path: root/FS/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/bin')
21 files changed, 2934 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsource b/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsource
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cec17f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsource
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+createdb $domain && \
+mkdir /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+chown freeside /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+cp /home/ivan/freeside/conf/[a-z]* /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+touch /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain/secrets && \
+chown freeside /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain/secrets && \
+chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain/secrets && \
+echo -e "DBI:Pg:host=localhost;dbname=$domain\nfreeside\n" >/usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain/secrets && \
+mkdir /usr/local/etc/freeside/counters.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+mkdir /usr/local/etc/freeside/cache.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+mkdir /usr/local/etc/freeside/export.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsourceuser b/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsourceuser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abb515b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-addoutsourceuser
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+freeside-adduser -h /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd \
+ -s conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain/secrets \
+ -b \
+ $username $password 2>/dev/null
+[ -e /usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain ] \
+ || ( freeside-setup -s $username 2>/dev/null; \
+ /home/ivan/freeside/bin/populate-msgcat $username 2>/dev/null )
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-adduser b/FS/bin/freeside-adduser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3ee05b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-adduser
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: freeside-adduser,v 1.8 2002-09-27 05:36:29 ivan Exp $
+use strict;
+use vars qw($opt_h $opt_b $opt_c $opt_s);
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Getopt::Std;
+my $FREESIDE_CONF = "/usr/local/etc/freeside";
+die &usage if $opt_c && ! $opt_h;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+if ( $opt_h ) {
+ my @args = ( 'htpasswd' );
+ push @args, '-b' if $opt_b;
+ push @args, '-c' if $opt_c;
+ push @args, $opt_h, $user;
+ push @args, shift if $opt_b;
+ system(@args) == 0 or die "htpasswd failed: $?";
+my $secretfile = $opt_s || 'secrets';
+ or die "can't open $FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets: $!";
+print MAPSECRETS "$user $secretfile\n";
+close MAPSECRETS or die "can't close $FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets: $!";
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-adduser [ -h htpasswd_file [ -c ] [ -b ] ] [ -s secretfile ] username"
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-adduser - Command line interface to add (freeside) users.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-adduser [ -h htpasswd_file [ -c ] ] [ -s secretfile ] username
+Adds a user to the Freeside billing system. This is for adding users (internal
+sales/tech folks) to the web interface, not for adding customer accounts.
+ -h: Also call htpasswd for this user with the given filename
+ -c: Passed to htpasswd(1)
+ -s: Specify an alternate secret file
+ -b: same as htpasswd(1), probably insecure, not recommended
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<htpasswd>(1), base Freeside documentation
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-apply-credits b/FS/bin/freeside-apply-credits
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ea6a7bdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-apply-credits
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $user $cust_main @customers );
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
+use FS::cust_main;
+$user = shift or die &usage;
+&adminsuidsetup( $user );
+my @customers = qsearch('cust_main', {} );
+die "No customers" unless (scalar(@customers) > 0);
+foreach $cust_main (@customers) {
+ print "Applying credits for customer #". $cust_main->custnum;
+ $cust_main->apply_credits;
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-bill b/FS/bin/freeside-bill
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..49ad4a768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-bill
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# don't take any world-facing input
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Date::Parse;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::cust_main;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+use vars qw($opt_a $opt_c $opt_d $opt_p);
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+my %bill_only = map { $_ => 1 } (
+ @ARGV ? @ARGV : ( map $_->custnum, qsearch('cust_main', {} ) )
+#we're at now now (and later).
+my($time)= $opt_d ? str2time($opt_d) : $^T;
+# find packages w/ bill < time && cancel != '', and create corresponding
+# customer objects
+foreach $cust_main (
+ map {
+ unless ( exists $saw{ $_->custnum } && defined $saw{ $_->custnum} ) {
+ $saw{ $_->custnum } = 0; # to avoid 'use of uninitialized value' errors
+ }
+ if (
+ ( $opt_a || ( ( $_->getfield('bill') || 0 ) <= $time ) )
+ && $bill_only{ $_->custnum }
+ && !$saw{ $_->custnum }++
+ ) {
+ qsearchs('cust_main',{'custnum'=> $_->custnum } );
+ } else {
+ ();
+ }
+ } ( qsearch('cust_pkg', { 'cancel' => '' }),
+ qsearch('cust_pkg', { 'cancel' => 0 }),
+ )
+) {
+ # and bill them
+ print "Billing customer #" . $cust_main->getfield('custnum') . "\n";
+ my($error);
+ $error=$cust_main->bill('time'=>$time);
+ warn "Error billing, customer #" . $cust_main->getfield('custnum') .
+ ":" . $error if $error;
+ if ($opt_p) {
+ $cust_main->apply_payments;
+ $cust_main->apply_credits;
+ }
+ if ($opt_c) {
+ $error=$cust_main->collect( 'invoice_time' => $time);
+ warn "Error collecting from customer #" . $cust_main->custnum. ":$error"
+ if $error;
+ #sleep 1;
+ }
+# subroutines
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ #$ARGV[$_] =~ /^([\w\-\/]*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ # Date::Parse
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^(.*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-bill [ -c [ -p ] ] [ -d 'date' ] user [ custnum custnum ... ]\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-bill - Command line (crontab, script) interface to customer billing.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-bill [ -c [ -p ] [ -a ] ] [ -d 'date' ] user [ custnum custnum ... ]
+This script is deprecated in 1.4.0. You should use freeside-daily instead.
+Bills customers. Searches for customers who are due for billing and calls
+the bill and collect methods of a cust_main object. See L<FS::cust_main>.
+ -c: Turn on collecting (you probably want this).
+ -p: Apply unapplied payments and credits before collecting (you probably want
+ this too)
+ -a: Call collect even if there isn't a new invoice (probably a bad idea for
+ daily use)
+ -d: Pretend it's 'date'. Date is in any format Date::Parse is happy with,
+ but be careful.
+user: From the mapsecrets file - see config.html from the base documentation
+custnum: if one or more customer numbers are specified, only bills those
+customers. Otherwise, bills all customers.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-daily>, L<FS::cust_main>, config.html from the base documentation
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-count-active-customers b/FS/bin/freeside-count-active-customers
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..759085a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-count-active-customers
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+echo "\t
+select count(*) from cust_main where
+ 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg
+ WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+ AND ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL
+ OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0
+ )
+ )
+ OR 0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg
+ WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+ );
+" | psql -U freeside -q $domain | head -1
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-daily b/FS/bin/freeside-daily
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00de2987a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-daily
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Date::Parse;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup driver_name dbh datasrc);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::cust_main;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+use vars qw($opt_d $opt_v $opt_p $opt_s $opt_y);
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+$FS::cust_main::DEBUG = 1 if $opt_v;
+my %search;
+$search{'payby'} = $opt_p if $opt_p;
+my @cust_main = @ARGV
+ ? map { qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => $_, %search } ) } @ARGV
+ : qsearch('cust_main', \%search )
+#we're at now now (and later).
+my($time)= $opt_d ? str2time($opt_d) : $^T;
+$time += $opt_y * 86400 if $opt_y;
+foreach $cust_main ( @cust_main ) {
+ # $^T not $time because -d is for pre-printing invoices
+ foreach my $cust_pkg (
+ grep { $_->expire && $_->expire <= $^T } $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs
+ ) {
+ my $error = $cust_pkg->cancel;
+ warn "Error cancelling expired pkg ". $cust_pkg->pkgnum. " for custnum ".
