path: root/FS/bin/freeside-void-payments
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Diffstat (limited to 'FS/bin/freeside-void-payments')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-void-payments b/FS/bin/freeside-void-payments
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c1f3dbdf..000000000
--- a/FS/bin/freeside-void-payments
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use vars qw( $user $cust_main @customers );
-use Getopt::Std;
-use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
-use FS::Record qw(qsearchs);
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::cust_main;
-use FS::cust_pay;
-use FS::cust_pay_void;
-use Business::OnlinePayment; # For retrieving the void list only.
-use Time::Local;
-use Date::Parse 'str2time';
-use Date::Format 'time2str';
-my %opt;
-getopts("r:f:ca:g:s:e:vnX:", \%opt);
-$user = shift or die &usage;
-&adminsuidsetup( $user );
-# The -g and -a options need to override this.
-my $method = $opt{'c'} ? 'ECHECK' : 'CARD';
-my $gateway;
-if($opt{'g'}) {
- $gateway = FS::payment_gateway->by_key($opt{'g'})
- or die "Payment gateway not found: '".$opt{'g'}."'.";
-elsif($opt{'a'}) {
- my $agent = FS::agent->by_key($opt{'a'})
- or die "Agent not found: '".$opt{'a'}."'.";
- $gateway = $agent->payment_gateway(method => $method)
- or die "Agent has no payment gateway for method '$method'.";
-if(defined($opt{'X'}) and !qsearchs('reason', { reasonnum => opt{'X'} })) {
- die "Cancellation reason not found: '".$opt{'X'}."'";
-my ($processor, $login, $password, $action, @bop_options) =
- FS::cust_main->default_payment_gateway($method);
-my $gatewaynum = '';
-if($gateway) {
-# override the default gateway
- $gatewaynum = $gateway->gatewaynum . '-' if $gateway->gatewaynum;
- $processor = $gateway->gateway_module;
- $login = $gateway->gateway_username;
- $password = $gateway->gateway_password;
- $action = $gateway->gateway_action;
- @bop_options = $gateway->options;
-my @auths;
-if($opt{'f'}) {
-# Read the list of authorization numbers from a file.
- my $in;
- open($in, '< '. $opt{'f'}) or die "Unable to open file: '".$opt{'f'}."'.";
- @auths = grep /^\d+$/, <$in>;
- chomp @auths;
-else {
-# Get the list from the processor. This requires the processor module to
-# support get_returns.
- my $transaction = new Business::OnlinePayment ( $processor, @bop_options );
- if(! $transaction->can('get_returns')) {
- die "'$processor' does not provide an automated void list.";
- }
- my @local = localtime;
-# Start and end dates for this can be set via -s and -e. If they're not,
-# end defaults to midnight today and start defaults to one day before end.
- my $end = defined($opt{'e'}) ?
- str2time($opt{'e'}) : timelocal(0, 0, 0, @local[3,4,5]);
- my $start = defined($opt{'s'}) ?
- str2time($opt{'s'}) : $end - 86400;
- die "Invalid date range: '$start'-'$end'" if not ($start and $end);
- $transaction->content (
- login => $login,
- password => $password,
- start => time2str("%Y-%m-%d",$start),
- end => time2str("%Y-%m-%d",$end),
- );
- @auths = $transaction->get_returns;
-$opt{'r'} ||= 'freeside-void-payments';
-my $success = 0;
-my $notfound = 0;
-my $canceled = 0;
-print "Voiding ".scalar(@auths)." transactions:\n" if $opt{'v'};
-foreach my $authnum (@auths) {
- my $paybatch = $gatewaynum . $processor . ':' . $authnum;
- my $cust_pay = qsearchs('cust_pay', { paybatch => $paybatch } );
- my $error;
- my $cancel_error;
- if($cust_pay) {
- $error = $cust_pay->void($opt{'r'});
- $success++ if not $error;
- if($opt{'X'} and not $error) {
- $cancel_error = join(';',$cust_pay->cust_main->cancel('reason' => $opt{'X'}));
- $canceled++ if !$cancel_error;
- }
- }
- else {
- my $cpv = qsearchs('cust_pay_void', { paybatch => $paybatch });
- if($cpv) {
- $error = 'already voided '.time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $cpv->void_date) .
