR>
+ <A HREF="browse/nas.cgi">View active NAS ports</A>
+ <BR><A HREF="browse/queue.cgi">View pending job queue</A>
+ <BR><A HREF="misc/cust_main-import.cgi">Batch import customers from CSV file</A>
+ <BR><A HREF="misc/cust_main-import_charges.cgi">Batch import charges from CSV file</A>
+ <BR><A HREF="misc/dump.cgi">Download database dump</A>
+ <A NAME="config" HREF="config/config-view.cgi">Configuration</a><!-- - <font size="+2" color="#ff0000">start here</font> -->
+ <BR><BR><A NAME="admin">Administration</a>
+ <ul>
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_export.cgi">View/Edit exports</A>
+ - Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_svc.cgi">View/Edit service definitions</A>
+ - Services are items you offer to your customers.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_pkg.cgi">View/Edit package definitions</A>
+ - One or more services are grouped together into a package and
+ given pricing information. Customers purchase packages, not
+ services.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/agent_type.cgi">View/Edit agent types</A>
+ - Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can
+ then assign to particular agents.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/agent.cgi">View/Edit agents</A>
+ - Agents are resellers of your service. Agents may be limited
+ to a subset of your full offerings (via their type).
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_referral.cgi">View/Edit advertising sources</A>
+ - Where a customer heard about your service. Tracked for
+ informational purposes.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/cust_main_county.cgi">View/Edit locales and tax rates</A>
+ - Change tax rates, or break down a country into states, or a state
+ into counties and assign different tax rates to each.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/svc_acct_pop.cgi">View/Edit access numbers</A>
+ - Points of Presence
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_bill_event.cgi">View/Edit invoice events</A> - Actions for overdue invoices
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/msgcat.cgi">View/Edit message catalog</A> - Change error messages and other customizable labels.
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/part_virtual_field.cgi">View/Edit virtual fields</A>
+ - Locally defined fields
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/router.cgi">View/Edit routers</A>
+ - Broadband access routers
+ <LI><A HREF="browse/addr_block.cgi">View/Edit address blocks</A>
+ - Manage address blocks and block assignments to broadband routers.
+ </ul>
+ <BR>
+ </TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>
+ </BODY>