+ $cust_main->custnum. ": $error"
+ if $error;
+ }
+ my $error = $cust_main->bill( 'time' => $time,
+ 'resetup' => $opt_s, );
+ warn "Error billing, custnum ". $cust_main->custnum. ": $error" if $error;
+ $cust_main->apply_payments;
+ $cust_main->apply_credits;
+ $error = $cust_main->collect( 'invoice_time' => $time );
+ warn "Error collecting, custnum". $cust_main->custnum. ": $error" if $error;
+if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; #so we can vacuum
+ foreach my $statement ( 'vacuum', 'vacuum analyze' ) {
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or die dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+ }
+#local hack
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $dest = $conf->config('dump-scpdest');
+if ( $dest ) {
+ datasrc =~ /dbname=([\w\.]+)$/ or die "unparsable datasrc ". datasrc;
+ my $database = $1;
+ eval "use Net::SCP qw(scp);";
+ if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ system("pg_dump $database >/var/tmp/$database.sql")
+ } else {
+ die "database dumps not yet supported for ". driver_name;
+ }
+ scp("/var/tmp/$database.sql", $dest);
+ unlink "/var/tmp/$database.sql" or die $!;
+# subroutines
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ #$ARGV[$_] =~ /^([\w\-\/]*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ # Date::Parse
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^(.*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-daily [ -d 'date' ] user [ custnum custnum ... ]\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-daily - Run daily billing and invoice collection events.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-daily [ -d 'date' ] [ -y days ] [ -p 'payby' ] [ -s ] [ -v ] user [ custnum custnum ... ]
+Bills customers and runs invoice collection events. Should be run from
+crontab daily.
+This script replaces freeside-bill from 1.3.1.
+Bills customers. Searches for customers who are due for billing and calls
+the bill and collect methods of a cust_main object. See L<FS::cust_main>.
+ -d: Pretend it's 'date'. Date is in any format Date::Parse is happy with,
+ but be careful.
+ -y: In addition to -d, which specifies an absolute date, the -y switch
+ specifies an offset, in days. For example, "-y 15" would increment the
+ "pretend date" 15 days from whatever was specified by the -d switch
+ (or now, if no -d switch was given).
+ -p: Only process customers with the specified payby (I<CARD>, I<DCRD>, I<CHEK>, I<DCHK>, I<BILL>, I<COMP>, I<LECB>)
+ -s: re-charge setup fees
+ -v: enable debugging
+user: From the mapsecrets file - see config.html from the base documentation
+custnum: if one or more customer numbers are specified, only bills those
+customers. Otherwise, bills all customers.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<FS::cust_main>, config.html from the base documentation
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsource b/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsource
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..561853539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsource
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+dropdb $domain && \
+rm -rf /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+rm -rf /usr/local/etc/freeside/counters.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+rm -rf /usr/local/etc/freeside/cache.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+rm -rf /usr/local/etc/freeside/export.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain && \
+rm /usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.DBI:Pg:host=localhost\;dbname=$domain
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsourceuser b/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsourceuser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96871e50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-deloutsourceuser
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+freeside-deluser -h /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd $username 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-deluser b/FS/bin/freeside-deluser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57d6ce165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-deluser
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw($opt_h);
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use Getopt::Std;
+my $FREESIDE_CONF = "/usr/local/etc/freeside";
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+if ( $opt_h ) {
+ open(HTPASSWD,"<$opt_h")
+ and flock(HTPASSWD,LOCK_EX)
+ or die "can't open $opt_h: $!";
+ open(HTPASSWD_TMP,">$opt_h.tmp") or die "can't open $opt_h.tmp: $!";
+ while (<HTPASSWD>) {
+ print HTPASSWD_TMP $_ unless /^$user:/;
+ }
+ rename "$opt_h.tmp", "$opt_h" or die $!;
+ close HTPASSWD;
+ or die "can't open $FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets: $!";
+ or die "can't open $FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets.tmp: $!";
+while (<MAPSECRETS>) {
+ print MAPSECRETS_TMP $_ unless /^$user\s/;
+rename "$FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets.tmp", "$FREESIDE_CONF/mapsecrets" or die $!;
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-deluser [ -h htpasswd_file ] username"
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-deluser - Command line interface to add (freeside) users.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-deluser [ -h htpasswd_file ] username
+Adds a user to the Freeside billing system. This is for adding users (internal
+sales/tech folks) to the web interface, not for adding customer accounts.
+ -h: Also delete from the given htpasswd filename
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-adduser>, L<htpasswd>(1), base Freeside documentation
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-email b/FS/bin/freeside-email
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..400dc2ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-email
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
+use FS::svc_acct;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my @svc_acct = qsearch('svc_acct', {});
+my @emails = map $_->email, @svc_acct;
+print join("\n", @emails), "\n";
+# subroutines
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ #$ARGV[$_] =~ /^([\w\-\/]*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ # Date::Parse
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^(.*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-email user\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-email - Prints email addresses of all users on STDOUT
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-email user
+Prints the email addresses of all customers on STDOUT, separated by newlines.
+user: From the mapsecrets file - see config.html from the base documentation
+=head1 VERSION
+$Id: freeside-email,v 1.2 2002-09-18 22:50:44 ivan Exp $
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-expiration-alerter b/FS/bin/freeside-expiration-alerter
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..691fd3aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-expiration-alerter
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use Date::Format;
+use Time::Local;
+use Text::Template;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Net::SMTP;
+use Mail::Header;
+use Mail::Internet;
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
+use FS::cust_main;
+use vars qw($smtpmachine @body);
+#hush, perl!
+$FS::alerter::_template::first = "";
+$FS::alerter::_template::last = "";
+$FS::alerter::_template::company = "";
+$FS::alerter::_template::payby = "";
+$FS::alerter::_template::expdate = "";
+# Set the mail program and other variables
+my $mail_sender = "billing\@mydomain.tld"; # or invoice_from if available
+my $failure_recipient = "postmaster"; # or invoice_from if available
+my $warning_time = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+my $urgent_time = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+my $panic_time = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+my $window_time = 24 * 60 * 60;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+#we're at now now (and later).
+my($_date)= $^T;
+# Get the current month
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) =
+ (localtime($_date) )[0,1,2,3,4,5];
+# Login to the database
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+# Get the needed configuration files
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+$smtpmachine = $conf->config('smtpmachine');
+$mail_sender = $conf->config('invoice_from')
+ if $conf->exists('invoice_from');
+$failure_recipient = $conf->config('invoice_from')
+ if $conf->exists('invoice_from');
+if (scalar(@customers) == 0)
+ exit 1;
+# Prepare for sending email
+$ENV{MAILADDRESS} = $mail_sender;
+my $header = new Mail::Header ( [
+ "From: Account Processor",
+ "To: $failure_recipient",
+ "Sender: $mail_sender",
+ "Reply-To: $mail_sender",
+ "Subject: Unnotified Billing Arrangement Expirations",
+] );
+my @alerter_template = $conf->config('alerter_template')
+ or die "cannot load config file alerter_template";
+my $alerter = new Text::Template (TYPE => 'ARRAY', SOURCE => [ map "$_\n", @alerter_template ])
+ or die "can't create new Text::Template object: Text::Template::ERROR";
+$alerter->compile() or die "can't compile template: Text::Template::ERROR";
+# Now I can start looping
+foreach my $customer (@customers)
+ my $paydate = $customer->getfield('paydate');
+ next if $paydate =~ /^\s*$/; #skip empty expiration dates
+ my $custnum = $customer->getfield('custnum');
+ my $first = $customer->getfield('first');
+ my $last = $customer->getfield('last');
+ my $company = $customer->getfield('company');
+ my $payby = $customer->getfield('payby');
+ my $payinfo = $customer->getfield('payinfo');
+ my $daytime = $customer->getfield('daytime');
+ my $night = $customer->getfield('night');
+ my ($payyear,$paymonth,$payday) = split (/-/,$paydate);
+ my $expire_time = timelocal(0,0,0,$payday,--$paymonth,$payyear);
+ #credit cards expire at the end of the month/year of their exp date
+ if ($payby eq 'CARD' || $payby eq 'DCRD') {
+ ($paymonth < 11) ? $paymonth++ : ($paymonth=0, $payyear++);
+ $expire_time = timelocal(0,0,0,$payday,$paymonth,$payyear);
+ $expire_time--;
+ }
+ if (($expire_time < $_date + $warning_time &&
+ $expire_time > $_date + $warning_time - $window_time) ||
+ ($expire_time < $_date + $urgent_time &&
+ $expire_time > $_date + $urgent_time - $window_time) ||
+ ($expire_time < $_date + $panic_time &&
+ $expire_time > $_date + $panic_time - $window_time)) {
+ my @packages = $customer->ncancelled_pkgs;
+ if (scalar(@packages) != 0) {
+ my @invoicing_list = $customer->invoicing_list;
+ if ( grep { $_ ne 'POST' } @invoicing_list ) {
+ my $header = new Mail::Header ( [
+ "From: $mail_sender",
+ "To: ". join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } @invoicing_list ),
+ "Sender: $mail_sender",
+ "Reply-To: $mail_sender",
+ "Date: ". time2str("%a, %d %b %Y %X %z", time),
+ "Subject: Billing Arrangement Expiration",
+ ] );
+ $FS::alerter::_template::first = $first;
+ $FS::alerter::_template::last = $last;
+ $FS::alerter::_template::company = $company;
+ if ($payby eq 'CARD' || $payby eq 'DCRD') {
+ $FS::alerter::_template::payby = "credit card (" .
