path: root/rt/share/static/js/util.js
diff options
authorIvan Kohler <>2015-07-09 22:18:55 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2015-07-09 22:18:55 -0700
commit1c538bfabc2cd31f27067505f0c3d1a46cba6ef0 (patch)
tree96922ad4459eda1e649327fd391d60c58d454c53 /rt/share/static/js/util.js
parent4f5619288413a185e9933088d9dd8c5afbc55dfa (diff)
RT 4.2.11, ticket#13852
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/share/static/js/util.js')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/share/static/js/util.js b/rt/share/static/js/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b665c0e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/share/static/js/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+/* Visibility */
+function show(id) { delClass( id, 'hidden' ) }
+function hide(id) { addClass( id, 'hidden' ) }
+function hideshow(id) { return toggleVisibility( id ) }
+function toggleVisibility(id) {
+ var e = jQuery('#' + id);
+ if ( e.hasClass('hidden') ) {
+ e.removeClass('hidden');
+ }
+ else {
+ e.addClass('hidden');
+ }
+ return false;
+function setVisibility(id, visibility) {
+ if ( visibility ) show(id);
+ else hide(id);
+function switchVisibility(id1, id2) {
+ // Show both and then hide the one we want
+ show(id1);
+ show(id2);
+ hide(id2);
+ return false;
+function toggle_upgrade_history(widget, selector) {
+ jQuery(selector).toggle();
+ jQuery(widget).toggleClass("rolled-up");
+/* Classes */
+function jQueryWrap( id ) {
+ return typeof id == 'object' ? jQuery(id) : jQuery('#'+id);
+function addClass(id, value) {
+ jQueryWrap(id).addClass(value);
+function delClass(id, value) {
+ jQueryWrap(id).removeClass(value);
+/* Rollups */
+function rollup(id) {
+ var e = jQueryWrap(id);
+ var e2 = e.parent();
+ if (e.hasClass('hidden')) {
+ set_rollup_state(e,e2,'shown');
+ createCookie(id,1,365);
+ }
+ else {
+ set_rollup_state(e,e2,'hidden');
+ createCookie(id,0,365);
+ }
+ return false;
+function set_rollup_state(e,e2,state) {
+ if (e && e2) {
+ if (state == 'shown') {
+ show(e);
+ delClass( e2, 'rolled-up' );
+ }
+ else if (state == 'hidden') {
+ hide(e);
+ addClass( e2, 'rolled-up' );
+ }
+ }
+/* other utils */
+function setCheckbox(input, name, val) {
+ if (val == null) val = input.checked;
+ // Find inputs within the current form or collection list, whichever is closest.
+ var container = jQuery(input).closest("form, table.collection-as-table").get(0);
+ var myfield = container.getElementsByTagName('input');
+ for ( var i = 0; i < myfield.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( myfield[i].type != 'checkbox' ) continue;
+ if ( name ) {
+ if ( name instanceof RegExp ) {
+ if ( ! myfield[i].name.match( name ) ) continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( myfield[i].name != name ) continue;
+ }
+ }
+ myfield[i].checked = val;
+ }
+/* apply callback to nodes or elements */
+function walkChildNodes(parent, callback)
+ if( !parent || !parent.childNodes ) return;
+ var list = parent.childNodes;
+ for( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
+ callback( list[i] );
+ }
+function walkChildElements(parent, callback)
+ walkChildNodes( parent, function(node) {
+ if( node.nodeType != 1 ) return;
+ return callback( node );
+ } );
+/* shredder things */
+function showShredderPluginTab( plugin )
+ var plugin_tab_id = 'shredder-plugin-'+ plugin +'-tab';
+ var root = jQuery('#shredder-plugin-tabs');
+ root.children(':not(.hidden)').addClass('hidden');
+ root.children('#' + plugin_tab_id).removeClass('hidden');
+ if( plugin ) {
+ show('shredder-submit-button');
+ } else {
+ hide('shredder-submit-button');
+ }
+function checkAllObjects()
+ var check = jQuery('#shredder-select-all-objects-checkbox').prop('checked');
+ var elements = jQuery('#shredder-search-form :checkbox[name=WipeoutObject]');
+ if( check ) {
+ elements.prop('checked', true);
+ } else {
+ elements.prop('checked', false);
+ }
+function checkboxToInput(target,checkbox,val){
+ var tar = jQuery('#' + escapeCssSelector(target));
+ var box = jQuery('#' + escapeCssSelector(checkbox));
+ if(box.prop('checked')){
+ if (tar.val()==''){
+ tar.val(val);
+ }
+ else{
+ tar.val( val+', '+ tar.val() );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ tar.val(tar.val().replace(val+', ',''));
+ tar.val(tar.val().replace(val,''));
+ }
+ jQuery('#UpdateIgnoreAddressCheckboxes').val(true);
+// ahah for back compatibility as plugins may still use it
+function ahah( url, id ) {
+ jQuery('#'+id).load(url);
+// only for back compatibility, please JQuery() instead
+function doOnLoad( js ) {
+ jQuery(js);
+jQuery(function() {
+ var opts = {
+ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
+ constrainInput: false,
+ showButtonPanel: true,
+ changeMonth: true,
+ changeYear: true,
+ showOtherMonths: true,
+ selectOtherMonths: true
+ };
+ jQuery(".datepicker:not(.withtime)").datepicker(opts);