- ' by ' . $cpv->otaker;
- }
- else {
- $error = 'not found';
- $notfound++;
- }
- }
- if($opt{'v'}) {
- print $authnum;
- if($error) {
- print "\t($error)";
- }
- elsif($opt{'X'}) {
- print "\t(canceled service)" if !$cancel_error;
- print "\n\t(cancellation failed: $cancel_error)" if $cancel_error;
- }
- print "\n";
- }
-if($opt{'v'}) {
- print scalar(@auths)." transactions: $success voided, $notfound not found\n";
- print "$canceled customer".($canceled == 1 ? '' : 's')." canceled\n" if $opt{'X'};
-sub usage {
- die "Usage:\n\n freeside-void-payments [ options ] user
- options:
- -a agentnum use agentnum's gateway information
- -g gatewaynum use gatewaynum
- -f file read transaction numbers from file
- -c use ECHECK gateway instead of CARD
- -r reason specify void reason (as a string)
- -v be verbose
- -s start-date
- -e end-date limit by payment return date
- -X reasonnum cancel customers whose payments are voided
- (specify cancellation reason number)
-# Documentation
-=head1 NAME
-freeside-void-payments - Automatically void a list of returned payments.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- freeside-void-payments [ -f file | [ -s start-date ] [ -e end-date ] ]
- [ -r 'reason' ]
- [ -g gatewaynum | -a agentnum ]
- [ -c ] [ -v ]
- [ -X reasonnum ]
- user
-Voids payments that were returned by the payment processor. Can be
-run periodically from crontab or manually after receiving a list of
-returned payments. Normally this is a meaningful operation only for
-electronic checks.
-This script voids payments based on the combination of gateway (see
-L<FS::payment_gateway>) and authorization number, since this is
-generally how the processor will identify them later.
- -f: Read the list of authorization numbers from the specified file.
- If they are not from the default payment gateway, -g or -a
- must be given to identify the gateway.
- If -f is not given, the script will attempt to contact the gateway
- and download a list of returned transactions. To support this,
- the Business::OnlinePayment module for the processor must implement
- the get_returns() method. For an example, see
- Business::OnlinePayment::WesternACH.
- -s, -e: Specify the starting and ending dates for the void list.
- This has no effect if -f is given. The end date defaults to
- today, and the start date defaults to one day before the end date.
- -r: The reason for voiding the payments, to be stored in the database.
- -g: The FS::payment_gateway number for the gateway that handled
- these payments. If -f is not given, this determines which
- gateway will be contacted. This overrides -a.
- -a: The agentnum whose default gateway will be used. If neither -a
- nor -g is given, the system default gateway will be used.
- -c: Use the default gateway for check transactions rather than
- credit cards.
- -v: Be verbose.
- -X: Automatically cancel all packages belonging to customers whose
- payments were returned. Requires a cancellation reasonnum
- (from FS::reason).
-=head1 EXAMPLE
-Given 'returns.txt', which contains one authorization number on each
-line, provided by your default e-check processor:
- freeside-void-payments -f returns.txt -c -r 'Returned check'
-If your default processor is Western ACH, which supports automated
-returns processing, this voids all returned payments since 2009-06-01:
- freeside-void-payments -r 'Returned check' -s 2009-06-01
-This, in your crontab, will void returned payments for the last
-day at 8:30 every morning:
- 30 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/freeside-void-payments -r 'Returned check'
-=head1 BUGS
-Most payment gateways don't support it.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Business::OnlinePayment>, L<FS::cust_pay>