+ substr($payinfo, 0, 2) . "xxxxxxxxxx" .
+ substr($payinfo, -4) . ")";
+ }elsif ($payby eq 'COMP') {
+ $FS::alerter::_template::payby = "complimentary account";
+ }else{
+ $FS::alerter::_template::payby = "current method";
+ }
+ $FS::alerter::_template::expdate = $expire_time;
+ my $message = new Mail::Internet (
+ 'Header' => $header,
+ 'Body' => [ $alerter->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::alerter::_template' ) ],
+ );
+ $!=0;
+ $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine )
+ or $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine, Debug => 1 )
+ or die "Can't send expiration email: $!";
+ } elsif ( ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list ) {
+ push @body, sprintf(qq{%5d %-32.32s %4s %10s %12s %12s},
+ $custnum,
+ $first . " " . $last . " " . $company,
+ $payby,
+ $paydate,
+ $daytime,
+ $night);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Now I need to send EMAIL
+if (scalar(@body)) {
+ my $message = new Mail::Internet (
+ 'Header' => $header,
+ 'Body' => [ (@body) ],
+ );
+ $!=0;
+ $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine )
+ or $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine, Debug => 1 )
+ or die "can't send alerter failure email to $failure_recipient".
+ " via server $smtpmachine with SMTP: $!";
+# subroutines
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^([\w\-\/]*)$/ || die "Illegal argument \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-expiration-alerter user\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-expiration-alerter - Emails notifications of credit card expirations.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-expiration-alerter user
+Emails customers notice that their credit card or other billing arrangement
+is about to expire. Usually run as a cron job.
+user: From the mapsecrets file - see config.html from the base documentation
+=head1 VERSION
+$Id: freeside-expiration-alerter,v 1.5 2003-04-21 20:53:57 ivan Exp $
+=head1 BUGS
+Yes..... Use at your own risk. No guarantees or warrantees of any
+kind apply to this program. Parts of this program are hacked from
+other GNU licensed software created mainly by Ivan Kohler.
+This is released under the GNU Public License. See
+for more information regarding this license.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<FS::cust_main>, config.html from the base documentation
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jeff Finucane <>
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-queued b/FS/bin/freeside-queued
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ea27c05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-queued
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $log_file $sigterm $sigint $kids $max_kids %kids );
+use subs qw( _die _logmsg );
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h setsid);
+use Date::Format;
+use IO::File;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup forksuidsetup driver_name dbh);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::queue;
+use FS::queue_depend;
+# no autoloading just yet
+use FS::cust_main;
+use FS::svc_acct;
+use Net::SSH 0.07;
+use FS::part_export;
+$max_kids = '10'; #guess it should be a config file...
+$kids = 0;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+#my $pid_file = "/var/run/freeside-queued.$";
+my $pid_file = "/var/run/";
+#sub REAPER { my $pid = wait; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; $kids--; }
+$sigterm = 0;
+$sigint = 0;
+$SIG{INT} = sub { warn "SIGINT received; shutting down\n"; $sigint++; };
+$SIG{TERM} = sub { warn "SIGTERM received; shutting down\n"; $sigterm++; };
+my $freeside_gid = scalar(getgrnam('freeside'))
+ or die "can't setgid to freeside group\n";
+$) = $freeside_gid;
+$( = $freeside_gid;
+#if freebsd can't setuid(), presumably it can't setgid() either. grr fleabsd
+($(,$)) = ($),$();
+$) = $freeside_gid;
+$> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+$< = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+#freebsd is sofa king broken, won't setuid()
+($<,$>) = ($>,$<);
+$> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+$ENV{HOME} = (getpwuid($>))[7]; #for ssh
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+$log_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/queuelog.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = \&_die;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = \&_logmsg;
+warn "freeside-queued starting\n";
+my $warnkids=0;
+while (1) {
+ &reap_kids;
+ #prevent runaway forking
+ if ( $kids >= $max_kids ) {
+ warn "WARNING: maximum $kids children reached\n" unless $warnkids++;
+ &reap_kids;
+ sleep 1; #waiting for signals is cheap
+ next;
+ }
+ $warnkids=0;
+ my $nodepend = driver_name eq 'mysql'
+ ? ''
+ : 'AND 0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM queue_depend'.
+ ' WHERE queue_depend.jobnum = queue.jobnum ) ';
+ #my($job, $ljob);
+ #{
+ # my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ # local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $job = qsearchs(
+ 'queue',
+ { 'status' => 'new' },
+ '',
+ driver_name eq 'mysql'
+ ? "$nodepend ORDER BY jobnum LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE"
+ : "$nodepend ORDER BY jobnum FOR UPDATE LIMIT 1"
+ ) or do {
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr; #if $oldAutoCommit;
+ sleep 5; #connecting to db is expensive
+ next;
+ };
+ if ( driver_name eq 'mysql'
+ && qsearch('queue_depend', { 'jobnum' => $job->jobnum } ) ) {
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr; #if $oldAutoCommit;
+ sleep 5; #would be better if mysql could do everything in query above
+ next;
+ }
+ my %hash = $job->hash;
+ $hash{'status'} = 'locked';
+ my $ljob = new FS::queue ( \%hash );
+ my $error = $ljob->replace($job);
+ die $error if $error;
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr; #if $oldAutoCommit;
+ $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+ #}
+ my @args = $ljob->args;
+ defined( my $pid = fork ) or do {
+ warn "WARNING: can't fork: $!\n";
+ my %hash = $job->hash;
+ $hash{'status'} = 'failed';
+ $hash{'statustext'} = "[freeside-queued] can't fork: $!";
+ my $ljob = new FS::queue ( \%hash );
+ my $error = $ljob->replace($job);
+ die $error if $error;
+ next; #don't increment the kid counter
+ };
+ if ( $pid ) {
+ $kids++;
+ $kids{$pid} = 1;
+ } else { #kid time
+ #get new db handle
+ $FS::UID::dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
+ forksuidsetup($user);
+ #auto-use export classes...
+ if ( $ljob->job =~ /(FS::part_export::\w+)::/ ) {
+ my $class = $1;
+ eval "use $class;";
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "job use $class failed";
+ my %hash = $ljob->hash;
+ $hash{'status'} = 'failed';
+ $hash{'statustext'} = $@;
+ my $fjob = new FS::queue( \%hash );
+ my $error = $fjob->replace($ljob);
+ die $error if $error;
+ exit; #end-of-kid
+ };
+ }
+ my $eval = "&". $ljob->job. '(@args);';
+ warn "running $eval";
+ eval $eval; #throw away return value? suppose so
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "job $eval failed";
+ my %hash = $ljob->hash;
+ $hash{'status'} = 'failed';
+ $hash{'statustext'} = $@;
+ my $fjob = new FS::queue( \%hash );
+ my $error = $fjob->replace($ljob);
+ die $error if $error;
+ } else {
+ $ljob->delete;
+ }
+ exit;
+ #end-of-kid
+ }
+} continue {
+ if ( $sigterm ) {
+ warn "received TERM signal; exiting\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ if ( $sigint ) {
+ warn "received INT signal; exiting\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-queued user\n";
+sub _die {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ unlink $pid_file if -e $pid_file;
+ _logmsg($msg);
+sub _logmsg {
+ chomp( my $msg = shift );
+ my $log = new IO::File ">>$log_file";
+ flock($log, LOCK_EX);
+ seek($log, 0, 2);
+ print $log "[". time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y",time). "] [$$] $msg\n";
+ flock($log, LOCK_UN);
+ close $log;
+sub daemonize1 {
+ chdir "/" or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
+ open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
+ if ( $pid ) {
+ print "freeside-queued started with pid $pid\n"; #logging to $log_file\n";
+ exit unless $pid_file;
+ my $pidfh = new IO::File ">$pid_file" or exit;
+ print $pidfh "$pid\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ #open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'
+ # or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
+ #setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+ #open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
+sub daemonize2 {
+ open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'
+ or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
+ setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+ open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
+sub reap_kids {
+ foreach my $pid ( keys %kids ) {
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
+ if ( $kid > 0 ) {
+ $kids--;
+ delete $kids{$kid};
+ }
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-queued - Job queue daemon
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-queued user
+Job queue daemon. Should be running at all times.