+ jQuery(".datepicker.withtime").datetimepicker( jQuery.extend({}, opts, {
+ stepHour: 1,
+ // We fake this by snapping below for the minute slider
+ //stepMinute: 5,
+ hourGrid: 6,
+ minuteGrid: 15,
+ showSecond: false,
+ timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss'
+ }) ).each(function(index, el) {
+ var tp = jQuery.datepicker._get( jQuery.datepicker._getInst(el), 'timepicker');
+ if (!tp) return;
+ // Hook after _injectTimePicker so we can modify the minute_slider
+ // right after it's first created
+ tp._base_injectTimePicker = tp._injectTimePicker;
+ tp._injectTimePicker = function() {
+ this._base_injectTimePicker.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Now that we have minute_slider, modify it to be stepped for mouse movements
+ var slider =[0], "ui-slider");
+ slider._base_normValueFromMouse = slider._normValueFromMouse;
+ slider._normValueFromMouse = function() {
+ var value = this._base_normValueFromMouse.apply(this, arguments);
+ var old_step = this.options.step;
+ this.options.step = 5;
+ var aligned = this._trimAlignValue( value );
+ this.options.step = old_step;
+ return aligned;
+ };
+ };
+ });
+function textToHTML(value) {
+ return value.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
+ .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
+ .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
+ .replace(/-- \n/g,"--&nbsp;\n")
+ .replace(/\n/g, "\n<br />");
+CKEDITOR_BASEPATH=RT.Config.WebPath + "/static/RichText/";
+function ReplaceAllTextareas() {
+ var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ if (!CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible ||
+ sAgent.indexOf('iphone') != -1 ||
+ sAgent.indexOf('ipad') != -1 ||
+ sAgent.indexOf('android') != -1 )
+ return false;
+ // replace all content and signature message boxes
+ var allTextAreas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
+ for (var i=0; i < allTextAreas.length; i++) {
+ var textArea = allTextAreas[i];
+ if (jQuery(textArea).hasClass("messagebox richtext")) {
+ // Turn the original plain text content into HTML
+ var type = jQuery("#""Type");
+ if (type.val() != "text/html")
+ textArea.value = textToHTML(textArea.value);
+ // Set the type
+ type.val("text/html");
+ CKEDITOR.replace(,{ width: '100%', height: RT.Config.MessageBoxRichTextHeight });
+ jQuery("#" + + "___Frame").addClass("richtext-editor");
+ }
+ }
+function toggle_addprincipal_validity(input, good, title) {
+ if (good) {
+ jQuery(input).nextAll(".warning").hide();
+ jQuery("#acl-AddPrincipal input[type=checkbox]").removeAttr("disabled");
+ } else {
+ jQuery(input).nextAll(".warning").css("display", "block");
+ jQuery("#acl-AddPrincipal input[type=checkbox]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
+ }
+ if (title == null)
+ title = jQuery(input).val();
+ update_addprincipal_title( title );
+function update_addprincipal_title(title) {
+ var h3 = jQuery("#acl-AddPrincipal h3");
+ h3.html( h3.text().replace(/: .*$/,'') + ": " + title );
+// when a value is selected from the autocompleter
+function addprincipal_onselect(ev, ui) {
+ // if principal link exists, we shall go there instead
+ var principal_link = jQuery('form').find('ul.ui-tabs-nav a[href="#acl-' + + '"]:first');
+ if (principal_link.size()) {
+ jQuery(this).val('').blur();
+ update_addprincipal_title( '' ); // reset title to blank for #acl-AddPrincipal
+ return false;
+ }
+ // pass the item's value along as the title since the input's value
+ // isn't actually updated yet
+ toggle_addprincipal_validity(this, true, ui.item.value);
+// when the input is actually changed, through typing or autocomplete
+function addprincipal_onchange(ev, ui) {
+ // if we have a ui.item, then they selected from autocomplete and it's good
+ if (!ui.item) {
+ var input = jQuery(this);
+ // Check using the same autocomplete source if the value typed would
+ // have been autocompleted and is therefore valid
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: input.autocomplete("option", "source"),
+ data: {
+ op: "=",
+ term: input.val()
+ },
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function(data) {
+ if (data)
+ toggle_addprincipal_validity(input, data.length ? true : false );
+ else
+ toggle_addprincipal_validity(input, true);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ toggle_addprincipal_validity(this, true);
+ }
+function escapeCssSelector(str) {
+ return str.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9_-])/g,'\\$1');
+jQuery(function() {
+ jQuery(".user-accordion").each(function(){
+ jQuery(this).accordion({
+ active: (jQuery(this).find("h3").length == 1 ? 0 : false),
+ collapsible: true,
+ heightStyle: "content",
+ header: "h3"
+ }).find("h3 a.user-summary").click(function(ev){
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ return true;
+ });
+ });
+ ReplaceAllTextareas();