+user: from the mapsecrets file - see config.html from the base documentation
+=head1 VERSION
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-radgroup b/FS/bin/freeside-radgroup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed85626d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-radgroup
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
+use FS::cust_svc;
+use FS::svc_acct;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+my($user, $action, $groupname, $svcpart) = @ARGV;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+my @svc_acct = map { $_->svc_x } qsearch('cust_svc', { svcpart => $svcpart } );
+if ( lc($action) eq 'add' ) {
+ foreach my $svc_acct ( @svc_acct ) {
+ my @groups = $svc_acct->radius_groups;
+ next if grep { $_ eq $groupname } @groups;
+ push @groups, $groupname;
+ my %hash = $svc_acct->hash;
+ $hash{usergroup} = \@groups;
+ my $new = new FS::svc_acct \%hash;
+ my $error = $new->replace($svc_acct);
+ die $error if $error;
+ }
+} else {
+ die &usage;
+# subroutines
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^(.*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-radgroup user action groupname svcpart\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-radgroup - Command line utility to manipulate radius groups
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-addgroup user action groupname svcpart
+ B<user> is a freeside user as added with freeside-adduser.
+ B<command> is the action to take. Available actions are: I<add>
+ B<groupname> is the group to add (or remove, etc.)
+ B<svcpart> specifies which accounts will be updated.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+freeside-radgroup freesideuser add groupname 3
+Adds I<groupname> to all accounts with service definition 3.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-adduser>, L<FS::svc_acct>, L<FS::part_svc>
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-reexport b/FS/bin/freeside-reexport
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54af9dd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-reexport
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw($opt_s $opt_u $opt_p);
+use Getopt::Std;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::part_export;
+use FS::svc_acct;
+use FS::cust_svc;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+my $export_x = shift or die &usage;
+my @part_export;
+if ( $export_x =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ @part_export = qsearchs('part_export', { exportnum=>$1 } )
+ or die "exportnum $export_x not found\n";
+} else {
+ @part_export = qsearch('part_export', { exporttype=>$export_x } )
+ or die "no exports of type $export_x found\n";
+my @svc_x = ();
+if ( $opt_s ) {
+ my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc', { svcnum=>$opt_s } )
+ or die "svcnum $opt_s not found\n";
+ push @svc_x, $cust_svc->svc_x;
+} elsif ( $opt_u ) {
+ my $svc_x = qsearchs('svc_acct', { username=>$opt_u } )
+ or die "username $opt_u not found\n";
+ push @svc_x, $svc_x;
+} elsif ( $opt_p ) {
+ push @svc_x, map { $_->svc_x } qsearch('cust_svc', { svcpart=>$opt_p } );
+ die "no services with svcpart $opt_p found\n" unless @svc_x;
+foreach my $part_export ( @part_export ) {
+ foreach my $svc_x ( @svc_x ) {
+ my $error = $part_export->export_insert($svc_x);
+ die $error if $error;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-reexport user exportnum|exporttype [ -s svcnum | -u username | -p svcpart ]\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-reexport - Command line tool to re-trigger export jobs for existing services
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-reexport user exportnum|exporttype [ -s svcnum | -u username | -p svcpart ]
+ Re-queues the export job for the specified exportnum or exporttype(s) and
+ specified service (selected by svcnum or username).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-sqlradius-reset>, L<FS::part_export>
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-selfservice-server b/FS/bin/freeside-selfservice-server
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..864c2d46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-selfservice-server
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# freeside-selfservice-server
+# alas, much false laziness with freeside-queued and fs_signup_server. at
+# least it is slated to replace fs_{signup,passwd,mailadmin}_server
+# should probably generalize the version in here, or better yet use
+# Proc::Daemon or somesuch
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $Debug %kids $kids $max_kids $shutdown $log_file $ssh_pid );
+use subs qw( lock_write unlock_write );
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h setsid);
+use IO::Handle;
+use IO::Select;
+use IO::File;
+use Storable 2.09 qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve);
+use Net::SSH qw(sshopen2);
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup forksuidsetup);
+use FS::ClientAPI;
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::cust_bill;
+use FS::cust_pkg;
+$Debug = 1; # >= 2 will log packet contents, including potentially compromising
+ # information
+$shutdown = 0;
+$max_kids = '10'; #?
+$kids = 0;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+my $machine = shift or die &usage;
+my $tag = scalar(@ARGV) ? shift : '';
+# $FS::UID::datasrc not posible
+my $pid_file = "/var/run/freeside-selfservice-server.$user.$";
+my $lock_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/selfservice.$machine.writelock";
+open(LOCKFILE,">$lock_file") or die "can't open $lock_file: $!";
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $clientd = "/usr/local/sbin/freeside-selfservice-clientd"; #better name?
+my $warnkids=0;
+while (1) {
+ my($writer,$reader,$error) = (new IO::Handle, new IO::Handle, new IO::Handle);
+ warn "connecting to $machine\n" if $Debug;
+ $ssh_pid = sshopen2($machine,$reader,$writer,$clientd,$tag);
+# nstore_fd(\*writer, {'hi'=>'there'});
+ warn "entering main loop\n" if $Debug;
+ my $undisp = 0;
+ my $s = IO::Select->new( $reader );
+ while (1) {
+ &reap_kids;
+ warn "waiting for packet from client\n" if $Debug && !$undisp;
+ $undisp = 1;
+ my @handles = $s->can_read(5);
+ unless ( @handles ) {
+ &shutdown if $shutdown;
+ next;
+ }
+ $undisp = 0;
+ warn "receiving packet from client\n" if $Debug;
+ my $packet = eval { fd_retrieve($reader); };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "Storable error receiving packet from client".
+ " (assuming lost connection): $@\n"
+ if $Debug;
+ if ( $ssh_pid ) {
+ warn "sending TERM signal to ssh process $ssh_pid\n" if $Debug;
+ kill 'TERM', $ssh_pid;
+ $ssh_pid = 0;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ warn "packet received\n".
+ join('', map { " $_=>$packet->{$_}\n" } keys %$packet )
+ if $Debug > 1;
+ #prevent runaway forking
+ my $warnkids = 0;
+ while ( $kids >= $max_kids ) {
+ warn "WARNING: maximum $kids children reached\n" unless $warnkids++;
+ &reap_kids;
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ warn "forking child\n" if $Debug;
+ defined( my $pid = fork ) or die "can't fork: $!";
+ if ( $pid ) {
+ $kids++;
+ $kids{$pid} = 1;
+ warn "child $pid spawned\n" if $Debug;
+ } else { #kid time
+ #get new db handle
+ $FS::UID::dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
+ forksuidsetup($user);
+ my $type = $packet->{_packet};
+ warn "calling $type handler\n" if $Debug;
+ my $rv = eval { FS::ClientAPI->dispatch($type, $packet); };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn my $error = "WARNING: error dispatching $type: $@";
+ $rv = { _error => $error };
+ }
+ $rv->{_token} = $packet->{_token}; #identifier
+ warn "sending response\n" if $Debug;
+ lock_write;
+ nstore_fd($rv, $writer) or die "FATAL: can't send response: $!";
+ $writer->flush or die "FATAL: can't flush: $!";
+ unlock_write;
+ warn "child exiting\n" if $Debug;
+ exit; #end-of-kid
+ }
+ }
+ warn "connection lost, reconnecting\n" if $Debug;
+ sleep 3;
+# utility subroutines
+sub reap_kids {
+ #warn "reaping kids\n";
+ foreach my $pid ( keys %kids ) {
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
+ if ( $kid > 0 ) {
+ $kids--;
+ delete $kids{$kid};
+ }
+ }
+ #warn "done reaping\n";
+sub init {
+ my $user = shift;
+ chdir "/" or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
+ open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
+ if ( $pid ) {
+ print "freeside-selfservice-server to $machine started with pid $pid\n"; #logging to $log_file
+ exit unless $pid_file;
+ my $pidfh = new IO::File ">$pid_file" or exit;
+ print $pidfh "$pid\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+# sub REAPER { my $pid = wait; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; $kids--; }
+# #sub REAPER { my $pid = wait; $kids--; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; }
+ $shutdown = 0;
+ $SIG{HUP} = sub { warn "SIGHUP received; shutting down\n"; $shutdown++; };
+ $SIG{INT} = sub { warn "SIGINT received; shutting down\n"; $shutdown++; };
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub { warn "SIGTERM received; shutting down\n"; $shutdown++; };
+ $SIG{QUIT} = sub { warn "SIGQUIT received; shutting down\n"; $shutdown++; };
+ $SIG{PIPE} = sub { warn "SIGPIPE received; shutting down\n"; $shutdown++; };
+ #false laziness w/freeside-queued
+ my $freeside_gid = scalar(getgrnam('freeside'))
+ or die "can't setgid to freeside group\n";
+ $) = $freeside_gid;
+ $( = $freeside_gid;
+ #if freebsd can't setuid(), presumably it can't setgid() either. grr fleabsd
+ ($(,$)) = ($),$();
+ $) = $freeside_gid;
+ $> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+ $< = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+ #freebsd is sofa king broken, won't setuid()
+ ($<,$>) = ($>,$<);
+ $> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+ #eslaf
+ $ENV{HOME} = (getpwuid($>))[7]; #for ssh
+ adminsuidsetup $user;
+ #$log_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/selfservice.". $FS::UID::datasrc; #MACHINE NAME
+ $log_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/selfservice.$machine.log";
+ open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'
+ or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
+ setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+ open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = \&_die;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = \&_logmsg;
+ warn "freeside-selfservice-server starting\n";
+sub shutdown {
+ my $wait = 12; #wait up to 1 minute
+ while ( $kids > 0 && $wait-- ) {
+ warn "waiting for $kids children to terminate";
+ sleep 5;
+ }
+ warn "abandoning $kids children" if $kids;
+ kill 'TERM', $ssh_pid if $ssh_pid;
+ die "exiting";
+sub _die {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ unlink $pid_file if -e $pid_file;
+ _logmsg($msg);
+sub _logmsg {
+ chomp( my $msg = shift );
+ _do_logmsg( "[server] [". scalar(localtime). "] [$$] $msg\n" );
+sub _do_logmsg {
+ chomp( my $msg = shift );
+ my $log = new IO::File ">>$log_file";
+ flock($log, LOCK_EX);
+ seek($log, 0, 2);
+ print $log "$msg\n";
+ flock($log, LOCK_UN);
+ close $log;
+sub lock_write {
+ #broken on freebsd?
+ #flock($writer, LOCK_EX) or die "FATAL: can't lock write stream: $!";
+ flock(LOCKFILE, LOCK_EX) or die "FATAL: can't lock $lock_file: $!";
+sub unlock_write {
+ #broken on freebsd?
+ #flock($writer, LOCK_UN) or die "WARNING: can't release write lock: $!";
+ flock(LOCKFILE, LOCK_UN) or die "FATAL: can't unlock $lock_file: $!";
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-selfservice-server user machine\n";
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-setinvoice b/FS/bin/freeside-setinvoice
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..708e2fa30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-setinvoice
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use strict;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::cust_main;
+use FS::svc_acct;
+&untaint_argv; #what it sounds like (eww)
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+foreach my $cust_main (
+ grep { ! scalar($_->invoicing_list) }
+ qsearch( 'cust_main', {} )
+) {
+ my @dest;
+ my @cust_pkg = $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs;
+ foreach my $cust_pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
+ foreach my $cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) {
+ my $svc_acct = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $cust_svc->svcnum } );
+ push @dest, $svc_acct->svcnum if $svc_acct;
+ }
+ }
+ push @dest, 'POST' unless @dest;
+ $cust_main->invoicing_list(\@dest);
+sub untaint_argv {
+ foreach $_ ( $[ .. $#ARGV ) { #untaint @ARGV
+ $ARGV[$_] =~ /^(.*)$/ || die "Illegal arguement \"$ARGV[$_]\"";
+ $ARGV[$_]=$1;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-setinvoice user\n";
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-setup b/FS/bin/freeside-setup
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..522c0a1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-setup
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+#to delay loading dbdef until we're ready
+BEGIN { $FS::Record::setup_hack = 1; }
+use strict;
+use vars qw($opt_s);
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Locale::Country;
+use Locale::SubCountry;
+use DBI;
+use DBIx::DBSchema 0.21;
+use DBIx::DBSchema::Table;
+use DBIx::DBSchema::Column;
+use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique;
+use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup datasrc checkeuid getsecrets);
+use FS::Record;
+use FS::cust_main_county;
+use FS::raddb;
+use FS::part_bill_event;
+die "Not running uid freeside!" unless checkeuid();
+my %attrib2db =
+ map { lc($FS::raddb::attrib{$_}) => $_ } keys %FS::raddb::attrib;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+#needs to match FS::Record
+my($dbdef_file) = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.". datasrc;
+#print "\nEnter the maximum username length: ";
+my $username_len = 32; #usernamemax config file
+#print "\n\n", <<END, ":";
+#Freeside tracks the RADIUS User-Name, check attribute Password and
+#reply attribute Framed-IP-Address for each user. You can specify additional
+#check and reply attributes (or you can add them later with the
+#fs-radius-add-check and fs-radius-add-reply programs).
+#First enter any additional RADIUS check attributes you need to track for each
+#user, separated by whitespace.
+#my @check_attributes = map { $attrib2db{lc($_)} or die "unknown attribute $_"; }
+# split(" ",&getvalue);
+#print "\n\n", <<END, ":";
+#Now enter any additional reply attributes you need to track for each user,
+#separated by whitespace.
+#my @attributes = map { $attrib2db{lc($_)} or die "unknown attribute $_"; }
+# split(" ",&getvalue);
+#print "\n\n", <<END, ":";
+#Do you wish to enable the tracking of a second, separate shipping/service
+#my $ship = &_yesno;
+#sub getvalue {
+# my($x)=scalar(<STDIN>);
+# chop $x;
+# $x;
+#sub _yesno {
+# print " [y/N]:";
+# my $x = scalar(<STDIN>);
+# $x =~ /^y/i;
+my @check_attributes = (); #add later
+my @attributes = (); #add later
+my $ship = $opt_s;
+my($char_d) = 80; #default maxlength for text fields
+#my(@date_type) = ( 'timestamp', '', '' );
+my(@date_type) = ( 'int', 'NULL', '' );
+my(@perl_type) = ( 'text', 'NULL', '' );
+my @money_type = ( 'decimal', '', '10,2' );
+# create a dbdef object from the old data structure
+#turn it into objects
+my($dbdef) = new DBIx::DBSchema ( map {
+ my(@columns);
+ while (@{$tables{$_}{'columns'}}) {
+ my($name,$type,$null,$length)=splice @{$tables{$_}{'columns'}}, 0, 4;
+ push @columns, new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( $name,$type,$null,$length );
+ }
+ DBIx::DBSchema::Table->new(
+ $_,
+ $tables{$_}{'primary_key'},
+ DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique->new($tables{$_}{'unique'}),
+ DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index->new($tables{$_}{'index'}),
+ @columns,
+ );
+} (keys %tables) );
+my $cust_main = $dbdef->table('cust_main');
+unless ($ship) { #remove ship_ from cust_main
+ $cust_main->delcolumn($_) foreach ( grep /^ship_/, $cust_main->columns );
+} else { #add indices
+ push @{$cust_main->index->lol_ref},
+ map { [ "ship_$_" ] } qw( last company daytime night fax );
+#add radius attributes to svc_acct
+foreach $attribute (@attributes) {
+ $svc_acct->addcolumn ( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column (
+ 'radius_'. $attribute,
+ 'varchar',
+ 'NULL',
+ $char_d,
+ ));
+foreach $attribute (@check_attributes) {
+ $svc_acct->addcolumn( new DBIx::DBSchema::Column (
+ 'rc_'. $attribute,
+ 'varchar',
+ 'NULL',
+ $char_d,
+ ));
+#create history tables (false laziness w/create-history-tables)
+foreach my $table ( grep { ! /^h_/ } $dbdef->tables ) {
+ my $tableobj = $dbdef->table($table)
+ or die "unknown table $table";
+ die "unique->lol_ref undefined for $table"
+ unless defined $tableobj->unique->lol_ref;
+ die "index->lol_ref undefined for $table"
+ unless defined $tableobj->index->lol_ref;
+ my $h_tableobj = DBIx::DBSchema::Table->new( {
+ name => "h_$table",
+ primary_key => 'historynum',
+ unique => DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique->new( [] ),
+ 'index' => DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index->new( [
+ @{$tableobj->unique->lol_ref},
+ @{$tableobj->index->lol_ref}
+ ] ),
+ columns => [
+ DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( {
+ 'name' => 'historynum',
+ 'type' => 'serial',
+ 'null' => 'NOT NULL',
+ 'length' => '',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'local' => '',
+ } ),
+ DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( {
+ 'name' => 'history_date',
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'null' => 'NULL',
+ 'length' => '',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'local' => '',
+ } ),
+ DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( {
+ 'name' => 'history_user',
+ 'type' => 'varchar',
+ 'null' => 'NOT NULL',
+ 'length' => '80',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'local' => '',
+ } ),
+ DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( {
+ 'name' => 'history_action',
+ 'type' => 'varchar',
+ 'null' => 'NOT NULL',
+ 'length' => '80',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'local' => '',
+ } ),
+ map {
+ my $column = $tableobj->column($_);
+ #clone so as to not disturb the original
+ $column = DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( {
+ map { $_ => $column->$_() }
+ qw( name type null length default local )
+ } );
+ $column->type('int')
+ if $column->type eq 'serial';
+ #$column->default('')
+ # if $column->default =~ /^nextval\(/i;
+ #( my $local = $column->local ) =~ s/AUTO_INCREMENT//i;
+ #$column->local($local);
+ $column;
+ } $tableobj->columns
+ ],
+ } );
+ $dbdef->addtable($h_tableobj);
+# create 'em
+my($dbh)=adminsuidsetup $user;
+#create tables
+foreach my $statement ( $dbdef->sql($dbh) ) {
+ $dbh->do( $statement )
+ or die "CREATE error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\ndoing statement: $statement";
+foreach my $country ( sort map uc($_), all_country_codes ) {
+ my $subcountry = eval { new Locale::SubCountry($country) };
+ my @states = $subcountry ? $subcountry->all_codes : undef;
+ if ( !scalar(@states) || ( scalar(@states) == 1 && !defined($states[0]) ) ) {
+ my $cust_main_county = new FS::cust_main_county({
+ 'tax' => 0,
+ 'country' => $country,
+ });
+ my $error = $cust_main_county->insert;
+ die $error if $error;
+ } else {
+ if ( $states[0] =~ /^(\d+|\w)$/ ) {
+ @states = map $subcountry->full_name($_), @states
+ }
+ foreach my $state ( @states ) {
+ my $cust_main_county = new FS::cust_main_county({
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'tax' => 0,
+ 'country' => $country,
+ });
+ my $error = $cust_main_county->insert;
+ die $error if $error;
+ }
+ }
+#billing events
+foreach my $aref (
+ [ 'COMP', 'Comp invoice', '$cust_bill->comp();', 30, 'comp' ],
+ [ 'CARD', 'Batch card', '$cust_bill->batch_card();', 40, 'batch-card' ],
+ [ 'BILL', 'Send invoice', '$cust_bill->send();', 50, 'send' ],
+ [ 'DCRD', 'Send invoice', '$cust_bill->send();', 50, 'send' ],
+ [ 'DCHK', 'Send invoice', '$cust_bill->send();', 50, 'send' ],
+) {
+ my $part_bill_event = new FS::part_bill_event({
+ 'payby' => $aref->[0],
+ 'event' => $aref->[1],
+ 'eventcode' => $aref->[2],
+ 'seconds' => 0,
+ 'weight' => $aref->[3],
+ 'plan' => $aref->[4],
+ });
+ my($error);
+ $error=$part_bill_event->insert;
+ die $error if $error;
+$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+$dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr;
+#print "Freeside database initialized sucessfully\n";
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n freeside-setup [ -s ] user\n";
+# Now it becomes an object. much better.
+sub tables_hash_hack {
+ #note that s/(date|change)/_$1/; to avoid keyword conflict.
+ #put a kludge in FS::Record to catch this or? (pry need some date-handling
+ #stuff anyway also)
+ my(%tables)=( #yech.}
+ 'agent' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'agentnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'agent', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'typenum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'freq', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'prog', @perl_type,
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ 'username', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ '_password','varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'agentnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['typenum'], ['disabled'] ],
+ },
+ 'agent_type' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'typenum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'atype', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'typenum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'type_pkgs' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'typenum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => '',
+ 'unique' => [ ['typenum', 'pkgpart'] ],
+ 'index' => [ ['typenum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_bill' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'invnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'charged', @money_type,
+ 'printed', 'int', '', '',
+ 'closed', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'invnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['custnum'], ['_date'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_bill_event' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'eventnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'eventpart', 'int', '', '',
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'status', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'statustext', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'eventnum',
+ #no... there are retries now #'unique' => [ [ 'eventpart', 'invnum' ] ],
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['invnum'], ['status'] ],
+ },
+ 'part_bill_event' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'eventpart', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'payby', 'char', '', 4,
+ 'event', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'eventcode', @perl_type,
+ 'seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'weight', 'int', '', '',
+ 'plan', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'plandata', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'eventpart',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['payby'], ['disabled'], ],
+ },
+ 'cust_bill_pkg' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'pkgnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'setup', @money_type,
+ 'recur', @money_type,
+ 'sdate', @date_type,
+ 'edate', @date_type,
+ 'itemdesc', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => '',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['invnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_bill_pkg_detail' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'detailnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'pkgnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'detail', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'detailnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'pkgnum', 'invnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_credit' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'crednum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'reason', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'closed', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'crednum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['custnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_credit_bill' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'creditbillnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'crednum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'creditbillnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['crednum'], ['invnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_main' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'custnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'agentnum', 'int', '', '',
+# 'titlenum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'last', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+# 'middle', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'first', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'ss', 'varchar', 'NULL', 11,
+ 'company', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'address1', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'zip', 'varchar', '', 10,
+ 'country', 'char', '', 2,
+ 'daytime', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20,
+ 'night', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20,
+ 'fax', 'varchar', 'NULL', 12,
+ 'ship_last', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+# 'ship_middle', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_first', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_company', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_address1', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_city', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'ship_zip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 10,
+ 'ship_country', 'char', 'NULL', 2,
+ 'ship_daytime', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20,
+ 'ship_night', 'varchar', 'NULL', 20,
+ 'ship_fax', 'varchar', 'NULL', 12,
+ 'payby', 'char', '', 4,
+ 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'paycvv', 'varchar', 'NULL', 4,
+ #'paydate', @date_type,
+ 'paydate', 'varchar', 'NULL', 10,
+ 'payname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'tax', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'refnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'referral_custnum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'comments', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'custnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ #'index' => [ ['last'], ['company'] ],
+ 'index' => [ ['last'], [ 'company' ], [ 'referral_custnum' ],
+ [ 'daytime' ], [ 'night' ], [ 'fax' ],
+ ],
+ },
+ 'cust_main_invoice' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'destnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'dest', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'destnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['custnum'], ],
+ },
+ 'cust_main_county' => { #county+state+country are checked off the
+ #cust_main_county for validation and to provide
+ # a tax rate.
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'taxnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'county', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'country', 'char', '', 2,
+ 'taxclass', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'exempt_amount', @money_type,
+ 'tax', 'real', '', '', #tax %
+ 'taxname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'setuptax', 'char', 'NULL', 1, # Y = setup tax exempt
+ 'recurtax', 'char', 'NULL', 1, # Y = recur tax exempt
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'taxnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ # 'unique' => [ ['taxnum'], ['state', 'county'] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'cust_pay' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'paynum', 'serial', '', '',
+ #now cust_bill_pay #'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'paid', @money_type,
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'payby', 'char', '', 4, # CARD/BILL/COMP, should be index into
+ # payment type table.
+ 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, #see cust_main above
+ 'paybatch', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, #for auditing purposes.
+ 'closed', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'paynum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'custnum' ], [ 'paybatch' ], [ 'payby' ], [ '_date' ] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_bill_pay' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'billpaynum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'paynum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ '_date', @date_type
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'billpaynum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'paynum' ], [ 'invnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_pay_batch' => { #what's this used for again? list of customers
+ #in current CARD batch? (necessarily CARD?)
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'paybatchnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'invnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'last', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'first', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'address1', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'address2', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'state', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'zip', 'varchar', '', 10,
+ 'country', 'char', '', 2,
+# 'trancode', 'int', '', '',
+ 'cardnum', 'varchar', '', 16,
+ #'exp', @date_type,
+ 'exp', 'varchar', '', 11,
+ 'payname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'paybatchnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['invnum'], ['custnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_pkg' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'pkgnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'setup', @date_type,
+ 'bill', @date_type,
+ 'last_bill', @date_type,
+ 'susp', @date_type,
+ 'cancel', @date_type,
+ 'expire', @date_type,
+ 'manual_flag', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'pkgnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['custnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_refund' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'refundnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ #now cust_credit_refund #'crednum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ '_date', @date_type,
+ 'refund', @money_type,
+ 'otaker', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'reason', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'payby', 'char', '', 4, # CARD/BILL/COMP, should be index
+ # into payment type table.
+ 'payinfo', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, #see cust_main above
+ 'paybatch', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'closed', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'refundnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'cust_credit_refund' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'creditrefundnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'crednum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'refundnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ '_date', @date_type
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'creditrefundnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'crednum', 'refundnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'cust_svc' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'pkgnum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'svcpart', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['svcnum'], ['pkgnum'], ['svcpart'] ],
+ },
+ 'part_pkg' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'pkgpart', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'pkg', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'comment', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'setup', @perl_type,
+ 'freq', 'varchar', '', $char_d, #billing frequency
+ 'recur', @perl_type,
+ 'setuptax', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ 'recurtax', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ 'plan', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'plandata', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ 'taxclass', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'pkgpart',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'disabled' ], ],
+ },
+# 'part_title' => {
+# 'columns' => [
+# 'titlenum', 'int', '', '',
+# 'title', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+# ],
+# 'primary_key' => 'titlenum',
+# 'unique' => [ [] ],
+# 'index' => [ [] ],
+# },
+ 'pkg_svc' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'pkgpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'svcpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'quantity', 'int', '', '',
+ 'primary_svc','char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => '',
+ 'unique' => [ ['pkgpart', 'svcpart'] ],
+ 'index' => [ ['pkgpart'] ],
+ },
+ 'part_referral' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'refnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'referral', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'refnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['disabled'] ],
+ },
+ 'part_svc' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcpart', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'svc', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'svcdb', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcpart',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'disabled' ] ],
+ },
+ 'part_svc_column' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'columnnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'svcpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'columnname', 'varchar', '', 64,
+ 'columnvalue', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'columnflag', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'columnnum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'svcpart', 'columnname' ] ],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'svcpart' ] ],
+ },
+ #(this should be renamed to part_pop)
+ 'svc_acct_pop' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'popnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'city', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'state', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'ac', 'char', '', 3,
+ 'exch', 'char', '', 3,
+ 'loc', 'char', 'NULL', 4, #NULL for legacy purposes
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'popnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'state' ] ],
+ },
+ 'part_pop_local' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'localnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'popnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'city', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'state', 'char', 'NULL', 2,
+ 'npa', 'char', '', 3,
+ 'nxx', 'char', '', 3,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'localnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'npa', 'nxx' ], [ 'popnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'svc_acct' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'username', 'varchar', '', $username_len, #unique (& remove dup code)
+ '_password', 'varchar', '', 72, #13 for encryped pw's plus ' *SUSPENDED* (md5 passwords can be 34, blowfish 60)
+ 'sec_phrase', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'popnum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'uid', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'gid', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'finger', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'dir', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'shell', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'quota', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ 'slipip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 15, #four TINYINTs, bah.
+ 'seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '', #uhhhh
+ 'domsvc', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ #'unique' => [ [ 'username', 'domsvc' ] ],
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['username'], ['domsvc'] ],
+ },
+ #'svc_charge' => {
+ # 'columns' => [
+ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ # 'amount', @money_type,
+ # ],
+ # 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ # 'unique' => [ [] ],
+ # 'index' => [ [] ],
+ #},
+ 'svc_domain' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'domain', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'catchall', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [ ['domain'] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'domain_record' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'recnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ #'reczone', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'reczone', 'varchar', '', 255,
+ 'recaf', 'char', '', 2,
+ 'rectype', 'varchar', '', 5,
+ #'recdata', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'recdata', 'varchar', '', 255,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'recnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['svcnum'] ],
+ },
+ 'svc_forward' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'srcsvc', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'src', 'varchar', 'NULL', 255,
+ 'dstsvc', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'dst', 'varchar', 'NULL', 255,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ ['srcsvc'], ['dstsvc'] ],
+ },
+ 'svc_www' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'recnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'usersvc', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ #'svc_wo' => {
+ # 'columns' => [
+ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ # 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ # 'worker', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ # '_date', @date_type,
+ # ],
+ # 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ # 'unique' => [ [] ],
+ # 'index' => [ [] ],
+ #},
+ 'prepay_credit' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'prepaynum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'identifier', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ 'seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'prepaynum',
+ 'unique' => [ ['identifier'] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'port' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'portnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'ip', 'varchar', 'NULL', 15,
+ 'nasport', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'nasnum', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'portnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'nas' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'nasnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'nas', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'nasip', 'varchar', '', 15,
+ 'nasfqdn', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'last', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'nasnum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'nas' ], [ 'nasip' ] ],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'last' ] ],
+ },
+ 'session' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'sessionnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'portnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'login', @date_type,
+ 'logout', @date_type,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'sessionnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'portnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'queue' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'jobnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'job', 'text', '', '',
+ '_date', 'int', '', '',
+ 'status', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'statustext', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'svcnum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'jobnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'svcnum' ], [ 'status' ] ],
+ },
+ 'queue_arg' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'argnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'jobnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'arg', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'argnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'jobnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'queue_depend' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'dependnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'jobnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'depend_jobnum', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'dependnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'jobnum' ], [ 'depend_jobnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'export_svc' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'exportsvcnum' => 'serial', '', '',
+ 'exportnum' => 'int', '', '',
+ 'svcpart' => 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'exportsvcnum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'exportnum', 'svcpart' ] ],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'exportnum' ], [ 'svcpart' ] ],
+ },
+ 'part_export' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'exportnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ #'svcpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'machine', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'exporttype', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'nodomain', 'char', 'NULL', 1,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'exportnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'machine' ], [ 'exporttype' ] ],
+ },
+ 'part_export_option' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'optionnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'exportnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'optionname', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'optionvalue', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'optionnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'exportnum' ], [ 'optionname' ] ],
+ },
+ 'radius_usergroup' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'usergroupnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'groupname', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'usergroupnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'svcnum' ], [ 'groupname' ] ],
+ },
+ 'msgcat' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'msgnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'msgcode', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'locale', 'varchar', '', 16,
+ 'msg', 'text', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'msgnum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'msgcode', 'locale' ] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'cust_tax_exempt' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'exemptnum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'custnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'taxnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'year', 'int', '', '',
+ 'month', 'int', '', '',
+ 'amount', @money_type,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'exemptnum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'custnum', 'taxnum', 'year', 'month' ] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'router' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'routernum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'routername', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'svcnum', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'routernum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'part_svc_router' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'routernum', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => '',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'addr_block' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'blocknum', 'serial', '', '',
+ 'routernum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'ip_gateway', 'varchar', '', 15,
+ 'ip_netmask', 'int', '', '',
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'blocknum',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'blocknum', 'routernum' ] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'svc_broadband' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'blocknum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'speed_up', 'int', '', '',
+ 'speed_down', 'int', '', '',
+ 'ip_addr', 'varchar', '', 15,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'part_virtual_field' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'vfieldpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'dbtable', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'name', 'varchar', '', 32,
+ 'check_block', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'length', 'int', 'NULL', '',
+ 'list_source', 'text', 'NULL', '',
+ 'label', 'varchar', 'NULL', 80,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'vfieldpart',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'virtual_field' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'recnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'vfieldpart', 'int', '', '',
+ 'value', 'varchar', '', 128,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => '',
+ 'unique' => [ [ 'vfieldpart', 'recnum' ] ],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ 'acct_snarf' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'snarfnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'machine', 'varchar', '', 255,
+ 'protocol', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ 'username', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ '_password', 'varchar', '', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'snarfnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [ [ 'svcnum' ] ],
+ },
+ 'svc_external' => {
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'svcnum', 'int', '', '',
+ 'id', 'int', '', '',
+ 'title', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d,
+ ],
+ 'primary_key' => 'svcnum',
+ 'unique' => [],
+ 'index' => [],
+ },
+ );
+ %tables;
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-radacctd b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-radacctd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e8d57c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-radacctd
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $log_file $sigterm $sigint );
+use subs qw( _die _logmsg );
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use POSIX qw(setsid);
+use Date::Format;
+use IO::File;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+#use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+#use FS::part_export;
+#use FS::svc_acct;
+#use FS::cust_svc;
+#lots of false laziness w/freeside-queued
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+#my $pid_file = "/var/run/freeside-sqlradius-radacctd.$";
+my $pid_file = "/var/run/";
+#sub REAPER { my $pid = wait; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; $kids--; }
+$sigterm = 0;
+$sigint = 0;
+$SIG{INT} = sub { warn "SIGINT received; shutting down\n"; $sigint++; };
+$SIG{TERM} = sub { warn "SIGTERM received; shutting down\n"; $sigterm++; };
+my $freeside_gid = scalar(getgrnam('freeside'))
+ or die "can't setgid to freeside group\n";
+$) = $freeside_gid;
+$( = $freeside_gid;
+#if freebsd can't setuid(), presumably it can't setgid() either. grr fleabsd
+($(,$)) = ($),$();
+$) = $freeside_gid;
+$> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+$< = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+#freebsd is sofa king broken, won't setuid()
+($<,$>) = ($>,$<);
+$> = $FS::UID::freeside_uid;
+#$ENV{HOME} = (getpwuid($>))[7]; #for ssh
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+$log_file= "/usr/local/etc/freeside/sqlradius-radacctd-log.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = \&_die;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = \&_logmsg;
+warn "freeside-sqlradius-radacctd starting\n";
+#my $machine = shift or die &usage; #would need to be up higher for real
+my @exports = qsearch('part_export', { 'exporttype' => 'sqlradius' } );
+while (1) {
+ my %seen = ();
+ foreach my $export ( @exports ) {
+ next if $seen{$export->option('datasrc')}++;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect(
+ map { $export->option($_) } qw( datasrc username password )
+ ) or do {
+ warn "can't connect to ". $export->option('datasrc'). ": ". $DBI::errstr;
+ next;
+ }
+ # find old radacct position
+ #$lastid = 0;
+ # get new radacct records
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM radacct WHERE radacctid > ?') or do {
+ warn "can't select in radacct table from ". $export->option('datasrc').
+ ": ". $dbh->errstr;
+ next;
+ };
+ while ( my $radacct = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref({}) ) {
+ my $session = new FS::session {
+ portnum =>
+ svcnum =>
+ login =>
+ #logout =>
+ };
+ }
+ # look for updated radacct records & replace them
+ }
+ sleep 5;
+#more false laziness w/freeside-queued
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-sqlradius-radacctd user\n";
+sub _die {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ unlink $pid_file if -e $pid_file;
+ _logmsg($msg);
+sub _logmsg {
+ chomp( my $msg = shift );
+ my $log = new IO::File ">>$log_file";
+ flock($log, LOCK_EX);
+ seek($log, 0, 2);
+ print $log "[". time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y",time). "] [$$] $msg\n";
+ flock($log, LOCK_UN);
+ close $log;
+sub daemonize1 {
+ chdir "/" or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
+ open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
+ if ( $pid ) {
+ print "freeside-sqlradius-radacctd started with pid $pid\n";
+ #logging to $log_file\n";
+ exit unless $pid_file;
+ my $pidfh = new IO::File ">$pid_file" or exit;
+ print $pidfh "$pid\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ #open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'
+ # or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
+ #setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+ #open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
+sub daemonize2 {
+ open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'
+ or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
+ setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+ open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-sqlradius-radacctd - Real-time radacct import daemon
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-sqlradius-radacctd username
+Imports records from an SQL radacct table in real-time into the session
+This enables per-minute or per-hour charges as well as the
+"View active NAS ports" function.
+B<username> is a username added by freeside-adduser.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+session.html from the base documentation.
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..74f90a582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-reset
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::part_export;
+use FS::svc_acct;
+use FS::cust_svc;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+#my $machine = shift or die &usage;
+my @exports = qsearch('part_export', { exporttype=>'sqlradius' } );
+push @exports, qsearch('part_export', { exporttype=>'sqlradius_withdomain' } );
+foreach my $export ( @exports ) {
+ my $icradius_dbh = DBI->connect(
+ map { $export->option($_) } qw( datasrc username password )
+ ) or die $DBI::errstr;
+ for my $table (qw( radcheck radreply usergroup )) {
+ my $sth = $icradius_dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM $table");
+ $sth->execute or die "Can't reset $table table: ". $sth->errstr;
+ }
+ $icradius_dbh->disconnect;
+foreach my $export ( @exports ) {
+ #my @svcparts = map { $_->svcpart } $export->export_svc;
+ my @svc_acct =
+ map { qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $_->svcnum } ) }
+ map { qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $_->svcpart } ) }
+ grep { qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $_->svcpart } ) }
+ $export->export_svc;
+ foreach my $svc_acct ( @svc_acct ) {
+ #false laziness with FS::svc_acct::insert (like it matters)
+ my $error = $export->export_insert($svc_acct);
+ die $error if $error;
+ }
+sub usage {
+ #die "Usage:\n\n sqlradius_reset user machine\n";
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-sqlradius-reset user\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-sqlradius-reset - Command line interface to reset and recreate RADIUS SQL tables
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-sqlradius-reset username
+Deletes the radcheck, radreply and usergroup tables and repopulates them from
+the Freeside database, for all sqlradius exports.
+B<username> is a username added by freeside-adduser.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-reexport>, L<FS::part_export>, L<FS::part_export::sqlradius>
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-seconds b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-seconds
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c978fa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-sqlradius-seconds
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use Date::Parse;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearchs);
+use FS::svc_acct;
+my $fs_user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup( $fs_user );
+my $target_user = shift or die &usage;
+my $start = shift or die &usage;
+$start = str2time($start);
+my $stop = scalar(@ARGV) ? str2time(shift) : time;
+my $svc_acct = qsearchs( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $target_user } );
+die "username $target_user not found\n" unless $svc_acct;
+print $svc_acct->seconds_since_sqlradacct( $start, $stop ). "\n";
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-sqlradius-seconds freeside_username target_username start_date stop_date\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-sqlradius-seconds - Real-time radacct import daemon
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-sqlradius-seconds freeside_username target_username start_date [ stop_date ]
+Returns the number of seconds the specified username has been online between
+start_date (inclusive) and stop_date (exclusive).
+See L<FS::svc_acct/seconds_since_sqlradacct>
+B<freeside_username> is a username added by freeside-adduser.
+B<target_username> is the username of the user account to query.
+B<start_date> and B<stop_date> are in any format Date::Parse is happy with.
+B<stop_date> defaults to now if not specified.
+=head1 BUGS
+Selection of the account in question is rather simplistic in that
+B<target_username> doesn't necessarily identify a unique account (and wouldn't
+even if a domain was specified), and no sqlradius export is checked for.
+=head1 SEE ALSO